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tutorial = {

index = 2
category = 1
country = ENG
window = "hints_window" # default window
moveable = yes
save_game = "eu4_tutorial_chapter2.eu4"
#pauseable = no
page = {
index = 1
title = "TUT_BAS_CHAPTER02_PAGE01_TITLE" # Select the Army
disabled_gui_object = { f_button_1 }
disabled_gui_object = { f_button_2 }
disabled_gui_object = { open_build_interface_button }
disabled_gui_object = { unitpanel disbandbutton }
disabled_gui_object = { single_unitpanel enable_rebel_button }
effect = { # This page's effects on the world
close_window = "all"
keep_window_closed = yes
allow_select_province = no
#mapmode = political
goto = 236 # London
zoom = 200
pauseable = yes
pause = yes
allow_select_army = yes
allow_select_navy = no
ai = no
add_country_modifier = {
name = tutorial_modifier
duration = -1
373 = { # Meath
spawn_rebels = {
type = anti_tax_rebels
size = 1
change_controller = REB
direction_pointer = {
enable = yes
target = 236
province_highlight = {
enable = yes
target = 236
leave_page_effect = {
direction_pointer = { enable = no }
province_highlight = { enable = no }

trigger = { # Conditions that will take you to the next page if

select_army = "Royal Army"
option = {
button = "TutorialPageButtonOption"
text = "TUT_MENU"
action = "close"
tooltip = "TUT_MENU_TOOLTIP"
position = {
x = 7 #10
y = 338
option = {
name = "hint_minimise"
text = "MINIMISE"
action = "minimize"
page = {
index = 2
title = "TUT_BAS_CHAPTER02_PAGE02_TITLE" # Move the Army
disabled_gui_object = { f_button_1 }
disabled_gui_object = { f_button_2 }
disabled_gui_object = { open_build_interface_button }
disabled_gui_object = { unitpanel disbandbutton }
disabled_gui_object = { single_unitpanel enable_rebel_button }
effect = { # This page's effects on the world
pauseable = yes
pause = yes
speed = 2
allow_select_army = yes
allow_select_navy = no
allow_select_province = no
ai = no
close_window = "all"
keep_window_closed = yes
direction_pointer = {
enable = yes
target = 242
province_highlight = {
enable = yes
target = 242
leave_page_effect = {
direction_pointer = { enable = no }
province_highlight = { enable = no }
trigger = { # Conditions that will take you to the next page if

242 = { # Gwynedd
infantry_in_province = 1
units_in_province = 1
option = {
button = "TutorialPageButtonOption"
text = "TUT_MENU"
action = "close"
tooltip = "TUT_MENU_TOOLTIP"
position = {
x = 7 #10
y = 338
option = {
name = "hint_minimise"
text = "MINIMISE"
action = "minimize"
page = {
index = 3
title = "TUT_BAS_CHAPTER02_PAGE03_TITLE" # Load the unit into sh
disabled_gui_object = { f_button_1 }
disabled_gui_object = { f_button_2 }
disabled_gui_object = { open_build_interface_button }
disabled_gui_object = { unitpanel disbandbutton }
disabled_gui_object = { single_unitpanel enable_rebel_button }
effect = { # This page's effects on the world
goto = 242 # Gwynedd
close_window = "all"
keep_window_closed = yes
allow_select_province = no
allow_select_army = yes
allow_select_navy = no
ai = no
pauseable = yes
pause = yes
trigger = {
attached_army = "Royal Army"
extra_window = {
window = "dummy-ul"
sprite = "GFX_uiarrow_left"
position = {
x = 490
y = 250

