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Neurobehavioral Morbidity Associated With Disordered Breathing During Sleep in

Children: A Comprehensive Review
Dean W. Beebe, PhD
Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

predictors of morbidity. Short-term SDB treatment outcome studies are

encouraging, but the long-term outcomes are not known. Failing to treat
SDB appears to leave children at risk for long-term neurobehavioral decits.
Conclusions: Childhood SDB is associated with neurobehavioral morbidity. Applying commonly used guidelines for causal inference, even in the
absence of a much-needed randomized clinical trial, there is strong evidence of association, consistent ndings, and specicity of effect. There
is suggestive evidence that this association ts the expected temporal
pattern and that SDB is a biologically plausible cause of neurobehavioral
decits. Clinicians should be alert to the coexistence of SDB symptoms
and concerns about a childs academic progress, attention, arousal, or
behavior or emotion regulation.
Keywords: Pediatrics, obstructive sleep apnea, sleep-disordered breathing, neuropsychology, cognitive function, behavioral functioning
Citation: Beebe DW. Neurobehavioral morbidity associated with disordered breathing during sleep in children: a comprehensive review. SLEEP

Study Objectives: To comprehensively review research on the association between childhood sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) and neurobehavioral functioning.
Design: Qualitative and quantitative literature review.
Setting: N/A.
Patients or Participants: N/A.
Interventions: N/A.
Measurements and Results: The ndings of 61 studies of the relationship between childhood SDB and neurobehavioral functioning were critically evaluated and synthesized. There is strong evidence that childhood
SDB is associated with decits in behavior and emotion regulation, scholastic performance, sustained attention, selective attention, and alertness.
There is also evidence that SDB has minimal association with a childs
typical mood, expressive language skills, visual perception, and working
memory. Findings have been insufcient to draw conclusions about intelligence, memory, and some aspects of executive functioning. Mechanisms by which SDB might result in neurobehavioral morbidity are being
explored, but clinical symptoms such as chronic snoring remain the best

ing, but not limited to, OSA.

Some of the earliest reports on childhood SDB suggested an
association with behavioral or learning deficits. For example,
William Hill proposed in 1889 that symptoms of what would later
be called SDB could cause backwardness and stupidity in children.9 The topic of childhood SDB then went largely ignored in
the published English literature for nearly a century. When it resurfaced in the 1970s, again academic and behavioral difficulties
were highlighted in case series.10,11 Interest in these cognitive and
behavioral effects, which are commonly called neurobehavioral because they are presumed to be mediated by the brain,12 has
since accelerated dramatically. The number of relevant articles
published in the past 5 years rivals or exceeds the volume that
had been cumulatively published before. This explosion of interest has yielded important findings, but it has also made it difficult
to stay abreast of the field. Review articles rapidly become dated,
and, in many cases, the literature covered by recent research articles has been incomplete or selective in nature.
The goal of this article is to present a comprehensive, up-todate review of the published literature on the association between
childhood SDB and neurobehavioral functioning. It will cover
the major domains of neurobehavioral functioning, highlighting
relevant findings, methodologic and conceptual issues, and directions for future work. This will be followed by a summary of the
several mechanisms that have been proposed by which childhood
SDB might result in neurobehavioral deficits. Finally, it will discuss the limited data that are available on temporal relationships
between SDB and neurobehavioral functioning.
Table 1 summarizes methodologic features of the major studies involved in this review.2,3,6,8,13-70 Studies listed here were com-

obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Based upon conventional definitions, the population base rate of childhood OSA is believed to be
about 1% to 3%, but clinical symptoms of less-severe breathing
obstruction, such as chronic snoring, may be present in more than
10% of children.1-3 The point on this spectrum at which breathing
abnormalities, particularly breathing obstruction, can be considered pathologic remains open to debate, but many researchers and
clinicians agree that any such threshold would be best determined
via a link to medical or behavioral morbidity (e.g., see reference
1). Based in part upon studies of behavioral morbidity, several
authors have suggested that nocturnal breathing disturbance can
be detrimental to children at levels much below conventional PSG
thresholds for defining OSA.4-8 As a result, the term sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) has been used to refer to the pathologic
end of the spectrum of nocturnal respiratory functioning includDisclosure Statement
This is not an industry supported study. Dr. Beebe has indicated no nancial
conict of interest.
Submitted for publication December 1, 2005
Accepted for publication March 14, 2006
Address correspondence to: Dean W. Beebe, Division of Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology (MLC 3015), Cincinnati Childrens Hospital
Medical Center, 3333 Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229; Tel: (513) 6363489; Fax: (513) 636-7756; E-mail:
SLEEP, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2006


Neurobehavioral Morbidity in Childhood SDBBeebe

SLEEP, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2006


Neurobehavioral Morbidity in Childhood SDBBeebe

Comm (Gen Peds)

Smedje, 199922

Clinical (Sleep)

Clinical (Sleep)

Clinical (ENT)

Comm (Gen)

Harvey, 199965

Owens, 200023

Goldstein, 200025

Ferreira, 200026


36 with SDB, no controls

(compared to published norms)

29 neurologically normal
children with OSA
18 with OSA, no controls
(compared to published norms)


Clinical (Psyc) vs
27 w/ ADHD from psychiatric
Comm (Gen Peds) clinics, 43 children without ADHD
from psychiatry clinics, 73 controls
from general pediatric clinics
Comm (Gen)

Gozal, 199821

Cross-sect follow-up
of 1993 cohort


Pre-post treatment









Age, y


Pre-Post treatment


Pre-Post treatment


Pre-Post treatment





O2 desat

SDB and


SDB symptoms

SDB symptoms



PSG (AHI > 5)

(>4% desat)


Q-aire, clinical


Nature of SDB Source of SDB


Memory vocabulary
Intelligence, vigilance,
impulsivity, parent and
teacher report on validated
behavior questionnaire
Clinical diagnosis of ADHD,
parent report on behavior

Parent and teacher report

on validated behavior

Single-item parent report
of school and behavioral
Clinically derived
psychiatric diagnosis
Single-item parent
report of behaviors

Q-aire, oximetry (O2

Official school
desat events, low O2
nadir, or high CO2)
Single-item parent report of
very active temperament
2.9 1.3
PSG (cutoff
Intelligence, parent report
not specified) on nonvalidated questionnaire
5-12 Stimulant use
PSG (AHI >1 plus Intelligence, verbal skills,
daytime symptoms)
visual skills, selective
attention, memory, finger
tapping, parent report on
validated behavior
SDB symptoms Q-aire, referral
Parent report on validated
disorders, learning
disabilities, psychiatric
Parent report of school
achievement and of behavior
on validated questionnaire

1st grade

2-18 Controls excluded

if had ADHD

Across both data collections, 242

6-7 at
never snored, 79 snored at baseline
but not follow up, 62 snored at follow
up but not baseline, 124 snored at both.
Clinical (Obesity)
5 OSA, 9 control
13 1.8
12 OSA, 11 BS, 10 controls
Pre-Post treatment 5.8-12.5

Of 782 subjects, 66 subjects

selected to show high risk or
low risk of SDB

Chervin, 199720

Rhodes, 199519
Ali, 199618

Ali, 20002

Ali, 199417

Sample Size

71 children with behavioral,

developmental, or academic problems
vs 355 controls.
Clinical (Psyc)
150 children with various
psychiatric diagnoses
Clinical (ENT)
61 SDB, 31 healthy

Comm (Gen Peds)

Oxford, England Study

Ali, 199316
Comm (Gen)

Stradling, 199015

Simonds, 198414

Weissbluth, 198313

First Author, y

Table 1Summary of Methods Used in Studies of the Association between SDB and Neurobehavioral Functioning

SLEEP, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2006


Neurobehavioral Morbidity in Childhood SDBBeebe


Comm (Gen)

Comm (Gen Peds)

Gozal, 200132

Stein, 200133

77 OSA; 72 controls

Kaemingk, 200342



229 from 2002 sample who
were contacted 4 years later


Pre-post treatment












Comm (Gen)

Comm (Gen Peds)

64 SDB, no controls

28 OSA, 10 controls

147 SDB, 243 controls


797 with grades in lowest

quartile, 791 in highest quartile

59 OSA, 54 without

45 SDB, no controls

13 snorers, 13 nonsnoring controls

(subsample of Blunden, 2000)

16 snorers, 16 nonsnoring controls

Sample Size

Goodwin, 200341

TuCASA Study
Goodwin, 200340

Chervin, 200337
Chervin, 200538

Michigan Study
Chervin, 200236


Clinical (Sleep) vs.

comm. (Gen)

Lewin, 200235

Goldstein, 200224

Clinical Orthodontic

Nelson, 200166

Comm (Gen)

Clinical (Sleep)

Chervin 200131

Brunetti, 200134

Clinical (ENT)

Richards 200030

Kennedy, 200429

South Australia Study

Blunden, 200028
Clinical (ENT)

First Author, y

Table 1Continued

10 3








Parent report on validated

behavior questionnaires

Parent report of learning

problems on single item
Parent report of learning
problems on single item
Unattended PSG
Intelligence, verbal skills,
(AHI > 5)
nonverbal skills, academic
testing, memory, parent report
on validated behavior


