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Published and Distributed by


One Genium Plaza
Schenectady, NY 12304-4690 USA
(518) 377-8854

John V. Conforti

Robert A. Roy

Copyright 1993
by Genium Publishing Corporation
All Rights Reserved
ISBN 0-931690-59-5
Printed in the United States of America

NOTICE: Every effort has been made t o

ensure the accuracy and completeness o f
the information in this publication. However, Genium Publishing Corporation and
the editor assume no liability for any l o s s
or damage resulting from inaccuracy or i n completeness.

The Lockout Tagout Pocket Guide is

available with your organization's n a m e
imprinted on the cover.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction .....................................
Review of the Law ............................
Training ..........................................
Periodic Inspection ............................


II. Hazardous Energy Sources................... 9

A. Electrical Energy ......................... 9
B. Mechanical Energy ...................... 10
C. Thermal Energy .......................... 11
D. Potential Energy ......................... 13
III. Energy Control Program..................... 17
A Lockout Versus Tagout ................ 17
B. Performance Requirements ............ 19
C. Major Messages on Tagout Devices23
D. Review...................................... 24
E. Lockout/Tagout Safety Tips.......... 24
IV. Energy Control Procedures
and Application Materials ...................
A. Purpose .....................................
B. Shutdown/Isolation......................
C. Application of Lockout/Tagout ......
D. Release of Stored Energy ..............
Securing/Isolating Energy Sources..
E. Examples of Isolating/Blocking .....
F. Release from Lockout/Tagout ........
Sample Lockout Procedure............


V. Energy Control Situations Not Requiring

Documented Procedures ......................
A. Testing/Positioning During Lockout
B. Outside Contractors .....................
C. Shift Change ..............................
D. Group Lockout ...........................


VI. Training ..........................................

A. Training Requirements .................
B. Training Requirements when Using
Tagout Procedures .......................
C. Periodic Inspection (Accountability)


VII. Summary......................................... 55
VIII. Glossary .......................................... 57

Genium Publishing

I. Introduction

Slick the Pick Wilson is what my friends call me.
Theres not a lock I cant pick from Juniors school
locker to the doors at the bank I've done em all.
Now, dont get me wrong, its all done on the square.
I'm a master locksmith just like my father and his
father before him. Ive got my college degree, and my
business now has 15 employees. My customers, who
call me Mr. Wilson, or just Freddy, range from
private individuals to major corporations. You see, I
not only reunite forgetful motorists with their car
keys, I help design systems that are used to secure or
isolate energy sources on process equipment. Lets
say you have a broken machine to fix in your plant.
You turn off the power to it and you fix it. Right?
But what happens if youve got your fingers in the
thing and somebody turns it back on. Ouch! Thats
why its smart to tag out critical electrical switches
with a sign that says to leave the switch OFF. To be
even more safe, you can put a lock on the switch.
Thats called a lock out.
And thats why youre reading this now. Your
employer wants you to be aware of the
requirements for locking-out or tagging-out
(controlling) energy sources during servicing and/or
maintaining of machines and equipment. What
requirements? Why the requirements that are spelled
out in the Occupational Safety and Health Standard
1910.147, entitled The Control of Hazardous Energy
(lockout/tagout). And who better to walk and talk
you through it than me, Slick the Pick Wilson?
Well look at the Standard and see how its designed
to help keep you safe from the potential hazards posed
by machines and equipment.
Well discuss the various types of energy sources and
how to keep them from harming you. And, we'll look
at a typical energy-control program, including lockout
vs. tagout along with lockout/tagout equipment. And
we'll discuss the requirements for training and
retraining to keep you sharp and safe.
Well see how to apply the program both to
lockout/tagout procedures and finally, to procedures
for restoring power.
Genium Publishing

