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Child Summary Report

School: BYU-Idaho Preschool Lab 2

Evaluator: Mallory Hulbert
Child: Sofia Robinson (*name has been changed)
Date: July 8th, 2016
Sofia is a bright girl who comes into preschool with a smile. She loves to play
make believe with the people and animals at blocks and at dramatic play with her
friends. When Sofia plays make believe with pretend people, she plays family. Sofia
usually spends time with friends but occasionally we will see her interacting with new
peers and making friends. Sofia explores the classroom and always seems to end up
playing make-believe in the dramatic play area. She explores the toys available and
plays with babies and stuffed animals. Sofia has experienced much growth this
semester and we are excited with her progress.
Sofia has used social and emotional skills in preschool. At the beginning of the
semester on May 18th, Sofia asked Miss Alice to read a book to her. She sat on the
couch next to Miss Alice and asked her questions while they read together. At blocks,
she played make believe with friends and said: Im flying, while flying a toy person in
the air. She also said: Im trapped, when playing with the toy person. Sofia uses her
words to communicate in make-believe play. On May 6th, Sofia played with a peer at the
math center-feed the animals. She shared the materials with this peer. On May 16 th,
Sofia cooperated with a peer by suggesting a way that they could both use toys. Sofia
wanted some toys that another peer had and said: If I give you some blue ones will you
give me some red? On May 20th, Sofia worked with three other peers to make a treat in
the dramatic play area. On this same day, Sofia made families out of the plastic people
that consisted of a mom and dad and grandparents. Sofia clearly uses her words to
express her thoughts and communicate with peers and teachers. Sofia has also
expressed strengths in adaptive and self-help skills. When Sofia asked Miss Alice to
read books to her, she was expressing an adaptive skill. Sofia used her words to ask for
something that she wanted. Sofias social and emotional strengths carry over and
strengthen her self-help skills in preschool. Sofia has a personal goal to problem solve
and get along with friends. Sofia has shown her ability to problem solve with friends
when she asked a peer if she could trade some toys.
Sofia has shown great improvement in social and emotional skills. Not only does
Sofia communicate well with others through her words, but she also has become more
independent and willing to explore outside of her comfort zone. On June 1 st, Sofia went
out of her comfort zone as she played with peers she usually doesnt spend time with.
On June 20th, Sofia initiated play by herself. Sofia typically spends time playing with
friends. Her ability to initiate play by herself is a sign of growth in social and emotional
development. As teachers, we have learned that Sofia is challenged to interact with
more peers when we put her in groups with peers she usually does not spend time with
during small focus activities. As Sofia has chosen to play with new friends and try new
things, she has expressed growth in adaptive skills. On June 20 th, she went to the
restroom by herself with the assistance and reminder of a teacher. Sofias personal goal

to work well with peers has been met as she has been challenged within her zone of
proximal development. We are proud of Sofias growth and expect that as she continues
to be challenged to try new things and explore activities with peers and without peers,
she will continue to make strides in social/emotional and adaptive development.
Future teachers should continue to provide opportunities for Sofia to express
herself in make-believe play. Sofia benefits from playing pretend with toy people,
animals, and food. Sofia also benefits from being placed in groups with new peers that
will push her appropriately outside of her comfort zone. Sofia should continue to be
provided with experience that will strengthen her adaptive skills. She benefits from
opportunities to hang up her items in a cubby, wash her hands independently, and
choices of play in a variety of activities. Sofia will benefit from given opportunities to
initiate independent play herself and with new friends.

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