Sissy Slave Seeks Permanent 24

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"sissy desperately needs to be placed under discipline as a semipermanently chastised subservient, subordinate, submissive in a 24/7
personal service position, permanently, to a dominant aggressive,
domineering, owner, or owners that have a wicked sense of humor, be
they single, a couple, or group; white, black, red, yellow, or green;
bi, straight, gay; male, female, or somewhere in-between i am
looking for a position as a permanently enforced sissified household
slave. i can and will do anything around the house from cleaning,
yard work, chauffeuring, handy man type jobs, accounting and book
keeping, act as whipping boy, sex slave duties, and anything else my
potential OWNERS may wish of me. i am NOT necessarily looking for a
sexual relationship per se; you can look up my genitals for months at
a time or do away with them completely if that is your wish. i am
6'1" tall, 180 pounds, dark blond hair worn shoulder length,
eyes with glasses, slim build with swimmers type muscles, golden
ruddy complexion, fairly light hair on chest, upper thighs, and
beard, heavier on lower arms and calves, and no hair on my back. i am
cut, 2 =BD" when soft, 4 =BD" when erect. I am a submissive, not
not bi, not straight just submissive. I attach my affections and
desires to any dom that wants to own me permanently and forever. i
have always known i was a sissy. i was born a sissy and will always
be one. i was born to be a submissive, sissified, servant slave to
dominant owners. i was born with all the talents, abilities, skills,
psychological, physiological, sexual, and emotional makeup's such
sissy slave will need to be an efficient, effective, satisfied, well
adjusted servant to his owners. Although i have always known i was a
sissy, i have just recently, and most reluctantly i might add, come
to all the other realizations. i have to be honest here. This is
not a destiny i am happy about. If i could pick any destiny i wanted,
this one wouldn't even make the top 100 list. In a way, i am
that i was chosen to be a sissy slave while others were chosen to be
doctors, football players, musicians, and so on. It just didn't
fair. Shortly after puberty, i tried to find some one to submit
myself to, with no luck. I took that to mean that i really wasn't
sissy, and decided to live my life as if i wasn't one, and fought
against the internal pressure to become one. i constructed a false
persona that has enabled me to survive in a world where there is no
place for sissies. That persona was successful enough that most if

not all of the people i have known or met, would never suspect the
truth about who and what I truly am. To put it bluntly, i have grown
comfortable in and accustomed to the persona of a normal free adult
male in a society that encourages such personas. i wear blue jeans
and flannel shirts, cowboy boots, leather jackets, and baseball caps.
i talk base ball, and am a fanatical Seattle Seahawks fan. i can
cuss, spit, fart, and scratch my balls in public with the best of
them. There was no place in that life for sissy thoughts, beliefs,
emotions, desires, or mannerisms, and to survive there i had to
completely squash any trace of those sissy things, and develop
equivalent male macho mannerisms and such. I have now grown
comfortable and accustomed to that persona. But it was a false
persona, and because it wasn't real, there were gaps in it, and
gaps kept me from succeeding as a real man. No matter how much i
tried, how much effort i put in, nothing worked. i have been a
failure as a man, and have come to the conclusion, again recently and
very reluctantly, that i will never be a successful man. That if i am
ever going to find real happiness, real contentment, real
fulfillment, real lifelong satisfaction, i better get on with,
accepting what fate has decreed is my only path to those goals,
finding a place to be what fate has decreed that i have no choice but
to be, and start learning how to be and what it takes to succeed at
being what fate has decreed i must be, a sissy servant slave. I
have to like it, and i don't. i don't have to think it's
fair, and I
don't. I do have to accept it, and finally, i have. I do have to
everything i've got to succeed at it, and i will. i truly
You are getting a diamond. A diamond in the ruff for sure, but a
diamond never-the-less. One complete with a ton of bad habits that
will have to be broken, mis- placed identity that will have to be
forcefully reestablished. But one that, when the dust settles, and
the fur quits flying, you will find ultimately, satisfactory."
Please, I know this sounds like total b.s. but it isn't. If you are
at all interested, PLEASE email me at

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