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Diana Milena jimenez A


Why are you here? I want to turn more

and be a great professional


Where do you live?

I live in Agua de Dios

What`s your name?

My name is Diana Jimenez

Who`s your best friend?

Why do you are in here?

When do you study?

I study everyday

How do you go to SENA?

By motorcycle

My Best friend is Yina

-When is your birthday?
I turned years is April

How are you?

Im fine thanks

What`s your favorite color?

How old are you?

Im thirty-two

My favorite color is blue and black


Where are you from? I`m from


Do you have brothers and sisters?

Yes, I have a brother and two sisters.

My personal presentation:
Hello my name is Diana Jimenez, Im thirty-two years old, Im from
Colombia, I was born Bogota, I study at Sena, Tecnical Systems , I
live with my family, in my free time I read a book, my favorite color is
blue, my favorite food is salads and many fruits .In one future. Be a
systems engineer.

Diana: Good morning my name is Diana Jimnez

Hello Diana, How are you? My name is Yina Ruiz

Diana: where are you from?

Yina: I am Girardot and you?
Diana: I am from Bogota, but in this moment I live in Girardot
Yina: Do you work or study?
Diana: I study systems.
Yina: its magnificent, today I start my classes too, and also I study the same
Diana: Hey How old are you?
Yina: Im twenty two years, and you?
Diana: Im thirty-three
Yina: What is your favorite color?
Diana: my favorite color is blue, and whats yours?
Yina: My favorite color is pink
Diana: Well, let you, bye see you tomorrow
Yina: ok, see you them.

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