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This report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Bachelor of Computer Science (Database Management)




The project that will be developed is e-Parcel Delivery System (e-PDS) using
interactive web-based application. e-PDS will be developed and used especially for
Nationwide Express Courier Services Bhd branches in Malaysia. At the moment, the
parcel delivery information is very important for searching process and kept
information much better. e-PDS can upgraded the current system and more
effectiveness. It also manages all management about parcel delivery process by staff
and gives information that customers needed. Based on the research at Nationwide
Malacca Express Courier Services Bhd, the current system still has the weaknesses
and must be solve it by e-PDS. The e-PDS will be divided into two levels of users
that are the 'Administrator' and 'Customer'. This project will be built using
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 6.1, XAMPP 1.6.3a, MySQL 5.0 as database and
other software which includes Adobe Photoshop CS, Microsoft Visio 2003 and etc.
The project methodology of this project will be based on SDLC (Systems
Development Life Cycle) which will be integrated with DBLC (Database
Management Life Cycle). The phases are Planning, Analysis, Design and
Implementation. The expected output of this project is to being interactive web-based
that will be solved problems for staff of Nationwide branches and their customers. It
will be user friendly and easy to use.


Projek yang akan dibangunkan ialah secara laman web interaktif iaitu eparcel Delivery System (e-PDS). e-PDS ini dibangunkan khas untuk cawangan
Nationwide Express Courier Services Bhd di Malaysia. Pada masa kini, maklumat
penghantaran barang sangat penting bertujuan memudahkan proses pencarian dan
simpanan maklumat dengan baik. Dengan adanya e-PDS ini, ia dapat membantu
menambahbaik serta lebih efektif berbanding dengan sistem sediada. Ia juga dapat
membantu pihak pengurusan cawangan Nationwide dalam menjalankan pengurusan
penghantaran barang disamping memudahkan pengguna untuk mendapatkan
maklumat-maklumat yang dikehendaki. Hasil kajian yang dijalankan di Nationwide
Express Courier Services Bhd cawangan Negeri Melaka, sistem yang sediada masih
mempunyai kelemahan yang perlu diatasi segera melalui e-PDS. Sistem ini
dibahagikan kepada dua pengguna iaitu 'Pentadbir' dan 'Pengguna'. e-PDS
dibangunkan dengan menggunakan perisian Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 6.1,
XAMPP 1.6.3a, MySQL 5.0 sebagai pangkalan data serta beberapa perisian lain
seperti Adobe Photoshop CS, Microsoft Visio 2003 dan lain-lain. Projek ini
dibangunkan menggunakan SDLC ( Kitar Pembangunan Hayat Sistem) dan
diintegrasikan dengan DBLC ( Kitar Hayat Pangkalan Data) sebagai metodologi.
Fasa-fasa yang terlibat ialah Perancangan, Analisis, Rekabentuk dan Perlaksanaan.
H a i l akhir projek yang diharapkan adalah satu laman web interaktif yang dapat
membantu menyelesaikan masalah pihak cawangan Nationwide Express Courier
Services Bhd dan para pelanggan. Projek ini juga adalah mesra pengguna dan mudah
untuk diguna pakai.




Project Background
Logistic industries are being demanded. lately in Malaysia. Nationwide

Express Courier Services Bhd (NECSB) is one of the private organizations that
handle the logistic operations. They process a lot of parcel per day and used a lot of
vehicles for delivery and pick-ups.

The modernization and new approach through internet makes the logistic
industries become more important. e-Parcel Delivery System (e-PDS) is the project
that will be developed as a web based database application. This project will be used
by NECSB branches to manage all of information that related to the parcels delivery.
E-PDS system has two levels of users; staff of NECSB branches as administrator and

With this e-Parcel Delivery System (e-PDS), the administrator can manage all
of information about the parcel, make new customer registration, generate annual
report, check parcel status, update parcel status and make data backup in a short time.

e-PDS also has a function for customer to check the status of the parcel, make
customer registration and view general NECSB information. Regular customer can
view their parcel history list, update profile, check parcel status and view general
information of NECSB.

One of the features that will be added is user privilege. There will be an
,thentication password before to access and manipulate the data in this system.
password encryption perhaps will avoid unauthorized user from accessing the system
and make any changes that make conflict of data in this system.
Thus, this system will be an integrated system that can link all departments
like staff department, transport department, parcel information and others to avoid
from redundancy of data.
Though this system, the database will be more efficient and safely for used. It
also can reduce the data loss and damage through the backup process. Besides, it can
make the entire daily job easier than before.


