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LoGic—METHODOLOGY AND CONCEPTS Statoraent: Statement it generally meant szoup of wards thet have anesmning hucin Logic alstement means group of words that has two torms. first terrm is user! under sebject and the seoond term under predicate. The statements in logic are called propositions or preanives Premises; The premises that hay the major Lerm 18 called major premise and the premise that hue she minor term is coiled ainor prem ‘Term: Pe predieate of major premise is called mjor term and ie denoted by P and its geet zs called rainor term and is denoted by Sand the teens which are commun in both the Dremiscs are called middle term which is docmted by M. for examplo xampl All men are mertal, (Major Promise) Root 29 aun, (Minor Premive} Ram is mortal (Conchision) Here ‘mortal ts major term 2nd ite sul ‘= not minor term her heeause it ie premive also git is middle term. Nj here is ‘Ram’. In logic unit of argui in “Balfed proposition er premise and unit tit called term. A propesiticy exOnt from a sentence thatite predieat ‘moréony the subject, i, if we say'ths taken food, jeate peither sffirma nor if We say thet man is tal affirms the man so and “L have (ken food” i Now the question ishew will we jor and minor premises in a 1up of logical statemer ts}. It is by identifying the majur and munor 1 Cais purpose study the {stand Ind ises anit idencify the predicate which bus vitafand wide concept. ILwill be the major teem and the terms which come in bath the premises In this sentence pr donies tbe subj sural then will be the middle to=me. A.terin may have word ar move tham one worl, Marcover mnttior term will he used us subject of the eoaghusi sand its predicate will be the einjor ‘Types of Syllogiam: 1. Catexorieal: Here all che proposiigt Rie Wurforical in positive or nogatike fofm und no docktfullness ia aoen af Wlheé 2 Alleraduates genes Ooiori All eligi a (inex Some m radiaces. (Cone) 2. Hypot ‘The ey this Lype uses premise of « works hard, he will vi fore the first part 15 called fant band the seconel part is called naeifGent. tr: this type of syllogieun the jor premise is hyncthetical loving sore ing and the cinoy premiea will be catogortcal. eg If he comes. | abull meet him, In this epMlogism, [the comes, Oityor) Tshall meet him. (nw 3. Disjunctive Tm this type of syllogism the major premise ix disjanctive and the ncher two premises are categoria, og. Either be is an honest man ora lee. (Major) He ia an honest mun, (Minor) He as not a thief, (Conclusion) Tn disjunctive statements two terms opposite in meaning ary ured. LE firat is affirmed the seeund must be denied. 4. Relational: Hore relations between various terme are showr orderly, e.g, A>B.B>C,C>D, SoA >D (conelusion} 5. Dilemma: lu such type of ayllogismas the major premise is double hypothetical and minor premise i of disjunctive type ond the conelusivu will be cithere disjunctive or cateyorica, e If these books confirm to Quran they are reliableifthey do not they ore superfluous Bidher they eonfirn te Queaa or they do at. Fither they are relisble or zuperfluos. Inthe above example the avoond and third promiees are disjunctive. Copel ‘The verb used in thy promises in logic is called copula. Hor this purpose “is” and "are" arc generulky used and logicians do ‘not use ‘was? and "wee aa copiila because fogicians always talk in terms of the present, w ib tsi 6 ‘Types of Propositions: 1. From the qualitative point af view— rom the quality point of viow itis of two typos: A. Affirmative - de, AM graduates are men B. Negative - ie, No man is hart working . From the quantitative point of vi From the quantaty peint of view itis typos: (@ Universal—in which th universal and refere exeoplion. te, ht moxtal, () Particular - dwubjoct does pat refer to al people ure noun wil Simulsziys one 90% about 60%, etc. will be macular propositions, The words Lines, often, generally, ele, also make rupdeitions particular, ‘The propesitiona wich uwe words lke few, litle, hardly, seareely, ote. sxe cinsidered tn be negative proposition. Similasly if there are double negatives used in a pruprsition chen the proposition will hecone affitmative, Cn the busia of above divisions we can sav that there are four types of eatogomieal propoaitions in lowe. 1. Universal affirmative ~it is ealled “A | propositions, Ee, All lakcurers axe hatd-warking — All childven are true «pean Universal Negative They wr & prepositions, fe, —Nominister is ded —No human being ‘= Particular Affirms *T". propamtions. ic. ~Some men arc Itard eerh Some peoplgae labors . Particular Ne ff y arn called *O preposiguas ~Somg men, Some nin b hard-working 16 not honest, of terms ge of A prepouttions only subject isdistbuted, In ease of E" propns:t.op both eubject and predicate are disteibuted, In case of “I” proposition neither subject nor predicadi: is digstibuted. In case nf "C0" proposition only predicates distributed. Now, the question is how will the term be distributed, Takes the example of°' proposition Man is mortal’. Here the tera: mitt bisa two ‘moaning. The firsts, man reans hain boing sand the necond, 6 nan means eaidmaty. Web term ‘man’ has hean used as denotation, ‘mua meuns human being. the term wan wile distributed. On the other hard uf man means animality, i.. vonnotation of Ue terva, it wall not be distribntnd because (here ave uilier sei mals berides nan and the pzopsition will not cemain universal Similuzly, in case of 'E’ proposition both aubject and predicate are distributed, i.c., no man is happy. Here no man refers to all human being and heppy also rofors to all without oxcoption, So bel can be distributed for logical conclusions, In the third ease of T proposition rnnithor subject nar predicate can be distributed, En, "some men are hard-working, Here neither the term men refera to ‘nil’ neither the term hard-working” refers to all sa both of them ennnet.bo distmbuted. In che last ease of “O” proposition only predicate is dastributed, i.e., some men are not honest, Hire the teray ‘men’ does not refer to all ‘but the term honest may reer toall soit cau Le distributed. Distribution of the middle or other terms helps us to arrive at logical conclusion. Types of Logical Inforences: ‘A Immediate !wierence B., Mediate Inforenoo A. Immediate Inferences: Sometimes premises are arranged m diffcront forms. Out of thom some are true and, some are false, ie, ‘some students industrious, is @ premise. [fit is considere So trus then ‘some etudents are not indi 18 also true bul if we soy that ‘no at industrious’ its also. All these ai are based on cerium rules. This immediate inference. We only two methods of imme 1. Conversion: Here we derivegonclvsitW@hy taking the following r ‘acgpunt: fa) Breda es the subject and the preposition does not any change, ie,, Afirmative asivion will lead w affirmative jusion nnd negntive proposition il lend to negative conclusion. @P*A" proposition is converted into ‘V pro-position. ‘T! propositiun is converted into T and ‘E into E'itzelE, (2) Proposition 0 can not be converted at all, Examples wil) illustrate those pointa @ All_ministers are politicians” (A Proposition). Its converted form is Some politicians are ministers (I pro-position) Some men are hard-warking. proposition) Its converted form ig Sone: () a) propeaton) Ne immartal prepusition) Some sty (Op wring ray Soe “nklligens Wnt aidents. of inforonce is kased on she les: Subjecr docs nat undergo any change t predicate is changed ante contradictory. Here contradictory dloos not mean the antonym of ste term. [t i¢ not used in louis. For waking contradictnrs of Bis tran tot should be added] before i, F-¢..contri: dictory of kind is not ‘crue? kul “nev Kind” is the real contradictory of “kind. Negative proparitions are changed into affirmative und vige-voran, fA is obverted into F and I is ubvevtes into‘A’ proposition ‘The quantity of the proposition #3 remain the same. Ifthe proposition is universal it will :emain unsversal and if it is parteular it will remain particular in the okverted form of the conclusion. Following examples will illustrate these points clearly. @) All aeligious people people, Peupusition ‘A’) w we) rapt infellisent oo @ me cauntended No religious ie not eustended people. ] arc two premines—ane is nmicx ane che other a mune with one conclusion, This group of Gi} Ne. man is fully impartie). (B } arguments is veclnivaliy Imowy as os-logiem proposition). ‘Anexample will Ainstewse the pornt. Tts ebyerted fem is All merumals are vertebrates. (Mejor? “All nen ae not fully impartial. (A) "She whale w a uiamme!. Giines) (fii) Some won are hard of hearing. (1). ‘The whale iss vestebrate (Conclusion Tts obverted farm ia Flere the word ‘aera? is currmon an both ‘Some men are int hard of hecving. (O) | the premises. Lt is middle tezwn. Tate dues not fv) Sume doctors are not good. (O} omar atallin the cenciusion even fon the basis Tw abverted form is, of it conclusion Lins been drawn Some doctors are good. O i Validity Table: In order to vest the validity of the conclusionswe may alzo wee the following table: | middle terms in the prerises: Uere T and t = truch arrived at-an the basia af the fand P= The rules of catego A= doubtful Wor arriving at ris following rules or canana hat ye 1, Tn every ay!logizm paler sere ae terms any eehar tier, | fags aera major tekg/th@ minor term and the Fraley? mi Gobd ch@racters are liked by the ‘All mon are honest’ is's proposition ‘A’. If its considered to be true then in the condlusion proposition, E ie., “no man is honest" will be false, "Some