Unattended PSG
(varying cutoffs)

SDB and restlessness


mental retardation

Parent report on validated

behavior questionnaire.
Parent report of behaviors and
school achievement on
Parent report on unvalidated
single hyperactivity item
PSG (OSA divided in Intelligence, verbal skills,
two based on AHI > 10 visual skills, parent report
and nadir O2 < 90%)
on validated behavior
Q-aire, referral
Parent report on validated
behavior questionnaire

Snoring daytime
Snoring, with a Q-aire screen
subgroup having followed by
PSG (AHI > 3)


Nature of SDB Source of SDB


disorders, LD,
psychiatric diseases







Q-aire, referral
Intelligence, verbal skills,
visual skills, vigilance,
memory, parent report on
validated behavior
Referral, Q-aire.
Snorers did not have
marked OSA.
2.5 - 15.5
SDB symptoms Retrospective
Parent report of school
chart review
PSG (AHI > 5 or
Parent report of ADHD
esophageal pressure diagnosis, stimulant use,
< -20)
and behavior on validated
13-14 Current snoring Snore at age 2-6
Objective school performance


Age, y

SLEEP, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2006


Neurobehavioral Morbidity in Childhood SDBBeebe


Comm (Gen)

Comm (Gen)

Clinical (ENT) vs
Comm (Gen)

Comm (At-risk)

154 SDB, 293 controls

19 OSA, 19 nonsnoring
controls (subset of 2003 sample)
39 SDB, 20 control

Cleveland Childrens Sleep and Health Study

Rosen, 20047
Comm (Gen)
829 (40 OSA, 122 primary
snorers, 667 neither)
Emancipator, 200670
835 (164 SDB, 671 controls)

Castronovo, 200368

MontgomeryDowns, 200453
Friedman, 200354


87 Primary Snorers 31 Controls

OBrien, 20046

Louisville preschool study

MontgomeryComm (At-risk)
Downs, 200351

35 OSA, 35 controls

44 significant ADHD, 27
mild ADHD, 39 controls

205 (subset of 2003 sample

that had more thorough testing)


99 habitual snorers, 352 nonsnorers

995 (re-analysis of 2003 sample, dropping
children with congenital heart disease)



480 (115 SDB)

Sample Size

OBrien, 200450

Louisville First-grade study

OBrien, 200349
Comm (Gen)

Gottlieb, 200448

Boston Study
Gottlieb, 200347

Urschitz, 200444
Urschitz, 200546

Hannover, Germany Study

Urschitz, 200345
Comm (Gen)

Mulvaney, 200643

Goodwin, 200539

First Author, y

Table 1Continued



Pre-post treatment

Pre-post treatment








Mental retardation





ADHD, other
4.1 0.5


4 0.5


9.6 0.7


OSA or



not OSA



Q-aire, oximetry
(nadir O2 < 90%)

Parent report of behavior on

unvalidated questionnaire,
actual school grades

Parent-reported learning
problems on single item
Parent report on validated
behavior questionnaires

Parent-report on single-item
behavioral scales that were
validated in a subset of subjects
Intelligence, vigilance, selective
attention, executive functioning,
parent report on validated
behavior questionnaire

Parent-reported preschool
performance and behaviors on
validated questionnaire

Q-aire, Unattended Parent report on validated

PSG (AHI>5 or AI>1) behavior questionnaires
Intelligence, verbal skills,
academic testing, vigilance,
abstract reasoning

PSG (AHI >1) or

Verbal skills, intelligence
symptoms kissing
Parent report on unvalidated
daytime behavior questionnaire

PSG (AHI > 5)


PSG (AHI and PLM Parent-report on validated

treated continuously) behavior questionnaire
compared to PSG and parent
report of snoring
PSG (pooled AHI, Intelligence, verbal skills,
RAI, and O2 nadir)
visual skills, vigilance,
executive functioning,
memory, parent report on
validated behavior
Q-aire, PSG
verified no OSA


Oximetry (several O2
Parent report of
-related indexes)
mathematics performance

SDB symptoms


Snoring, O2

Nature of SDB Source of SDB
Mental retardation SDB/OSA Q-aire, Unattended
PSG (AHI > 1)
Unattended PSG
(15th %ile on AHI)

9.6 0.7

Age, y

SLEEP, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2006


Neurobehavioral Morbidity in Childhood SDBBeebe

Clinical (sleep)

(Peds sick visits)

Blunden, 200527


117 kids with adenotonsillar
hypertrophy, 104 controls

Clinical (ENT)

Clinical (ENT)

Mitchell, 200569

Roemmich, 200667

MontgomeryComm (Gen)
Downs, 200662
Kurnatowski, 200663 Clinical (ENT)

Pre-post treatment

Pre-post treatment


Nature of SDB Source of SDB
8-12 Medication use,
PSG (AHI 1-10) Intelligence, academic testing,
mental retardation
working memory, vigilance,
2-18 Medications that
Q-aire, referral
Parent report on validated
could affect alertness
behavior questionnaire
6-12 Mental retardation,
PSG (simple snorers
Intelligence, visual
nonstimulant psychiatric
AHI < 1, mild OSA scanning, vigilance, working
AHI 1-5, mod-sev memory, memory, mental
flexibility, problem-solving,
parent and teacher report on
validated behavior
SDB symptoms
Vigilance, parent report on
validated behavior questionnaire
PSG (AHI, PLMI) Vigilance, parent report on
validated behavior questionnaire
any illness,
Snore, BSP
Intelligence, verbal skills,
physical or mental?
visual skills, vigilance,
impulsivity, working memory,
memory, parent report on
validated behavior questionnaire
Parent report on validated
disabilities, behavioral
behavior questionnaire
Grade 1-4
Performance on broad
cognitive screener
Parent report of learning
disabilities and school failure,
parent-report on validated
behavior questionnaires
Snoring, OSA
Q-aire, PSG
Parent report of school
(AHI >3)
PSG (AHI > 5)
Parent report on validated
disorders, Dev delay
behavior questionnaire
PSG (AHI > 1)
Parent report on validated
behavior questionnaire
SDB and restlessness
General cognitive development,
8.2 0.4 mo
motor development
PSG (AI >1 &
Verbal skills, visual skills,
SpO2 < 92%)

Age, y

Clinical sample sources included children seen in sleep, psychiatry or psychology (Psyc), otolaryngology (ENT), and dermatology (Derm) clinics. Community sample sources derived from general
pediatrics offices (Gen Ped), children in special preschool programs (at risk), or other community sources, such as birth or school records (Gen). SDB refers to sleep-disordered breathing; OSA,
polysomnographically defined obstructive sleep apnea; PSG, polysomnography; AHI, apneahypopnea index; AI, apnea index; desat; desaturation; ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder;
Q-aire, questionnaire; LD, learning disabilities. Shading indicates that multiple publications from the same group shared a given methodological feature.



Comm (Gen)

Sogut, 200561


Comm (Gen)

Arman, 200560


Pre-post treatment



Comm (Gen)

41 OSA, 41 controls undergoing

elective surgeries other than
79 SDB, 468 non-respiratory
sleep disorders, 633 controls
96 snorers, 190 controls

11 snorers, 13 behavioral sleep

problems, 9 both, 13 neither

88 ADHD, 27 controls

Pre-Post treatment


6 moderate-severe OSA, 9 mild

OSA, 17 simple snorers, 17
nonsnoring community controls

19 OSA, no controls




108 snorers, 72 controls

12 with OSA, no controls

(compared to published norms)

Sample Size

Carvalho, 200564

Clinical (ENT vs.

other clinics)

Clinical (Psyc)

Huang, 200458

Tran, 200559

Clinical (ENT)

Avior, 200457

Melendres, 200456 Clinical (sleep) vs.

mix (Peds & Derm)
Beebe, 20048
Clinical (Sleep) vs
Comm (Gen)

Archbold, 200455

First Author, y

Table 1Continued

piled via computerized literature searches, manual review of the

references listed for recent studies, and direct contact with key
investigators in the field. Only studies that used a standardized
reproducible approach to the assessment of both SDB and neurobehavioral functioning are listed. In some cases, multiple studies were published off of the same or overlapping data sets; these
have been clustered in the table to emphasize that findings from
overlapping papers may not be independent. Because specific
neurobehavioral outcome measures have varied across studies,
only general outcome domains are listed in Table 1. The specific
measures used will be detailed later within each neurobehavioral
domain, accompanied by domain-specific figures and tables. It
should be noted that although some tables present findings in binary form for simplicity (significant vs nonsignificant), overall
conclusions considered statistical effect sizes, rather than simple
study counts.
During the course of this review, I will periodically return to a
pivotal question: what is the evidence that pediatric SDB causes
neurobehavioral deficits? The answer may have important implications for the prevention and amelioration of neurobehavioral
deficits in a large number of children. This answer, however, is
not as straightforward as it might seem. Philosophers of science
emphasize that, although inferences of causation are informed
by scientific evidence, they remain best guesses based upon
the state of the field and the dominant epistemology.c.f.,71-74 The
limits of causal inference are especially evident in epidemiological, neuropsychological, and medical research, in which random
assignment to conditions is impossible or unethical.71,73-77 Even
so, guidelines have been developed to facilitate the consideration
of causal inferences. These guidelines, which will be further defined over the course of this paper, include strength of association,
consistency of findings, specificity of effect, biologic credibility,
dose-response relationships, and temporal sequence.77-80