Problem Statements

There are number of problems that have been identified from the current
system. The problems occurred from the database aspect, the time consuming,
security (levels of users) and other aspects. One of the problems is time and cost
constraint. For example, the customer can check the status of the parcel by calling
the NECSB branches or go to the NECSB branches during business hours. So, it can
waste their time and cost to get information.
Another problem is difficult to view parcel history for regular customer to
make references. If they want to know the parcel history, they must go to the NECSB
Besides, the current system is not integrated with each other where each
department has its own file to keep the information. So, all data may be redundant
and not reliable. e-Parcel Delivery System (e-PDS) will be developed to solve the
problem of the current system and to upgrade the company services efficiently.


There are several objectives for e-Parcel Delivery System (e-PDS):



To arrange parcels information in the database effectively.


To make system security with different level of users.


To retrieve data easily.


To ease report generation.

To provide a web-based checking application.

e-Parcel Delivery System (e-PDS) is a web based system and can be access

through internet. e-PDS were fully used by staff of NECSB branches as the
administrator to manage record about parcel delivery. The customers can view the
general information such as checking status of parcel, make customer registration
and view general NESCB information but they cannot manipulate data.


Target User
The Administrator of NECSB branches includes Administrator, Clerk,

HR Station Manager, HQ Manager and Transporter. This system will be

controlled by Administrator of NECSB branches. Before they can access this
system, they must insert the valid of password and username.
If the password and username are valid, they can manipulate data from
database based on their levels. For example the Transporter can insert, delete
or update information about the parcel information like update status for
parcel, check the status of parcel and others.

Customer of NECSB branches divided by two (2) levels of customer there

are Normal Customer and Regular Customer.

For the normal customer, they can access this system directly without key
in the password and usemame. They can view information about NECSB,
check parcel status and make registration to be a member of NECSB.
Regular customer must to insert the valid usemame and password to
access this system. They can update profile, check parcel status, view parcel
history information and view information about NECSB.

e-PDS will be developed include all of the major aspects about this

logistics agency. Among the major modules that are enclosed this system is:

Security Module (Login the e-PDS System)

There are two levels of users, which are the administrator and the
customer. This module will ensure the security of the system by providing
password for the user before entering the system.

Sending Parcel
This module will be managed by Clerk of NECSB branches to key in data

of parcel information that were sent by customer. The clerk also can insert,
update or delete the parcel information. Besides, the clerk also can check
parcel status, view list of parcel and update their profile.

Customer Account Registration Module

This module will manage by the Administrator and Clerk of NECSB
branches to register the new customer to be a member of NECSB. The
Regular Customer can get Nationwide Account Number after make
registration. The benefit of Regular Customer is get 3% discount from total
price and can view their parcel history. The normal customer also can make
registration to be a member of NECSB.

Check Parcel Status Module

The user of e-PDS can check parcel status by insert the Parcel Code. This
system will be displayed the status of parcel whether delivered or in progress.

Update Parcel Status Module

This module will managed by the Transporter of NECSB branches. They

must to update the status of parcel when the parcel already delivered to the

Backup e-PDS Module

The Administrator is responsible to make data backup of e-PDS data from

database. The administrator also can add new backup, restore, and delete data
backup as needed.

Report and Analysis Module

The report that can be generated is the Monthly Income Report, Parcel
Status Report and List of Regular Customer Report to know the reputation of
this company. This module will be viewed by Administrator, HR Station
Manager and HQ Manager of NECSB only.

Manage Information Module

This module will be handling by HR Station Manager of NECSB

branches. They can manage the Staff, Branches, Location and Transport
Information of NECSB branches.


Project Significance

Project significance shows the benefit and the system contribution to the
users. There are two levels of users that have right to access the system. e-Parcel
Delivery System built to give the user feel easily in using the system.
e-PDS has high right level in accessing this system. e-PDS user can access all
the function provided such as this system can manage information of NECSB
branches and easy to access all of information about NECSB from this system.
This system helps the user (staff of NECSB branches) to generate annual
report about parcel delivery, view the status of parcel, update parcel status, make
data backup in a short of time. This system hoped can give some advanced features
in keying the data, easy to use and will decrease in time consuming and have best
security in password and user friendly.


