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Paso 1:
File New

Paso 2:
Doble click en la esquina superior derecha

Paso 3:
Project Settings Poner nombre

Paso 4:
Input Data colocar datos

Paso 5:
Le damos aplicar y revisamos el factor de seguridad

Paso 6 :
Presionamos Stereonet View

Swedge Analysis Information

Document Name:
Fernando Ocaa.swd
Job Title:
Fernando Ocaa
Analysis Results:
Analysis type=Deterministic
Safety Factor=1.12384
Wedge height(on slope)=33 m
Wedge width(on upper face)=19.8758 m
Wedge volume=6149.12 m3
Wedge weight=16602.6 tonnes
Wedge area (joint1)=577.644 m2
Wedge area (joint2)=677.568 m2
Wedge area (slope)=636.542 m2
Wedge area (upper face)=454.632 m2
Wedge area (tension crack)=214.94 m2
Normal force (joint1)=8968.96 tonnes
Normal force (joint2)=3430.03 tonnes
Driving force=10717 tonnes
Resisting force=12044.1 tonnes
Water Pressures/Forces:
Average pressure on fissures=5.91882 tonnes/m2
Water force on joint1=3418.97 tonnes
Water force on joint2=4010.4 tonnes
Water force on tension crack=1272.19 tonnes
Seismic Force:
Seismic force=1328.21 tonnes
Failure Mode:
Sliding on intersection line (joints 1&2)
Joint Sets 1&2 line of Intersection:
plunge=31.1965 deg, trend=157.732 deg
length=35.2525 m
Trace Lengths:
Joint1 on slope face=47.6883 m
Joint2 on slope face=38.0408 m
Joint1 on upper face=12 m
Joint2 on upper face=24.2662 m
Tension crack on upper face=21.3809 m
Maximum Persistence:
Joint1=54.4611 m
Joint2=52.9836 m
Intersection Angles:
J1&J2 on slope face = 44.5694 deg
J1&Crest on slope face = 52.3605 deg
J1&Crest on upper face = 90.411 deg
J2&Crest on slope face = 83.0701 deg
J2&Crest on upper face = 54.992 deg
J1&TC on upper face = 111.204 deg

J2&TC on upper face = 103.393 deg

Joint Set 1 Data:
dip=45 deg, dip direction=105 deg
cohesion=6 tonnes/m2, friction angle=20 deg
Joint Set 2 Data:
dip=70 deg, dip direction=235 deg
cohesion=6 tonnes/m2, friction angle=20 deg
Slope Data:
dip=65 deg, dip direction=185 deg
slope height=33 meters
rock unit weight=2.7 tonnes/m3
Water pressures in the slope=YES
Overhanging slope face=NO
Externally applied force=NO
Tension crack=YES
Upper Face Data:
dip=12 deg, dip direction=195 deg
Tension Crack Data:
dip=70 deg, dip direction=165 deg
trace length=12 meters
Water Pressure Data:
Water unit weight=1 tonnes/m3
Pressure definition method=Filled Fissures
Seismic Data:
Seismic coefficient=0.08
Direction=line of interesection J1&J2
trend=157.732 deg, plunge=31.1965 deg
Wedge Vertices:
Coordinates in Easting,Northing,Up Format
1=Joint1, 2=Joint2, 3=Upper Face, 4=Slope, 5=Tension Crack
Point 124: 0, 0, 0
Point 134: -29.3, 18, 33
Point 234: 4.27, 15.7, 34.4
Point 135: -28.7, 29.7, 35.4
Point 125: -11.4, 27.9, 18.3
Point 235: -8.45, 36.1, 37.9

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