II. Hazardous Energy Sources


The unexpected activation of machinery or process
equipment during maintenance operations can have
tragic results. Thats why the first point made under
the lockout/tagout program is to make sure you, the
employee, are aware of the type(s) of energy sources
and the hazards associated with those energy sources
that need to be controlled.
How many kinds of energy sources are there? you
ask? Lets count em.
This is usually the first one everybody thinks of.
Actually there are two types, generated and static.
Generated Electric Power
Found at the main source of electricity to the machine
or equipment, generated electrical power could also be
found in various circuitry within the machine or
equipment. Think of electric power as the flow of
electrons in a conductor because, well, thats what
it is.
And dont forget generated energy thats been stored,
like in batteries or capacitors. I could show you a
nasty scar on my wrist I got off a car battery.
Happened when I was a kid. Grounded the metal band
of my watch on it. But, I'm older and wiser now. If
you want to get older and wiser too, I suggest you
read on.
Static Electricity, on the other hand, remains fixed
on the surface of an object. Static electricity can be
found in electrostatic precipitators that are commonly
used for dust collection by heavy industry to control
air pollution. Hey, Slick you ask, Is static
electricity that dangerous? Well, lightning is actually
the discharge of static electricity. And anything that
can discharge that kind of juice demands respect, in
my opinion.
Anyway, whether its static or flowing, if you dont
want to get French fried, you better be aware of your
employers Energy Control Program and follow it.
Genium Publishing

Lockout/Tagout Pocket Guide


The Energy Control Program consists of the energy
control procedures, employee training on those
procedures, and periodic inspections relating to the
Sounds like this law is a procedure thing, doesnt it?
Well, youre right! And the Energy Control Program
is the sum of all of these procedures. And one of the
most important elements of the program to consider
is whether to use locks or tags to control hazardous
Youd hardly believe there could be an argument here,
could you? As a general rule, lockout is the preferred
method over tagout for the following reasons:
Locks are hard to bypass. It would require a
major effort and a pair of hefty bolt cutters to
compromise a lock. Tags can be pretty easily
Tags only warn. They only serve as a
warning and are not to be considered a safety
device whereas locks are.
Tags may be easily lost or damaged. Tags
can be damaged by environmental or physical
hazards like chemicals or abrasives.
Locks speak everyones language. You're
assuming everyone can read. Of course you can,
or you'd be using this book just to swat flies.
Ah, but you are reading English. Lets say you
went to China to work on some made-in-theUSA machine, and you brought your big red and
white Please-dont-turn-this-on-or-you willelectrocute-me warning tag. To your Chinese
co-worker standing next to you, it probably
wouldnt mean much, would it? Just like his
warning tag in Chinese wouldnt mean much to
Now I know youre thinking - Tag-schmag who
needs them? Although the Standard agrees that
lockout is the preferred method when the energy
isolation device is capable of being locked out, it
recognizes that there are situations where tagout
systems are an acceptable choice. For example, when:

Genium Publishing

Lockout/Tagout Pocket Guide


The written Energy Control Procedures are kind of
like the game plan for lockout/tagout. And just like
in sports, everyones playbook is a little different.
Your employer is responsible for issuing clear,
specific instructions outlining the scope, purpose,
authorization, rules, and techniques to be used for the
control of hazardous energy sources at your place of
While certain procedures will vary because of the wide
diversity of machines and processes found in industry
today, there are certain basic rules and requirements
that will be the same for everyone. Lets take a look.
This is what I call the mission statement. It can be
as brief or as long as your employer wants it
whatever it takes to convey the message that there are
important procedures covering the lockout of energy
isolation devices wherever maintenance or servicing is
done on machines or equipment. It also has to be
clear that compliance by everyone is a must and
violation of any part of the procedures or program is
neither permissible nor acceptable. If you are the
person responsible for doing the actual servicing or
maintaining, you want to be sure that your fellow
employees will be just as anxious and willing as you
are to comply with all procedures.
This is the orderly procedure for preparing the
machine or equipment for the application of the
lockout and/or tagout devices. While the specifics
may change, based on your particular situation, here
are some basics:
Notification First, notify all affected
personnel that servicing and maintenance on
equipment and shutdown in preparation for
lockout/tagout is about to occur. You cant just
go over and pull the switch on a piece of
equipment or process when it affects the actions