Expected Output

This system is expected to be used by the user easily and reduce their time to
get any information. Besides, hope e-PDS system can help the NECSB branches in
managing the daily job for parcel delivery, viewing the status of the parcel, manage
information and so on.

The e-PDS can decrease time to give all information such as viewing the
aflnual report, update status of parcel, and have level of users before access e-PDS
system and son on. Hope this system will give some benefit to all users, whether the
staff of NECSB branches and the customer of NECSB. Hope e-PDS also user
friendly and systematic system.



Through this system, the database will be more efficient and the data will be
kept safely for used. It is also can reduces the data loss and damage through the
backup process. The security is also maintained by the authorization and role
granting from the administrator. Besides, the process of data transaction will become
more faster and the data will keep securely.
The next chapter will explain about the literature review and project
methodology for e-Parcel Delivery System (e-PDS) that shows the specific
requirements, the facts and finding related with this project. There also have the
milestone of e-Parcel Delivery System.




This chapter has two sub topics which are literature review and project

methodology. Literature review describes the research that related to this project
topic. The definition of literature review is a critical look at the existing system that
is significant to the work. It is too important because it shows the target of the
The researches that have been done in development phase of this project are
related with this system. This project is about the parcel delivery system for the
Nationwide Express Courier Services Bhd (NECSB) branches. The research included
the current software, security of the current system, and more to the database
management development.
The methodology that is suitable with this project is Systems Development
Life Cycle (SDLC) and Database Management Life Cycle (DBLC). This
methodology is act as a guide followed the every phases when developing this eParcel Delivery System (e-PDS).


Facts and Finding

SMART alliances is the way forward if courier companies in Malaysia want

to stand a chance against the global players and to reap mutual gains from
implementation of the Asean Free Trade Area (Afta) and World Trade Organization
(WTO) rules.
According to Rozilawati Binti Basir at " IBM e-fair 2002 at the Shangri-La
Hotel in Kuala Lumpur on April 16-17, (2002)":
'For courier companies, a special "cartage" arrangement is more likely to be
the mode of choice in forming an alliance with other international players. That is
why Nationwide has always been the choice for those international players to
complete their delivery cycle up to the last mile.
Going forward, Nationwide Express wants to diversifj and strengthen its
regional trademark from courier to logistics services. In doing so, we plan to broaden
our coverage in terms of services by introducing other logistics and value added
activities through leveraging on our distribution network at over 100 locations
We will stay focused on our core competencies besides capitalizing on our present
infrastructure as a platform to offer a total logistics solution to our customers.
In Malaysia, people still recognize the conventional mailing system as the
channel to deliver tenders, legal and security documents. The Internet will make the
courier company more efficient in future and save customers time'.
For this statement, the ICT in logistics or delivery operations is very
important. The integration between other companies can be done through Internet.
All of information will share from each other to improve the reputation of company.
For example, the company can share their opinion with other local companies or
overseas without go at the company. So, this process can save time and reduce cost.

2.2.1 Domain
Nationwide Express Courier Services Bhd (NECSB) is a leading courier and
logistics services provider listed on the KLSE Second Board. With an extensive
network of over 100 locations in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, it currently
handles in excess of 30,000 shipments per day. The company has recently launched
its web-based Track and Trace system. The system, launched last August, was a

manifestation of the company's commitment to bring excellence in customer service

to a new level. With the launch, Nationwide Express is now at the forefront in the IT
development and infrastructure of the courier industry in Malaysia.
Parcel delivery operations need the ICT technologies to manage all their daily
activities. For example at the Nationwide Express Courier Services Bhd, their service
most related to ICT technologies especially to manage and handles the parcel
delivery to make sure all of the parcels right the destination with safely.
e-Parcel Delivery System will be developed to solve and to help the
management at the NECSB branches. e-PDS can stored all of parcel details included
the staff of NECSB branches whom handle the parcel to avoid from the lost of parcel
or not deliver to the right destination.
Besides, with this project, customer give their hope that their parcel received
to the receiver with safely and they also can checked the status of the parcel by using
e-PDS. The advantages of ICT technologies in delivery system are time consuming,
good database management, security, and also user friendly.