honest are men” will be true 3 conclusion of O propastion will also be fi ‘Now if this proposition is considered to then proposition #, Ze. ‘nu man is doubtful and proposi=ions |, ie., honest iv alzo doubtsul but the F aw was good characters in his fee ae finur terms in she ahove two premises because gootl characte” has two different nteanang in tbe two promizes. So no valid conclusicn can be drawn here, ‘The middle torm inst have the identical monning ia both dhe premises nnd itmust ie, "same men are not honegt’ is digadle to be cistrivated. “Some studenta miamaitive SW an “T' | 2 Byery catogorreal syllogism must contain proportion if it 3 co leue thea ily throe promuses - mayor, minor and conclusion of “£7 iv falew, and the conclusion. ¢.8. conciusian of A and! ition are doubtful Man is raort Mm whichia clear fom the! fcohumus of the table. Cow is mortal a Afthe sane) tig is consi-dered tohefalsc Ram is aman @ fF and © proposition will be There ave three premises excluding oo sition will ve false which is clusion sa ne conclusion can be drawn second column ofthe table, from them. {ate Inference 4. Thomiddle term must be distributed in at aving conclusion op the basis of che least one of the premises. It is a must teen in called mediate inference. There because it je the standard of comparison. Ut aust b» used im at least one prem: its universal extent, ¢8. vedimenlary rocks are stratified substances. Some metamorphic rocks aie stratified substances. Here the term stratified substances isnot distributed at ll because sedimentary rocks agree with ome part of the stratified substance and metamomphic rocks agree with another part. Thus there are (oor terms, 4, Tho tarm not distributed in the premisos ‘can not bo distributed in the conclusion. An example will illustrate the point. All rational beings are responsible for their action, ® Brutes are not rational being. ® Hates are vt responsible fr their action. @) Here the major term responsible for thefy action ie divtributad in che conclusion but # was not distributed uy ‘the mayor promise because it means that only those ave responsible for their action who are rationsl being. 5&6 Two negative premises yield no coneluaion and ifone of the premises is negative, th conclusion must he negative e x. No student distikes games, ‘No game is fully eatisfctory. No conclusion can be drawn frm ‘hese two premises ray No human being dis o Students are human be ® Sundents do not dishike @Conelusion) sAienegativotiist ative. Butdouble wremise makeaitaflr- An is not thoroughly upright, 15 man is not to be usted. 7. No conclusion can be drawn from two Particular promices. & & If one of the promisns te paurtsatiar the conclusion rust be particular Four possible Arrangements ia Layic: Figure 1 Figure’ ae 4 as M s——P igure3 Figured M eo —= » $= Subject or minor tor P= Prodirate or major ter M = Middle term ° On the basisof the fupfieifhes slivwn ubove and four types fons chore are beaded = 256 types of fTlogisins possible, But there are vllogisms whieh ure Biven belowfang Maher are invalid. These four figures, iaubers muss he kept m view. y will be voferned an later oy every naw and cher rel Figure 2 2. ASA 5. EAB KAR 6. AK aan 7. lO 4. FIO 8. A00 Figure 3 Figura ¢ AAD 10. AL 11 all 1 BAO 13. OAO 19. KIO 14, FIO ‘Some cumples wil illus-rate these points. 1. MP Allgpivitualy lave humanity. (A 87M All fndinnaare spyctuals. 4 8—P Allindianglovehumanity. 4) ‘ASA ayllogiam is here. Thus ort clusion is correct scmeding, to figure No.1 2, MP Allstudents are hard-working. (A) SM Anil is 9 student ao 8 P Anilis hard-working. @ Syllegiem No, 3 (AI]) is here ac- cording to Figure Nu. 1 8 PM No human bring is wnisal, E) MES Alluniwale have Hour legs. (8) S—P No man hax four legs. Ee This gonelusion is not valid because BAR is not Uuere in Figure Nu. 4 Some studenle are “sithtal. Allstadents are Indians. Sume Indian tudents are faithful. Syllogism Nv. 10 QAI) is here. Thus it is valid according to Figure No. 3 All animals like gra. Lion does not like grass Lion is not an animal. ‘Thia conchusion is valid because A0O is their in the Figure Nu. 2 40 thia conclusions ia correct, 4. My-P uls S—P 5PM sly S—P Rudes of Hypothetical Syllogisnm: it ie based on the connection hetweon a supposition or condition and its consequence, siartybythe word, if supposing, eranved thts the ete. Thepartofthesyllogism whichexpres! ‘aba ere partisans. 2 icansare not faithful whiddle torm partisans haz two stoting the result ia called eonsequeut. Ta such tyne ofsyllegism the hypothetica! premise isthe majorpremiseand thecategoral propositian is the minorpremise. Followingrulesmuctbekep! inview whilearvivingatvelidconclusionsinsuch cases, Fither affirm the antecedent ar deny the consequent ei 1. ihe were well, he would leave the place. 2. He has not Jeli the place, (Com. He ix not well Here the consequent 1 de-wed fallowsng example antecedent isl 1. It raing thday, be 5 school. 2, Ilis eaining. (Con). He shall Apt gaffe schoo). So always affirm the jent or dony the consequent ctye may be for valid eonelesions. iff take, consequent is affirmed Walid condusion will he drawn L jeu prevailed, the rich would rmiteed Lo exploit the poor. ‘are not premitted t exploit. the poor. (Con). Perfect justice is prevailing. ‘The above tute is alsa followed io disyunclive spllogieme. meaning in tho two premises, In the preminee No. 1. it mears those who are prejucicely interested in some cause but in the second premise it denoted the membersof a purlicular pariy. 2, Fallacy of composition: When we uccept s thing or term to be true ef'a whole which just hole true of ita All the angles of 9 triangle are Jess than 180°. a) A.B and C are the angles of thie ‘tiang! @ (Conclusion) 3, Band Care less than 180% Here all the angles’ in the first premise means each and every angle talsen separately butin the nccond promizo it meane A, Band C taken collectively. It meuns whatis true of part can not be neveasarily true of the whole, 3. Fallacy of divisi It is the opposite of composition. If we consder that what istrue of the whole will be true of paris when taken separately it will also give wrong conclusion, eat: 1. All the birds fly in the sky. ® @) 2. Ostrich ig a bird, (onelusion) Ostrich fly in the ek Ostrich as an exception which does not ly in the sky. Fallacy of irrelevant conclusion: We some time assume as wrong conclusion to be right if it ie near to the right conclusion, This makes our efforcs fitilo e.g. Directions: Ji cack of # questions there are two statements fi seuerni conctusinns. Chace gh best applying togicat reason may beat vsriatce from facts. by after statement Rawson v8 like beauty. ita is a painter. It thuse who ke beauty are (o) ita tikes beauty. sometimes butchered by the rich. (1) Rich people are always antagonistin Ww taose who [ve inshums. {Conchision) Rich butcher the poor because shey hate them. b. Fallacy of Consequer Teoccure wien the conslusion doos 1 really follow from the prem:ncs and wrongly drawn duc tn lack of knowledge cg. 1. Everyone deaires bappince: g 2. Virtuous people are hy @ (Conclusion) Bveryone de Fallacy of A ‘The ay wi begirtuous wa very rarely ied as 9 rogular occurrence and () Rita doca not like beauty. (@) None of there 3. @ Gold is ductile, (i) This substance is not ductile. (a) This substance 18 not geld. @) Goldis not ductile. (©) Ductiles are not gold. @) Ai of these, 4, G) The cabinet passed the bill (ii) He is « member of the cabinet. () He iaaaod the bill. (@) The bill wae passed by him. (©) Amember of the cabinet can pass the ‘ill, (@) None of these 5. @) All reltgious corruption. people hate ay pe wore wpouae (@ He is religious man. @) Corrugtion hutes religions people @ Those who hute corruption are (@) None of these 13. (i) All lawyers are uncles, G® All girls are Lawyers. seligioua (@) Al girls are uncles. @) None ofthese @ AM uncles ave girls. 6. (i) All men are liable (o commit (©) Some girls are not uncles mistakes. (@) None of the above (i) All priests are mon. (@) All priesta are liable to commit mistakes, @ Committing mistake 18 human, @) Some pricets don't commit mistake. (2) None of these 1. (If it is cloudy lion will roar. Gi) Lions dor't roar (0) it isnot cloudy, 0) It is cloudy. (© Tions rear only in cloudy night. (d) None cf the abowe 8 (i) We are dependent on our motor 14. (@ Some roots are ships. (ii) Some routs are apples. (@) Some apples are ships. (©) Somo ships are apples. (o} No root is a ship. (2) None of thest 15. () AU the Bugli ‘axe fool. (ti) Mohan speaks Eny (@) Mohan is a fool. (@) Mohan is not a fool. (} SomeEBugliahspe: wrenot foul. speaking people cars. F Gi Ourmotor cars aredependent on | 36, Water ie'a lig bret, Gi) Teo in fe) We axe dependent on perrol. @ lee isd a Tos is nut Liquid, @) Petrol is dependent on uz. () Potwolis the dependent of motor cars @) None of these 9, @) AU plancts are round, (Gi) A car wheel is round, G@) A wheel is planet, ® rete = (o) The thing which ia round is a flanet (d) Nena of these 10. (i) All tigers have four legs. Gi) No cats arc tiger (a) No cat has four lege. (®) No fo lagers avo cats, (@) Tigers are cats. (@) None ofthe above (d) None of these respected ic Wke Dhole ure vospected. India includes Bengal. (ii) Bengal does not include UP. (@) India docs not include UP. () UP is aleu a part of India. @ Bengal indludes UP. @ None of the above 19. (i) All the express trains stop here, iL () Humans can at ithout, (di) Rajdhani does not stop here. atmosphe! (@) Rajdhaw isa passenger train. (ii) Themoon is @) Rajdham is a feet train. fe) Rajdhani ns not en exproas train. (@ None of these 20, ( All chairs are stars. (ii) Some chairs are round. (2) Some rounds are stars. @) Some stens are round fe) No stor is round, (@ None of these —_ i Rome Oates @) Some men can ‘on the moun. (o) There is qo lifeossible on the moon, Bm gles are figures. 