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Two stage representation of N X N network

Switching Elements
Two stage network with multiple switching matrices
Network Parameters
Blocking Network
Blocking probability
M inlets vs N outlets
Non-Blocking Network

Two stage representation of N X N


For any single stage network there exists an equivalent multistage

So, N X N single stage network with capacity k can be realized by a two
stage network of N X K and K X N stages.

Any of the N inlets can be connected to any of
the K outputs of 1st stage.
Similarly, Any of the K inputs can be
connected to any of the N outputs of 2nd stage.
So, there are K alternative paths and 2NK
switching elements.

Any of the N inlets can be connected to any of the N outlets.


Switching Elements
Each stage has NK switching elements
Assume only a fraction of the subscribers to be
active on an average
K can be equal to N/16
So, no. of switching elements,
S = 2NK = N2/8
N = 1024, K = 64
S = 131,027
So, for large N, the switching matrix NxK may still be
difficult to realize practically.

Two stage network with multiple

switching matrices
M inlets are
divided into r
of p
inlets. M = pr
N outlets are
divided into s
of q
outlets. N = qs

Network Parameters
For full connectivity there must be at least one outlet
from each block in the 1st stage terminating as inlet
on every block of the 2nd stage.
So, block sizes are p x s and r x q respectively
So, S = psr + qrs
Putting values for M, N
S = Ms + Nr
The number simultaneous calls in the network,
switching capacity, SC = rs

Blocking Network

For rs connections to be simultaneously active, the s

active inputs in one block of the 1st stage must be
uniformly distributed across all the s blocks in the 2nd
stage at the rate of one per block.
Blocking may occur in two conditions:
I. Calls are uniformly distributed (there are rs calls in
progress and (rs + 1)th calls arrives)
II. Calls are not uniformly distributed, there is a call in
progress from I-th block from the first stage to the Jth block in the 2nd stage and another call originates
in the I-th block destined to J-th block.

Blocking probability
Let be the probability the a given inlet is active.
Now, probability that an outlet at the i-th block is active is, =
The probability that another inlet becomes active and seeks
an outlet other than the one which already active is given by
(p - 1)/(s - 1)
Now, Probability that an ready active outlet is sought
PB = ((p)/s)[1 (p-1)/(s-1)]
Substituting, p = M/r, we have
PB = ((M)/rs)[1 ((M/r)-1)/(s-1)]

If s and r decrease then S can be minimized
But if we decrease s and r we are increasing
blocking probability!
So, we have to choose values for s and r as
small as possible but giving sufficient links to
provide a reasonable grade of service.


M inlets vs N outlets
If N > M, network is expanding traffic
If M > N, concentrating the traffic
If N = M, matrix size is uniform
i.e. r=s, p=q


In the two stage network discussed so far,
there is only one link between a block in the
1st stage and a block in the 2nd stage.
What will happen if this particular link fails?
Risk of severe blocking in the network!!
How can we improve this performance?


Increase number of links between the blocks of the
Consider k links beings introduced between every 1st
and 2nd stage pair.


Non-Blocking Network
In order to make the network non-blocking, must
have K=N and for M=N, p=q=N and r=s=KN
Now, S =Ms+Nr=2Nr=2N2
And, SC =rs=NxN=N

So, a two-stage non-blocking network requires twice

the number of switching elements as the single stage
non-blocking network.


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