2.2.2 Existing System

For this part, the research before develop this project are very important. In
this project, the case study is the main of method of research that related with this


Case Study 1: Research at Post Office Malacca

According to En. Mohammad bin Abdullah who is executive of

marketing and customer service of Pejabat Pos Melaka (PPM), the major
problem of the current system which is it is not integrated where each
department is not link with each other and causes the redundancy of data. As
an example if data for employee are update at employee department, but in
the same time employee data at parcel department are not updated.
Otherwise, there are no backup data that provided to save data such as
redo log file. There are only provide extra power supply like generator if
there nature problem occur (blackout). The server for the database only in a
small size where the data stored is limited. Besides, when they want to
upgrade the system, they are not creating the new system but they make
changes on the current system. So, if the system broke down, all of the data
will crash. It may come from the client such as give the wrong information
about the address and postcode. Besides, the staff could also cause the human
error such as entering the wrong information. The problem also may occur
when the administrator handles the backup process or nature problem like the
server down, power failure and hardware faulty. All of these problems will
effect the reputation, disturb the operation, and cause the financial loss.


Case Study 2: Research at Nationwide Malacca Express Courier

Services Bhd

According to En Azreen Ahmad who is Station Manager of

Nationwide Malacca Express Courier Services Bhd, the customer can check
their status of parcel by calling the NECSB branches, come to NECSB
counter or call the receiver. The regular customer that has Nationwide
Account Number cannot view parcel history to make references. Besides, the
NECSB branches do not make backup because the Headquarter of NECSB at
Shah Alam will make backup for all branches in Malaysia.

Referred the case studies above, this project will be developed to

solve the current problem of logistic industries. For example, this project will

minimize the redundant of data with link all department in one database.
Besides, this project will take seriously about backup and recovery to avoid
from loss of data. The customer also can check their status of parcel through
this project.

Case Study 3: Existing System of Nationwide Express Courier

Services Bhd

Based on website of Nationwide Express Courier Services Bhd called

Track and Trace System, ( these website totally
controlled by headquarter of Nationwide Express Courier Services Bhd. The
Staff of NECSB branches only can use a part of this system. They cannot
manage this system totally. If they have any problems about this system they
must to refer headquarter of Nationwide to solve the problem. So, it can take
time and difficult to manage daily job.
Figure 2.1 showed one of part the application Track and Trace System
of Nationwide Express Courier Services Bhd.

User D

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Cargo 8 ficess U w g e Senices

Figure 2.1 :Track and Trace System of Nationwide Express Courier Services

Table 2.1 showed the comparison of existing system (Track and Trace
System of NECSB) and to be system (e-Parcel Delivery System of NECSB
braches). The benefit of e-PDS System is the Regular Customer can view
parcel history without going to the NECSB branches.

Table 2.1: Comparison existing system and to be system








1. User Authentication


2. Customer Account

I 3. Check Parcel Status

4. View Parcel History

6. Administrator of NECSB

Branches can make data


The staff of NECSB branches totally can manage all this system like
backup, generate report, and manage information of NECSB branches and
others. So, e-Parcel Delivery System is very important for Staff and Customer
of NECSB branches to make their daily job more efficient than before.

2.2.3 Technique
There are many techniques to develop a project. Management Information
Systems (MIS) is a general name for the academic discipline covering the application
of people, technologies, and procedures; collectively called the information system;
to solve business problems. MIS are distinct from regular information systems in that

hey are used to analyze other information systems applied in operational activities in
h e organisation. Academically, the term is commonly used to refer to the group of
information management methods tied to the automation or support of human
decision making.


Case Study 1: MySQL 5.0 versus Microsoft Access 2003

To develop e-Parcel Delivery System, the developer chooses to use

MySQL Server 5.0 as the database. It is because Microsoft Access 2003 is

not a database, it is a frontend for an external database server, and it deals
with database type files, it is not a true database though, MySQL 5.0 on the
other hand is a true database.
e-PDS System is going to create an application where multiple users
have to retrieve data and MySQL 5.0 is good way as a database platform.
Because it is a database server, it is ready to deal with multiple users. It
handles locking and data corruption. It is fast too. It has security features,
among other things. Also, it is free for non-corporate use, unlike Microsoft
Access 2003. So this project are planning on doing anything with any level of
complexity, MySQL 5.0 is suitable to used it and user friendly.


Case Study 2: Client Server Architecture

The developer used the client server to build this project. Client-server

is computing architecture which separates a client from a server, and is

almost always implemented over a computer network. Each client or server
connected to a network can also be referred to as a node. The most basic type
of client-server architecture employs only two types of nodes: clients and
servers. This type of architecture is sometimes referred to as two-tier.
According to Peter,R and Carlos,C (2004), each instance of the client
software can send data requests to one or more connected servers. In turn,the
servers can accept these requests, process them, and return the requested
information to the client. Although this concept can be applied for a variety

of reasons to many different kinds of applications, the architecture remains

fundamentally the same. These days, clients are most often web browsers,
although that has not always been the case. Servers typically include web
servers, database servers and mail servers. The interaction between client and
server is often described using sequence diagrams. Figure 2.2 showed the
client server architecture operations diagram.

