PARKS, Calvin C - Deed 1833 Vol 10 PG 263 Transcription

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Transcription of Deed – Oakland Co. to Calvin C.

Parks, 1833
Transcribed by Julie Tarr, 11 June 2010

Source: Oakland County, Michigan, Deed records, 1821-1926, 10: 263-264, Oakland Co. to Calvin C.
Parks, 1 October 1833; FHL microfilm 975,564, item 2.

Treasurer of Oakland Whereas certain taxes were assessed [?] the hereinafter described tract
To piece or parcel of land lying and being situated in the county of Oakland in
Calvin C. Parks the Territory of Michigan for the year one thousand Eight hundred and thirty
which said taxes not having been paid within the time prescribed by law and the said land having been
duly advertised for sale for said taxes interest and incidental charges by me the said treasurer of the
county of Oakland and the same having been offered for sale at Public auction by me assuch treasurer
according to Law on the first day of Oct[ober] one thousand Eight hundred and thirty three and was
purchased by Calvin C Parks for the sum of three Dollars and Thirty nine cents that being the amount of
said Taxes interest and incidental charges a certificate of which sale was duly executed the said Calvin C
Parkes as the purchaser thereof and whereas the said tract piece or parcel of Land situated in the county
aforesaid has not been redeemed by the payment of the said taxes interest and incidental charges by any
person claiming title to the same within two years from the date of said certificate. Therefore, Know all
men by these presents that I James A Weeks Treasurer of the County of Oakland In consideration of
the sum of Three Dollars and thirty nine Cents to me in hand paid by Calvin C Parks of the county of
Oakland the receipt of which as such treasurer I Do hereby acknowledge I have granted bargained sold
and conveyed & do hereby grant bargain sell and convey by virtue of the authority by [?] in me vested
assuch treasurer all that certain tract piece or parcel of Land lying and being situated in the Township of
Farmington in the County and territory aforesaid and known and described as the South East quarter of
section No Twentyone in Township No one North of Range no nine East in the Land District of
Detroit which is and shall remain subject to all the claims with the said Territory of Michigan shall have
thereunto To Have and to hold the said tract piece or parcel of Land with all the appurtenances thereunto
belonging to him the said Calvin C Parks his heirs and assigns forever. In Testimony whereof I have
hereunto set my official signature and seal at Pontiac in the County of Oakland & Territory of Michigan
this tenth day of October 1835

Signed seals & delivered in the presence of } James A Weeks L.S.

J. R. B[?]man Amasa Bagley }

Territory of Michigan
Oakland County s.s. Be it remembered that on this tenth day of October A.D. 1835 there personally
came before me James A. Weeks the maker of the above deed and acknowledged that he signed sealed
and delivered the same for the use & purposes therein expressed } Amasa Bagley
Recd for Recording Nov 6th 1835 } A[?] The [?]
at 1 O.C. P.M Recorded Nov 19.1835 4 OC PM } OCC

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