connected_icons = { dummy-ul unitpanel attach_to_transport }
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button = "TutorialPageButtonOption"
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x = 7 #10
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name = "hint_minimise"
text = "MINIMISE"
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page = {
index = 4
title = "TUT_BAS_CHAPTER02_PAGE04_TITLE" # Select the fleet and
move it
disabled_gui_object = { f_button_1 }
disabled_gui_object = { f_button_2 }
disabled_gui_object = { open_build_interface_button }
disabled_gui_object = { unitpanel disbandbutton }
disabled_gui_object = { single_unitpanel enable_rebel_button }
effect = { # This page's effects on the world
goto = 1284 # Irish Sea
close_window = "all"
keep_window_closed = yes
allow_select_army = yes
allow_select_navy = yes
ai = no
pauseable = yes
pause = no
speed = 2
allow_select_province = no
direction_pointer = {
enable = yes
target = 242
province_highlight = {
enable = yes
target = 242
leave_page_effect = {
direction_pointer = { enable = no }
province_highlight = { enable = no }
trigger = { # Conditions that will take you to the next page if

select_navy = "Royal Navy"

option = {
button = "TutorialPageButtonOption"
text = "TUT_MENU"
action = "close"
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x = 7 #10
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text = "MINIMISE"
action = "minimize"
page = {
index = 5
title = "TUT_BAS_CHAPTER02_PAGE05_TITLE" # Select the fleet and
move it
disabled_gui_object = { f_button_1 }
disabled_gui_object = { f_button_2 }
disabled_gui_object = { open_build_interface_button }
disabled_gui_object = { unitpanel disbandbutton }
disabled_gui_object = { single_unitpanel enable_rebel_button }
effect = { # This page's effects on the world
goto = 1284 # Irish Sea
close_window = "all"
keep_window_closed = yes
allow_select_army = yes
allow_select_navy = yes
ai = no
pauseable = yes
pause = no
speed = 2
allow_select_province = no
select_navy = "Royal Navy"
direction_pointer = {
enable = yes
target = 1284
province_highlight = {
enable = yes
target = 1284
leave_page_effect = {
direction_pointer = { enable = no }
province_highlight = { enable = no }
trigger = { # Conditions that will take you to the next page if

1284 = { # Irish Sea
units_in_province = 1
infantry_in_province = 1
embarked = "Royal Army"
option = {
button = "TutorialPageButtonOption"
text = "TUT_MENU"
action = "close"
tooltip = "TUT_MENU_TOOLTIP"
position = {
x = 7 #10
y = 338
option = {
name = "hint_minimise"
text = "MINIMISE"
action = "minimize"
page = {
index = 6
title = "TUT_BAS_CHAPTER02_PAGE06_TITLE" # Select army
disabled_gui_object = { f_button_1 }
disabled_gui_object = { f_button_2 }
disabled_gui_object = { open_build_interface_button }
disabled_gui_object = { unitpanel disbandbutton }
disabled_gui_object = { single_unitpanel enable_rebel_button }
effect = { # This page's effects on the world
goto = 1284 # Irish Sea
close_window = "all"
keep_window_closed = yes
allow_select_army = yes
allow_select_navy = yes
select_navy = "Royal Navy"
pauseable = yes
pause = no
allow_select_province = no
ai = no
direction_pointer = {
enable = yes
target = 373
province_highlight = {
enable = yes
target = 373
leave_page_effect = {
direction_pointer = { enable = no }

province_highlight = { enable = no }
extra_window = {
window = "dummy-ul"
sprite = "GFX_uiarrow_left"
position = {
x = 600
y = 255
connected_icons = { dummy-ul unitpanel button_embarked }
trigger = { # Conditions that will take you to the next page if
select_army = "Royal Army"
trigger = { # Conditions that will take you to the next page if
373 = { # Meath
infantry_in_province = 1
unit_in_battle = yes
option = {
button = "TutorialPageButtonOption"
text = "TUT_MENU"
action = "close"
tooltip = "TUT_MENU_TOOLTIP"
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text = "MINIMISE"
action = "minimize"
page = {
index = 7
title = "TUT_BAS_CHAPTER02_PAGE07_TITLE" # Disembark the Army
disabled_gui_object = { f_button_1 }
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disabled_gui_object = { open_build_interface_button }
disabled_gui_object = { unitpanel disbandbutton }
disabled_gui_object = { single_unitpanel enable_rebel_button }
effect = { # This page's effects on the world
goto = 1284 # Irish Sea
close_window = "all"
keep_window_closed = yes
allow_select_army = yes
allow_select_navy = yes

