Impeachment Letter

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Stare Cairo. MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA 36130 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR (334) 242-7100 Ropert BENTLEY ax: (334) 242-3282 GoveRNoR STATE OF ALABAMA October 27, 2016 ‘The Honorable Allen Farley House Judiciary Committee 4665 Nicholas Drive Bessemer, Alabama 35022 Dear Rep. Farley: As an elected official assigned to the Alabama House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, you have been placed in a historic situation that requires you to use great discernment and impartial judgement related to the current investigation you have been tasked with conducting, As. you know, my lawyers have said that the actions of the Committee's lawyer violate the Constitution and the House Rules. | have confidence that the Committee and the lawyers will deal with these issues, In the meantime, I believe it is time for you to hear directly from me, and | am respectfully inviting you to a mecting in my office, pursuant to § 36-25A-2(6)(b)(2), Code of Alabama, at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, November 10, 2016. It is at this meeting that Twill brief you and your fellow committee members on the last six years Thave served as Governor and allow you to ask any and all questions you may have for me, It is important to me that you as an elected Representative and Judiciary Committee member have the opportunity to talk directly with me about the issue of impeachment. It is you that will ultimately make the decision. The people of our State did not elect private attorneys to represent them, For this reason, there must be just a few ground rules for this meeting. First, 1 will not invite my allorneys or your counsel, Mr. Jack Sharman, to the meeting. I want to answer your questions in a direct, non-adversarial way, and I also don't think the State needs to pay for lawyers to attend this meeting, Second, | ask that no electronic recording devices are brought into the meeting. I is my intention to have an open and frank discussion with you and your colleagues, I will open myself up to every thought or question you may have for me. I will, to the best of my ability, answer all the questions posed to me. In closing, | want to remind you that itis the committee that will vote and decide the fate of this, situation, not the attorneys. I respect each of you for the service you provide to our state and your role and dedication to this historic process. 1 look forward to seeing you on November 10" Sincerely, Governor

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