1.) P. Mo &) M8 ® = Al 8 Poo @ = Au ‘Thus all the throe erliogiaims are invalid according to the Figure No. $ 2b M- Pp 3 M § P Option (@) is invelevant, (4) is correct because it follaws the rules of valid syllogism AIT. Moreover the term ‘Painters’ ix distributed in the major promise as well as in the conclusion, P s ——] $s Valid conchusion AOO is here. Option (¢) ean not be correct because nuinor term must come as a subject af the conclusion. Conclusion (@) loyically follows but be- cause of the fallacy of division xt is, invalid, ie. collective action can nat be cousidered an individual's action, Option (a) ean not be vali axdfere from fallacy of di ()and (0) ore alee iavalid. No syllogism ia @ All religious pe ‘eruption: He is a roligiousanan. (Gon.) He hal 1m, The option (a) ns to be correct is actually ne t because occigpns (0) i also nt and (¢) is irrelevant. ent is denied (which oeitive antecedent will negative. (In hypothetical cither antecedent is affirmed sequent is demied aa the case is Blah M M P 4a: 6. (a): 6a: F(a): here). fers the option (a) seems to be currect. wut bocaune of the fallacy of the middle term it is wrong. Middle term ie not Cistsibuted either ia the aapor or ininor premiscsand thus there are “pur terms, P M jana 8 Pp Tad the middle term ‘round! boos tributed the eoncluaiva wos! bean right, ie, “ATT” cos not there in figure No.2. or (B) is not true, 10. (aM 92a: P 8 —_—? Combination FRR is not there an Figure No. 3.40 ontion (0) ie not correct Giule No. 7). Moreover no conciesion can be drawn from two T’ premises. 13, oO 8 ‘Valid syllogism of AAA is hora yhieh is there in Figure No. 1 14. (d)s'Two particular promizes yield no cone clusion, (Rule No. 7}. 48. (@): Option (a) is not correct because it suffers from the fallacy of divisions Mohan speaks lnglish but ie is not dlear that Mohan dacs not speak any other language, So option (2) ix envreet. U6. (@): Option (a) seems to be correct but it ‘suffers from tho fallacy of accident anit is invalid, P M B conchusion must he bused on probability. 18, (4): There are four torme. India, Bengal, Bengal and U.P. ‘Thus middle arm has “double meaning in both the premisrs, 19. (oP M s— Iw 8 P ‘Type 1 Direetions: One statement is given followed by several conclusions in each question. Choose the right one among Pie bernatives given, 1, He is an historian, s0 he ean not write ovels @) Novristonan can write novela () Some historians cun write novels (© Historians can seldom write novels @ Allof these ‘This aun cam t succeed because he is not truthful @) Those who enn yet success are teuthfut (@) Alltruthful persons aucceed (@ Only successful persone are truthful £8) None of these 8. He does not gota the mosque do he is aot true Musk 42) Oniy true Muatims go to the mosauy @) All tue Muslims must go.ta mosque @) Sorn2 who go to masque Muslims @) None of theve 4. Devils enemy beenuse! people G) "Phose who deus enemies ®) All those deve 2 the: ‘ple are the men are people believe in fate dno believe in fae are right which is based on Figure No. 2 20, @):M e uC 5 8 Pp Here the second premiso is the major premise and the first one is the minor one and the valid sylogiem of AJ a here, thinking people @ No right thinkiag peuple do, bekevoia fate (@ Those who believe in fate t thinking people @ Allof*hose 4. Tee obyviouely falee the aya retire voluatazily who rotire v are not Sietators (6) Mong tafliarly are other @ Dic tire voluntarily @) Alo Wiitlever shines is other than gold oldie the only yltiering substance Allof these Some students nve distur G@) Some disturbing ave wuudonts @) Somo students are not disturbing (© Both ofthe above (2) Noone of these ~All students are not geniuses G@) Many stedepts aro not genics (8) All goniusosare students (@) No students ia genius @) None of these 10, Somme doctors are not pelicemen (2) Some doctars are policomen @) Some policemen are not doctors () Both of the above (@) None of these The word ‘so’ declares that all historians esr not write navels ‘The sentence ix exelusive. Had he been. teuthfal he would have succeeded. It otherwise uve ai] truthful persons succeed, Duuble acgatives used in gentence make it affirmative. Option (ai cannot bx correct beosuse there may be othor reasons to yo to the mosqste dur option (6) Is corrert. [fdevil ceases ty ccerive the people he swill not remisitt Lhe enemy. So option (a) ssonly correct (Option (al is the converted form of the premuee and (bi ie Une obverted form of 1.4) 2b) 8 by: 4. (aj: 5. a: pe | Directions: Assuming the statement Hiven against each question to be true detesmine whether tne is trae, false, doubtful or irrelevant, Opiion fa) isfor true, (b) for fase, ie? Jor doxebtful, amd (a) for irrelevant. Cone::A fev [vole retuze ty 8. Statement: Some who! ‘wonfused are other th Cones: Any one W cenfesed. 4, Statement: Few pefiti 4 paliatain is very na can atop & ame able w 309 a are bther tran kings. PARI who are immensely icketers. cricketers are immensely MWGeatement: Some blinds are very antelligont. Cone.: Lncelhgents are blinds, 7?Statement: All snakes are poisonous, Conc.:No snake is nan-poisonaus, the premise and (c) is the distorted form. Irs logic always is the converted form of re Option (e) is the converted form af the pretise and option (a) is te obvexted form Option (4) means that ghitcring fhe qality of goid our iti soine t that makes gold gle Opliens a) is te Converted form nd 02 (8) is the obyerted form 6.40): Td) chi Ste): Seta). Here premise “E” is con °F which is Fogically validity ble. 10,6): Option (a) is thy uPMeeted Bor aral (bs) the converted form of mise. ° 3. State eof those who are able to ume Iuilers are uol unable to Stat@iment: Few people raad The Nines, ‘Indi Sane.: A few people read “The Tires af Gone. Those who study in the morning are other than students Statement: Only treaty breakers are cammunists. Cone. Treaty breakin is the part of com Statement: All that glitters is not gold. Conc.: Some sittering ubjecte see gold. L. Statement: All emdents are not la Cone.: No student is lazy. India’. 2, Statement: A fow o° those sghoNyre | 10, Statement: Students never study early spilling to tell their age ave fo in the morning. 70 ory AL 12. 18. Statement: Babes cannot manage trodes Cone. Few babies can manage crocodiles. 14. Statement: No marriage — is ‘unsuceossful Cones: Some marriages are suvcessful 15. Statement: Some dogs can not swim in the river. Cone.: River is for swimming. 26. Statement: No teacher commits amstak YR. Statement: A fow acts of agerrss:on are ‘Cone: All wachers commit auistalees, not unjustified. 17. Statement: Old soldiers never die Cone.: At least one acl of aggression iv Cone.: Some ald eviiors don't dre ‘unjustified. 18, Statement: Kvery criminal hav his day. | 28. Statemont: All soldiers avy not brave Cone. Some cxininals have their day Cone-: Some 2oldiers are brave. 48 Statement: Siudents never fail w be | 80. Statement: 4 few lions are not vicious. Ailient befxe their exams Cane.;: No lion is vieiows. Cone: A lew students fail tobe diligent | Directions: Tu statements are given before their cxams. towed by 2 conclusion in each of the 20, Statement: A few of the wise lack formal | following questions. Marie (a) if cofcinstor is education. frac, (b) fata false, fo) ifit tx dowbefu and (a) Cones: Many af the wise do not Yack | ifit is rereleva, formal eduenticm, ‘SLL. During puja days pcople visit tho: Directions: Assuming the statement hhoueee where pio iz perfermed. given ugoinst each question to be false go there evenf they axe not in@jted deterauine wherher the conclusion hut follows IL far visited the house ofR is rua, false, doubtful ur irrelevant, Option (a) office colleague during pi is jor tne, (b) for jul. (c) for doubtful and (4) Cone.: In Raja's house os for irrelevont. porfoeme. BL Statement: "ew of the bravce lack | 8% [If there 1» 9 caludfity. Igaders go omslity. around the affected a Cone.: Many of Lhe braves do not or do IL. They mect theictios aiff promise 10 lack humility. help them. ° 22. Statement: Almost every ane favours Cone: Such bydpdthene visits give liquor on campus, asturancgeiviel Cone: Every one favours igor on | 88 1. Indidp students who go abroad do caxapus 28, Statement: Whoever is just never fail to ng red a job there as well ‘be happy countries want to retain Cone t The just always fail to be berry. yach minds, s9 do not let them 24, Statement: Witchcraft is seldom wife, practised legally. indus are allowed to have only une Cones : Witsheraft is always pra legally. V1. Muslims ave allowed t Cone: [in Hindus the 1 omen is almost equal bot in Mustims it Statement: At least a fow exe) logic ars tough. Come: A: ‘east.a few exercivegin jel not.tough. 1. Rabindra Nath ‘Tagore wrote many 26, Statement: All suygenc not poems, Uishoneste, TL. Rabindra Sangeet is very swect. Cone. A fave stud sshonosts, Cone: Tagore himeelf composed tunes for 27. Statement: Argumel never wort, his poemy which are known at Kabindra Cono.: Argunignts are sivays on, Sangeet, ‘PLANATORY ANSWERS is true premise H will be enerelly confused, 4.