select_navy = "Royal Army"

pauseable = yes
pause = no
allow_select_province = no
ai = no
direction_pointer = {
enable = yes
target = 373
province_highlight = {
enable = yes
target = 373
leave_page_effect = {
direction_pointer = { enable = no }
province_highlight = { enable = no }
trigger = { # Conditions that will take you to the next page if
#page = 5
373 = { # Meath
infantry_in_province = 1
unit_in_battle = yes
option = {
button = "TutorialPageButtonOption"
text = "TUT_MENU"
action = "close"
tooltip = "TUT_MENU_TOOLTIP"
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x = 7 #10
y = 338
option = {
name = "hint_minimise"
text = "MINIMISE"
action = "minimize"
page = {
index = 8
title = "TUT_BAS_CHAPTER02_PAGE08_TITLE" # Battles
disabled_gui_object = { f_button_1 }
disabled_gui_object = { f_button_2 }
disabled_gui_object = { open_build_interface_button }
disabled_gui_object = { unitpanel disbandbutton }
disabled_gui_object = { single_unitpanel enable_rebel_button }
effect = { # This page's effects on the world
goto = 373 # Meath
close_window = "all"

keep_window_closed = yes
allow_select_army = yes
allow_select_navy = yes
pauseable = yes
pause = yes
speed = 3
allow_select_province = no
ai = no
trigger = { # Conditions that will take you to the next page if
373 = { # Meath
infantry_in_province = 1
unit_in_siege = yes
option = {
button = "TutorialPageButtonOption"
text = "TUT_MENU"
action = "close"
tooltip = "TUT_MENU_TOOLTIP"
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x = 7 #10
y = 338
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name = "hint_minimise"
text = "MINIMISE"
action = "minimize"
page = {
index = 9
title = "TUT_BAS_CHAPTER02_PAGE09_TITLE" # Sieges
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disabled_gui_object = { open_build_interface_button }
disabled_gui_object = { unitpanel disbandbutton }
disabled_gui_object = { single_unitpanel enable_rebel_button }
effect = { # This page's effects on the world
select_army = "Royal Army"
close_window = "all"
keep_window_closed = yes
allow_select_army = yes
allow_select_navy = yes
pauseable = yes
pause = no
goto = 373 # Meath
speed = 3
allow_select_province = no
ai = no
REB = {
add_country_modifier = {
name = tutorial_negative_modifier

duration = -1
trigger = { # Conditions that will take you to the next page if
ENG = {
controls = 373
#373 = { # Meath
NOT = {
unit_in_siege = 1
option = {
button = "TutorialPageButtonOption"
text = "TUT_MENU"
action = "close"
tooltip = "TUT_MENU_TOOLTIP"
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x = 7 #10
y = 338
option = {
name = "hint_minimise"
text = "MINIMISE"
action = "minimize"
page = {
index = 10
title = "TUT_BAS_CHAPTER02_PAGE10_TITLE" # Victory
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disabled_gui_object = { f_button_2 }
disabled_gui_object = { open_build_interface_button }
disabled_gui_object = { unitpanel disbandbutton }
disabled_gui_object = { single_unitpanel enable_rebel_button }
effect = { # This page's effects on the world
select_army = "Royal Army"
close_window = "all"
keep_window_closed = yes
goto = 373 # Meath
pauseable = yes
pause = yes
allow_select_province = no
ai = no
option = {
button = "TutorialPageButtonOption"
text = "TUT_NEXT"
action = "continue"

tooltip = "TUT_NEXT_TOOLTIP"
position = {
x = 183 #180
y = 338
option = {
button = "TutorialPageButtonOption"
text = "TUT_MENU"
action = "close"
tooltip = "TUT_MENU_TOOLTIP"
position = {
x = 7 #10
y = 338
option = {
name = "hint_minimise"
text = "MINIMISE"
action = "minimize"

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