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Angel Andrade

[February 3,2016] [Merced], [CA] [95341]

T: [209]355-8400


Personnel Manager
Company Name
4321 First Street
Anytown, State ZIP

Dear <Personnel Manager>:

I woud like to apply for the position as a Chiropracter at Mercy Hospital located in Merced,CA. I first
heard about the opening from a friend and thought it was a great idea since it is a very frequent place I
purchased clothing from.
What makes me a great candidate over all the others applying for this job as well would be my
determination to get better and willingness to start from the bottom to obtain my goals in such another
thing would be my many skills & abilities that I poses such are communication skills,bilingual,of the
same age group/generation,organization skills,quick learner,and very big on sports I play would be
Baseball,Basketball, and Wrestling.
Thank you Personnal Manager for taking the time to read this application of mine you can reach me at
(209) 355-8400 as as


Angel Andrade

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