(@): The word ‘king’ makes it irrelevant. ave willing, a few must refuse ‘The correct conclusion is°No' politician ct conclusion i@ ‘politisians are can stop a popular revolt. Conclusion is doubtful, 6. (eb has been obvor.ed into", 7. (a) 8. (a): 9. (b): Few meanx ao and thus it is premmse "E. If itie oheract promine T can not be correct. The earvect conelusion is ‘Ne people read “The Timos of India 10. (b):Seudents seldom study early in the morning is the correct conelusion, LL (@): The right conchusien is shose hu do not break the wealy are not commun 12 (ak’All that” means ‘some’ and the conclusion ir an obverrad forts of the premige, 13, (b):See the validity table column firet where ‘A’ is correct but 'E’ is false. Conclusion is premise E becavee ‘few" meine ‘no. 14. (b): The stulement is the ubyerted form af ‘all marriayes are eucenssful’, IL "means that some succensful are marringos, Here the premise ‘F's (rue 50 the premise ‘I' will be false. 15. )slt’s a premiee ‘O" [te obverted 4 some dogs can eim in the vives mm awn in the iv 16. (b): If premise Fs trae pre be false but premise eoue teachers don't cor is true, If premise “Ei ise 'O' will also be true ac fo the validity alo be Leu 1. (Dh TF premise 'F is truc conclusion ‘Twill he false. ite rue form 1s a few students do not fail Lu be diligent before their exams, (premise ‘0. 20, (c): IFpromige Tus true corctusan "Oy bo doubtful but it iy near to he 22, (a): promise Ts false, conclusi be true, prentise Tis false con also be falge sexveding: table 28. (e): LE premise “Bie talfe conclusion bbe dowbeful Lut ne! true, 24. (ajJt is most likely to be truc Lecause seldom is vers uf always, 25, (a):If premi false couclusion ‘0° vn 4s False conclusion will 2m, (a): Af 8 false conclusion ‘A will is falze concluavon'T will = {e}: Rama night have gone there for other purpesee, 82. (a): Promises always give assurance, tis enly a long drawn ons, Very few muslims have more Chan one wives even if they are ullowed ve ave fou 35. (dy: act of the felloming to statements faliowed by from the statements mark (c) if bath low’ from the statements and mark (d) if ther T nor if follows, o ‘Type IV] 1. Statement: () Footballers wre goneraily healthy, (i) Rashid is & ood footballer. Cone: @ All heatchy porsans are fnotballess (FP) Rashid 3s healthy 2, Statement: en are chairs. All ebuirs axe tablen, Cones (All men ore tablee, @ Some chaivs are mon. Statement: @) All boys are rivers. G2) Some vers ave girls, Cone: (D Some givls sre boss. (BD) Sorae Vays are ginls. 4. Slatement: @) Some bags are white (i) Some non hage are wothpastys, Cone.: @) Some bags are tables. (B) Sono whites ove ba 5, Statement (@ Some pots are cups. (i) All cups ave race. Cone. : @ Some pots ove tats (GF; All pots are not rats. 6. Statement: @) Allapples are bananas. G2) Allbananas are sweets. Cone. 1 Some apples are sweets, Gi Some bananas ace apples. 7, Statement: () Same poets are fools. (8) All fools ere ich, Cone: @ Some rich are porte. (2) Some fools are poets. & Statement: () All geactuaves are cypewr} Gi) All typoweisere are boat. Cones: @ All graduates are (B) Allbosts are graductes, 9. Statement: @) All cinemaggtors 28ers stars aat stone chips. ‘honest people are mats. ‘he mata are politicians. Cone: @ Ail the honest people aro politicians 4D Some pobiticians ave honest. 11, Statement: (i) All the dogs ara cats, (i) Some entz ure white. Cone. @ Some doga are while, (BD Some cats are dogs. 12, Statement: {) Some tableo are glasees, () All trecs are taoles. Cone. (Some twees are elas (iD Some glasses ute Lzoee 18, Statement: () No man is a ect. 4) Thawoid is. a man Cones () Hamicl in nit a cat (i) Allaaen are nob a ex 14, Statement: @ Some che (i Table All buses are planee. (@ All planes are cars. 16. Statement: @ Mf foothalla are made of iron cricket bats are made of wood. Gi) Cricket bats uxe apt made of wood. Cone: @ Fonthalls ave not made of won, (@ Bootballs ure made af iron. 17. Statement: @ General rules the anny. 40 Generale wife rules hit. Cone: @ His wife vulea the army. @ Army is ruled by a General 18, Statement: 9 All bicds bavo wings. fii) Bats have no wings. @ Bats are not bicds. GD) Those who have not wings are other than birds, 19. Statement: (i) All wives are women, Gd She is a woman. Cone. (D She is a wife. 2b Only she is wife. 20, Statement: (@ Teachers are soldiers. Gi) Soldiers are farmers. Cone.: @ ‘Veachers are farmers. 7D Taxmeve wee Weachors. 21, Starement: () Some apples are yellow. (Gi) Golden is an apple. Cone: @ Goldene yellow @) Some appies are green. 22. Statement: (AL cara fly. i) Some bileca fly Cone: ) Ail cave are bikes. Some bikes do vor fy, 23. Statement: @ Some crows are dog ® All dogs are faithful. ® Some faithful are ext QD Some faithful a UA. Statement: @ All tables are ai Gi) Some anta are chi Some cooks are boys, jatement: 6) Most trains arc yentlemen. (i) Some gontlamen are tanks, @ Some tanks are trans. @ Some trains are tanks. 27, Statement: @ All Gowers are beautiful. Gi) All lowers are girls Cono.; @ Somo boautifuls ave gisks. (B) Some girls are beautifel, 28, Statement: (AD prisanars are educat Gi) No man is educated Cones GG No nian is pris GU No prisoner ie ws: ay dogs bite. ‘one. ‘Those dogs who do not bark absw bite. Barking dogs scldam bite. 1. Statement: 4) Some ollices are hotela. {i) All hotels are elu. Cone.: @ Some clubs are offices QD) Some offices are not clubs. 82, Statement: @ Some roads ure footpaths Gi) Some highways have footpaths. Cone: @) Some highways do noo ave footpaths. (B) Some highways have roade. 88. Stetement: @ AN workers are tenchers. Gi) AN writers are teuchers. Conc.: @ Sonne writers are workers. GY) Some weachers are workers. 34, Statement: @ AM Americans weither Canadiansor = Mexicans. ii) Most. of the Mexicana ave not white, Cone: @ Ne Canadian ia Mexican, AT) Some Americans ave not white. 35. Statement: 1L@): r Ss Pp Conclusion (f) is invelevant and eamclusion (77), ‘AIT combination which poems to be valid suffers rom the Fallacy of eccidont because of the word ‘generally’ used in the statement. M s 5 2 (Oe - ea on /) 3. (dp P M M. $s s—pP Both the conel because “ALN is not & valid syllog'ss according to Figure No. 4. Here may premise is ‘A’ premiso, is ‘Tone and conclusios premises. No conclusion aan be a particular promises. (Ae No.7) More-over i ‘seme bags 3 is ‘seme whites ar sion is algo not averted into nadennelus 5 (oy: @ Some slates are cups G) Some cupe are spoons, Cone.: @ Some plates are sprons, dD Sore euye are not spoans. EXPLANATORY ANSWERS Bigs 11. (bP M M 8 s—P an cyucausion v9 correct Hecate TEs the converted fori of the statement frat but statement I can’t be correet. Lecause the major term eannot be the subject of the eanclusion. 12 es 18. (ck 16. (a): Ina hypothetical syllogism Qbavequent is denied that is re and if ‘both the causes angi affigaistive then antecedent will lao Bes hegutive tera: because cf tha conditional phrase, 17. (4): There yr terms in the two » eonelusion can ho of the fallacy of the Yonohuaion (I) is courect hecause ANE is 4 valid syllogism. According to figure No. 2 Conclusion (U) is also correct. 19. (ae M eee ir s Pr Conclusion I ia wrong because All is not valid. Codusion [Ue also wrong, because it can not be exclusive as word ‘only’ heze shows, crget because fowism and evant. Moreover infe deawn feom two ive () promuses. 21, (d): Conclusion (Dis uot MV ja noe a valid conclusion no constusi fun | is not correet beewuso the wm can uot be the eubject of ‘conclusion and coneliasiva Tria the Eouverted form ofthe second statewent of premise T intn I, (oP M me § s—pe Conclusion Tas correct because valid asllogism of TAL is hese apd second conciusinn is the converted form uf the second statemimt 24. a): P ¥ M 8 8 P Coneinaion (t} “AMI is wot valid aeenrding to figure No. 4 and Conclusion Q) makes major term as the subject of the eomelusiom so itis also @r a 25. @:P M jaa 8 Pe Crmelusion tis nol valid (LAD) aceording Wo the figure ard conclusion (11) makes ve the major term as subjece of the conclusiun, 26. (d): No conclusion cam be drawn fram to particular premives. 27.) (©) 28. day — M Snel 8 P ‘Valid syllogism ABE is there in figure 2. And conclusion (I) cam not be enrrect, becanse major term is the subject cf the eoneusion. oN (r=0) Sesseeeeae: _ 29, (a) M P [resmeamane 8 yp Condlusion | is vorrect breumse valid eyllogsr of AILis there in igure No. 3 bat SMA’ is net a vahd eylloxiam necardings to the figure se conclusion IL is not eurrect, 80, (d): Middle torm dogs is net disurrbuted here 90 no conclusion can be drawn, ‘And conclusion (I) is a phrare only, BL (ox P M M s questions dere is 0 at paragraph followed by 4 Hf, Assuining the stat @) [only conch @ [fonly conclu fara in need of a gond doctor. : Miser people seldom help che ene reap here and (HI) conclusion is the obversed asnverted, fovre of the statement ((:. 82, (a): No conclusion can be drawn from two particular (|) premices 20 conchwaon A) doce mee fallow but eonstusun 148 the ubverted form of ¢he statement sevond. M M P term 38. ( 8 Middle aytribueed st all so no ep “wachers syTingism Rc Andcondusion of he statement, 34, (09: |i American a ae Mi white, | wale Americas are aleogiat Conduyion (10) also follfws cf Ube ord" used i tatement. Lede> not follow because (21 dluaion can bx: drawn from we [cular preanzsee (B}maajocLeem east tbe the eubjoctof Uueeouclucion. And conehision IL isjust tbe obverted fann of the taccarent (2) Con, 1: Thoew who are miser never belp the por Con.Ik: Foor are very varely helped by the anices, 3. Statement: Since the fechng of superiority is built in wherever thera is social development, there is x Letle tha: cam be done to arrest it excep: at the ©: of sovial development, Con. I: ‘To mainta‘ social development ‘complex shard be allowed to cone ‘tome. Con[l: Social develepment and con plex rust side by side. 4. Statement: Recent rescarches have shown that pinwpley have their root cause in the liver, Con.1: The medication for pimples showld be adminisiored to the Con.fi: Iehaling of eleams is of no use for this purpose. 