Genium Publishing

Lockout/Tagout Pocket Guide

And thats the procedure Gee Whiz manufacturing
Company uses to control and lockout the energy
source for the old Spin Deluxe 2200 Mixer. Pretty
straightforward wasnt it?
But, you say, The shift I work on is even simpler
all I gotta do is pull a plug. Well, now, youd think
that anyone would be able to figure out that method
of energy control. I know what you mean. But, you
still have to have a written Energy Control Program,
no matter what. A documented procedure like the one
at Gee Whiz Manufacturing Company may not be
needed. But, and this is a big but, all the following
eight conditions must be met by the employer before
any employees drop documenting a procedure for a
given machine or piece of equipment:
1) No stored (potential) or residual energy The
machines or equipment must not have any
hidden energy sources that are going to come
up and bite you. You remember things like
springs, capacitors, etc.
2) Single energy source Like that plug you
mentioned, youve got to have a single, readily
identifiable, easy-to-isolate, energy source.
3) Complete isolation That simple energy
source, once locked up (like with one of the
plug-type locks you saw earlier), must
completely deenergize and deactivate the
machine or equipment.
4) Isolated lockout The machine or equipment
must still be isolated and locked out during
service or maintenance. Remember, just because
its simple, doesnt make it any less dangerous.
5) Single lockout device If you only have a
simple, single source of energy, then you
should only need one lock, right?
6) Control The lockout device must be in the
control of the authorized employee doing the
repair or service.

Genium Publishing

VI. Training

Now I know I dont have to tell you again about how
important it is to have a comprehensive, effective
Energy Control Program and Energy Control
Procedures that are a part of that program. But, youll
remember that theres another equally important part
of the Energy Control Program, training. And the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), which is responsible for enforcing the
Standard, says, and I quote, OSHA considers these
training requirements to be of critical importance in
helping to ensure that the applicable provisions of the
hazardous energy control procedures are known,
understood, and strictly adhered to by employees.
Need I say more? I dont think so.
But who gets trained on what? Well, its broken down
into three employee groups. They are, in descending
order of required knowledge:
Authorized Employee If you are an
authorized employee, youre the person who
will physically be performing the
lockout/tagout and servicing of the machine or
equipment. So you better know it all.
Affected Employee If you fall under this
category, you may be the person who operates
the machine or equipment on which servicing or
maintenance is being performed. Or perhaps
your job requires you to be in the area in which
servicing or maintenance is being performed.
Other Employee I know it doesnt sound
like much of a title, but it simply means you
work in an area of the plant other than where
maintenance or service is being performed on
the deenergized machine or equipment.
A. Training Requirements
Lets take a look at the what, when, and why (I like
to call them the three Ws ) of training for each
Authorized Employee
What ? Complete knowledge of Energy Control
Procedures including, but not limited to:
Hazardous energy recognition
Genium Publishing


VII. Summary

Well, folks, thats about all old Slick has got to tell
you about lockout/tagout. Dare I repeat myself and
say that a lock or tag by itself just isnt goin to do
you any good. Its the proper isolation of the
equipment from the energy source, following
established procedures and training that will keep you
going strong and long.
Anyway, let me leave you with the final ten of
Slicks Picks. Keep em with you; it might help jog
your memory:






