Case Study On Leadership

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Case Study on Leadership

1. In what ways are you like Ken Patel?

Ans. Ken Patel was technical guy and he has years of experience. Taking
about my similarity with Ken Patel are: a. Before putting up my opinions, I make sure that I have done all
research about it and have some supported documents related to it.
b. When I know I am right I dont fear to express my thoughts.
c. Sometimes I think locally so much that the broader aspect of the
problem is missed out.
2. In what ways are you like Bob Denver?
Ans. Bob Denver was a man with vision and plan but lacked some of the
qualities in order to achieve it.
a. Sometimes there is a conflict between what I say and what I do.
b. Due to lack of experience, the things I assume does not necessarily go
in my favor.
c. I like to try out new method to solve the existing problem and not by
the same old fashioned way.
3. What is Denvers hard wired leadership style?
Ans. The leadership was somewhat
a. Generalization the working of company
b. Trying to apply the concepts of one company on another company
c. Making statements without knowing the background behind it
4. What leadership style does the situation need?
Ans. The situation needs a leader whoa. Actually work with the people and learn about the companys
b. Need to take decisions with consent of senior members.
c. One who can guide and direct the team in proper way.
d. The one who motivates all.
5. What are the consequences of taking, rather than giving, power?
Ans. There are bad impacts of taking powera. Lack of respect from the people
b. The dominance increases and results in dictatorship
c. Misuse of Power

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