5. Statement: TL is written in history ‘Ucuks that most of the battles which tonic place among rulers were fought for amaea.ng wealth and beavtiful women, Word War! has a hackycound vory near toil, Con. {i If money minded people will Aourish, World War 1 may stat. Condi: In ctden days wealth and hheawiiful women were the major concern for rulers. 6. Statement: The oceans aro store house of practically every mineral including 288Lge But hike most cther minerals itis found in extremely Jow omoentration about 3 grams per 1000 tona af water. Cou. Sea water eontains silver and ion. Con.T: Gold is found about 3 grams 1000 tons of water. 7. Statement: It 1s evident historical information that gow ‘Thave wax educations] more importance antity of education |. I: Deficiency demand will have to be met by impo: nT There is no need to cut dorcatic demand of ceue oil. 9. Statoment: The disparities betwoon the problems of rich aud the poor do aot stand out clearly when we compare the attitude of the Iw maki: bodies towards these (wo utrata of the suciety. Con. T: Pectiameat do nol discriminate between rich and poor while, Formulating policies for tho Cond Law makers to not identical attitude towards the haves and have nots. 10, Statement: A maladjusted erimninul who commats crime, ofadjustme: Con. {: Some crimes cauea in adjuatmd Con. Malady nt 1. Siem tay ah R F Ip a police encomtor & prorieand 2 soldiers wore killed sind injured scriously vow: Th clack aa ot unexpected. wl: ‘The oaly injured war the torcovien 18; Statement; No uew tax hes been proposed in the budget of 1997-98. TL is still a surplus budget. Con. I: The buulyet of 1997-98 may be ‘considered 4 gore budger, Com: 1997-98 budget ts a surgiua budget because ne new tats huss boon propused. 14, Statement: It docs not matter what type of fod you eat. What matters ig whether you ein digest it Con. I: Any type of food in equally good ac long as itis digested. Con TI: The type of fond one eat. is im- material, 15. Statement: Now younced uot have an import Licence to own a vaftware computer toda, Con. I: Computer suflwarrs are made indigenously. Con.T: Duty trev computers are now available, 16. 1s a 99 Statement: [Pblue is hoavy then yellow is Light, If red ix light then green is medium but blue is heavy or red is ight. Con. I: Yellow is light or green ix odin, Con.T: Yellow te 10d. Statement: The bost woy to escape froat a problem is to seve it, Con. I: Your life will Le dull sf youdon't fave a problem. Conk: Te escape [com 2 peublem demand come eolution of the problem. Statement: Good is the enemy of best Con. I: You should he good to your best enemy. Con.Tk: Best do nvt luke the yood. Stateraont: The essence of one day cricket is the ability 1 score runs fast and to bow! with a mirture of control snd sugression which adrory handled con tie the opponent. hand anid foot. Con. I: Kapil Dov who won the World ‘Cup itr 1983 had all she abner qualities, Con.T: Aggressive boveling as well as fas: scoring of runs are equally indispensable to win a uae day: exicket mateh. Staiement: Majority ules in democracy.” Con. I: In a democracy candi lected by a aio Cop.lk Majority have amend a Jaw in p demveratie art. Statement: brother is not Imown since 6 place last year by thal unluck¥bus which collided with 2 Leuck (car Paizbad. Con, T: erdwag killed im the ace jo8 of the bus and the trusk ¢ feason behind my. wrother's missing: fat: Strikos sare the imberent of workers for the purpose of raring justice. Con Com. [: Workers can nat get justice unless they go en sinc ConJI: Every worker must defend his! her inherent right. Statement: ‘Tbe greatest need of India Loday is nur of quod researelers but well teniuted teachers Con. f Indie docs not need researchers today. ith the umw popularization of rabzation a Hoy edu Statement: It is risky to wave) Fron Jammu t1 Barancula be fh zag road. Con.E Jammu and Bas ‘ox re conaceted by } ath! knowledge of Con.lk: Resnarebeva are laut attached Con.fk; ‘Pher=is ne atl a5. Statement: ain kuuwlrdge of should be anxious to ive the kuowlcdge of life jt: All that glitters is not gold. ‘one Judgemant —ahould not exclueively be made on the basis of the appearance Con.ll: Gold does net shine at all Statement: This hook is tox ooatly so be wworthlers. Con. i: ‘ken buoks fall shost of supply dir prices ge up. Conk; The higher the selling price. the superior is the quality of Ube commodty. Statement: Apart ‘rom the educat'nnal value of newspapers their sonal valiien stvmold lao be Kept into account. Con, I: People take nowspavers to be & ‘meangof impirling eduention. CoM: The entertainment value of newspapersie also of peramount. iuaportance. Statement: [ have reality of ignorance. 28. 29, jothing except the Con. I: Th» world of knowledge is too vast 20 he explored by a single ris ashamed of his ove krowleu 80. Stutemens: Books awe like frdeads wha and lasting sewaeds. Con. I: Always choose sich friends Like book. Books give us eternal satistivtion. Con. EXPLANATORY ANSWERS 1. The consequort is related with the antecedent. The werd ‘definitcly’ slarities that we need a doctor. 2 (e): "The wor! seldom'ia vary close ta never the very ruzely' is also very near to it and Il conclusion is the naskive form of the statement, 8. (o): Ifwe remave suporiority complex from: the mind of the people we wil! jeopardise socia? development 4. (@): Conclusion IT dues not fallow became therm is ae reference of steam in the statement, 5. (b): The statement clarilies that thore were some exceptions tu this purpose of war sonothing can be definitely said about a War in future. Morcover money minded people and Kings are not the enme things Evary minoral is found in oveaas & also in low concentrations bu conclusion dors not follow be mincrals are not found ip 1 concentration. 3 grams per 1000 tans af water concentratiun used cxelusively for 2! 7. (@}: Coxclusion IL also: se of the word “even” ia .enk that sorted SBEech of indirect narra o 8. (a): Conch ot enrrect because in & halance betwoon il and domesticdemand, must be ont, Ite attitude of parliamentarians isrich end poor separately. [fit sil then it will be difficult to iatinguich nich and poor on the basis of ir problems. IN): Both the conclusions can be drawn from the statement but only one sonchusion will be correct at une time, Thus either I follows or Il felles 11, (b): Sentiments are uatural and rd both according to the sta 12, (d); Encounters are always un: and the porsons who wag lijurédatm ony: them, may eithor be a x€ldier or a lenroriat, 13, (a): Ifburden of tax doce autancrease evew then it is mest the budgetary requireme wernment, itis & ood lyse 14. (a): Immaferial iy the opposite of materia i 15. (A)yLiby ion does not neceasnrily at people have wusried pe ng comp tuters indegenoualy and custom duty and unport keence are not nical in nature, In hypctineticn affirmative sylloziam, of antecedent is affirmed ins consequent. must be denied. ‘17. (d): Conclusion [ ix irrclovant. Second is also not implicit becuuso there aro ways other than its solution for escape. 18. (d): Conclusion | and Uf hoth aze not. implied eg, ifwe don't ike someone it doge not mean that we are enemy of that person. 19. (b):Conelusion I te not implicit because there is no refavence of a particular crickotcr in dhe statement. 20. (c): Both the conclusions follow from the atstement separately, So either Iur Tis correct. AL (e): | and II both the conclusions probably follow from the atatement. 22. (d): Correct inference may he: () LY justice is not being given to workers, they have the ryht to go. onatrikes. (@) No onc haa the right to prevent: workers going on strike, 28. (ojsLonciuon + ‘Statement does not talk exclusively but refers “the grealeat need of India” and 411s also probably ewe, Xo atach profes weigcs is ail ov sir servieus so Thus services’ is the only possible uplion. And there are other Dreane sito and land ways is visky araong then ‘andl both don't follow fiva the atace- ment. 24. 27. (byrTt olhorwise meany 1h inference and II one as a logical one. ‘te hooky are eo expensive thar im cin not be worthless (transinewation: 28.(c): Hoth | and TM follow from the statement. 29, (@): Every one im Unig world ie iynovant ia ‘many respects, eo there 1s nathing whe pchuaned of. 90. (b): Conclusion Vin wreicvinnt Directions: fy each of the follow questions a statenwt is gicen followed by hua Arguments. ‘Mark vour answer (2) if only 1 is strong. Mark (2) if only sxgument IT is etrong. Mark ¢e) ifboth the arguments are strong, avd Mazk (d) if neither 1 nor His strong, 1, Statement: Should educntionbe giveaby the government free nf charge? Arg. I Yes, it will help 1a universa- ligation of education in the country. Arg. No,there will bebuclgetary deficit, cres.iugsomenew problems. 2, Statement: Should caste hhomned inthe Indian eociety ? Arg. I: Yes, ibis a heavy barrier j way of speedy development country. No, iewillgivechan wun ¢ throughelocti 3. Statement: Should privgteerector be permitted to 61 chopublie utility sorviees? th doing well in nerd yvoetnra commtries. to putithesesorvices ze hands. 