Figure 2.2: Client server architecture

Clientlserver architecture
As a result of the limitations of file sharing architectures, the clienthewer
architecture emerged. This approach introduced a database server to replace
the file server. Using a relational database management system (DBMS), user
queries could be answered directly. The client/server architecture reduced
network traffic by providing a query response rather than total file transfer. It
improves multi-user updating through a GUI front end to a shared database.

In cliendserver architectures, Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) or standard

query language (SQL) statements are typically used to communicate between
the client and server.

Two tier clientfserver architecture

The two tier clientlserver architecture is a good solution for distributed
computing when work groups are defined as a dozen to 100 people
interacting on a LAN simultaneously. It does have a number of limitations.
When the number of users exceeds 100, performance begins to deteriorate.
This limitation is a result of the server maintaining a connection via "keepalive" messages with each client, even when no work is being done. A second
limitation of the two tier architecture is that implementation of processing
management services using vendor proprietary database procedures restricts
flexibility and choice of DBMS for applications. Finally, current
implementations of the two tier architecture provide limited flexibility in
moving (repartitioning)program functionality from one server to another
without manually regenerating procedural code.

Three tier architecture

The three tier architecture (see Three Tier Software Architectures) (also
referred to as the multi-tier architecture) emerged to overcome the limitations
of the two tier architecture. In the three tier architecture, a middle tier was
added between the user system interface client environment and the database
management server environment.
There are a variety of ways of implementing this middle tier, such as
transaction processing monitors, message servers, or application servers. The
middle tier can perform queuing, application execution, and database staging.
For example, if the middle tier provides queuing, the client can deliver its
request to the middle layer and disengage because the middle tier will access
the data and return the answer to the client.
In addition the middle layer adds scheduling and prioritization for work in
progress. The three tier clientlserver architecture has been shown to improve
performance for groups with a large number of users (in the thousands) and
improves flexibility when compared to the two tier approach.


Project Methodology

To develop this project, the developer use SDLC (Systems Development Life
cycle) and followed by DBLC (Database Life Cycle) method.

2.3.1 SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle)

The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model used in
project management that describes the stages involved in an information system
development project from an initial feasibility study through maintenance of the
completed application. Various SDLC methodologies have been developed to guide
the processes involved including the waterfall model (the original SDLC method),
rapid application development (RAD), joint application development (JAD), the
fountain model and the spiral model. Mostly, several models are combined into some
sort of hybrid methodology. Documentation is crucial regardless of the type of model
chosen or devised for any application, and is usually done in parallel with the
development process. Some methods work better for specific types of projects, but in
the final analysis, the most important factor for the success of a project may be how
closely particular plan was followed.

Figure 2.3 showed the classic Waterfall model methodology, which is the
first SDLC method and it describes the different phases involved in development.

Figure 2.3: SDLC phases


The feasibility study is used to determine if the project should get

the go- ahead. If the project is to proceed, the feasibility study will produce
a project plan and budget estimates for the future stages of development.


Requirement Analysis and Design

Analysis gathers the requirements for the system. This stage

includes a detailed study of the business needs of the organization. Options

for changing the business process may be considered. Design focuses on
high level design like, what programs are needed and how are they going to
interact, low-level design (how the individual programs are going to work),
interface design (what are the interfaces going to look like) and data design
(what data will be required). During these phases, the software's overall
structure is defined. Analysis and Design are very crucial in the whole
development cycle. Any glitch in the design phase could be very expensive

to solve in the later stage of the software development. Much care is taken
during this phase. The logical system of the product is developed in this



In this phase the designs are translated into code. Computer

programs are written using a conventional programming language or an
application generator.


In this phase the system is tested. Normally programs are written

as a series of individual modules, this subject to separate and detailed test.

The system is then tested as a whole. The separate modules are brought
together and tested as a complete system. The system is tested to ensure
that interfaces between modules work (integration testing), the system
works on the intended platform and with the expected volume of data
volume testing) and that the system does what the user requires
(acceptanceheta testing).