Potential Causes for Illusory or Inflated Associations

Statistical associations may be artificially inflated when SDB
samples are drawn from clinical populations, especially if they are
compared with volunteer control groups drawn from nonclinical
sources. Because pediatric specialty clinics are typically located
in tertiary care centers, clinical samples are likely to overrepresent
children whose parents are most concerned about their functioning. Especially in light of popular press on a suspected link between SDB and daytime behaviors (e.g. see reference 82), parents
may come to the clinic with primary concerns about their childs
daytime behaviors and the hope that a treatable sleep disorder
might underlie behavior problems. The result is that children seen
in sleep and otolaryngology clinics may have behavior problems
more often than do children with identical sleep problems in the
general community. Bias may be compounded when controls are
recruited using dramatically different techniques, such as newspaper postings, that tend to attract superhealthy individuals.8
A heavy reliance on parent report may also inflate findings. Insofar as parents come to the clinic with preexisting beliefs about
a relationship between sleep and neurobehavioral functioning, or
are led to have such beliefs (e.g., via suggestion that a childs
behavior will improve after adenotonsillectomy), this may introduce placebo effects and other biases in parent ratings. Further,
when information on both SDB and behavioral functioning are
obtained from the same parent, this can lead to shared method
variancethe tendency for spurious or inflated correlations
between 2 variables that are gathered using the same methods.83
This is not to say that parent report should be dismissedit is
likely the best source for some informationbut SDB-behavior
associations based solely upon parent report can be assumed to
yield upper-boundary estimates of associations.
Potential Causes of Suppressed or Attenuated Associations



In contrast, statistical findings will be biased towards nonsignificance if either the sample is too small (statistically underpowered) or if effects are washed out because of the use of inadequate tools to determine the presence of SDB or neurobehavioral
deficit. Clinical symptoms of SDB have been criticized for a lack
of sensitivity39 and specificity to PSG-defined OSA (e.g., see references 84-86). If one assumes that more-severe PSG-defined
OSA is associated with greater morbidityan assumption that
shall be questioned laterthe reliance on symptom-based screenings might be expected to attenuate group comparisons. Similarly,
the use of unvalidated outcome measures or single-item neurobehavioral outcome scales, which tend to be less reliable than multiitem measures,87 would be expected to artificially limit group
comparisons. Though internally reliable, teacher-report scales
also probably yield lower-boundary estimates of statistical effects
because of variability in how well teachers know each child. As
discussed later, even highly reliable office-based tests may be ill
suited to assess for some real-world deficits, potentially limiting
statistical effects.
Finally, as indicated in Table 1, several studies have excluded
children with a history of psychiatric difficulties, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The rationale for
such a priori exclusion is typically unstated but may stem from
concerns about the potential effect of psychotropic medications
on sleep. Behavioral exclusions also may relate to a widespread
belief that ADHD is a unique disorder with an etiology that is unre-

Conventional guidelines for inferring causality start with the

basic premise that a cause and an effect should be consistently
associated.77-80 Given this, it is noteworthy that some authors have
been critical of the research that has associated childhood SDB
with neurobehavioral deficits. In particular, Ebert and Drake81 reviewed 17 articles and highlighted a number of shortcomings, including inadequate description of sampling methods and probable
sample biases, inconsistent measurement tools, possible reporting
biases, lack of consideration of possible confounds, and limited
statistical treatment. They concluded that only 2 studies20,32 were
of sufficient quality to assess for selection bias or the effects of
confounders. Although they found little evidence that these studies came to biased conclusions, for the most part Ebert and Drake
dismissed the rest of the research literature in their conclusions.
Although Ebert and Drakes81 paper acts as an important signpost towards increased methodologic rigor, their conclusions
may have been overly conservative. The definitive study is rare
in any aspect of science. Progress often is made via successive
approximations, as data accumulate across studies that have differing strengths and limitations. This warrants a less dismissive
approach, in which there is careful consideration of the potential
impact of methodologic flaws on the fields overall conclusions.

SLEEP, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2006


Neurobehavioral Morbidity in Childhood SDBBeebe

lated to sleep. Unfortunately, this belief may be mistaken. ADHD

is diagnosed entirely on behavioral, not etiologic, grounds,88 and
children with ADHD may disproportionately display frank sleep
pathology.89 Regardless of reasoning, excluding children with
ADHD or other psychiatric disturbances from analyses may control away interesting findings. For example, an early publication
on the Tucson Childrens Assessment of Sleep Apnea study found
SDB to be associated with few behavioral deficits after excluding
children reported to have ADHD from analyses.42 However, associations between SDB and inattention, aggression, oppositional
behaviors, and poor social functioning emerged in a larger sample
that retained children with ADHD.43


Effect Size (d)


Ali et al, 1993

Rosen et al,


Interpretive Approach

Beebe et al,

O'Brien et al,


Mulvaney et
al, i.p.



Figure 1Effect of sleep-disordered breathing on Parent-Reported

Attention, Hyperactivity/Impulsivity, and Other Externalizing Behaviors. Shown are standardized effect sizes derived from publications that included detail on all 3 behavioral domains. By convention,
an effect size of 0.2 is considered small, 0.5 is considered medium,
and 0.8 is considered large.94 The pooled effect sizes were computed
using a random-effects model,93 with the standard error of measurement represented by the line above each bar. See text for further information on effect size and pooled effect-size computations.

Although this list of methodologic issues is not exhaustive, it

does highlight the most common issues that could bias conclusions.
As a result, these potential sources of bias will be considered when
reviewing each domain of neurobehavioral functioning below.
Behavioral and Emotional Functioning in Applied Settings
The overwhelming majority of published studies have found
significantly more parent-reported behavioral or emotional
concerns among children with SDB than among other children of
the same age. Of the more than 30 studies in Table 1 that included
behavioral outcomes, only 3 failed to yield at least 1 behavioral
finding.42,50,59 Of those 3, 2 studies excluded children with
ADHD or other psychiatric disorder from analyses, suggesting a
possible artificial suppression of statistical effects. Thus, there is
strong evidence of some associations between SDB and daytime
behaviors; the question is which behaviors.

2 reported null findings. The relative severity of each type

of behavior problem could be directly examined in 6 studies
that did not prescreen for ADHD and used either a variant on
the Conners Parent Rating Scale91 or the Behavior Assessment
System for Children.92 Effect sizes for each study are shown in
Figure 1, along with the pooled effect size and standard error of
the measurement for that effect size based upon a random-effects
meta-analytic model.93
For readers who are less familiar with the concept of effect
size, this is a standardized measure of the strength of a statistical
relationship. The most commonly used index, d, generally refers
to the arithmetic difference between the mean scores of 2 groups,
divided by either the population standard deviation (if known, as
in IQ or T-scores) or an estimate thereof based on the sample data
(in this paper, I used the control-group standard deviation as the
basis for estimates). In other words, it indicates how many standard
deviations apart the centers of 2 groups fall. For consistency, only
the d statistic is reported here, with other effect-size metrics (e.g.,
odds ratios) converted to d using formulae provided by Lipsey
and Wilson.93 By convention, an effect size of 0.2 is considered
small, 0.5 is considered medium, and 0.8 is considered large.94
Meta-analysis combines (pools) these effect sizes, with findings
from larger studies weighted more strongly than those from
smaller studies. In the studies shown in Figure 1, the pooled effect
sizes were moderate in size, with hyperactive/impulsive and other
externalizing behaviors slightly, but not reliably, more affected
than attention.
It appears unlikely that the association between SDB and
behavior problems can be attributed to methodologic bias.
The supporting studies have varied methodologically. Several
have minimized the likelihood of inflated effect sizes by using
community recruitment, controlling for demographics, or
employing PSG-based definitions of SDB (e.g., see references
7, 43, and 44). Four have complemented parent-report data with
that obtained from teachers. As expected, the effect sizes were
smaller than with parent report, though 2 studies continued to
find significant associations between behavioral disturbances
and SDB.8,16 Of the 2 null studies that employed teacher-report

