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TO: Ryan Grigson

FROM: Nicole Birsner
DATE: February 24, 2015
SUBJECT: AFC Championship Cheating Scandal


After some investigation by the league, it has been determined that most of the footballs
used by the New England Patriots during the AFC Championship game had been tampered with.
After the initial discovery of this, more evidence and opinions from both experts and analysts
began to emerge. The league has put the New England Patriots under investigation for the
possibility of breaking the rules during the AFC Championship game. As this is an ongoing
investigation, more information will be available at a later date, including the leagues findings
on the situation. Through the study of ethics it can clearly be seen that the New England Patriots
bring themselves to a different standard then the league holds each team to.
The most basic information leaked to the media was that during the AFC Championship
game, the New England Patriots used underinflated balls to their advantage. 11 of 12 inspected
balls were underinflated when checked at halftime after concern coming from the Indianapolis
sideline. The Indianapolis Colts balls were also checked at halftime and those balls met the
league standards. However, both New Englands and Indianapolis balls met standards before
kickoff. The Indianapolis Colts suspected New Englands balls to be underinflated during their
previous meeting during the regular season, which prepared them for the possibility of it
happening again. The Baltimore Ravens suspected the kicking balls to be underinflated in the
divisional round of the playoffs one-week prior.
Statistical information along with retired player support has given more truth to the
situation at hand. Statistics have found since the rule change after the 2006 season allowed teams
to provide their own balls, the New England Patriots have been near fumble-proof as well as
playing extremely well in bad weather games. A data scientist states this result only being a
coincidence, is like winning a raffle where you have a 0.0001711874 probability to win (Sharp,
2015). Troy Aikman, Kurt Warner, and other former NFL quarterbacks have come out speaking
against New England. Aikman stated, So for the balls to be deflated, that doesnt happen unless
the quarterback wants that to happen, I can assure you of that (Terranova, 2015). The evidence
does not seem to support the New England Patriots claims of having no knowledge of the
As seen in the evidence presented above, the New England Patriots have shown examples
of both stage two and three of Kohlbergs stages of moral development. Stage two says right is
based off obtaining award, which the New England Patriots have clearly obtained. Speaking
specifically about the 2014 season, they obtained home field advantage during the playoffs and
their fourth Super Bowl ring. Stage three states right is based on meeting the expectations of
others. The New England Patriots have a reputation of being winners and constant double digit
wins seasons. If they felt they could not meet this expectation, then the possibility of cheating to
get to that expectation gets put into play. Through a press conference, Robert Kraft showed signs
of cognitive dissonance. When continuous evidence against the Patriots came out, Kraft
remained on the offensive and showed stress, attacking the league and asking for an apology
once the investigation was complete. The Patriots have also shown signs of deviance. Based off
the evidence presented, they deliberately broke the rules for their competitive advantage.

This current investigation of the Patriots organization is relevant to the Indianapolis Colts
because it happened during the AFC Championship game against our team. Ultimately, it
affected the outcome of the game. The New England Patriots are also a fellow AFC team, and if
like the evidence suggests theyve been doing this for multiple years, it means it affects the
overall seeding of the AFC teams each playoff year. Overall, this scandal puts the integrity of
football at risk, especially with this scandal affecting the Super Bowl.
With an ongoing investigation at hand, the league will release their full finings and
punishment (if necessary) when they have concluded the investigation. 11 of the 12 footballs had
been found not within the rules given by the league, with weather conditions not being a viable
excuse. Past players have spoken out about the scandal and statistical data reviewed to determine
whether the Patriots deliberately sabotaged the AFC Championship.

Works Cited
Sharp, W. (2015, January 27). Stats Show the New England Patriots Became Nearly FumbleProof After 2006 Rule Change Proposed by Tom Brady. Retrieved February 24, 2015.
Terranova, J. (2015, January 22). Aikman on Deflategate: Brady Knew and Belichick Should
Burn. Retrieved February 23, 2015.