Inevitably the system will need maintenance. Software will

definitely change once it is delivered to the customer. There are many

reasons for the change. Change could happen because of some unexpected
input values into the system. In addition, the changes in the system could
directly affect the software operations. The s o h a r e should be developed to
accommodate changes that could happen during the post implementation


DBLC oatabase Life Cycle)

Database Lifecycle or DBLC is the important part in building the database

project. It shows the flow of database system fiom the beginning to the endless
process where the database lifecycle is an iterate process. It means that DBLC is
going on and on as long as the database need to be improve or need an addition due
to the current requirement.


The data in a database persists for varying periods of time. The data

can be transient in nature, or it can persist for longer periods. It typically

originates as input data which is initially entered into the database and then
becomes persistent data. It can also be output data, which may be displayed in
web-based formats or on printed reports. This output data may be derived
fiom the persistent data, rather than being part of the database itself.
Analysis takes two forms:
Business Analysis-- Includes business process analysis, planning,
requirements gathering, conducting surveys, user interaction, and
presentation using standard templates.
Data Analysis -- Includes data patterning using graphical methods ,
statistical data analysis, data mining, multivariate data analysis, the sixsigma and meta-analysis methods.


Modeling and Design

Storing persistent data in a database is somewhat of an art. The

database must be designed in such a way as to be flexible enough to

accommodate changing business needs. Designing data storage involves
defining the relationship between different data subject areas and their
attributes. The organization of this persistent data is called the data model
which is a blueprint for database implementation.

The data model can be represented by using Entity Relationship

Diagrams (ERDs).


The data model (a blueprint for a persistent data storage design)

determines whether data will be stored in an operational or an informational

way. Business enterprises may have various on-line transaction processing
(OLTP) systems which create operational data like shipments, orders,
financial data, etc by means of transactions that insert, delete or select data
from databases.
The informational approach to data storage organizes data around
subject areas which are summaries of the transactional data.


As soon as a database is ready, the end-user will expect to see

information in a tailored way. The understandability of data is very important

in accessing and extracting from databases.


Databases are changing constantly to stay current with business needs.

This may result in degradation of performance unless maintenance is

performed. Periodic maintenance is required for any size of database. The
following basic steps are included in a maintenance plan to extend the life of
databases and to get the best performance from databases:

Daily backup of Databases (Incremental or Full Backup).

Update Statistics (Once a day).
Periodic user maintenance (Adding and Removing Users).
Periodic archival of historical data.

Data cleansing to improve the data quality.

Tuning existing user defined queries.
Regular checking of concurrency and resolving it on-demand.
Monitoring current growth and estimating the future growth of data.


Project Requirements
There are number of software and hardware requirements needed to develop

e-Parcel Delivery System (e-PDS).

2.4.1 Software Requirement


Equipment/Development Tools
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 6.1 is easy to use and creates

great web pages. Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 6.1 is the industry leading

web development tool, enable users to efficiently design, develop and
maintain standards based websites and applications. With Macromedia
Dreamweaver MX 6.1, web developers go fiom start to finish, creating and
maintaining basic websites to advanced applications that support best
practices and the latest technologies.
XAMPP 1.6.3a is a collection of free software for installing and using
the Apache Web server 2.0. Basically, it is an Apache 2.0 distribution that
includes the Apache Web server 2.0, MySQL 5.0 and phpMyAdmin 2.10.3.
XAMPP 1.6.3a is available for Linux, Solaris and Windows. XAMPP 1.6.3a
is also to build an easy to install distribution for developers to get into the
world of Apache 2.0.
Adobe Photoshop CS used to make a design interface for this project.
This software is the professional image editing standard and leader of the

photoshop digital imaging and more efficient editing, processing and file

Operating SysternlServer
Microsoft Window XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2

is the operating

system that suitable for client server application, and

also used for the development computer and testing terminal.


Database System
MySQL Server 5.0 is an open source database application like

phpMyAdmin 2.10.3 that free to run or even modify. MySQL 5.0 is a viable
competitor to the database application such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL
Server 2000. MySQL 5.0 is a database management system (DBMS) for
relational databases. It is simply a collection of data, text, numbers or binary
files that are stored by the DBMS.

Microsoft Office Visio 2003 used to design Entity Relationship

Diagram (ERD) and Microsoft Ofice Project 2003 used to design Gantt
Besides, Microsoft Office Word 2003 is Microsoft's flagship word
processing software. It used for represent whole documentation (report).

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