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Hayley Millar

Firstly, I would like to thank you for handing in your poster and wire sculpture on
time. The fox sculpture is very creative and I believe will be a great decorative
piece for our new animals room. Your overview of the arctic foxes adaptations to
withstand very cold temperatures was informative and noticeably written in your
own words. I like the eye catching poster and the wintery colour scheme used.
Improvements could have included images of the arctic foxes specific
adaptations as spoken about in the paragraphs such as the tail. All round
excellent job

Vanessa Sparks
Excellent poster with loads of information on giraffe anatomy and physiology!!
Well done for being one of the minorities that got the project in on time. This
poster was very informative; I quite liked how you covered the 5 systems as well
as various interesting how questions. I even learnt new information from this
poster and Ive been working closely with giraffe for the past year. Superb use of
images to help compliment the surrounding text. My only improvements would
be to proof read for grammar or spelling errors and to potentially type up the
hand written facts to keep the presentation of the poster consistent. Overall a
fantastic poster

I would like to first of all thank you for getting your poster in on time!! I think
youve done a terrific job incorporating both the anatomy and physiology of the
guinea pig as well as the origin and nature of the animal. The distribution map
and hand drawn bone structure are excellent images complimenting the
surrounding text. Perhaps including a diagram of the digestive system may have
contributed to the digestive/diet explanation. Great presentation and the text
was well written in your own words. Great job

Patrick Ryan
Firstly, I would like to thank you for handing in your poster on time. Your overview
of the tigers adaptations for survival was informative and concise. I especially
liked the conservation message save the tigers good work! I can tell you have
done your research and were able to put the information into your own words but
be sure to spell check and proof read before submitting. I like the close up image
of the tigers teeth complimenting some of the adaptations you mentioned in
your text. Perhaps an improvement might be including more images that relate
to your adaptations such as the tigers claws. Great work

Immogen Strickland
First of all I would like to thank you for getting you work in on time. I think youve
done an excellent job comparing the cow, chicken and alpacas digestive system!
The diagrams are clear and a good size complimenting your text well. I think this
poster will look great in our new animals room. Next time please try to read over
your research and then put all of the text into your own words.
Good job

Jasmine Millar
First of all I would like to thank you for handing your work in on time. Wow! I am
very impressed by the overall display and creativity put into this poster. I can tell
that many hours of hard work have gone into this presentation. Your overview of
an elephants adaptations for survival was both informative and very interesting.
I can tell you have done your research and were able to put the information into
your own words but be sure to proof read before submitting. Excellent job! This
presentation will look great in our new animals room .

I think youve done a great job comparing the anatomy and characteristics of the
emperor and little penguin. I especially like your Venn diagram displaying the
common features of both the emperor and little penguins. I can tell you have
done your research and were able to put the information into your own words.
My only suggestion might be to type up your text next time and make sure all
diagrams are labelled. Good stuff

Rebecca Abramoff
First of all I would like to thank you for having work in before the due date.
Excellent use of hand drawn and labelled diagrams which compliment your text.
It is obvious that you have done your research and put the information into your
own words. I have learnt lots of fun facts about mice that I didnt know before.
Perhaps an improvement might be to type up your text from a presentation point
of view. This will look great on display in our new animals room. Great work

Great work comparing the difference between regular and miniature goats. The
skeleton diagram helped to explain the different bones found within a goat. I can

tell that you have done your research and were able to put all of the information
into your own words. I especially liked your quirky did you know? sections!!
Perhaps a size comparison of the regular / miniature goats to give us an idea of
height may have been a good inclusion to your poster and next time, try your
best to get your poster in on time. Well done
Ella Skutenko
I can tell you have put a lot of time and effort into this Chicken book and you
have done an excellent job! Great insight into the most common diseases found
in housing chickens and how to treat/prevent them. It is clear you have done
your research and were able to put the information into your own words but be
sure to proof read for spelling errors before submitting. This book will be a great
addition to our new animals room. Excellent job

Jeffrey Ryan
Excellent diagrams for your Gorilla vs Human skeletons poster. I like that you
were able to find many images comparing the skull, muscles and bones. Next
time, try to write explanations for your diagrams by researching the comparisons
and writing them out into your own words as there was not enough text to
support your images. Well done
Alice Cowan
Great work researching and comparing the reproductive cycles of many
mammals around the world. I can tell that you have done your research and put
the information into your own words. An improvement might be adding some
appropriate diagrams to help explain your text. This will be a good reference for
many students working with mammals in our new animals classroom. Well done

You have done a good job taking my advice and adding some pictures and colour
to your presentation. I like the amount of research that has gone into this poster,
including the conservation status of the South China tiger and the fact that you
were able to put the information into your own words. Perhaps next time try
typing your text so that its a little easier to read. Great job
Yitong Zhang (Jerry)
Thank you for handing in your Spider monkeys PowerPoint presentation on time.
When creating a presentation such as this, we want you to read over information
found from a number of resources and then put it into your own words. Copy and
pasting straight from Wikipedia makes it difficult to demonstrate learning.
Potential improvements might include extending the presentation and rewording
your research.

Yaycia Robinson
Great presentation with loads of information on the internal anatomy of the
chicken. I liked the interesting facts you added to the end of some pages and the
diagram helped explain your text. I can tell that you did your research and were
able to put the information into your own words. Unfortunately, the presentation
seemed unfinished, as there were a couple of headings with no text underneath
them. Potential improvements might be to proof read your presentation before
handing it in and perhaps adding some extra diagrams. Great work
Luke Holder
I think youve done a great job on your hibernation PowerPoint presentation. I
found it fascinating that bears were able to give birth during this period. It is
obvious you have done your research and were able to put the information into
your own words. The presentation was very clear and your images complimented
the text. Potential improvements may have been comparing hibernation to the
reptile equivalent called brumation. Excellent job

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