4. Se Should the government stop to minoricy institutions of Type VI Arg. I: Yes, their p: rel quantity of ny thefind. No, vuling parts! a vate back in the op ions. , Statement: Showld s of only deserving authors ved to be published? Arg. I Yes{ ity 8 lot of paper Jsoreof supply. Arg TAS ‘posible todram ade rardudion, between the deserving eundegervingauthors. i (¢; Shoald military training be ‘unubenton all school and vollege sudents? ig. 1: Yes, it will inculcate discipline among Lem. Arg.l: No, itwillbring regmencation in education, 7. Statement:Should thepolsiealpactiesbe banned? ‘Avg L Yes, if is necessiuy 09 teach 9 leseato she politicians, Avg. Ji: No, itwill load Coan end of demo: racy Statement: Should India. suprstt econumielibesalization? Avg. I: Yes, it will boost up industrial developmen leading iy more supply of Lie enumodity sued law price, Avg I: No, it is againsy the Nebre's dream ofdemocraticaociativns. the world Arg.T: No, du quatity of kealth care services willleleriorate. Stuterment; Should the duration of the pavliamentary overnment he meveiased? Arg. i You,itwilleducetheespenresua clactivas and also reduce saflatiou, Aggie No, xf will (ako lonyor time th change a ruling party evon ‘fatia earupt Statement: ‘The educated people should work in vilages, Arg. I: Yer. because they cam revolutionarize agriculture and zevamp the rural stmosphere Arg.tl No. because their eduction night wasles chore in village . Statement: Should movies full of violence heteleeaetod? Ang. It Yes, because children will adopt uci behavwur frou films. Arg. Tl; No, bucause violence ie the hewe sand cout ofall puxstea Statement: Should guides published by privaw ageneweshebanned ? Arg. I: Yea, because only then st start reading toxt Arg.I: i 10. u No, beceuine they are help for weak st eleventh hour. Statement: Computes ss very fruidful for ind: in nda, a prostuction a posaitle thamugh Junology will increase Rey, it would load to lughor pro duction, I: No, wany villugere woule be Seth poreeipiace mute managementoflartories in India? Arg I Yes it ow the auunogcmentthcory. Arg.li: No. mang wurksrs axe illiterate and ehoconteihution wall noth ot vate, Statement: Sbnild here be women ministers La states ? Arg. I: Yes. unly ‘then the womca will he rexnov seanditiow sell Xu. 8 won lig sae. Statement: Should publ conferences be! Arg. I Yes, he pl Arg. present us Arg.U: 18. i: No, it fe Against fundamen cr given to citizens of ludis. ld maze media be filly ho government? the cuntradiclory news only conlasesithe people. ML: No, tecredibility will bedoabtlul afmasemediaiscontratied by gne- ernment. Statement: Siionld sex education be siven in schools? Ang. T: Yes. it cs given in westersn mantries, Avg.IL, No, it is naturally gained when uhildren grow mtoadalesernee Statement: Should religion be banned? Arg. 1: Yes, itdevelops [naticiam among peonk, ‘a, teigion ogether. Statement: Stould Tndin have nuc‘car 19. a, Binds people 22. 2, His novesice'y Lo protest tie sovereignty und integrity af the eounty, Arg.U: No, this will distarb the balance ofpowerm the region ‘Ang. I; Yes, it damages the liver and the ung. No.it will drive millionsoftabawoo workorsout. Statement: Sixonld driv woomrume liquors ? Arg. L Yo, s:xeduces the change of un- controlled daaving of vehicles. “Arg Tl; No, studs to stamina in them. Statement: Should competitive torts be objectiveinnature? Arg. [: Yo, itgives fair aadimpartial oe seesmentof the examiner Avg. ll: No, wvitinycand orgenizing abality cam not be saseswed through this test, Starement: Should incometax he evaded bythe people? Arg. I: Yos.therateafincome tastis very righ. Arg.Il: No, itisilJoyel and unlawful Statement: Shouldualestax be abolished? Arg. E Yes, it sill eliminate an iupportant source ofeorruption. Arg.Ik: Yes, twill bringthe pricesof com mocities down and hen consumers wil! he benefited Statement: Should etste lotteries be stopped? Arg. I: Yea, government chould aoe promote gambling habits Arg. TI: No, government. will hav suffer lossof even Arg. mL prokubited. 29, Statement: Should high restricted to tho mest deserving ‘Yes. only deserving: titled so this luxur Arg.IL: No, itis againegube les of equality ‘ational eppuctumity. 30, Statement: §} sary teacher's 1h A 1.1 follows hecause thore whe ver education due lo roblems. well ges, if il is ‘afcharge, and argument 1 ie fo strory bocauve it will cequire litinnal budget increasing financial Arg. Ib Yes, st wit creuurage ana motivalethem loteachinabeter Arg. Iz No. itwillinexaase financial pres: ‘surewon the goverment BL. Statement: Doxoorl quilts wredueis nocd wide publicity? Arg. It Yes, in the present day world of competition, customers can not Know about a new product ‘withootproper publicity. No, good quality products nuatienlly alfrct customers, thus speak ar thrrasel ven. 32, Statement: lees the snvivulof ictim fit today? Arg, Tr You, weak have vey of achieving 9) co presentday worl Arg.T: No, wore, Mdigal svience ‘aot life? Arg. elition, 12 stone age nos ave been able int: [s the youngest child happy ‘Arg. II: No, heLucomor;ealous ofthe new “Arg. E Yes, mind is fresh acd alerl at 33. Statement: az The really lengthened the # Arg. I: 6s. ChBnowllrags mist Ube diveaees and 5 the spunof lif. N: N¢, the erarnal truth that every json’s days are numbered cam fae ‘baby talees birt im the family? iris exciting for Lim to have Ist, $6. Statement: Shovld etudents srudy an that vime ‘Arg. No, early risers feel sleepy tbe denied. Arg, a new meaabor in the family early howrsof moran? ‘throughout theday. burden on the goverment, : Divisiva of rnedety on the bosia oPeaste ig veally a bas! stone in the way of speedy Mow of social and prvitival fianerioning a0 argument J 5 etcomy but argument I dacs mut follow because people are already running the vuvermmentat variouslevele thus enste ever bear little impacton this issue ‘The condition af a devaloping camry is entacly different as compared toa de- veloped nation. $o argument I i= not strong and argument iI 18 also weak, because private sector ie doing well in cconomic areas ani their sxodibility is unquestionable, Tris x fare based on resoarches that quatity as well as quanrity afedcuation 3 astitutions, barring a few, is exlzemely poor becwuse of many reasons as compered to govermienls’ ingtituhons. If we compare the uchievement with money invested itis, Jess than 1/10th. So argument first is strong, Second aryumentis not awwong, because ‘ruling party must acl in accordance with the yenrral welfare of the people disregarding its vote bank, IL is dear trom the second argument that there as no way of identifying deserving authors. H the witeria of deserving and nn-deserving authors nm the significance of thew avtidler, the question of investigating into th acthor does not arise. So argumey ‘weak and {I one is sirung. Avgument I is weak which i fiom the Dl argument which ‘strung, Moreover, the dis in there in milivary, ig the discipline that Ba: 5. Cb): 6. (hy: as well ws im tke I will definitely onee encation doegnot like militniy edom of choive is ical parties there isue ent is based on ecanainie +3 and lawa while the second has its urigin into bietory and model can not be the bave of an argument and nuticnalived health vare matatched with argument [tia 10. (b): Expenses on elections ure ror the wile, cause of inflation ao argument | ia wes but argument II is atzung hoeay when a ruling party is aot ai ustisfactorily wo ca char ge i elections and do away Fopulay votes, fa 1. (a): Argument Lis stron: bolts their education properly tf revolutionarize agricult vamp can mural atmosphere, Ti does not mewn that thoir el is Boing wasted there, 12, (a): Only urgpfientiigé strong, because such mfries dente the attitude af vol cially in ndules 13, (b):tE ger *P publishing guile books sary Uhat stuileats wil] ¢o sat books. Study habits are lated to other variables like ligenve, socto-ecmemurstara, aim life ote. On the ouher hand there 3 nr doubt that guides are helpful for weak students, Sp argument |! is strong, (©): There 18 no doubl at all about the fee argument and ITs sino strong bees usr India isu populous country where labour intensive techniqne 1s nicre suitable than capital intensive tachriqne. 15, (a); Meckanization in agriculture deve nut omcen that many people will lose their Jobs, Mechanization generally helps in reducing the use of animals in agriculture, 16. (bj: rule which is supported by @ theory does not suit to all caxcumastenres. So argument Lig tot strong bnt argument Tie geallya fact at lease in India whee liveraay is not more (an M0% while monugement require Cine pices of education, of women wore stopped by men and is ae case even tnday, So anrument [is weak and argument [f is also weak because many of the women happened lo be the rulers of states and nations ‘aud they are rehng well even tndag. 18, (b):Righto freedom of expresiinn ina fna- damen‘al right So urgument [] 16 strong but argument 4s weak because thn opponents are ic meetings and '9. Gh):Argument Tas not strong becouse whenever there is a contradiction ma news it is not because newspapcrs or ‘TY are in private hands hut other reagons are reaponsibly foy it. Rvon in governmenteontmlled newspapers, one news sometine contradicts the other news, Government's contzolled mase media generally speak the language of the rading party end lhus its eredibibty becomes doubtful. 20.(€): The culture of Indio is very much Aifferent from that of the western counties, So whatever is liked there muy not he necessarily regarded gond hare. Morcover, children ncce not such type of education but they are adults ho should be impartod sex education, Rnowledge of vex in real sonse ix not amt innate process 21, (b}:There ig nu doubt in the fact th religion binda people together butifis doubtful that it develops fanaticism All religious people bie hum; goneral und love tnurasss b thoes ho are exhibirory cree s tear are fa 22 ta): Having 3 nuclear we: thing and nang it ately is another chins. 