Behavior Regulation and Inattention

The most common finding is an elevated frequency of overt
behavior problems, such as hyperactivity, rebelliousness,
and aggression, in children with parent-reported SDB symptoms,2,7,13,16,17,22,26,36,45,56,61 those who have been referred for adenotonsillectomy because of suspected SDB,15,25 and those with
PSG-defined OSA.7,8,23,35,43,45,54,56,59,61 Inattentive behaviors have
also been reported, although in some cases the published findings do not allow for differentiation of impulsive versus inattentive behaviors (e.g., the attention subscale of the Child Behavior
Checklist90). Table 2 lists relevant studies that have yielded quantitative data on inattention, hyperactive/impulsive behaviors, or
other externalizing behaviors (e.g., aggression, oppositionality,
When specific information on parent-reported hyperactivity/
impulsivity could be culled from publications, 12 studies
reported positive associations between SDB and hyperactivity/
impulsivity, 5 reported mixed findings across scales or analyses,
and 3including 1 study that excluded children with behavioral
disorders and another that used a nonvalidated single-item
scalereported null findings. When specific information on
parent-reported externalizing behavior was available, 15 studies
noted positive associations with SDB, 4 noted mixed findings,
and 4 noted null findings. Data were less consistently supportive
for a specific association with attention. Seven studies reported
positive associations between parent-reported inattention and
SDB, 4 reported mixed findings across scales or analyses, and
SLEEP, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2006


Neurobehavioral Morbidity in Childhood SDBBeebe

Table 2Findings on Hyperactivity/Impulsivity, Externalizing Behaviors, and Inattention Among Children with Sleep-Disordered Breathing
Stradling, 199015

Unvalidated single items

Parent-report findings
Teacher-report findings
HI, EXT elevated pre-treatment, somewhat
improved posttreatment
No elevations on HI, EXT, or ATN pretreatment,
No elevations pretreatment,
though improvements on all 3 post-treatment
no changes posttreatment
Smedje, 199922
Unvalidated single item
HI elevated
Owens, 200023
On BASC, externalizing composite and ATN both elevated.
Goldstein, 200025
Externalizing and attention scales (hyperactivity & ATN not
differentiated) elevated pretreatment. ATN scale improved posttreatment.
Ferreira, 200026
Unvalidated single-item
EXT elevated.
Blunden, 200028
EXT not elevated.
Chervin, 200131
HI elevated only when both SDB and periodic limb movement
Stein, 200133
present. SDB associated with many CBCL scales, but only
unique association was with EXT
Brunetti, 200134
Unvalidated single item
HI elevated.
Nelson, 200166
Unvalidated single item
HI not elevated.
Lewin, 200235
EXT elevated only in mild (not severe) OSA.
Goldstein, 2002 24
Externalizing but not attention scale elevated.
No posttreatment gains in either.
Urschitz, 200444
Unvalidated items
HI and ATN elevated
Rosen, 20047
CBCL, Conners
On CBCL, EXT but not attention subscale elevated
(HI and ATN not differentiated). On Conners,
HI and EXT elevated, but ATN was not elevated.
Melendres, 200456
Composite ADHD index elevated, but not broken down into HI, ATN.
Beebe, 20048
EXT, HI elevated on both Q-aires, ATN elevated only
EXT clearly elevated, HI not
on BRIEF. Worst behaviors in milder SDB.
elevated, ATN inconsistent
Blunden, 200527
EXT elevated.
No difference between groups pre- or posttreatment on
Tran, 200559
EXT or attention scales.
Michell, 200569
HI and ATN elevated, but not EXT
Arman, 200560
Conners, DSM checklist
EXT, HI, ATN all elevated on one Q-aire but only
EXT, HI, ATN not different
across groups on either Q-aire.
EXT on both. ADHD cases were excluded.
Oxford, England Study
HI, EXT, ATN all elevated.
HI, ATN both elevated,
Ali, 199316
but EXT not elevated.
HI elevated
Ali, 199417
HI higher in chronic SDB than transient SDB,
Ali, 20002
which was higher than in no SDB.
Michigan Study
SDB elevated among subjects with
Chervin, 200236 Conners, DSM checklist
high HI, especially young boys.
EXT elevated even after controlling for HI.
Chervin, 200337
TuCASA Study
EXT, HI, ATN not elevated, but subjects with ADHD
Kaemingk, 200342
were a priori excluded.
CBCL, Conners
With ADHD subjects included, CBCL EXT and Attention problems
Mulvaney, 200643
scales elevated. On Conners, EXT, ATN elevated to a similar degree;
HI had mixed data.
Boston Study
Validated single items
EXT, HI, ATN all elevated.
Gottlieb, 200347
ATN elevated, but HI not.
Gottlieb, 200448
Louisville 1st-grade study
ADHD symptoms (HI & ATN not differentiated) associated monotonically
OBrien, 200349
with snoring, but only mild ADHD related to PSG-verified SDB.
CBCL, Conners
Both controls and SDB subjects had high HI, ATN, and
OBrien, 200450
EXT scores, but no group differences.
CBCL, Conners
On Conners, HI (not EXT, ATN) elevated. On CBCL, EXT
OBrien, 20046
and attention scale (HI and ATN not differentiated) elevated.
ADHD cases excluded.
HI refers to hyperactivity/impulsivity; EXT, externalizing behaviors (aggression/ oppositionality/conduct problems); (ATN) inattention; BASC,
Behavioral Assessment System for Children; BRIEF, Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning; Q-aire, questionnaire; CBCL, Child
Behavior Checklist; Conners, a validated variant on the Conners Rating Scales. The CBCL attention and Conners attention-deficit/hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) subscales are heterogeneous, including items related to inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

SLEEP, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2006


Neurobehavioral Morbidity in Childhood SDBBeebe

Table 3Findings on Emotional Functioning of Children With Sleep-Disordered Breathing

Simonds, 198414
Owens, 200023

Clinical psyc diagnosis
BASC, Conners

Goldstein, 200025
Ferreira, 200026
Blunden, 200028
Stein, 200133
Lewin, 200235

Unvalidated single item

Goldstein, 200224
OBrien, 200450
OBrien, 20046
Rosen, 20047

CBCL, Conners
CBCL, Conners
CBCL, Conners

Beebe, 20048


Blunden, 200527
Tran, 200559
Mitchell, 200569
Arman, 200560
Mulvaney, 200643

CBCL, Conners

Parent-report findings
Affective disorders not associated with snoring
BASC Internalizing scale elevated but somatic not pulled out. In small subset of subjects who
had the Conners (n=9), anxiety appeared elevated, but less so than somatic.
Anxious/depressed subscale not elevated
Irritability elevated
Internalizing behavior elevated, but somatic subscale not pulled out
Anxious/depressed subscale associated with SDB, but so were almost all CBCL subscales.
Internalizing elevated, but mostly due to somatic concerns. Mild but not severe OSA had
elevated anxiety/depression scale.
Anxious/Depressed scale not elevated
Both controls and SDB had high anxious/depressed scores, but no group effects were found.
No effect on Conners anxious/shy subscale, but elevated CBCL anxious/depressed scale
CBCL anxious/depressed subscale not elevated, but Conners emotional lability subscale
sharply elevated
Marked effect on BRIEF emotional control subscale, but little effect on BASC anxiety or
depression subscales
Internalizing behavior elevated but somatic subscale not pulled out
No difference between groups on anxious/depressed subscale pre- or post-treatment
Anxiety subscale not elevated, depression subscale somewhat elevated, but not as markedly as
somatization subscale.
Anxiety not elevated
Neither anxious/depressed subscale nor internalizing composite was elevated

BASC, refers to the Behavioral Assessment System for Children; BRIEF, Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning; CBCL, Child
Behavior Checklist; Conners, a validated variant on the Conners Rating Scales; psyc, psychiatric; OSA, obstructive sleep apnea; SDB, sleep-disordered breathing.

data, 1 excluded children with ADHD from analyses,60 and the

other utilized very small samples and had an apparent floor
effect on some scales.18

to community controls; Rosen et al studied a large community

Of note, data on the emotional functioning of children with
SDB were based upon parent report. To my knowledge, no childhood SDB study has published results from self-report questionnaires, which may be more sensitive to subjective mood. One
study gathered teacher-report data, noting negligible associations
between SDB and a childs typical mood but stronger associations with emotional stability.8

Mood and Emotional Control

Table 3 presents studies that investigated the emotional functioning of children with SDB using parent-report questionnaires.
Several publications reported only composite internalizing
scores that conflated relatively pure symptoms of anxiety and
depression with physical or somatic complaints. This is important
because such somatic complaints are common among children
with a variety of medical conditions, including SDB,24,35 and may
not be a valid reflection of emotional functioning in such children.95 Thus, there is reason to question the validity, or at least the
implications, of reports that children with SDB have elevated internalizing composites.23,27,28,33,35 Only 2 studies have reported that
children with SDB had clear elevations on more-direct measures
of anxiety or depression,23,33 whereas 2 had mixed results,6,35 and
8 found no significant associations.7,8,24,25,43,50,59,60 This preponderance of nonsignificant results appears legitimate, as it was obtained using a variety of research methods, some of which might
be expected to inflate effect sizes (e.g., clinical samples) or to impart considerable statistical power (e.g., large community samples
and PSG documentation of OSA).
An important distinction can be drawn between an individuals
typical mood and their degree of emotional stability.8,96,97 The
above findings suggest that SDB has a small to negligible association with childrens typical mood. However, as shown in Figure 2,
Beebe et al8 and Rosen et al7 found substantially stronger associations between SDB and parent-reported emotional instability. The
effect sizes were larger overall in the Beebe et al study, but that
may reflect the fact that it compared clinically referred patients
SLEEP, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2006

