Faunal Succession Urutan Fauna (Abbe, 1777)

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urutan fauna (Abbe, 1777)

Fossils differ according to their geological

ages; fossils in lower formations are unlike
those in higher beds (Schenk, 1940, op.cit.,
p. 1753). Fossils faunas and floras succeed
one another in a definite and determinable
order (Anthony, op.cit.,p.89)
Prinsip ini yang mendasari konsep
biostratigrafi yang berkembang menjadi


(Smith, 1816)

The practicability of thus distinguishing so great a variety of

materials in the earth, as successively terminate at the surface being
admitted, and their courses delineated in the large map of the Strata
just published; I may now confidently proceed with a general
account of those organized fossils which I found imbedded in each
Stratum, and which first enable me more particularly to distinguish
one Stratum from another (Smith 1816,p.2)

Similar strata contain similar fossils (smith,1817)

Strata can be distinguished by their characteristic fossils

(Woodford 1935, op. cit., p.5-6; Schenck 1940, p. 1754-1755)

Menjelaskan bahwa para ahli geologi pada awalnya menaruh

minat yang sangat besar pada batuan, lapisan serta hubungan
lapisan di lapangan. Pada perkembangannya manusia mulai
tertarik pada urutan lapisan dengan isi fosilnya.

Cross Cutting Relationships

(Charles Lyell, 1830)

The thing doing the cutting is younger than the

rock being cut.

(HUTTON, 1785)

In examining things present, we have data from which

to reason with regards to that which is to happen
hereafter. Therefore, upon the superposition that the
operations oh nature are equable and steady, we find,
in natural appearances, means for concluding a certain
portion of time to have necessarily elapsed in the
production of these events of which we see the effects
(HUTTON, p.217)
Walaupun kita ketahui bahwa setiap zaman mempunyai
ciri yang tertentu, misalnya Zaman perm umumnya
panas berbeda dengan zaman sebelumnya, Karbon
yang bersifat lembab, namun proses yang membentuk
semua gejala geologi dapat dikatakan sama.

James Hutton (1726-1797 CE)

Scottish geologist
Developed the laws
of geology
Considered the
Father of Modern


( Playfair, 1802 )

Amid all the revolutions of the globe the economy of Nature has
been uniform, and her laws are the only thing that have resisted
the general movement. The rivers and the rock, the seas, and the
continents have been changed in all their parts; but the laws which
describe those changes, and the rules to which they are subject,
have remained invariably the same
The present is the key to he past
No vestiges of the beginning, no vestiges of the end
Everything changes, only the law of changes does not change
Perubahan terjadi sangat lambat perubahan besar
Proses di bumi terjadi secara berulang ulang siklus
Bermacam jenis batuan

FACIES ( Greesly, 1836)

The term facies designate the differences, whatever

they may be between formations of the same age; the
differences may be either in petrography composition,
resulting the nature of the substances deposited, or
paleontology differences, resulting from the living
condition of the animal and plant fossils.
Facies are then definitely the different kinds of deposits,
sedimentary or other, which can be produced
simultaneously, at a given geological moment, just as is
the case at the present time. One the speaks of the
various facies of the formation as one would speak of
the different deposits of modern time.
Greesly mulai melihat fosil sebagai bagian dari batuan,
tidak berdiri sendiri sebagaimana peneliti sebelumnya.


( Walther, 1894 )

In other words facies that occur in a conformable vertical core

sequences were formed in laterally adjacent depositional
It is especially important to note as Middletown ( 1973 ) pointed out,
that Walthers Law applies only to succession without major erosion
or non depositional breaks. Therefore it is extremely important to
recognize such erosion or non depositional breaks in vertical
Fasies yang pada dasarnya berarti perbedaan ciri paleontologi dan
batuan pada umur yang sama, dalam prektek pengenalannya di
lapangan sulit dikerjakan pada daerah tropis. Hal ini karena
terbatasnya bentang singkapan. Oleh karena itu pemakaian hukum
Walther ini menolong kita dalam menafsirkan perubahan fasies yang
bersifat lateral dan perubahan ciri paleontologi dan batuan dalam
susunan vertikal. Tetapi pengertian bahwa perubahan vertikal adalah
sama dengan perubahan fasies adalah pengertian yang salah, karena
susunan vertikal menunjukkan urutan waktu yang berbeda
(superposisi), yang tidak sesuai dengan pengertian fasies menurut


The discrimination between rock stratigraphic

units is essential for the classification and
nomenclature of sedimentary rocks.

Perkembangan stratigrafi selanjutnya menunjukkan

pandangan manusia terhadap hal yang bersifat
praktis, terapan. Ahli pertama dalam hal stratigrafi
yang mengajukan pentingnya terapan adalah
Powell ( 1888 ). Direktur USA Geological Survey di
Jabaran lebih lanjut dapat dibaca pada bab Sandi
Stratigrafi Indonesia.


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