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This is an example of the START of a well written critique for a

quantitative article by a student

The second critique will evaluate a quantitative research article conducted by
Chang, Edwards, Shyu and Chen (2013) to investigate a self-management program
that heart
failure patients can use to effectively manage their condition and experience better
The title of the article captures the main idea of the study as it clearly illustrates the
variables and
population of interest. A reader can quickly decipher the independent variable (e.g.
selfmanagement program) and dependent variable (e.g. health-related outcomes) from
the title. The abstract was well written and included a summary of the key points of
the study such as the problem, methods, results, and conclusion sections. It was
detailed enough that a reader can quickly skim through the abstract and
understand the study without reading the article in depth.
The introduction and background clearly outlined heart failure and the
difficulties in finding an effective self-management program for heart failure
patients. This led smoothly into the discussion of the research problem and the
efforts that healthcare providers and patients must take to address the problem.
The use of a quantitative study (e.g. randomized controlled study) was appropriate
in answering the research problem because the researchers wanted to evaluate the
effectiveness of a self-management program with heart failure patients through
manipulation (e.g. control and intervention groups). The design of randomized
controlled study allows researchers to determine a cause and effect relationship
between variables under study and gather evidence to approve or refute it (Polit &
Beck, 2012). Although the researchers did not specify any formal research questions
or hypothesis one can still deduce from the statement of purpose and aim of the
study that their main objective was determining if the self-management program
that they developed would be effective with heart failure patients. In other words,
the reader can formulate a hypothesis from the purpose and aim statements. Most
of the primary sources used in the literature review were more than five years old,
but the articles provided a strong foundation and evidence to support the study.

Banduras self-efficacy theory was used as the conceptual framework in

developing the self-management intervention in the study. The self-efficacy theory
suggests that people with higher level of self-efficacy are more likely to engage in
health promoting behaviors. Therefore, the self-efficacy theory was appropriate for
this study because if a self-management intervention will improve an individuals
self-efficacy then that means the intervention was effective.
and then the rest of the critique goes onWhile not perfect, this is an
example of the correct tone and voice of a critique. Notice how enough of
the article is explained so the reader can follow along, but the main part
of the critique is not describing the article, but making judgments about
how the research was done and written up. The student achieves this by
knowing quantitative research rules and then evaluating the article. The
rules are found in your text and in the power point slides and class
discussions we have had this semester. You have the knowledge to
evaluate your article. Enjoy the process!

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