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Complete your week 5 required discussion prompts.

You must complete:

Discussion Prompt 1

In weeks 17, you will be working toward developing a Leadership Portfolio

by completing a leadership questionnaire each week and then reflecting on
the results. Click here to complete the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire.
Fill out the leadership form, score your results, and attach it to your discussion
post. Then, respond to the following: Interpret your scores on authentic
leadership, and describe your beliefs about leadership in health care based on
your results.
According to Northouse, authentic leadership represents one of the newest
areas of leadership research. It focuses on whether leadership is genuine and
real. I score highest on self awareness, internalized moral perspective,
balanced processing, and I scored lowest on relational transparency.
Relational transparency could be described as someone who is able to truly
expressed themselves with nothing to hold back. I disagree with my results ,
because I think I am a very blunt person. I tell people what I think, I dont
really sugar coat , instead I like to be short and sweet and cut to the point. I
believed how well a unit run truly reflects upon its leaders. Many of us have
encountered poor leadership before, therefore their team was not as
effective as well. I do not want to become one of those leaders.

Northouse, P. G. (2015). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Thousand

Oaks, CA: Sage Publications

DiscussionPrompt 2
Identify a person who exemplifies servant leadership. Explain why this person exemplifies
this leadership style.

According to Northouse, Servant leadership is defined as an approach to leadership that runs

counter to common sense. Our everyday images of leadership do not coincide with leaders being
servants. Leaders influence, and servants follow.
A person that I would think of that uses servant leadership is my OB manager. She and her team
has the same ultimate goal. Providing excellent customer service, compassionate care and
collaboration. The staff on the unit has some good suggestions on how to do so. The manager
was willing to sit down and discussed the opportunity to implement the staff suggestions in the
decision making to improve their unit. It turns out great and they were able to achieve their goal.
Also for every holiday she would gather them at her house to celebrate the whole teams success.
This OB manager exemplifies the characteristic of servant leadership because at the same time of
leading her team she is also willing to let her pride down and serve her team as well.
Northouse, P. G. (2015). Leadership: Theory and practice (7 th ed.). Thousand Oaks,

CA: Sage Publications

iscussion Prompt #1

ESRD (end-stage renal disease) is the last stop in pathology for the kidney, and it is
not a place we want a patient to be. However, there are many ways to intervene before a
patient gets to this stage. Please visit the National Kidney Foundation website
( pick one best practice you can share with your patients to promote
kidney health. Please share that practice with the class, and why you chose it.
Chronic kidney disease is a preventable disease that could be easily prevented through early
diagnosis and simple test. One complications of chronic kidney disease is end stage renal
disease. According to National Kidney Foundation, more than 26 million American suffers
from chronic kidney disease. Some things I would use to promote kidney health is educating
my patient about what is the actual function of kidney. For example, kidney is the filter
center for waste and toxin, it regulates blood pressure, and release vitamin D for the bone. I
strongly felt if clients is able to understand the anatomy and physiology behind what the
kidney is and what they do, it makes it easier for healthcare provider to provided them with
information of how to avoid kidney disease. I would also emphasize on the four life saving
test they could get to prevent and detect kidney disease. For example, blood pressure, the
reason being blood pressure can damage small vessels in the glomeruli. Second test would
be urine protein test to detect any traces of protein, albumin which would suggest early
signs of chronic kidney disease, if persistent protein in the urine could indicated kidney
damage. Third I would tell them about the blood creatinine test, which would be helpful to
detect possible kidney dysfunction. Fourth I would suggest the GFR, which is the most
accurate test for kidney function to see how your kidney is doing.

By the time symptoms appear, CKD may be advanced, and symptoms can be
misleading. Pay attention to these:. (2016). Six-Step Health Primer. Retrieved from

Discussion Prompt #2

Review the following case study and complete the questions that follow.
JH is a 12-year-old boy diagnosed several months ago with nephrosis
following postinfectious glomerulonephritis secondary to an episode of
pneumococcal pneumonia. He has been coming to the clinic to have his
condition monitored and therapies adjusted as needed. At his latest clinic
visit, a decrease in urine output, increasing lethargy, hyperventilation, and
generalized edema are noted. Trace amounts of protein are detected in JHs
urine by dipstick. Blood is drawn for laboratory analysis, and the results are
as follows: pH = 7.36 PaCO2 = 33 mm Hg PaO2 = 100 mm Hg HCO3 = 18
mEq/L Hct = 30% Na+ = 130 mEq/L K+ = 5.4 mEq/L BUN = 58 mg/dl
creatinine = 3.9 mg/dl albumin = 2.0 g/dl


How would a pneumococcal infection lead to glomerulonephritis? How can

glomerulonephritis result in nephrosis?
Pneucmoccal infectin leads to acute glomerulonephritis because of antibody and
immune reaction against the bacteria. This cause sudden onset of symptoms suchs as
hematuria, proteinuria, oliguria and azotemia, edema and hypertension. Nephrosis can
be occur when there is severe damage to the glomeruli. Due to decrease in ability to
get rid of toxins and control blood pressure because of glomerulonephorosis it causes
more damaged to the kidney.


Use JHs laboratory values to determine if he is still experiencing nephrosis or if his

condition is progressing to renal failure.
The lab vaule JH is presenting shows that he is progressing to renal failure. You can tell this
by elevated BUN level triple the normal limit. Hes Creatine level is also elevated, which
suggest decrease in renal function. And he is albumin level is below the normal value which
suggested that fluid is leaking out and causing fluid retention in the extracellular space.

What additional physical or laboratory findings would be helpful in determining JHs

degree of renal impairment?
Some other additional labatory data can be helpful in diagnosis JH with renal impairment
would GFR. GFR is the best indicator for kidney function. Normal level should be >60 and if
level drops below 15 is kidney failure.

How will JHs therapy change if his condition has progressed from nephrosis to

Some changes to JHs therapy would includes change in diet , electrolyte

monitoring, dialysis. But main focus should be weight on the diet because
the less toxic material JH puts into his body , the severity of symptoms would
decrease. For example, if JH would decrease or eliminate salt intake in his
diet, he would keep a neutralized blood pressure and maintain sodium and
chloride balance.
Please note: There is an automatic 10% deduction of points for late postings.

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