English Work

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KARLA: Hey, honey the breakfast is ready.

WILLIAM: I am on my way. Please, do not bother me.
KARLA: But I made this breakfast for you! Do you not love me anymore?
WILLIAM: Please, do not start with the discussion. I have an important
meeting at my job and I do not have time for the breakfast. You understand
me, dont you?
WILLIAM: Ok, so good bye.
KARLA: Oh, I feel so lonely.
WILLIAM: One more thing, you do not forget to clean the house and the
garden because my mom will come this weekend.
KARLA: We never have time together without your mother.
WILLLIAM: What do you say? The last weekend we visited your parents, but I
am late. I do not have time for more problems with you. So, Bye.
ANDRS: Good morning beautiful lady. How are you?
KARLA: I feel so bad because my husband is not taking care of me.
ANDRES: Really. I brought this present for you because I want to make you
KARLA: Oh, thank you very much. I feel very bad.
ANDRS: I love you. Do not worry anymore. I will take care of you.
KARLA: You are the best man. Please come to my room.
ANDRS: Really, but your husband can come.
KARLA: Dont worry. I will be ready in a moment.
ANDRS: Ok. Today is my day.
KARLA: Andrs, I am ready.
ANDRS: You are wonderful Karla. Please, take my jacket off.
WILLIAM: What is happening here?
KARLA: Help me my love. Oh my dear, the neighbor is an abuser and stalker.
WILLIAM: What happened?
KARLA: I asked for help to fix something in the bathroom and he wanted to
transgress me.

ANDRS: No, it is not true. I just visited her because I am trying to find out
the problem in the bathroom and she proposed to me to go to the bedroom.
KARLA: It is not true. He wanted to kiss me. Furthermore, you said me that
the neighbor was a trustworthy person and I could ask him for help.
WILLIAM: Of course. I thought that the neighbor was a nice person, but you
tell me that he is the guilty.
ANDRS: Your wife is a false person.
WILLIAM: You do not say that. I thrust in my wife.
ANDRS: She always call me in the morning when you go to work.
WILLIAM: That is not possible. You (Andrs) are a pervert. You deserve a
good kick.
KARLA: Wait wait I love you. You came on time and nothing happened. So
then, it is better not to have problems.
KARLA: Get out miserable. We do not trust you anymore.
ANDRS: Do not worry couple; I will be out of here in a minute. You do
whatever you want!
WILLIAM: Are you ok my love? What do you think about going out for dinner
this evening?
KARLA: I really love you so much.
WILLIAM: It is not necessary to say that. I know that already.
KARLA: Then, lets go to a very costly restaurant.
WILLIAM: At the moment, I do not have money. Could you lend me some
money this time?
KARLA: Me neither. So lets go to Burger King. I do not have problem with
the place.
WILLIAM: So, come on!

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