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@ Asia-Pacific Institute of Management ‘Course Outline ‘Organizational Design and Development Term It Objectives ‘To familiarize students with the organizational design parameters ‘To understand organizational processes and organizational effectiveness ‘To gain insights into designing organizations and implicetions for managerial behavior Recommended Text Book: Organization Theory and Design; Daft, R.L. Seventh Edition, Thomson Publishing Reference Books: 1. Organization Theory, Design and Change; Jones, G.R., Pearson Education H. “Organizational Behavior”, S. P. Robbins, T-AJudge, 13° Edition, Prentice Hall of India Il, Organizational Behavior; MeShane,S.L., Von Glinow, Sharma, R 3rd Editon, Tata McGraw Hil IV. Organisation Theory Structure, Design and Applications; Robbins, $.P., 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall of India, Journals CCalifomia Management Review , Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vikalpa, Harvard Business Review (Course Plan: Session No. Topics Readings T Management Contributions made by Taylor, Henry Feyol, Weber, Elton Mayo, Peter Drucker. Theory Z, ‘Management a science or at: Ref, Book no. I Chapter no. 1 Presentation and Discussion 2 | An overview of planning, organizing, staffing, | Ref Book no. IT Chapter no. 1, leading, budgeting and controlling. Experiential exercise 3&4 | Organization Structure Textbook Chapter_no_ 3 Determinants of organization Structure, Design Parameters —Formalization, Span of control, Ceairalization v's Decentralization, Complexity: Fundamentals of organization Structure, Ref. Book no. Il, Chapter ‘no 16 Foundations of Organization 1 ‘Causes of Structure — Strategy, Organization size, Technology, Environment, Power-contol, ]Sinuctus, Presentation and Discussion HBR Case! Going flat: Pursuing a Democratic Organizational Structure 586 | Organizational Types Presenation and Diseussion, ease let Simple structure, Machine bureaueracy, Can a Structure be too Flat Professional Bureaucracy, Adhocracy and Divisional Structure. Virtual Organization 7&9__| Decision making and problem Solving “Text book Chapter no TT Decision Decision-Making: Importance and steps in | Making Process, Presentation and Decision Making; Programmed and" non- | Discusion, Measurement Tool, Case Programmed decisions; Brain storming; | Let — Natural disasters and. the Cretivity and innovation. ecisons that follow 10-11 | Organizational Power and Poliies “Tent book Chapter no 12 Conflict ‘Bases of power, Power tactics and Power in| power and polities, Presentation and _roupsorganization; Delegation of power, | Diseussion, Ref. Book no. 1, Chapter Social influence no 1d Managing Conflict, Power and Polites, HBR Case - Thomas Gree: Power, Office Polite, and a Carcor in Crisis 12-15 | Organizational Coaflct and Negotiation | Text book Chapter-no 12 Conflict ‘Transitions in conflict, Conflict Process, | power and politics, Ref. Book no. I, "Negotiation, Bargaining Swategies Role of a Chapter no’ 14 Managing Conflict, "Negotiator Power and Politics, Measurement ‘Tool, Presentation and Discussion, Management Game TH 16 | Organizational Caltare and Climate “Text book Chapicr 09 Organization Meaning, Types of culture, uniform culture, | Culture and Ethical values, Ref. Book implications of eulture, Creating and sustaining | no, 1, Chapter no 7 Creating and culture; How employees eam culture; Matching | Managing Organizational Culture, people with culture. Organizational climate and. | Presentation and Discussion, Organizational citizenship behavior. Diversity in | HBR Caso Bananas organizations. 17 | Organizational Development ‘Case let, Presentation and Discusion Organizational development, process of development and types of interventions 18-20 | Organizational Change ‘Text book Chapiee no 10 Tnnovation ‘The concept of organization change, Significance of change, Resistance to change, ‘Managing Change, Change models-Lewin's and Change, Rf. Book no, Chapter no 10 Types and Forms of Organizational Change, Presentation 2 |] Ghige Management Model, Nckinssy 7-5 [a Disusion, Model, Koter's Step Change Model and | HBR Case= Campbell and Bally's [ADKAR model Boston Office: Managing The ‘Reorganization Case lanovatng Inovaion ‘Bxauaton: aie 10% ASsianment 13% Prseuaion : 15% Mid Term 20% End Tem, 0% Email: sonia munjal sissies

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