Dewey & Leboeuf: London

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Dewey & LeBoeuf

Position interviewed for:

Training contract

Date held:
8 / 2008
Number of interviews in selection process: 2
Interview round : First
No. interviewers present: 2
Job titles of those present: Partner, Solicitor, Member of Graduate Recruitment Team
Were ability tests used?
Details: Verbal reasoning and numerical tests
What other tests or exercises were used?
Were you told in advance to prepare for these tests?


During the interview, how much emphasis was placed on each of the following:
CV/ Application: Great deal
Business Affairs: Fair amount
Current Affairs:
Hardly at all
Why a lawyer:
Great deal
Legal Matters:
Hardly at all
Why that firm :
Great deal
Great deal
Examples of other questions?
"Imagine you are..." situation-type question
Examples of questions asked:
Based on your CV, tell us about your life from...
Why law as a career, not investment banking (based on specifics of CV)?
Why specific subject as undergraduate?
If successful, where do you see yourself in five years?
What skills a good lawyer should have?
Some competency based questions in the first interview with HR/Graduate Recruitment.
Any unusual/ disconcerting questions? No
Please use this section to provide any other useful, objective information about the
interview e.g. style/manner of interview.
There are 2 interviews and 2 computer-based ability tests. The first interview is with HR and
Graduate Recruitment (some competency questions will be asked). The second one is with two
partners and is less formal - more personal questions and a great deal of "why a lawyer"
To answer the situation-type question in the first interview, take your time and structure the answer
along the lines of common sense business awareness. Interviwers are also likely to want more
details about information provided in the cover letter, asking probing question.
Were you offered the post? Yes
Decision made after first interview? Yes
Were there subsequent interviews?
Course: GDL/PgDL Part-time year 2
Record ID: 1079

Branch: London
Date added: 15/09/2008

The information provided and views expressed are not endorsed by the College and you should
be aware that your interview may differ considerably from that described.

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The information provided and views expressed are not endorsed by the College and you should
be aware that your interview may differ considerably from that described.

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