Never attempt lockout/tagout procedures

unless you have been trained and certified by
your employer under an approved Energy
Control Program.
Be sure to identify all potentially hazardous
energy sources such as mechanical, potential
(stored), chemical, and thermal as well as
Never just pull a fuse or use a selector
switch (on/off switch) as a means of energy
Always be sure all lockout/tagout devices are
compatible with the environment in which
they will be used i.e., corrosive, humid, etc.
Always test the equipment or machines after
lockout/tagout to ensure all potentially
hazardous energy sources are isolated prior to
maintenance or repair.
When working with others, never rely on
someone elses lockout/tagout devices for
your safety. If you dont have a dedicated
lockout/tagout device, have your employer
provide one.
Never loan or share your lock, combination,
or key with anyone else.
Never attempt to remove lockout/tagout
devices placed by others.
If lockout/tagout procedures remain in effect
between work shifts, never remove your
lockout/tagout devices until your relief has
installed his/her own lockout/tagout device.
Always be sure the work area is free from
nonessential items and that all personnel are
safely positioned prior to removing
lockout/tagout devices and restoring energy.
Genium Publishing


VIII. Glossary

Affected Employee An employee whose job
requires him/her to operate or use a machine or
equipment on which servicing or maintenance is
being performed under lockout or tagout, or whose
job requires him/her to work in an area in which such
servicing or maintenance is being performed.
Authorized Employee A person who locks out or
tags out machines or equipment in order to perform
servicing or maintenance on those machines or
equipment. An affected employee becomes an
authorized employee when that employees duties
include performing servicing or maintenance covered
under this section.
Capable of being locked out An energy-isolating
device is capable of being locked out if it has a hasp
or other means of attachment to which, or through
which, a lock can be affixed, or it has a locking
mechanism built into it. Other energy-isolating
devices are capable of being locked out if lockout can
be achieved without the need to dismantle, rebuild, or
replace the energy-isolating device or permanently
alter its energy-control capability.
Cutout Box An enclosure designed for surface
mounting and having swinging doors or covers
secured directly to and telescoping with the walls
of the box proper.
Energized Connected to an energy source or
containing residual or stored energy.
Energy Control Procedure Written instructions
adopted by the employer that describe how equipment
and procedures are to be shut down for lockout/tagout
and later released from lockout/tagout for safe startup.
Energy Control Program A safety program adopted
by the employer that includes energy control procedures plus provisions for inspecting the procedures
and training employees for lockout/tagout.
Energy Isolating Device A mechanical device that
physically prevents the transmission or release of
energy, including but not limited to the
following: a manually operated electrical circuit
Genium Publishing


Table of Contents

I. Introduction .....................................
Review of the Law ............................
Training ..........................................
Periodic Inspection ............................


II. Hazardous Energy Sources................... 9

A. Electrical Energy ......................... 9
B. Mechanical Energy ...................... 10
C. Thermal Energy .......................... 11
D. Potential Energy ......................... 13
III. Energy Control Program..................... 17
A Lockout Versus Tagout ................ 17
B. Performance Requirements ............ 19
C. Major Messages on Tagout Devices23
D. Review...................................... 24
E. Lockout/Tagout Safety Tips.......... 24
IV. Energy Control Procedures
and Application Materials ...................
A. Purpose .....................................
B. Shutdown/Isolation......................
C. Application of Lockout/Tagout ......
D. Release of Stored Energy ..............
Securing/Isolating Energy Sources..
E. Examples of Isolating/Blocking .....
F. Release from Lockout/Tagout ........
Sample Lockout Procedure............


V. Energy Control Situations Not Requiring

Documented Procedures ......................
A. Testing/Positioning During Lockout
B. Outside Contractors .....................
C. Shift Change ..............................
D. Group Lockout ...........................