How sleepiness is manifested during childhood remains a
point of considerable debate. Familiar outward signs of sleepiness in adults may not be evident in young children, leading some
to suggest that problems with behavior regulation may be a better
reflection of sleep deprivation or disruption in Objective testing of sleep propensity using the Multiple Sleep Latency
Test99 has yielded evidence of increased physiologic sleepiness in
children with SDB, but these children rarely fall in the range considered pathologic in adults.55,100 Still, parents have consistently
identified children with SDB as being sleepier than controls on
questionnaire items.2,16,17,26,34,40,44,47,48,51,56
There appears to be a temptation in the field to account for
the wide range of neurobehavioral deficits associated with SDB
by attributing them to sleepiness (e.g., children act out because
they are sleepy). This temptation should be resisted until there
is clear evidence of physiologic mechanisms by which sleepiness
and neurobehavioral deficits occur in this population. Conventionally defined sleepiness and other aspects of neurobehavioral
functioning all fall at the same behavioral level of measurement
and are typically measured concurrently. Given this, it is risky to
use one to explain the other. Readers from the disciplines of

Neurobehavioral Morbidity in Childhood SDBBeebe

r ic




































Figure 2Effect of Sleep-Disordered Breathing on Parent-Reported

Mood and Emotional Stability. Shown are standardized effect sizes.
For Beebe et al,8 the typical mood score represents the mean effect
size from the anxiety and depression subscales of the BASC, whereas
the emotional stability score represents the effect size of the BRIEF
Emotional Control subscale. For Rosen et al,7 the typical mood score
represents the mean effect size for the Child Behavior Checklist Anxiety/Depression subscale and the Conners Anxiety subscale, whereas
the emotional stability score represents the effect size of the Conners
Emotional Lability subscale. By convention, an effect size of 0.2 is
considered small, 0.5 is considered medium, and 0.8 is considered
large.94 See text for further information on effect size and pooled effect size computations.


Figure 3Association between Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB)

and Overall IQ. The population mean is dened as 100, with a standard deviation of 15. An additional study by Kennedy et al29 is not
included because it used a substantial subsample of those reported on
by Blunden et al28 and yielded very similar results.

these, 2 studies reported no group differences on overall IQ,42,70

and 4 found relative IQ deficits among children with SDB compared with controls.6,48,50,52 Interestingly, all 4 of these recruited
young children, ranging from preschool through first grade,
whereas the other studies shown in Figure 3 focused on schoolaged children. There may be a moderating effect of age, in which
young children are at greater risk of morbidity.12 Other risk factors may also be important, as 1 study found that children who
had been born preterm showed a marginal association between
SDB status and IQ, whereas those born full-term showed no association.70 Alternatively, the apparently greater vulnerability of
the younger samples may reflect the fact that different tests are
used with preschool children than with school-aged children.
This raises a fundamental point about intelligence testing: a
composite IQ score reflects a childs combined performance
across a variety of specific tasks. Insofar as the skill set assessed
by 1 intelligence test differs from that assessed by another, findings may differ. Moreover, the use of composite IQ scores has
been criticized by some leaders in neuropsychology because such
scores tend to obscure the significant skill variability observed
in neurologically impaired populations, and they fail to address
important domains of cognitive functioning, such as memory.96,104
Instead, these authors argue for a more domain-specific assessment of functioning. Table 4 summarizes the findings of studies
of specific cognitive skills in children with SDB. Whenever possible, specific subtest findings are provided, although a number of
articles included only composite scores.
As shown in Table 4, findings have been extremely mixed
with respect to tests of language functioning. Most studies have
reported nonsignificant differences between children with SDB
and controls on measures of basic vocabulary and other expressive language tasks. This does not appear to be a methodologic
artifact. Nonsignificant findings were evident in relatively largesample studies,6,42 those that compared clinical groups to community controls,8,23,35 and those that defined SDB by conventional
PSG cutoffs.6,12,23,35,42,50 There has been mixed support for deficits in comprehension of spoken instructions/commands, with 1
author reporting clear deficits among clinically referred children
with OSA,63 another reporting mixed results across similar instruments in a community sample of primary snorers,6 and a third
finding null results across 2 instruments in a smaller community

psychiatry and neurology may be familiar with other examples of

this issue. Clinical depression often presents with a loss of interest in previously pleasurable activities (anhedonia) and difficulty
concentrating, but it would be erroneous to assume that anhedonia
causes concentration difficulties or vice versa. Rather, both are
believed to be part of a larger syndrome that has a complex root
psychophysiologic cause.101 Similarly, childhood epilepsy can be
associated with interictal learning problems that are not caused by
seizures; rather, both learning problems and seizures are symptoms of an underlying neural aberration.102 Likewise, behaviorally
defined sleepiness and other neurobehavioral deficits may share a
common cause (e.g., sleep deprivation or disruption) rather than
explain each other. This would be consistent with data from Golan
and colleagues,103 who found that children with ADHD also had
elevated sleep propensity; in their sample, children with ADHD
who did not show evidence of a primary sleep disorder (SDB or
periodic limb movement disorder) had evidence of other sleep
problems, such as short sleep time and poor sleep efficiency.
Cognitive and Academic Functioning
Figure 3 illustrates the major findings comparing the intellectual ability of children with SDB to controls. Groups of school-aged
children with SDB often score lower than controls but commonly
perform near the population average of 100. In most cases, any
significant difference between SDB and control groups has been
due to the controls being of above average intellect. This may
reflect a recruitment bias. Families of children who are not receiving clinical care (ie, who do not have some potential investment
in participating) but who nevertheless volunteer to participate in
research may be atypical of the general population, resulting in
super-normal mean intelligence scores that can inflate group
Several recent studies have screened large community samples
and used identical recruitment techniques for children in the SDB
and control groups, thereby reducing the potential for bias. Of
SLEEP, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2006



Emotional Stability


Beebe et al, 2004



Typical Mood


Rosen et al, 2004









Effect Size (d)



Overall IQ


Neurobehavioral Morbidity in Childhood SDBBeebe

Table 4Domain-by-Domain Findings on Cognitive Tests for Children With Sleep-Disordered Breathing
First author, y
Rhodes, 199519
Ali, 199618
Owens, 200023

Verbal Skills Visual Perception and Construction

(+) WISC-III Vocab
(+) WRAML Verb Mem
(+/-) WRAML Vis Mem
(-) PPVT
(-) McCarthy Verbal
(-) WISC-III Vocab

Blunden, 200028

(+) WPPSI-R &

Lewin, 200235
(-) DAS Verbal Cluster
Kaemingk, 200342
Gottlieb, 200448

(-) Hooper
(-) McCarthy Visual
(-) WISC-III Block Des.
(-) VMI

(-) WRAML Verbal Lrn

(-) WRAML Story Mem.
(-) WRAML Pict. Mem.
(-) WRAML Des. Mem.

(+) WPPSI-R &

(-) DAS Visual Cluster
(+/-) WASI PIQ

(+) WRAML memory

screening index

OBrien, 200450

(-) DAS Verbal Comp.

(-) DAS Picture Sim.
(-) DAS Naming
(-) DAS Copying
(-) NEPSY Sp. Naming
(-) DAS Matching Letter(-) NEPSY Comp. of
Like Forms
(+) DAS Pattern Constr.
(+) NEPSY Phonological Proc. (-) NEPSY Design Copy
(-) NEPSY Arrows
OBrien, 20046
(+) DAS Verbal Com.
(-) DAS Picture Sim.
(+) DAS Naming
(-) DAS Copying
(-) NEPSY Sp. Naming
(-) DAS Matching Letter(-) NEPSY Comp. of Instructions
Like Forms
(+) NEPSY Phonological Proc. (+) DAS Pattern Constr.
(-) NEPSY Design Copy
(+) NEPSY Arrows
Friedman, 200354 (-) K-ABC Vocab.
(-) K-ABC Gestalt Closure
(-) K-ABC Triangles
(+) K-ABC Matrices

(+) NEPSY Memory domain
(-) NEPSY Memory for faces
(-) NEPSY Memory for Names
(-) NEPSY Narrative Memory

(-) CPT
(-) MFFT
(-) WISC-III Digit Span
(-) Verbal Fluency
(+/-) Cancellation Tests
(+) CPT
(+) DAS Processing Speed
(-) CPT
(+/-) WPPSI-R Animal Pegs
(+) NEPSY Attn/Exec domain
(-) DAS Recall of Digits
(-) NEPSY Sentence Rep.
(+) NEPSY Tower
(+) NEPSY Auditory CPT
(+) NEPSY Vis. Attention

(-) NEPSY Memory for faces

(-) NEPSY Memory for Names
(-) NEPSY Narrative Memory

(-) DAS Recall of Digits

(-) NEPSY Sentence Rep.
(-) NEPSY Tower
(-) NEPSY Auditory CPT
(+) NEPSY Vis Attention

(+) K-ABC word order

(-) K-ABC Spatial memory

(-) K-ABC Number Recall

(-) WASI Matrixes

(-) CMS Dot locations

(-) WISC-III Vocab.

(-) WISC-III Block Des.

