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, 1205
Renier de Trit. ,
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. ,
. Historia
Salonitarum[ii] , (),
Ban Kulin. ,
Ban Kulin,

(1207-1218). 1206[iii],
1211 ,
( )
Guillard, [v] ,
, ,

[vii]. ,
. .

. (1227-47)
IV (1235-1270) ,
, . ,
. 1241-2

. .

, , [x].
, ,
, .
, [xii].

. .
. ,
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, ,
. 1363
(1350-1353 & 1355-1363).
. ,
20 .

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, ,
, [xvii].

. 1393
. .

. .
(1391) Tvrtko,
, .


Tvrtko [xx].
, ,
. , ,
Tvrtko , .

, . ,
, , .
Tvrtko ,
1432 ,
, .
Tvrtko .

, ,
. 1443 Tvrtko
. ,
, . ,
[xxiii]. .

. 1446 ,
. 1450 ,

[xxiv]. .
. ,
1461 .
1463 .
. ,
. ,
, .

. .
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. .
, ,

(1411-1429), .
, . . , ,
, , , :
. , ,
. ,
Steven Runciman
[xxvi]. D. Obolensky Runciman

, .
Milan Loos
Bonshommes .

, [] .


, , , .

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, Runciman -
-, .

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. ;
, , [xxix]

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, , Herzegovina,


[i] , .3, ed. I. Bekker, CSHB 35 (1835), 527.10-21

[ii] Thomae Spalatensis, Historia salonitarum pontificum atque spalatensium a S.
Domnio usque ad Rogerium 30, ed. F. Racki, Monumenta spectantia Historiam
Slavorum meridionalium 26, Zagreb 1894, pp. 79-80.

[iii] Albericus Trium Fontium, Chronicon, Monumenta Germaniae Historiae SS XXIII

p.886. ,

, .
[iv] D. Obolensky, The Bogomils, p. 240.
[v] : Sinodik carja Borila, ed. M. Popruzhenko, Sofia 1928,
H. C. Puech A. Vaillant, Le trait contre les Bogomiles de Cosmas le
Prtre, Travaux pubilis par l Institut d tudes Slaves, Paris 1945, pp. 343-6.
[vi] J. Gouillard, Un Source greque du synodik de Boril, Travaux et Memoires 4
(1970), pp. 361-374.
[vii] D. Obolensky, The Bogomils, p.236. & S. Runciman, The Medieval Manichee,
p. 95.
[viii] S. Runciman, ..
[ix] A. Theiner, Vetera monumenta historica Hungariam sacram illustrantia,
Romae 1859, t. 1 p. 160: Perfidus Assanus receptat in terra sua hereticos et
defensat, quibus tota terra ipsa infecta dicitur et replete.
, PG 140.601 .. & . , ,
1873, . . 5-14
, PG
140.613 . & . , , . . 14-19.
. G. Gill, An unpublished letter of Germanus, Patriarch of Constantinople (12221240), Byzantion 44 (1974), pp. 138-151.
[xi] ,
, . . , 1913, .
[xii] , PG 140.621 .

, PG 140.660 ..
, . .
, . 231 ..
[xiii] Ed. V. I. Zlatarski, Sbornik za narodni umotvorenija nauka I knizhnina 20,
Sofia 1904, pp. 1-44. Y. Stoyanov, The hidden tradition in
Europe, London 1994.
[xiv] . , XIV.7, ed. L. Schopen, CSHB 26 (1830), II
719.23: ,

[xv] Y. Stoyanov, .. . 458.

. 3.2-4 , PG 151.562D-563B.
, ,

, ,
, ,
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( . . , , 1984, . 67-9).
[xvii] M. Loos, Dualist Heresy in the Middle Ages, p. 334.
[xviii] 327 (1360), Monumenta Slavica Meridionalium, ed. Theiner, vol. 1
p. 240
[xix] 366 (1369), Monumenta Slavica Meridionalium, ed. THeiner, vol. 1
p. 265
[xx] Acta Bosnae, no CLXXXIV, p.3
[xxi] Steven Runciman, The Medieval Manichee, p. 112.
[xxii] Acta Bosnae, no DCCLXIX, p.168.
[xxiii] Monumenta Slavorum Meridionalium, ed. Theiner, vol. 1 p. 388
[xxiv] Monumenta Hungarica, ed. Theiner, vol. II pp. 255-6.
[xxv] PG 155,65D.
[xxvi] St. Runciman, The Medieval Manichee, p. 97. . . 22
[xxvii] Kotugertsi ,
Kotugeri . The Bogomils, p.97.

[xxviii] , V, ed. B. G. Niebhur, CSHB 10

(1843), 248-9.
[xxix] , ,
, ed. L. Petit, X. Siderids, M. Jugie, Paris 1935, t.IV p.
[xxx] St. Runciman, The Medieval Manichee, p. 100.

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