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Discussion Prompt 1

Define and describe the five principles of ethical leadership. Which two of the five do you think are
the most important in health care? Give examples to support your opinio

Discussion Prompt 2
In weeks 17, you will be working toward developing a Leadership Portfolio by completing a
leadership questionnaire each week and then reflecting on the results. Click here to complete the
PLIS Questionnaire. Fill out the leadership form, score your results, and attach it to
your discussion post. Then, respond to the following: Anonymously rate a coworker or supervisor
who is in a leadership role. Does the result surprise you? If a coworker or subordinate completed
this survey and ranked you, what do you think the result would be? Do you consider yourself to be
a highly ethical leader? Why or why not?

Ethic theory provides a system of rules or principles that guides us in making decision about
what is right or wrong and good or bad in particular situation. It provides a basis for
understanding what it means to be morally decent human being (Northouse, 2015) . The five
principle of ethical leadership is described as respect, justice , service, honesty and community. I
honestly believed that those five are equally important in the healthcare setting and that everyone
should keep those in mind. Without those qualities a unit will not run as smooth and the nurses
will not able voice their opinions and felt respected.
The two qualities that I really think is important is honesty, because I believed that a good leader
should be able to voice their opinion as it is. They should not have any hidden agendas.
Everything that needs to be said should be voiced in their most honest opinion. For example, if
you are not doing well on the floor and you manager should be able to voice their opinion that
you are not doing well. Rather than something that is sugar coated and might be misunderstood.
As Northouse said: dishonesty may bring with it many objectionable outcomes.
Another quality I felt like is very important is respect, respect should come natural and be
equipped in all the healthcare settings. Whether the nurse is communicating with doctors or
higher management. Mutual respect is important for the patient safety and the growth of the unit.
A good leader should be able to respect their employee for their opinions and differences.

Northouse, P. G. (2015). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th

ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications

During the PLIS questionnaires , I elevated my previous

manager, the score was very high which means the person is
highly ethical. The high score did not surprised me at all.
Regarding their experience and how they treated their team. I do
not regret a single second working with that particular manager
because under their management, the team was happy and

everyone actually wanted to achieve towards a common goal.

For example, I remembered during one of the meetings, the
manager proposed on ways we can help reduce fall by
implementing different methods such as rounding sheets, sitters
etc. The manager actually took the time to listen to the
employees opinion and was honest about their approach or
where about in their implementation. The team was very clear
and knows what exactly needs to be done. The manager was also
very open and respectfully to each and everyones opinions. I
felt like in order to be a part of the health care family, the leader
should make the team member felt like it is safe for them to
voice their concerns and opinions. In a way I can totally related
to this manager because I am also the same way , I lead with
honesty and respect. As Northouse said: it is important for
leaders to be authentic, but it is also essential that they be
sensitive to the attitude and feelings of others.
Northouse, P. G. (2015). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th
ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications

Discussion Prompt #1

Have you used any of the treatments described in the Pain Management video series you
watched this week on your patients? On yourself? Which of these have you found most effective in
pain management? Please describe.
Discussion Prompt #2

Read the following article discussing the connection between childhood trauma, crime, and
health. Share your thoughts and opinions on the matter as evidenced in your personal and/or
professional life. Have you seen or suspected these correlations? Do you think this is an isolated
occurrence? What are your thoughts on the approach to resolution that the doctor and her team
have taken? Can you think of other interventions that might be worth pursuing? Share any other
articles on the subject that you may have encountered.


Please note: There is an automatic 10% deduction of points for late postings.

During acute settings, many patients experience pain daily. I have patients who were on the clock
about their pain medications. I have used several pain management treatments in the past. For
example, tens unit, cold/heat therapy, distraction therapy, acupuncture, and physical therapy. I
have found that heat/cold therapy and also distraction therapy has been most effective. Heat
therapy has always been effective for chronic pain, such as arthritis. Patients of mine have
expressed the comfort when heat therapy was provided. Heat increase blood supplies to the area
which stimulates elimination of toxin, then relax the muscle/stiffness (headline, n.d). Cold pain
treatment is for acute injuries, such as sprain and strains. Patients who came in with acute sports
injury found cold/ice therapy pain relieving. When body is suffering from an acute injury the
tissue becomes inflamed which cause swelling, pain or redness. The cold therapy, slows down
the blood flow to the area, which then reduce inflammation and swelling (headline, n.d).
Headline. (n.d). Treating pain with heat and cold.
I truly believe how a child is brought up has a huge impact on their adolecscent life. For
examples, near where I used to live there is a high crime rate and teen pregnancy. I have witness
first hand, childrent copy what the parent does. If a child came from a divorce family, their
emptional and physical health is not up to par with the child who is brought up by two parents.
Especially if the parents separate because of domestic violence, the child might have thought it
was ok to hit woman or its ok for make woman the salve. I love how this articles author is very
patient and plot out how the poverty areas needs. I also loved how she is able to bring mobile
clinics to those areas of need. I think for her to bring the mobile clinic to the neighborhood
would server as a primary prevention for the community, therefore it decrease the chance of the
citizen having to be hospitalized due to something small that can be treated easily. For example,
some small county in the central valley, they lack primary care. Children in that area might have
a simple urinary tract infection and later on might progress to sepsis because lack of care. By
offering the mobile clinic, all those simple disease can be easily treated and prevent further
A Sheriff And A Doctor Team Up To Map Childhood Trauma. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19,
2016, from

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