(-) WRAML Verbal Learning



(-) CMS Word Pairs

(+) Rey Complex Figure Copy

(+) Luria verbal learning

(+) Rey Figure Delay

(+) CPT
(-) CMS numbers
(-) CMS sequences
(-) Ch. Category Test
(-) WISC-III D. Span
(-) Stroop
(-) WCST
(+/-) CPT
(+) NEPSY Vis. Attention
(+) NEPSY Verb. Fluency
(+) CPT
(+) CPT
(-) CMS numbers
(+) CPT
(+) TEA-Ch code transmisn.
(+/-) CPT
(+) K-ABC Riddles
(+) K-ABC Triangles

Archbold, 200455

Beebe, 20048

Attention and Executive Functioning

Avior, 200457
Huang, 200458
Blunden, 200527
Emancipator, 200670

(+) PPVT-R

Kurnatowski, 200663 (+) Token Test

(+) indicates deficits shown in children with sleep-disordered breathing; (-) indicates null group findings; (+/-) indicates mixed findings; WISC-III
refers to the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (3rd edition); VIQ, Verbal IQ, PIQ, Performance IQ; PPVT, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test;
WPPSI-R, Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence-Revised; WASI, Wechsler Abbreviated Scales of Intelligence; DAS, Differential Abilities Scale; VMI, Beery Test of Visual-Motor Integration; K-ABC, Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children; CMS, Childrens Memory
Scale; CPT, Continuous Performance Test; MFFT, Matching Familiar Figures Test; vis, visual; mem, memory; verb, verbal; Pict, pictorial; vocab,
SLEEP, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2006


Neurobehavioral Morbidity in Childhood SDBBeebe

data were statistically significant only when SDB was viewed on

a rough continuum, rather than in discrete severity groups.
On office-based tests, there is little evidence of deficits in
short-term working-memory functioning among children with
SDB, as evidenced in a consistent lack of findings on measures
that require immediate recall of strings of rote verbal or visual
material, even when clinical or large samples are used.6,8,23,27,42,5
The ability to sustain attention or vigilance over time and
to inhibit impulsive responding during continuous performance
tests116 has been reported to be deficient in children with SDB
by most authors,8,27,28,50,55,57,58 though not all. Positive results from
continuous performance tests do not appear to be the result of
inflationary bias, as several studies used community-recruited
samples or defined SDB on clinical symptoms alone. Similarly
diverse studies have found SDB-associated deficits on cancellation tests that require rapid visual scanning and screening for target figures.6,8,23,35,48,50 As shown in 4, few other office-based tasks
have been used across multiple studies, and findings have been
especially limited on tests that assess mental flexibility, planning,
abstract reasoning, and concept-formation.
The importance of considering both office-based test results
and more applied outcome data is also highlighted when
examining scholastic functioning. Multiple studies have found that
childhood SDB is associated with poor academic performance,
as indexed in school records21,32,44,45 or parent report.13,30,34,40,41,51,61
Indeed, PSG-defined SDB may be more strongly associated with
learning problems than with male sex, obesity, or parent-reported
sleepiness, and the presence of both parent-reported snoring
and learning problems is strongly predictive of abnormal PSG
results.39 However, both studies that used office-based academic
achievement testing found that children with SDB and controls
had almost identical scores in core academic skills.42,70 Because a
childs classroom functioning can not be distilled into an officebased test, it is likely that the lower academic grades obtained
by children with SDB are the result of a combination of factors,
perhaps related more to behavioral functioning than to knowledge.
Indeed, children with SDB may be particularly vulnerable to
the effects of behavioral disturbance on academic performance.
Urschitz et al44 reported that poor academic performance was
much more closely related to hyperactivity, concentration deficits,
and daytime sleepiness among habitual snorers than among
nonsnorers. Although such poor academic performance may
not be immediately related to core academic skill deficits, over
time it may impede skill development, especially in vulnerable

sample with PSG-defined OSA.50 Finally, 2 studies have associated SDB with deficits in early phonologic skills, which are considered precursors to reading development.6,50 The latter 2 samples
were carefully culled from a larger community recruitment and
used rigorous methods but came from the same research group
and consequently warrant independent replication.
There is no consistent evidence of a marked deficit in visual
perception, even in studies that might have been biased toward
finding results due to their use of clinical samples.8,23,35,54 There
has been some suggestion of a constructional deficit, particularly
on tests that require the child to build or construct geometric designs with colored tiles or blocks,6,28,50 but several authors have
not replicated this deficit.8,23,27 The ability to copy line drawings
has generally not been found to be deficient in children with
SDB.6,23,35,50 However, 1 group suggested that copying a highly
complex figure, which requires higher level organization and
planning skills,105 may be vulnerable.63
As shown in Table 4, 6 studies have failed to find evidence
of problems with new learning or memory among children with
SDB, as compared to 4 studies that found such evidence and 1 that
yielded mixed results. None of the biasing factors discussed earlier varied systematically with whether significant memory effects
were found. Although similarly mixed results have been reported
in the adult OSA literature,106 the lack of consistency across studies in the memory domain is somewhat surprising because both of
the proposed mechanisms by which SDB might impact neurobehavioral functioningsleep disruption and intermittent hypoxia
(see below)would be expected to differentially affect memory systems.107-109 It may be that some aspects of memory (e.g.,
memory acquisition with repetition42) are especially vulnerable.
Sleep-deprivation studies have found that overnight consolidation
of information, particularly memory for procedures, is most affected.107,108 This is impossible to test in children who are seen for
assessment in a single-day session, and procedural memory (as
opposed to declarative memory, which can be formally stated)
is rarely tested in children, even in experimental protocols.104
Attention and executive functioning, which have been proposed
by several authors to be vulnerable to OSA,106,110-112 are comprised
of a heterogeneous set of skills that are believed to be important in
higher-level, goal-directed adaptive functioning.97,105,113-115 Because
the conceptual boundary between primary attention processes and
higher-level executive functioning is fuzzy, they are considered
together here. Perhaps more than in any other neurobehavioral
domain, how attention and executive functioning are assessed
warrants careful consideration. Office-based assessments are objective, highly standardized, norm-referenced, and able to parse
out relatively fine-grained distinctions between cognitive skills,
all of which are advantages over third-party report methods (e.g.,
parent-report questionnaires). However, the rigidly standardized
procedures and office-based setting likely limit the aspects of
functioning that can be assessed, particularly in the domains of attention and executive functioning.97,104 In these cases, third-party
report or direct observation in a childs natural environment may
provide important information that complements office-based
findings.97,104 Difficulties regulating behaviors, emotions, and attention in the natural setting have been detailed above. Beebe et
al8 also found that parents of children with SDB reported problems flexibly adapting to changing demands, poor work initiation
and self-monitoring, and diminished planning and organization.
Teachers reported similar difficulties, although in most cases the
SLEEP, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2006

Summary of Findings and Implications for Causality

Research to date on childrens behavioral and emotional
functioning in the natural setting provides strong evidence that
SDB is associated with problems with attention and behavior
regulation. The most consistent finding has been an association
with impulsivity/hyperactivity and other externalizing behaviors
such as aggression, but there is also evidence for attention
problems of similar magnitude, falling in the moderate range on
conventional criteria. Moderate to large effect sizes also are evident
on measures of emotional stability, even though the association
between SDB and a childs typical mood appears limited. Daytime
sleepiness is not as obvious in childhood SDB as in adult SDB,
and sleepiness may not explain other neurobehavioral deficits.

Neurobehavioral Morbidity in Childhood SDBBeebe

tant implications for mechanistic models of SDB-related morbidity. In the meantime, findings suggest that SDB is associated with
adverse neurobehavioral outcomes in several domains, which is
necessary but not sufficient to infer causality. Furthermore, such
correlational associations say little about the potential direction
of causality. Support for inferences about a causal direction must
come from other sources, including evidence of plausible biologic mechanisms of effect.