TO: Ted Thompson
FROM: Nicole Birsner
DATE: November 18, 2014
SUBJECT: Adrian Peterson Scandal


The league was informed in these past couple of days that Adrian Peterson was indicted
on alleged reckless or negligent injury to a child (Greenburg, 2014a). The incident leading to
his arrest warrant dealt with Peterson choice of discipline on his child. Peterson chose to spank
his son with a switch, claiming this was the same disciple he grew up with. Peterson turned
himself in and has chosen to fully cooperate with authorities. Petersons lawyer claims, It is
important to remember that Adrian never intended to harm his son and deeply regrets the
unintentional injury (Greenburg, 2014a).
The police, to gather more information on the incident, questioned the child Peterson was
accused on injuring. The child told authorities Daddy Person hit me on my face and that there
are a lot of belts in Daddys closet. Cuts and bruises were found on the childs back, buttocks,
ankles, legs and scrotum (Greenburg, 2014a). The Minnesota Vikings decided to deactivate
Peterson for the game against the New England Patriots. Peterson came out with a public
statement, reiterating multiple times that he is not a child abuser and that he believes the reason
he didnt become on of those kids lost in the streets was because of the disciple his parents
placed on him (Greenburg, 2014b). Now, the league has decided to suspend Peterson for the rest
of the 2014 season without pay. Commissioner Roger Goodell said in a letter to Peterson that he
cant be considered to be reinstated into the league until April 15th, 2015 (Orr, 2014).
As seen in the evidence presented above, Adrian Peterson is showing signs of various
ethical theories. In Kohlbergs stages of moral development, Peterson is showing that he has
reached stage 6. Stage 6 states right is based on strict adherence to ones own moral principles,
even if it requires breaking the laws. Peterson continued to discipline his child(ren) the way he
was disciplined when he was younger, even though he knew the possibilities of people viewing it
as child abuse. Peterson stuck to his own moral principles, believing that disciplining his kids his
way would keep them from getting into trouble as they grow up. The league brought utilitarian
justice when the verdict to suspend Peterson for the remainder of the 2014-2015 season was
decided upon. Utilitarian justice is often the foundation of corporate and public policies because
of its ability to remove feelings, intuitions, and hunches from moral considerations. Even though
Peterson was the MVP of the 2012 season and is considered by many one of the greatest running
backs of all time, that did not help his sentencing by the league. The league had to remain as
unbiased as possible, in order to give a fair sentencing. Finally, a quote by Thucydides also
relates to Petersons case. By interpreting this quote, Thucydides says in the real world the
discussion of what is right only matters to people who are equal. If an individual is talking to
someone who isnt an equal, there is no point. As I stated the importance of Peterson to the
history of the league, he may have found that he was above the law. In his mind, the everyday
person could get accused of child abuse, but because he is one of the best players in the league he
doesnt have to worry about it.
This current situation dealing with Adrian Peterson is relevant to the Green Bay Packers
organization because the Minnesota Vikings are in our division (NFC North). Not having
Peterson for the rest of the season could hurt their season and help our season and the ultimate

goal of winning the division title. The outcome of the Peterson case is also a message to our
players that no matter your status in the league allegations of child abuse will not be tolerated,
even if you were once the MVP of the league.
No information on if/when Peterson will be reinstated into the NFL will be available until
after April 15, 2015. It is then the league will review Petersons case and determine if he has
learned from his past mistakes and is ready to move on from the incident. If reinstated, the
Minnesota Vikings may not want to retain him and therefore cut him.

Works Cited
Greenburg, C. (2014, September 15). Adrian Peterson: 'I Am, Without A Doubt, Not A Child
Abuser' Retrieved April 5, 2015.
Greenburg, C. (2014, September 13). Adrian Peterson Indicted In Child Injury Case, Arrest
Warrant Issued. Retrieved April 6, 2015.
Orr, C. (2014, November 18). Adrian Peterson suspended without pay for rest of '14. Retrieved
April 6, 2015.

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