Gender Inequality

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Gender Inequality, as cited above, is what the LGBT regard as one of the

issues that posterior the attainment of their satisfaction in life. Creating a system
where certain institutions disregard the capacities and abilities of LGBT, gender
minorities seem to have minimal opportunities to prove themselves. LGBT have
this need to be treated as equal to Heterosexuals- delimiting the existence of
Heteronormativity. Opportunity for all.
Employment is the most common source of income in the world of Economics,
and one of the situations where LGBT seem to be discriminated. Everly and
Schwartz (2014) regarded Employment Discrimination against Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Transgender as a persistent problem endured by the LGBT, while not
being addressed by most state equal employment opportunity laws. This is a
proof how firms and employers ostensibly cope with the idea of Heteronormativity.
Heteronormativity promotes hierarchies of sexual orientation that result to
different labor predicaments, such as job dismissals, wage discrimination and the
failure to promote gay and lesbian individuals to top ranks (Drydakis, 2015). It
was concluded in the research of Drydakis, that with the existence of
Heteronormativity, lesbians and gays have lesser percentage to be invited in an
interview by firms compared to Heterosexuals. The discourse of heteronormativity
continues to reproduce and negatively affect the labor market prospects of
gaymen and lesbians (Drydakis, 2015). There are also certain situations where
LGBTs economic rights are being compromised. A quantitative research
conducted by ____ shows how different in numbers the wages of homosexuals
compared to employees who are heterosexuals. Gay and bisexual male workers,
and lesbian and bisexual women earned from 11% to 27% less than the
heterosexuals. This findings create an assumption that not only in job hunting
where LGBT are being discriminated but also in the workplace.
Aside from Gender Inequality, LGBT also experience sexual insensitivity and
Intolerance among their colleagues in the workplace
The fundamental rights related to employment and other economic rights of
LGBT are apparently in a state of no recognition and thus ignored by institutions
and organizations. The social work profession must understand these realities and
seek ways to address them (Anastas, 2001)
One of the goals of this research is to find out weather LGBT from Bontoc
experience such discrimination, and how are they addressing these problems.

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