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o Reconoce y utiliza el vocabulario relacionado con actividades
cotidianas personales, del hogar, acadmicasydel trabajo para
o Lee,interpretalaideageneraleinformacinespecficaentextos
cortos, escritos y orales, que describen actividades que estaban
sucediendo simultneamente en el pasado o que fueron
o Utilizaconectoresylasestructurasdeltiempopasadoprogresivo
en el pasado y el pasado simple para acciones que las
interrumpieron, en contextos personal, social, recreativo y


It his activity, you will use the simple past and past progressive tense to explain a
past action
Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the verbs in the simple past
or past progressive below

were getting

was cooking

was shining

was jogging

were playing

was walking

a) Mrs. Jones was cooking a soup for the kids, while they were playing with their

b) Tom was jogging when I saw him at the park

c) Hugh was walking down the street when he slipped on a banana peel and fell

d) It was a beautiful Saturday morning. The sun was shining as the Thompsons
were getting ready for their trip

Read the questions and answer them.

a) When I saw you, you were taking my book out of my bag. Why were you doing
I was taking your book out of your back because I didnt bring mine.
b) When I saw you, you were cheating in the exam. Why were you doing that?
I was cheating in the exam because I didnt study.
c) When I saw you, you were talking about me. Why were you doing that?
I was talking about you because I was so angry with you.
d) When I saw you, you were sending text messages by phone. Why were you doing
I was sending text messages because I needed to do it.
e) When I saw you, you were throwing garbage in my yard. Why were you doing
I was throwing garbage because I had a lot in my yard.
f) When I saw you, you were using my iPod. Why were you doing that?
I was using yours because I sold mine.
g) When I saw you, you were drinking my soda. Why were you doing that?
I was drinking your soda because I was thirsty.
h) When I saw you, you were copying my homework. Why were you doing that?
I was copying you homework because mine was wrong.
i) When I saw you, you were running up in the stairs. Why were you doing that?

I was doing that because I wanted to do exercise.

j) When I saw you, you were looking throw the window into my house. Why were
you doing that?
I was looking throw the window because I wanted to steal.
k) When I saw you, you were playing cards in the classroom. Why were you doing
I was playing cards because I was bored.
l) When I saw you, you were dancing in the classroom. Why were you doing that?
I was dancing because I was happy.
m) When I saw you, you were crying. Why were you doing that?
I was crying because I was sad.
n) When I saw you, you were laughing. Why were you doing that?
I was laughing because I was happy.

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