5 5 strong bul Hone ‘s not 3 age some other counigies of th Fegion does also have it. 28, (a): Argun Lased om soeuufie uaient I i¢ not logical, iven in argunrent riving can nec be done in ig strong but argument If is weak Conauming Tiquer doce increase stamina for a white hut ater that it 3s the mersous system, Argumeny | is the advantage of thig ype of test and afgument IT is really the weale aspect of the test. Ut ia aot possible to measure writing ability, speed. epelling, argarizational alality ete. through multcele chaice teste, 26. (b):The rate of incowe tax as really very high butevon then we shuuld not ev: it because iLis against law. 27. (a): Conraption as anvlved not anly cullecting butaellers of the comméeit are aleo habitual with several’ ‘carrupt activities like bls 25. ©): fake recoipts ote. So strong, Bul agum; because inn free shark determined by the fies ceuppls. If tax ia eliminated fiom the ec geil po down and Rass thar wil the prices again, 2 ase no strong 9. (a): cluestional opportunity wn thet everyone must be iy chance nif geuting edueation i Wve of his talents. Te simply ‘that any citizen of india wil not. be discriminsied on the basiv of bie ste, eroed, colour ur professian. Higher education entails hig or costs So geruliny is a must here 30, (b): Study shows that galaxy ef the teachor hae little impact on nheir paufesssional ability and motivation. Moet of che teachers are daing well an private schools un unall an'acice. Soargumeat Tisnorstrong bul argement [I esxeally atrong because heavy finance yall be needed fur paying calarves to teachers. 31. (@): Withoutproperpublicity wecenuoteell our customera about the qually of ear producusbutonce itis ustsodscerl in the market aller small publioy, people choose i becanse of ta hich quality and ‘oor people ate infurmed by thos who "survival af the fittest. 8. (a): Assumption IT is nel slong because ite aiesceng is antirely different from that Directions: ‘There are trea statentents P and @ each followed by an inference. Now delerinine which of the statements supports is inference. Mork (a) tf only statement P is irae, Mark (b) if ondy statement Q is true, mark (0) if both Peanel Q are tite aad rar) if weiter Of then ts true in accordance with logic. 1. (P) Wavcrboils at 100°C. This liquid buils at 100°C! Therefore, this liquid is water. (@ Every bottle with e green label contains apple juice. Apple juice is safe la drink, Therefore, i 4s harmtess todmmk from every botile with yreen Iskel. 2, P) All, that twinklee, are stars. Moon does not twinkle, Therefore moon is not a star. @ Ailthe motals are not in solid forms. Merewy isin a liquid for ‘Therefore. insveury is alao 4 met 3. @) Girls play chese—Chess 16 a ai game. Therefore, giris play game (@ Sheela is a duck, Al naughty. ‘Thorefong, |\Sheela# is aughly men like men axe 4. ©) Monkwys like mangoca. TI monkeys, @ Planets Marth is a ThigeCorgpeurth is wtntieanry. ss areapples. AD puavas erefore, all apples axe mangnes are apples. Alt upplos Byaper. Wherefore, same mangoes stapes. EAP) Souse tables are geass. All stools are grass, Therefore. come stools axe tables, Type VI that of the 1. AS. (a):.\Rtor cound eleup miaul becames Hes ‘and alert, (@ Every sensible person likes Indians are sensible people. Indhans like inssic. 7.) All hah ean tly. Some fi ‘Thorefore, some birds (Q All fish ve bird ary naughty. There! are naughty. 8 10) No policoman like palicnma F. besuty. + {Q) Some, re ol icin, AM wu ‘Therelure, ull polite not rich, 8 are rich. Norich person Therefnra musiciananre not a Newwon can aelve Cais problesa, He is Newton. Therefore, ke an solve this problem. 100°) All caps are red. All simdents wear caps Therefore, ill students wear vel cep. (@) All wives are women, Kamla is a ‘woman. ‘Thorefore, Karl is a wife, UL @) All gold shines, AN silver shin ‘Therefore. ail gold is silver. @ All cold shines, All silver sbines. ‘therefore, all that shines 1 either gold or silver 12. ®) Some philotophors are intelligent. AM] philosophers ave men. ‘Therefove, some mon ave intelligent. @ Some buvks exer read, All bucks sre pencils, ‘Theretrore, om pencil cn oad. 18, @) Kither he ie happy er rich. Te is righ, ‘Theeefore, he is not happy. (@) Those who ane rich carnmit. suicide Me is nat rich, Therefore, he will not commit suivide crow. Therefore, no fix is jackal. (Q) Allecows are not jackals, Some crows faze monkeys. ‘Therefore, some monkeys are not jackals, 1. (b): Na conclesion can be drawn from wu ? premises wo stulement P is weung, Statement Q is correctly hased on valid syllogism because of the woud "every bottle” used in the statement provided we assume “safe” and “harmless” an synonimuus 2. (@): ‘AU that” rwinkles aro stara_meana some stars owinkle, So moon may oF may not be a star. See the figure below: M Pp 5 M s BP Here the ayllogism is AQO whieh is not valid according to figure number. So & is not true. Te the atulement Q there are our lerms (i) ull the metads (ii) solid form (G2) meceury sd (tv) liquid form. So nw vorelusioa can be drawn, 8. (bi: P is true only paradoxically not Jogically. @ is logically true because: valid syllogism “AIT” is here, figure) P M M 8 as P once It prem is ma sll & Qu MAAN is ug syllogient according te ve figure eo statement P is te. Belay M Poo 8. ‘valid ayllogieen aveording to wove figure an statement Q is true. ” He did net rumble down, Therefore, he did not run fast. Q) A> BB > C hut not D. Therefore, A>D, EXPLANATORY ANSWERS 5. (De NM P _— 7 s P ig not trae beeause sf one of the premises 1s parteular ats conclug must. be particular. lf infe made. l' premise, j2.,"s000 1 poles” evens Uew it will B becmnse TAT is not ther below. So far an state cerned its figure Wj Py M u a 8—y G IA] is rot a valid syllogism beoanse 111s pot there in Figure No. 2. Sostatemant P ig not truc, So far as statement Q ie concerned its figure will kee as follows Pete Thus “AAA is a valid eyllogisu secording to the figure given above. es ALligavelid: legis according tn the ‘igure No, 3 s0 statement P is true. ‘Tae figure far atatement Q will be 8. (a: 94d): 20. (a) s—p And AAA is not a vubd syllogism ac cording to the igure No. 4 (ho figure for statement F will be ~S Here the conchision is bayed on BIO Which ts vahd according wy Fignre No. 1,80 P statements coxreet. The Sjrure for Qatatement wall be Mt Pe 8 M 8 P M P yD 5 ——pP 8 It means syllogism is OA which is not valid according w figure No, 3 But “some polite persons arp not rich’ is the correct. conclusion, £e., OO is a valid syllogiem. Statement P is wrong because majar tern can not be the subject of the conclusion. Le the etalewent Q there are four terms (i) x Newlou, (fi) solve chis problem, (ii) He and /é Here “s Newiun' is « eommon now while Newton is & proper noun, M Pp 8 M s——P maa { P M s—% 14 S—ar P elatement de true bi 2 AAA isa valid syl wut dtntoment @ ia net TE not a valid 1B. (a): s—P AAA Both lhe stalement are false boeruse AAA js aot a valid syllogism according to figure Ne. 2 : M P uC ¢ s——P ar M ¢ : , O s—— PF TAB Here both the starsunes arefbised on Talisa figure Xo, 3, Pia crue Ue Qus false TAB is not eunrect broause it is a isan Li! neato mont Q ‘cause says that those +h commit suicide. It deca jan lat only rch commit no ce There may be peogie other in vich who commit suicide. [1s a00) This AOO syllogism ia rot valid coring th figure No 1 No conelusian can be drawn frem two particular premises so stetemont P is false but Qs iene because it is based ‘on valid ayUogiom HELO. Its figure is M P moL_— 5 3—r! in a bypothetiew! syllogism if cunsequent is denies then axtecutleut will alao be dened in an offirnuati statement. So staveinent Pa erno and Q 14 ut correct hecanse celation between A and D is notclear from the statement, ic, A> B,D >B>O, ® 10. 1, - » @ o by & wy « ® ®) @ By @ (ey @ ( @ a i) wy By My son has handaome personabty, Inference : My sen isa boy under 18 years lage, Those who wre honest are good teachers. Unrd werkiag people are honest Inference : Hard work is che nevesaary quatity of a gued teuches All wives are women. She is a woman, Inference : She us a wife AlLmonkeys wear tings, All rings are blue, Inference : All monekys wear blue rings Cats like rats, Rate like bread. Inferonce : Bread is liked by care ‘Hapoy ie uno who is contended. Religious people are contended, Inference : Religious people happy, Glass is # brittle, ‘This substance ig not brit Inference : This subsisne: glass, Either he is happy . He is happy Inference : Th Metal 1 naileable or raellgable nor duct. Sis not a metal. fy in the eky. : Nightingale 13 a bisd, uer. we feel cold. ws go higker, there is a decrease ia ‘ephovis pressure yne_ VTE Directions: in each of the follox uestions two starements are given follon eit an inferenice, Mark (a) if the inference is dafeuitely true, mark (6) tf the inferener definitely fatee, mark (€) if the inference probably false or true anal mark (d) if usference van not be decom, 1.) My son ie not old enough to vule. 12. ® 13. @) oO Ww @ @ fo 1. @ ® 16. @ @ 2L @) o 22.) o Inforenes : We es? cole on the decrease af stmasphevie prusmise. Micenat cheose, Cheese 2s used im omelette. Inference : Mice cam eat omeletto. Pas behind M and N. Qis behind P. Thferonce : Q is behind M. ASC but not D. Rec AzE Inference : & > D. Lis the brother of 5. Kits