However, daytime sleepiness is often present to some degree and

represents an important outcome for clinical care and research
Office-based cognitive testing suggests that most children with
SDB function within the average range of overall intellectual
ability. However, there is increasing evidence of reduced
performance on intelligence tests among individuals with SDB,
particularly during the preschool years. This may represent a
unique developmental vulnerability or the fact that somewhat
differing subtests comprise intelligence tests at different ages.
There is little evidence for expressive language problems in
children with SDB, although there is some evidence of problems
following oral instructions and difficulties with early phonologic
processing skills. Although there is some evidence of problems
reproducing complex drawings, data generally do not support
a link between SDB and visual perception or construction.
Memory-test findings have been surprisingly mixed, though it
may be that some memory processes are more vulnerable than
others. There is evidence of an association between SDB and
poor performance on continuous performance tests that rely upon
sustained attention and inhibition, as well as on cancellation tests
that require speed, visual scanning, and selective attention. In
contrast, there is little evidence of a primary short-term working
memory deficit, and inconsistency across measures of higherlevel reasoning skills precludes summary statements on those
skills at this time. Although the results of office-based testing
are important, one should be mindful that these may not predict
real-life performance. For example, poor academic performance
is associated with childhood SDB, but this may be less related to
core knowledge than to the interference of behavioral symptoms
in the classroom.
These findings bear on 3 of the conventional guidelines for
inferring causality: strength of association, consistency of findings,
and specificity of effect. 77-80 Causal inferences are reinforced by
strong associations that are replicable across multiple studies using
different populations, methods, and measures. Strong consistent
associations minimize the chances that unappreciated confounding
factors can account for the observed relationships. SDB has such
associations with behavioral and emotional dysregulation, poor
academic performance, and poor performance on attention tests.
Impressively, these associations have been remarkably robust
across studies from diverse national and cultural groups. Beyond
statistical effect size and consistency, when research indicates that
a purported cause is associated with one plausible set of outcomes
and not another, this specificity of effect further argues against
confounding factors (e.g., reporting bias) that might otherwise
affect a wide range of unrelated outcomes. Because it is consistent
with the theoretically posited impact of SDB on prefrontal
functioning,110 the fact that questionnaires indicate much greater
evidence of SDB-associated emotional dysregulation than adverse
typical mood fits the specificity guideline.
Nevertheless, there is considerable room for further research.
Given that much of a childs day is spent outside of the home,
there is a need to replicate behavioral findings using sources other
than the parent, such as objective measures in naturalistic settings
(e.g., standardized observations92). Moreover, developing a better
understanding of how SDB might be related to academic functioning could lead to more-effective preventative and remedial efforts. Finally, more-sophisticated investigations into the memory
and executive functioning of children with SDB will have imporSLEEP, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2006

According to the biologic plausibility guideline, causal inference is bolstered when it makes sense for an agent to cause
an outcome based upon what is known about human physiology.
Two major features of OSA act as starting points for the mechanistic pathways that have been most often proposed to explain the
associations between SDB and neurobehavioral deficits: intermittent hypoxia and sleep disruption.12,110,117,118 Anoxia or chronic
hypoxia is known to have adverse cerebrovascular outcomes, and
some have suggested that this may underlie the neurobehavioral
deficits observed in adults with OSA.119 However, it is appears
unlikely that such a cause, which presumably is applicable most
to adults with severe or long-standing disease, would come into
play for the large majority of children with SDB who show only
brief and relatively mild hypoxic episodes. Cerebrovascular effects aside, Drs. David Gozal and Barry Row have developed an
animal model that more directly links intermittent hypoxia to a
cascade of events that include increased oxidative stress, inflammatory processes, and structural and neurochemical changes in
the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex that ultimately lead to
functional deficits.109,120-125 Although it is an open question how
well these findings translate to humans, it is noteworthy that
adults and children with OSA have been found to have elevated
inflammatory markers, as well as precursors of such inflammation.126-128 In addition, a recent review found that children with a
wide variety of conditions involving hypoxia present with significant neurobehavioral deficits.129
Even so, intermittent hypoxia is probably not the sole starting
point for neurobehavioral deficits in childhood SDB. The severity of hypoxic events generated in animal models is considerably
greater than that typically seen in children with SDB, and, indeed,
neurobehavioral deficits have been documented in children with
negligible degrees of hypoxia.6,7,44,45,56 As reviewed by Blunden
and Beebe,117 SDB-related sleep disruption may be sufficient to
result in neurobehavioral deficits in these children. These authors
noted that deficits have been observed in children with nonSDBrelated sleep disruption130-134 and that experimental sleep restriction in healthy children can induce some of these deficits.133,135,136
Moreover, when combined with SDB, the chronic sleep restriction or fragmentation that can result from other dyssomnias may
have an additive or synergistic effect on neurobehavioral functioning.27,31 Interestingly, sleep deprivation and intermittent hypoxia may have parallel or shared mechanistic pathways. Experimental sleep deprivation results in elevated peripheral markers
for inflammation in otherwise healthy humans.137, 138 In rodents,
sleep deprivation results in oxidative stress,139,140 inflammatory
processes,141 inhibition of hippocampal long-term potentiation
and neurogenesis,142,143 and dysfunction of neural systems that are
involved in learning, motivation, goal direction, reward, and attentional capacity.142-144 Despite these leads, however, research lit1127

Neurobehavioral Morbidity in Childhood SDBBeebe

normalities that have been observed after intermittent hypoxia or

sleep deprivation in rodents have been subtle and best appreciated by direct inspection of brain parenchyma.109,120-125,142,143 From
a neurodevelopmental perspective, significant long-term deficits
can occur even without morbid tissue loss. The human brain undergoes considerable maturation during childhood, with anterior
regions coming to maturation in the second or third decades of
life.155,156 This maturation reflects an ongoing interaction between
genetic programming and the physiologic environment at the
cellular level (e.g., neuroelectrical/chemical stimulation, neurotrophic, and cerebral metabolic factors).102 Intermittent hypoxia
and sleep disruption may cause aberrations in that cellular environment directly (e.g., through alterations in neurotransmitter
concentrations120) or indirectly via the childs interactions with
the outside world (e.g., missed learning opportunities, negative
reactions to a childs disruptive behaviors157). As adverse conditions persist, the fundamental organization of neural tissue may
develop quite differently from that which might have occurred
under more favorable conditions, setting the stage for long-term
functional deficits.158 Given this, and the fact that numerous cognitive skills are developing rapidly during childhood, it is not
surprising that some authors have asserted that children may be
particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of SDB.12,110,118,159
Indeed, there is evidence that intermittent hypoxia results in the
greatest neuronal and neurochemical abberrations in rats of an
age roughly analogous to human childhood120,125 and that, in other
animals, sleep deprivation can derail neural and skill progression
at critical points in early development.160,161

erature has been mixed on the presence and significance of sleep

disruption in children with SDB, possibly due to the misapplication of adult criteria to children.117
Correlations between neurobehavioral functioning and conventional PSG indexes have provided little insight. More often than
not, statistically significant findings are nested within a large
matrix of nonsignificant findings. For example, Kaemingk et al42
presented a matrix of 165 correlations, only 19 of which were
significant at the p < .05 level. Similarly, Beebe et al8 reported that
only 9 of nearly 750 correlations were significant at the p<.005
level. This would not be a major concern if multiple studies had
reported similar findings. However, different authors have implicated hypoxia,29,70 nocturnal movements,31 arousals,50 rapid eye
movement latency and percentage,6,49 percentage of slow-wave
sleep,8 percentage of stage 1 sleep,42 and number of obstructive
events per hour35,40,70 or counted in total19 in the daytime effects
of childhood SDB. None of these indexes has received support in
even half of the relevant studies.
There also has been little evidence for a threshold effect on
any PSG-based index, with the best evidence to date suggesting that any such threshold might be best detected using clinical
symptoms (e.g., snoring) rather than PSG. In some cases, children with relatively mild pathology on PSG have been reported to
have worse neurobehavioral deficits than severe cases and healthy
controls alike.8,35,49 Several recent studies have indicated that parent-reported chronic snoring in children is associated with poor
neurobehavioral outcome regardless of the presence of PSG-defined OSA.6-8,56 These studies have been derived both from clinical samples (which may introduce bias but ensure the presence of
relatively severe cases)8,56 and community samples (which minimize bias and increase generalizability).6,7
The neural regions that have been proposed to be most susceptible to SDB vary, with major candidates including the prefrontal cortex,110 subcortical gray matter,119 hippocampus,145 and
white matter more broadly.119 It is important to keep in mind that
these tissues are richly interconnected, and pathology at multiple
points in a system may lead to functional deficits. Also, it remains
possible that selective aspects of SDB may differentially impact
different structures or systems (e.g,. sleep disruption more heavily
affecting prefrontal cortex, intermittent hypoxia more heavily affecting the hippocampus), but this has not yet been demonstrated
in humans with SDB.
Whether the neurobehavioral deficits observed in childhood
SDB are associated with pathology that can be observed on neuroimaging remains to be seen, as no relevant studies had been
published as of early 2006. Structural magnetic resonance imaging studies of adults with OSA have yielded inconsistent and
sometimes null findings,146-149 but magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies have pointed toward abnormalities in the hippocampus
and frontal white matter but not the prefrontal cortex or parietal
white matter.150-153 Functional magnetic resonance imaging of activation patterns during a working memory task has further indicated poor activation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in adults
with OSA.154 Many of these techniques can be applied to children,
and it will be intriguing to observe the findings of similar studies
that are in the works at several pediatric centers.
As we await these findings, it is important to note that the functional deficits observed in children with SDB may result from
subtle neuropathology and neurochemical abnormalities that are
not readily observed on conventional structural imaging. The abSLEEP, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2006

Summary of Findings and Implications for Causality

Whether we have evidence of biologic plausibility appears to
be in the eye of the beholder. Several mechanisms have been proposed by which SDB might result in neurobehavioral morbidity.
However, none has yet proven to be necessary and sufficient for
generating neurobehavioral deficits in children with SDB. In future work, it will be important to focus on translation of animal
models to human children, focusing on noninvasive markers for
processes that have been causally explicated in other species. Following up on animal findings (e.g., see reference 162), identification of vulnerable subgroups of humans promises to allow for
more targeted screening and intervention efforts.12 Explication of
possible developmental vulnerability is of particular interest to
those who work with pediatric samples.
Findings have also been mixed with respect to the biologic
gradient or dose-response guideline. This guideline suggests that
causal inferences are best supported by an incremental relationship between degrees of exposure to the purported causal agent
and its outcome (e.g., smoking frequency and lung cancer risk).
Children who snore are at increased risk for adverse neurobehavioral outcomes as compared with those who do not snore, but linear and ordinal associations between PSG-based indexes of SDB
severity and neurobehavioral functioning have been inconsistent
and small. It may be that there is a nonlinear threshold effect to
which conventional PSG indexes are insensitive; authors disagree
on whether the dose-response guideline applies to nonlinear relationships.73,75 Alternatively, in line with research on other public
health concerns (e.g., smoking, childhood lead exposure), more
robust associations may result from other definitions of exposure
(e.g., duration of SDB, severity during a sensitive developmental

Neurobehavioral Morbidity in Childhood SDBBeebe

period). Examination of such possibilities will require carefully

designed prospective studies that are based upon theoretic models
of effect. Such prospective studies might also provide evidence
of the temporal relationship between SDB and neurobehavioral

Recove ry ?