VI. Training ..........................................

A. Training Requirements .................
B. Training Requirements when Using
Tagout Procedures .......................
C. Periodic Inspection (Accountability)


VII. Summary......................................... 55
VIII. Glossary .......................................... 57

Genium Publishing

Slick the Pick Wilson is what my friends call me.
Theres not a lock I cant pick from Juniors school
locker to the doors at the bank I've done em all.
Now, dont get me wrong, its all done on the square.
I'm a master locksmith just like my father and his
father before him. Ive got my college degree, and my
business now has 15 employees. My customers, who
call me Mr. Wilson, or just Freddy, range from
private individuals to major corporations. You see, I
not only reunite forgetful motorists with their car
keys, I help design systems that are used to secure or
isolate energy sources on process equipment. Lets
say you have a broken machine to fix in your plant.
You turn off the power to it and you fix it. Right?
But what happens if youve got your fingers in the
thing and somebody turns it back on. Ouch! Thats
why its smart to tag out critical electrical switches
with a sign that says to leave the switch OFF. To be
even more safe, you can put a lock on the switch.
Thats called a lock out.
And thats why youre reading this now. Your
employer wants you to be aware of the
requirements for locking-out or tagging-out
(controlling) energy sources during servicing and/or
maintaining of machines and equipment. What
requirements? Why the requirements that are spelled
out in the Occupational Safety and Health Standard
1910.147, entitled The Control of Hazardous Energy
(lockout/tagout). And who better to walk and talk
you through it than me, Slick the Pick Wilson?
Well look at the Standard and see how its designed
to help keep you safe from the potential hazards posed
by machines and equipment.
Well discuss the various types of energy sources and
how to keep them from harming you. And, we'll look
at a typical energy-control program, including lockout
vs. tagout along with lockout/tagout equipment. And
we'll discuss the requirements for training and
retraining to keep you sharp and safe.

II. Hazardous Energy Sources


The unexpected activation of machinery or process
equipment during maintenance operations can have
tragic results. Thats why the first point made under
the lockout/tagout program is to make sure you, the
employee, are aware of the type(s) of energy sources
and the hazards associated with those energy sources
that need to be controlled.
How many kinds of energy sources are there? you
ask? Lets count em.
This is usually the first one everybody thinks of.
Actually there are two types, generated and static.
Generated Electric Power
Found at the main source of electricity to the machine
or equipment, generated electrical power could also be
found in various circuitry within the machine or
equipment. Think of electric power as the flow of
electrons in a conductor because, well, thats what
it is.
And dont forget generated energy thats been stored,
like in batteries or capacitors. I could show you a
nasty scar on my wrist I got off a car battery.
Happened when I was a kid. Grounded the metal band
of my watch on it. But, I'm older and wiser now. If
you want to get older and wiser too, I suggest you
read on.
Static Electricity, on the other hand, remains fixed
on the surface of an object. Static electricity can be
found in electrostatic precipitators that are commonly
used for dust collection by heavy industry to control
air pollution. Hey, Slick you ask, Is static
electricity that dangerous? Well, lightning is actually
the discharge of static electricity. And anything that
can discharge that kind of juice demands respect, in
my opinion.
Anyway, whether its static or flowing, if you dont
want to get French fried, you better be aware of your
employers Energy Control Program and follow it.
Genium Publishing

Lockout/Tagout Pocket Guide


The Energy Control Program consists of the energy
control procedures, employee training on those
procedures, and periodic inspections relating to the
Sounds like this law is a procedure thing, doesnt it?
Well, youre right! And the Energy Control Program
is the sum of all of these procedures. And one of the
most important elements of the program to consider
is whether to use locks or tags to control hazardous
Youd hardly believe there could be an argument here,
could you? As a general rule, lockout is the preferred
method over tagout for the following reasons:
Locks are hard to bypass. It would require a
major effort and a pair of hefty bolt cutters to
compromise a lock. Tags can be pretty easily
Tags only warn. They only serve as a
warning and are not to be considered a safety
device whereas locks are.
Tags may be easily lost or damaged. Tags
can be damaged by environmental or physical
hazards like chemicals or abrasives.
Locks speak everyones language. You're
assuming everyone can read. Of course you can,
or you'd be using this book just to swat flies.
Ah, but you are reading English. Lets say you
went to China to work on some made-in-theUSA machine, and you brought your big red and
white Please-dont-turn-this-on-or-you willelectrocute-me warning tag. To your Chinese
co-worker standing next to you, it probably
wouldnt mean much, would it? Just like his
warning tag in Chinese wouldnt mean much to
Now I know youre thinking - Tag-schmag who
needs them? Although the Standard agrees that
lockout is the preferred method when the energy
isolation device is capable of being locked out, it
recognizes that there are situations where tagout
systems are an acceptable choice. For example, when:

Genium Publishing

Lockout/Tagout Pocket Guide


The written Energy Control Procedures are kind of
like the game plan for lockout/tagout. And just like
in sports, everyones playbook is a little different.
Your employer is responsible for issuing clear,
specific instructions outlining the scope, purpose,
authorization, rules, and techniques to be used for the
control of hazardous energy sources at your place of
While certain procedures will vary because of the wide
diversity of machines and processes found in industry
today, there are certain basic rules and requirements
that will be the same for everyone. Lets take a look.
This is what I call the mission statement. It can be
as brief or as long as your employer wants it
whatever it takes to convey the message that there are
important procedures covering the lockout of energy
isolation devices wherever maintenance or servicing is
done on machines or equipment. It also has to be
clear that compliance by everyone is a must and
violation of any part of the procedures or program is
neither permissible nor acceptable. If you are the
person responsible for doing the actual servicing or
maintaining, you want to be sure that your fellow
employees will be just as anxious and willing as you
are to comply with all procedures.
This is the orderly procedure for preparing the
machine or equipment for the application of the
lockout and/or tagout devices. While the specifics
may change, based on your particular situation, here
are some basics:
Notification First, notify all affected
personnel that servicing and maintenance on
equipment and shutdown in preparation for
lockout/tagout is about to occur. You cant just
go over and pull the switch on a piece of
equipment or process when it affects the actions

Genium Publishing

Sample Lockout Procedure for:


Type of Equipment:

Spin Deluxe #2200 Mixer .

Property Tag #:


Work to be performed:
Authorized Employee

Blade Alignment .

John Smith
name (print)/signature/date

Purpose This procedure establishes the

minimum requirements for the lockout of energyisolating devices whenever maintenance or servicing
is done on machines or equipment. It shall be used to
ensure that the machine or equipment is stopped,
isolated from all potentially hazardous energy sources
and locked out before employees perform any
servicing or maintenance where the unexpected
energization or start-up of the machine or equipment
or release of stored energy could cause injury.
Compliance All employees are required to
comply with the restrictions and limitations imposed
upon them during the use of lockout. The authorized
employees are required to perform the lockout in
accordance with this procedure. All employees, upon
observing a machine or piece of equipment that is
locked out to perform servicing or maintenance shall
not attempt to start, energize or use that machine or
Notice Failure to comply with all parts
of lockout/tagout procedures may result i n
immediate dismissal.
Step 1. Notify all affected employees that servicing
or maintenance is required on a machine or
equipment and that the machine or equipment must be shut down and locked out to
perform the servicing or maintenance.

Affected Employees:
J. Jones
Job Title: Mixer

K. Smith

B. Barnes

Methods to use for notification:


Sound shut down horn

Announce over page system
Post notice in work area

S t e p 2 . The authorized employee shall refer to the

company procedure to identify the type and
magnitude of the energy that the machine or
equipment utilizes, shall understand the
hazards of the energy, and shall know the
methods to control the energy.
Energy to be controlled:


Method of Control


Blade Rotation U-Joint disconnect

at main drive shaft


440 Volts
energy control



Shut off master

S t e p 3 . If the machine or equipment is operating,

shut it down by the normal stopping
procedure (depress stop button, open
switch, close valve, etc.).
Methods for Machine Shutdown:

OFF Button

Control Panel

Blade lockout
Control panel

S t e p 4 . Engage the energy isolating device(s) so

that the machine or equipment is isolated
from the energy source(s).

