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TAG QUESTIONS EXERCISE Complete the sentences below with the correct tag

1. Paul is a good singer, ____________________ ?
2. Beto and Susan are in New York, ____________________ ?
3. You love this picture, ____________________ ?
4. We know your parents, ____________________ ?
5. Jimmy doesnt speak Italian, ____________________ ?
6. Beth wasnt happy yesterday, ____________________ ?
7. The boys are playing football, ____________________ ?
8. Karin isnt ready to move, ____________________ ?
9. There is enough food here, ____________________ ?
10. Lets start our homework, ____________________ ?
11. Your brother has been away for a long time, ____________________ ?
12. The scientists left for Rome yesterday, ____________________ ?
13. Im afraid Paul is a little confused, ____________________ ?
14. This work could be done in ten minutes, ____________________ ?
15. One should never harm any kind of people, ____________________ ?
16. Nobody called for me while I was out, ____________________ ?
17. Lets not give them a second chance, ____________________ ?
18. Beth might not come tomorrow, ____________________ ?
19. Patricia, dont close all the windows, ____________________ ?
20. There is some good news for the Gaviollis, ____________________ ?
21. Shes left for Saint Paul, ____________________ ?
22. Charles cant speak Russian, ____________________ ?
23. Ingrids gone to the movies, ____________________ ?
24. One must work to ear ones living, ____________________ ?
25. Come here, ____________________ ?
26. I am late, ____________________ ?
27. Dont close your book, ____________________ ?
28. She wont arrive late, ____________________ ?

29. Lets take a walk, ____________________ ?

30. The girls hasnt called yet, ____________________ ?
31. He wasnt working here, ____________________ ?
32. Dont go away, ____________________ ?
33. We couldnt go there, ____________________ ?
34. Bob arrived late, ____________________ ?
35. Betty loves coffee, ____________________ ?
36. They have seen her, ____________________ ?
37. The boys had gone there by bus, ____________________ ?
38. They used to read a lot, ____________________ ?
39. The fireman broke the door down, ____________________ ?
40. He hates eating rice pudding, ____________________ ?
41. The housewife smelt the cake burning, ____________________ ?
42. It would be difficult to refuse the invitation, ____________________ ?
43. Weve brought some chairs to sit on, ____________________ ?
44. She began to cry after hearing the news, ____________________ ?
45. There isnt anything wrong, ____________________ ?
46. You will be happy to get that job, ____________________ ?
47. There were many people at the party last night ____________________ ?
48. The wind is breaking up the kite, ____________________ ?
49. Lucy hates lying, ____________________ ?
50. There arent any students here, ____________________ ?

51) write a text of two o three paragraphs using USED TO about what did you
use to when you were a baby and Young.

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