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Define the Disease

an acute disease, typically contracted from infected water supplies and causing
severe vomiting and diarrhoea.

Location of Cholera
Mexico, China, India, Pakistan and Ethiopia

Cholera is mostly mild or without symptoms but it can be severe. One in ten
people who have cholera have symptoms such as watery diarrhoea, vomiting
and leg cramps.

Drinking water contaminated with cholera bacterium. Source of contamination is
usually the faeces of a contaminated person. Disease can spread rapidly in areas
with inadequate treatment of sewage and drinking water.

Who does the disease affect

The disease affects only the person that has the disease. They cannot give their
disease to someone else by casual contact. The bacteria from the faeces can be
spread by flys and if they land on your food, they will contaminate it and the
person eating the food that is contaminated will have a chance of contracting
cholera. If there is a hospital in the village, there will be no need for the parents
or family to stay home and take care of the infected person.

Drinking a litre of water filtered with a cloth and then boiled for a minute. Then
mixed with a teaspoon of salt and 6 teaspoons of sugar.

To prevent contracting Cholera, they could have boiled water for one minute.
They could do their business at least 30 meters away from the waterways and
hopefully get some toilets or portable loos. They can wash their hands with clean
water and soap so that they get rid of all contamination before they eat and after
they go to the toilet. They can cover their food with fly nets or gladwrap to stop
flys spreading the disease to humans through consumption through food and
water. They can also make sure that the food they eat is hot.

What can the world do to stop others from suffering the disease?
The world can supply people with vaccines to prevent themselves from getting
cholera. Governments can provide portable toilets and sewer pipes that can go
into big tanks which prevents the bacteria going into the river and lakes where
people collect their water and do their washing. The government can provide
freshwater taps that have been filtered and cleaned.

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