Genium Publishing

Energy isolation devices used and locations:


Master, Inc. Control


Location: Control Board A

Between main
drive shaft/output shaft

S t e p 5 . Lock out the energy isolating device(s) with

assigned individual lock(s).
Application of Lockout
Apply padlock to control Box A
Lock removed U joint in Parts Cabinet B
Apply lockout ID Tags to Box A and
Cabinet B


S t e p 6 . Stored or residual energy (such as that in

capacitors, springs, elevated machine members, rotating flywheels, hydraulic systems,
and air, gas, steam, or water pressure, etc.)
must be dissipated or restrained by methods
such as grounding, repositioning, blocking,
bleeding down, etc.
Type of Stored or Potential Energy:


Method of



S t e p 7 . Ensure that the equipment is disconnected

from the energy source(s) by first checking
that no personnel are exposed, then verify
the isolation of the equipment by operating
the push button or other normal operating
control(s) or by testing to make certain the
equipment will not operate.

CAUTION: Return operating control(s) t o

neutral or OFF position after verifying the
isolation of the equipment.
Method Used to Verify Isolation:
Start-up Attempt
Visual inspection



S t e p 8 . Lockout is now complete.

Restoring Equipment to Service
When the servicing or maintenance is completed, and
the machine or equipment is ready to return to normal
operating condition, the following steps shall be
1) Check the machine or equipment and the
immediate area around the machine or equipment
to ensure that nonessential items have been
removed and that the machine or equipment
components are operationally intact.
2) Check the work area to ensure that all
employees have been safety positioned or
removed from the area.
3) Verify that the controls are in no harm.
4) Remove the lockout devices and reenergize the
machine or equipment.
NOTE: Some forms of blocking may require
5) Notify affected employees that the servicing or
maintenance is completed and the machine or
equipment is ready for use.
Method of Notification


Genium Publishing

Lockout/Tagout Pocket Guide

And thats the procedure Gee Whiz manufacturing
Company uses to control and lockout the energy
source for the old Spin Deluxe 2200 Mixer. Pretty
straightforward wasnt it?
But, you say, The shift I work on is even simpler
all I gotta do is pull a plug. Well, now, youd think
that anyone would be able to figure out that method
of energy control. I know what you mean. But, you
still have to have a written Energy Control Program,
no matter what. A documented procedure like the one
at Gee Whiz Manufacturing Company may not be
needed. But, and this is a big but, all the following
eight conditions must be met by the employer before
any employees drop documenting a procedure for a
given machine or piece of equipment:
1) No stored (potential) or residual energy The
machines or equipment must not have any
hidden energy sources that are going to come
up and bite you. You remember things like
springs, capacitors, etc.
2) Single energy source Like that plug you
mentioned, youve got to have a single, readily
identifiable, easy-to-isolate, energy source.
3) Complete isolation That simple energy
source, once locked up (like with one of the
plug-type locks you saw earlier), must
completely deenergize and deactivate the
machine or equipment.
4) Isolated lockout The machine or equipment
must still be isolated and locked out during
service or maintenance. Remember, just because
its simple, doesnt make it any less dangerous.
5) Single lockout device If you only have a
simple, single source of energy, then you
should only need one lock, right?
6) Control The lockout device must be in the
control of the authorized employee doing the
repair or service.