Although not sufficient in isolation to infer causality, documentation that a proposed cause was present prior to its purported consequence rules out a reversed causal sequence. The few studies
on the natural history of SDB and its relationship to neurobehavioral functioning over time have yielded data that are consistent
with this temporal sequence guideline. The first involved a 2-year
follow up on an epidemiologic sample of children from Oxford,
England, who were initially seen at 4 to 5 years of age.2,16,17 Although the rate of snoring stayed constant in the group as a whole,
only about half of the children who initially snored were reported
to do so at follow-up. Compared with those who snored at neither
time point, those who snored at either point had twice the rate
of reported hyperactivity at follow-up. Those who snored at both
points had more than triple the rate of reported hyperactivity at
follow-up. These data suggest that early snoring, even when it
resolves, increases long-term risk for daytime behavioral disturbance, and persistent snoring further increases that risk. Similar
findings were reported in a 1-year follow-up of a group of primary-school children from Hannover, Germany,44 though there was
evidence of spontaneous improvement in behavioral disturbances among children whose snoring resolved over time. Recently,
Chervin et al38 reported that, in a general pediatric sample from
Michigan, snoring at age 2 to 13 years was predictive of emergent
or exacerbated parent-reported hyperactivity 4 years later, after
controlling for baseline hyperactivity and for snoring at the follow-up. The longest-term follow-up data on children with SDB
was collected via retrospective parent report. Gozal and Pope32
surveyed the parents of high-performing and low-performing
students aged 13 to 14. After excluding students reported to currently snore from analyses, low-performing students were disproportionately reported to have snored at ages 2 to 6 years and to
have undergone adenotonsillectomy for snoring, whereas equal
numbers across groups had undergone adenotonsillectomy for recurrent infections.
Further evidence of temporality comes from SDB treatment trials. Adenotonsillectomy is often effective in treating OSA, and
short-term neurobehavioral gains have been reported in nonrandomized trials. Uncontrolled trials have reported posttreatment
improvements in reported child behavior25,57,67,69 and overall IQ
and sustained attention on office-based tests.52,57 However, without
a control group, parent expectancy and practice/exposure effects
complicate interpretation of these findings. A few studies have
also tracked non-SDB control groups over time, observing significantly greater gains in the treated-SDB group in parent-reported
inattention, hyperactivity, and aggression,15,18,59 though again it
is not known how much parents might expect behavioral gains
following adenotonsillectomy. More impressively, office-based
testing has suggested greater gains in working memory, sustained
attention, and visual scanning/attention18,54 but not overall IQ65 in
children treated with adenotonsillectomy than in control groups.
In the longest posttreatment follow-up available, Gozal21 reported
SLEEP, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2006



lt h



SDB treatment

Figure 4Hypothetical Posttreatment Developmental Trajectories.
In the diagram, sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) is assumed to cause
a period of stagnation in the acquisition of a skill, such as impulse
control. Following treatment, there are several possible outcomes, including a steep recovery until the child catches up with his or her
peers; resumption of development at a normal pace, which results in
a delay in development; or resumption of development at a somewhat
diminished pace, resulting in a long-term skill decit.

longitudinal data on a group of poorly performing first-grade students. He found that those who underwent adenotonsillectomy
for SDB went on to improve their grades the following school
year, whereas untreated children with or without SDB showed
little change in their grades over time.
No published study has yet examined long-term outcome after treatment for SDB, nor have even short-term neurobehavioral
data been published from a truly randomized clinical intervention
trial. Both are needed to better inform clinical care. In the meantime, current findings invite speculation regarding the possible
trajectory of neurobehavioral development following SDB treatment. As schematically illustrated in Figure 4, full recovery of a
skill due to a period of rapid catch-up development might be
optimistically predicted based upon treatment outcome findings,
but to date these studies have been short term in nature. Longer-term naturalistic studies suggest that SDB symptoms remit
spontaneously in many children. However, snoring during childhood, even if it remits, appears to be a risk factor for neurobehavioral deficits 4 years later and for academic deficits a decade
later. These findings suggest a risk for trajectories that result in
long-term delay or deficit. If indeed SDB causes neurobehavioral
deficits, determination of the modal recovery trajectories for key
neurobehavioral deficits will be important for intervention planning and prioritization of early detection and treatment efforts.
The current research literature allows for several reasonable
conclusions. First, there is strong evidence, even in studies that
used research designs that would minimize bias or tend to suppress effects, that childhood SDB is associated with deficits in
behavior regulation, perhaps paralleled by deficits in emotion
regulation as well. There also is strong evidence for inverse associations between SDB and sustained attention, selective attention, and alertness. Because the office-based testing setting may
be ill-suited to detect such effects, it is essential to consider outcome measures that reflect the childs functioning in their natural
setting. Indeed, applied outcomes such as academic grades have
shown some of the most robust associations with childhood SDB.
In contrast, there is good evidence, even in studies that used research designs that maximize statistical power or tend to inflate

Neurobehavioral Morbidity in Childhood SDBBeebe

thanks Sarah Blunden, PhD, two anonymous reviewers, and the

Cincinnati Childrens Neuropsychology Group for feedback on
an earlier draft of this paper.

effects, that SDB has a small to negligible effect on childrens

typical mood, expressive language skills, visual perception, and
working memory skills. Finally, there are several domains of
neurobehavioral functioning in which findings have been mixed
or otherwise insufficient to draw firm conclusions. Recent welldesigned studies suggest the presence of a subtle effect of SDB
on overall intellectual functioning, particularly in young children.
However, in most cases, the overall IQ of children with SDB has
clustered around the population average. Until the inconsistency
in findings across studies is better understood, conclusions regarding intellectual outcome should be made with caution. Similarly, there is theoretical reason to suspect deficits in memory and
some higher-level aspects of executive functioning (e.g., problem
solving) in children with SDB, but the clinical research data are
simply inadequate to draw firm conclusions at this time.
Several mechanisms by which SDB might result in neurobehavioral morbidity are being actively explored. Ironically, despite
the application of sophisticated methods to the problem, oldfashioned clinical symptoms of SDB such as chronic snoring
remain the best predictors of neurobehavioral deficits. The longterm neurobehavioral outcome of children treated for SDB is not
known, though short-term treatment outcome studies are encouraging. It does appear that failing to treat SDB leaves children at
risk for long-term neurobehavioral deficits. For clinicians, these
findings should build confidence in the now-familiar call for early
screening for SDB in primary care settings. Straightforward questions about sleep (e.g., Owens BEARS approach) have proven
well-suited for this purpose.163 Similarly, simple questions about a
childs daytime behaviors can yield important information about
whether he or she is progressing academically or is experiencing problems regulating his or her behaviors, emotions, attention,
or arousal. The convergent presence of symptoms of SDB and
neurobehavioral deficits should be a red flag that a referral for
specialist follow-up is needed.
This paper considered several commonly applied guidelines
for causal inference. It appeared that guidelines related to strength
of association, consistency of findings, and specificity of effect
were well supported by the extant research. In contrast, there has
been little support for a dose-response relationship between SDB
and neurobehavioral functioning, though it is not clear whether
this might be related to a threshold effect, insensitive measures, or
examination of the wrong dose variables. There is evidence that
SDB fits the expected temporal pattern and is biologically plausible as a cause of neurobehavioral deficits, but different readers
may draw different conclusions about whether these guidelines
have been satisfied. Indeed, because of the inherently subjective
nature of causal inference,72,77,78 it is expected that some readers
may remain skeptical about whether SDB causes daytime deficits.
In making the dialogue more explicit, it is hoped that this paper
will facilitate debate on whether, and how, SDB might contribute
to neurobehavioral deficits in children. Given the relatively high
base rate of SDB in the general population, the answers may have
major public health implications.







Preparation of this article was supported in part by grant #K23
HL075369 from the National Institutes of Health. The author
SLEEP, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2006



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