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I graduated from Idaho State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in French.

along the line, I joined the National Guard and was deployed in 2004 to 2005 in support
of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I spent 11 months in Kirkuk, Iraq before coming back to the
United States. I decided to go back to Iraq in 2007 as a civilian contractor. I stayed in
Iraq for 19 months in Al-Anbar province in Ramadi, Fallujah, and Al Asad. I decided to
look to the future and contemplated for a while about getting a job as a teacher, so I
looked into the programs available only to find the University of Arizona South had a
Master’s in Secondary Education. I was slow to get my paperwork in, but finally got the
necessary paperwork in for the Fall 2009 semester. So, I began the Master’s program last
September and hope to finish the program in Spring 2011. I took the pre-session summer
class for the program and I am enrolled in 2 classes for the next 5 weeks. After that, I
look forward to a short summer break and then 2 classes in the Fall. I will complete my
student teaching in the Spring and then on to bigger and better horizons, or so I hope. I
will most likely move back to the East Coast and get a job there. I hope to get some
experience at a high school or junior high school while simultaneously working on a
degree for Education Administration. Eventually I would like to become a vice-principal
or a principal. Only time will tell. That is me in a nutshell.

Since I work full time and attend the program part time, I don’t really have much time for
anything else. I do like to read about history and I like to travel, when I get the chance. I
am fascinated in the market and am an amateur investor in the market. Unfortunately, the
market has not been doing so well lately, so I suppose now is the time to get your money
invested, that is if there is any left from the 2 plus years of recession. I invest through
tradeking, which only charges $4.95 a trade. Most brokers charge more than that. I
prefer being in charge of my investments because I think I can manage my money better
than a broker and if something goes wrong, I know to blame myself. Websites I visit are,, and
Unfortunately, I do not do much locally to get out and about. I am not much of an
adventurer and spend most of my time indoors.

Since I am interested in the economy, I thought this was a good cartoon to share with

This was a brief introduction to who I am. Hope you enjoyed and feel free to ask any

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