the friend of Inference : L isfbe I r Mammals cause Upeir yung ones to ddrimle milk. Rabbit their yourg ones tn drink Inf 3.8 mammal, the marning is usefud ly if ice : Geet should be healthy, ies the bus for rte No. 10. foes of xoute No, 1) yeneraliy goto Connaught Puluce. Inference : Vhis bus goes to tke Connaupht Place. There should be no more than three children to any sensible person, Raheem has thees children. Inference : Raheem is cextuinly + seusible person. Llmow a peviessor. He has beard, Luference : All Lh» professors of the ‘university have beard, Some intelligent people wre huypy. Some intelligent perpte ave rich. Inference : Some who are sich are happy. Nostudent likes football, Footballs not a good game. Tuference : No vtudent bkea good game. of a university, . (al Haresty 95 valuable for buaineasreen. ¢h Some businessmen ave not honest Inference : Some businessmen are not. valuable. EXPLANATORY ANSWER ‘The voting age hns wot beet given hore. So we ean n6¢ definitely vay shout the Ihe child. We can unly aseess the boy on the basie of the voumg age common in Indie and hays of tbie axe geneenlly have hanulsome personality Allharel working people are hanest sand roast ave goad texchers. Se hard! work, agche quality cfs good teacher tnt it: not lhe unly quality that he aust have, “Vheve are other qualities needed by him ttn be geud teacher. [¢ is probably not true bocuuse the criteria uf necessary qualities have not beon given here. 2 (eh: 3.) “All is nova valid =yllosioun Ste may cr may not be a wile, ‘The inference is more lose Lo rene. ‘This is a0.» val syllogis to figure Xo, 4 where So iv is erodabl rings are blue wi Mureuver the mazorten conclusion teriffs in the statement ‘awn on the basis of 40: ‘Valid syllogiem of AQO follows here. So the inference is definitoly true 8. (b). ‘Iho coment inference ia “he in not poor” 9.(6): Uhe word “genevally’ wood in the (a) Two and Uwe makes four. (6) Four iss neuserical figure. Inference : Two aod twa i a simile uorerical figgure, alstement jay makes the migne probably ume or probubly false it means thist there is at loa. which is neucher malleable le 10. (€): P ron cannot Fe the subject ol gion ep ib is rar true. There that cases cold rressury is one cf jean, Sa the inference may be probably true or probably false (h):The major term can not be the subject coftae conel asin, 1a. (a) @P MN 14. @):D CDD ® B eck 8 7 above Ligures correctly: relationship between ree, . yusebird the figure umd anawer néstion, Triangle = Hducnted people Square Circle = Road Tax payer / Eclipse = Shupheeper Which of the following conclu corrert on the hnsis of the figure given ubuve? (@) Allvoad tax paying polivemen arecdue cated (@) Some educated people axe nov pelicemen but pays road tax (© Nonoof the educated shopkespor ie w policcman nor an educated policeman ina shopkeeper (@) All educated policemen pay road tax ae Calas of the Gigure given 1m m No, 81 we can say Unt: @ pulicenen donvepny road ean {®) shopleepers do not pay road tx (©) some shopkeepers are educated (@ come pokivemen ave shopkeepers 30. the Directions: Questions frant 33 to 35 are used ow the following figures. Which figuee represeuts the exact reiationship with the caviobles given in questions. ‘CD GH «Oo 43. Man, Teucher, Tailor master @a w 8 oc dD » Animal, Dog, Cat wa ) B @e dD 35, Male. Horse, Man wa ) B ac @D 86. A group of $0 etulente play ericket and football 20 playa cricket and 16 plays feotball, Each student plays at least one game. How many of them plays both? @a fh} 10 @o fe) 15. 87, There are aix books A. B, C.D, Bai B, C.and F have blue covers while tl have red covers. 1) and F are ney while the rest wre uld books. A, ave law xepuris while tl physice. Which iathe rod ‘report book? @aA ac 38, Which oroare blue cover fron (s) Band ¥ 29, ue govern, ald and « taw m the data given in Q 37? @) B ay coup of five persons A. B, C, Dand is a farmer, one i¢ a physicist, one jowna-list, one is an industrialist and isa doctor. A, C+ doctor prefer tea to coffee and tio of them B + Journalist prefer coffee to tea, Indurtriakst + D+ are friends but two of thos prater bea to oflice. The farmer iss" benther. Wine as & farmer. @a ty B @c @ D 41. Feom the information given in Q. 16 who ig a physicist? @A OB oc mo 42, Whois. journativt wsssrding to - tation ven in Q 0: @A @ © 48, Ployors a and > nd ‘1 Sai Oo csh_ amd) Mchan play ‘Mahesh, Ramesh and Pramod init, Mahesh. Hamesh and Ram chess, who plays ches and jminton but not tennis? @ Raw fo) Mahesh, (© Pramod dd) Ramesh, ‘From the information given in @. 4 who plays all the games? G@) Pramod (6) Mnhesh @) Bam (@) Ramesh Snake, reptile and rat cam he represented 4 M (Or o@ . Catile, goat and sheop van be represented e000 MO 4 Air, water and sand can be represented by “OOO o CD © @D «@o 49, Human, women, and educated, can be represented by “OOO “OO ® of @ 30. Shit, gary cloths, can he shown @ hase backwards who are nat itoravor aro out of the rectangle that part Lelonga to oriangle ond square both, 2. (b): Outlot five three are players. A and D @ © 51. Five friends Lalit, Feroz, Shabid, Shu: avo not pout ox parce. painter aor dancer. Wi Saneoe. Feroz and Shahid 1 ‘umes: Who i a) Margot fi (© Shabu, ‘oro. bn tog 0,0, 5. F and G tog ing lo the following aust be together mut not be together must be together mu be together will not be together Clue must be together 16 tenn will have @) ADFG @ ABCE @) BLAG. @) Nine of these 53. A group of 25 students play Hickey, Football and Crickel. 5 plays all the three ‘games, 12 plays hockey and football only, 15 playe football and crickel only. How ‘mang of them do not play eny gamne @ 5 oe 8 @u 54, On the basis of che data given in Q.53 how many students de not play football @) 13 (a) 12 EXPLANATORY ANSWERS ed women and play no game. No women play shess or hockey. C ieonly woman excluding A and |). 89 she must be palying Tennis — B neither plays tonnis nor chess, [t ‘means he ayust be playing hockey. The nly player otter B (male and ¢ (femaie) 1s T xo his game is chess. Ic is clear Irom the fallewing rable. FTO ty ae Te ¥ y Soo 5 5 ¥ he top circle a¢ well as in and clive but right hand away from this lelLer ‘a partof the right hand eiicle co the statement is rene. Pusa right mark on the qualiline that fa pusticalae momber possesses 18 i done in the table here. Telligent Taborions Honest Ambitions 7 ba): 18. (b):The lexter is inside the cisele, square triangle and rectangle: VA. (a) These tara letLera are anside the square tand the rectangle but outsie the circle and tangle, 15.(0i A ia neither clerk, uor bachclor ner inale but only a player. D is bachelor Wut he is neither male clers nor a player. Same ia the ease with { ana K. ‘Pus they all belong lo four different fields. 16, (be Ie isoutside the triangle Girele, square and rectangle. 17, Gb): Bie tbe mother of A > her busbar F>0>E xg mephew was & who 920! minimum Bes husband > F aside the x_ 7 a : I B v 7 | 18. Gy: 8's husband c ¥ ’ so Cis the D v ’ 19, (e: See the, e af u ¥__| Want tadare [Ahopal tection Raipnir dabalpr & Gy: Bis neither laborious nor honest. 7. (a): See the Zallowing table, cma Shue “Raita 7 Seta ¥ ¥ Neeta Geots 4 “ &.@: 8. ¢b}: Soma players may be Siu and seme gitle may bel 10. (d}: Seme ol. aay be cunts. § . nay he plavers amg/eom aunts may be players. Bure u fy not be aunts yy gf be uncles. Su figure in if ard Islamabad is not the Tailia wclier may be the principal of (he lege and may have a son. ee ass a8 RES 5 ad D (maids) play no game. B.C, Dand B= A & 1) = BOR are players ‘the busband of Boor © Bus the brother of © Big the husband of C B neither plas ehose nor tennis B plays football wo Kawemon plays chess or football. C dues nat play chess or football Cplaye tennis ® Eolays Chess ® 24. (4): Both Sofa and hard bed come under the catagory of furniture, 25, (e)s Crocodile Lives in water, lion on land. and eagle in the air. So all of them are retally different, are run by the chief ministers. 27.(a):There are some tenchers who are writers and philosophers. Thore are writers who are teachers and. Philosophers and there are some philosophers who are also teachers and writers. 28, (d): Father is represented by the big circle 29. (a): Oriya and Urdu ure two languages rep resented hy eral civelas in a Gig one, BO, (a): Both bee and housebird make nestacn S1.(d):First conclusion is correct because square is in the circle aad some parrot the circle ix im the triangle. Sccomd conclusion is comect which ix clear {com the shaded ares, Third acatement 4s also correct because square ie just touching the eciipse and lest one ie ‘wrong. 82. jangle envers some parts of eckpse. 433. (by: man can be a teacher as well a8 4 tailor master with half-half job. 84. (a) 85. (@): 86. (a):15 + 20 8. dy: 49. (a):4 #0 + Doctary D+A4tInd Cote S adudgallr ett ‘Indu wotice =Cellec B+DhomA*B+O+D += Tes C+ Doctor = Tea Cs brother is ¢ farmer A= Farmer (= Physicist is the last professional. 42. (a): 42. (b): Father and mothor are of equal rank and two amall cizelos represent them ard big circle representing players is related to bith in equal status 44. (al: 45. (bi: 46. (0): Stink is 9 reptile ferent animal 47. (oy Goat and sheep ba ate 48. (a): All the are entirely different things ccfted by three indepen . 49, (b):All pen aneUMans but only sume ueated, are made of olor ancl C+ not possible @ G+D o AIG-D+EF @ 53, (a): plays all. So 25 - 5 = 20 12 plays H and F. So 20-7 13 play F and C. So 13 5.do mnt play any game, ic 54.@):H EF 58 8 77 17 So 25-13 = 12

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