Genium Publishing

VI. Training

Now I know I dont have to tell you again about how
important it is to have a comprehensive, effective
Energy Control Program and Energy Control
Procedures that are a part of that program. But, youll
remember that theres another equally important part
of the Energy Control Program, training. And the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), which is responsible for enforcing the
Standard, says, and I quote, OSHA considers these
training requirements to be of critical importance in
helping to ensure that the applicable provisions of the
hazardous energy control procedures are known,
understood, and strictly adhered to by employees.
Need I say more? I dont think so.
But who gets trained on what? Well, its broken down
into three employee groups. They are, in descending
order of required knowledge:
Authorized Employee If you are an
authorized employee, youre the person who
will physically be performing the
lockout/tagout and servicing of the machine or
equipment. So you better know it all.
Affected Employee If you fall under this
category, you may be the person who operates
the machine or equipment on which servicing or
maintenance is being performed. Or perhaps
your job requires you to be in the area in which
servicing or maintenance is being performed.
Other Employee I know it doesnt sound
like much of a title, but it simply means you
work in an area of the plant other than where
maintenance or service is being performed on
the deenergized machine or equipment.
A. Training Requirements
Lets take a look at the what, when, and why (I like
to call them the three Ws ) of training for each
Authorized Employee
What ? Complete knowledge of Energy Control
Procedures including, but not limited to:
Hazardous energy recognition
Genium Publishing


VII. Summary

Well, folks, thats about all old Slick has got to tell
you about lockout/tagout. Dare I repeat myself and
say that a lock or tag by itself just isnt goin to do
you any good. Its the proper isolation of the
equipment from the energy source, following
established procedures and training that will keep you
going strong and long.
Anyway, let me leave you with the final ten of
Slicks Picks. Keep em with you; it might help jog
your memory:






Never attempt lockout/tagout procedures

unless you have been trained and certified by
your employer under an approved Energy
Control Program.
Be sure to identify all potentially hazardous
energy sources such as mechanical, potential
(stored), chemical, and thermal as well as
Never just pull a fuse or use a selector
switch (on/off switch) as a means of energy
Always be sure all lockout/tagout devices are
compatible with the environment in which
they will be used i.e., corrosive, humid, etc.
Always test the equipment or machines after
lockout/tagout to ensure all potentially
hazardous energy sources are isolated prior to
maintenance or repair.
When working with others, never rely on
someone elses lockout/tagout devices for
your safety. If you dont have a dedicated
lockout/tagout device, have your employer
provide one.
Never loan or share your lock, combination,
or key with anyone else.
Never attempt to remove lockout/tagout
devices placed by others.
If lockout/tagout procedures remain in effect
between work shifts, never remove your
lockout/tagout devices until your relief has
installed his/her own lockout/tagout device.
Always be sure the work area is free from
nonessential items and that all personnel are
safely positioned prior to removing
lockout/tagout devices and restoring energy.
Genium Publishing


VIII. Glossary

Affected Employee An employee whose job
requires him/her to operate or use a machine or
equipment on which servicing or maintenance is
being performed under lockout or tagout, or whose
job requires him/her to work in an area in which such
servicing or maintenance is being performed.
Authorized Employee A person who locks out or
tags out machines or equipment in order to perform
servicing or maintenance on those machines or
equipment. An affected employee becomes an
authorized employee when that employees duties
include performing servicing or maintenance covered
under this section.
Capable of being locked out An energy-isolating
device is capable of being locked out if it has a hasp
or other means of attachment to which, or through
which, a lock can be affixed, or it has a locking
mechanism built into it. Other energy-isolating
devices are capable of being locked out if lockout can
be achieved without the need to dismantle, rebuild, or
replace the energy-isolating device or permanently
alter its energy-control capability.
Cutout Box An enclosure designed for surface
mounting and having swinging doors or covers
secured directly to and telescoping with the walls
of the box proper.
Energized Connected to an energy source or
containing residual or stored energy.
Energy Control Procedure Written instructions
adopted by the employer that describe how equipment
and procedures are to be shut down for lockout/tagout
and later released from lockout/tagout for safe startup.
Energy Control Program A safety program adopted
by the employer that includes energy control procedures plus provisions for inspecting the procedures
and training employees for lockout/tagout.
Energy Isolating Device A mechanical device that
physically prevents the transmission or release of
energy, including but not limited to the
following: a manually operated electrical circuit
Genium Publishing


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