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2.2 Billion Children Under 18 In The World

80 Million of these children live in Somalia and USA, the two countries
that have not agreed to honour the rights of child. All others countries
have promised to uphold the rights of the child.

Name and Nationality

From the day you are born you have the right to have a name and to
be registered as a citizen of your home country. Every year, 136
million children are born. Around 48 million of these children are never
registered. There is no documented proof that they are exist!

Survive and Grow

You have the right to life. Every country that has promised to respect
the rights of the child must do all it can to allow children to survive
and develop.
1 in 14 children (1 in 7 in the poorest countries) dies before reaching
the age of 5, usually due to cause that could have been prevented.

Health and Health Care

You have the right to food, clean water and medical care. Every day
25,000 children under the age of die (9.2 million a year) of diseases
caused by lack of food, clean water, hygiene and health care.
Vaccinations against the most common childhood illnesses help save 3
million lives a year. But 1 in 5 children is never vaccinated. Every year,
1.4 million children die of diseases that can be prevented by
vaccination. 6 out of 10 children in the 50 poorest countries do not
have access to clean water. Every year, 1 million people die of malaria,
most of them children. Only 1 in 3 of these children are treated for
malaria and only 1 in 4 children in malaria countries sleep under
mosquito net.
A Home, Clothing, Food And Security

You have the right to a home, food, clothing , education, health care
and security. More than half of the world’s children live in poverty.
Around 700 million children have less than 1.25 US dollars(0.80 UK
pounds ) a day to live on. An additional 500 million live on less than 2
US dollars a day.

Children With Disabilities

If you have a disability, you have the same rights as everyone else.
You have a right to receive support so that you can play an active role
in society. Children with disabilities are among the most vulnerable in
the world. In many countries, they are not allowed to go school. Many
are treated like inferior or beings and are kept hidden away. There are
110 million children with disabilities in the world.

Children Who Live On The Street

You have the right to live in a save environment. All children have the
right to education, medical care and a decent standard of living. For 60
million children, the streets are their only home. An additional 90
million work and spend the day on the street but return home to their
families in the evening.

Hazardous Child Labour

You have the right to be protected from economic exploitation and

work that is hazardous to your health or that prevents you from going
to school. All work is prohibited for children under12. Around 240
million children between 5 and 14 work, and for 3 out of 4 of them,
this work is harmful to their safety or health. Some 8 million children
are forced into the worst forms of child lab our, as debt slaves, child
soldiers or prostitutes. Every year, 1.2 million children are “trafficked”
in the modern day slave trade.
Protection from Violence

You have the right to protection from all forms of violence, neglected,
maltreatment and abuse. Every year, 40 million children are beaten so
badly that they need medical care. 23 countries have forbidden all
forms of corporal punishment for children, so only 3 out of 100
children are fully protected from violence by law. Many countries still
allow corporal punishment in schools.

Crime and punishment

Children may only be imprisoned as a last resort and for the shortest
possible time. No child may be subjected to torture or other cruel
treatment. Children who have committed crimes should be given
care and help. Children may not be sentenced to life imprisonment
or receive the death penalty. At least 1 million children are often
treated badly.

Minority Children

Children who belong to minority groups or indigenous people have the

right to their language, culture and religion. Examples of indigenous
people include Native Americans, Aborigines in Australia and the Sami
people of Northern Europe. The rights of indigenous and minority
children are often violated. Their languages are not respected and they
are bullied or discriminated against. Many children do not have access
to medical care.
Protection In War And Flight

You have the right to protection and care in times of war or if you are
a refugee. Children affected by conflict and refugee children have the
same rights as other children. Over the last 15 years at least 2 million
children have been killed in war. 6 million have suffered serious
physical injuries. 10 million have suffered serious psychological harm.
1 million have lost or become separated from their parents. 300,000
children have been used as soldiers, cleaners (2500 children are killed
or injured by mines every year). At least 25 million children have had
to flee their homes or countries.

School and Education

You have the right to go school. Primary and secondary schooling

should be free for every one. More than 8 out of 10 children in the
world go to school, but there are still 101 million children who get no
education whatsoever. 150 million children leave school before the
fifth grade.

Your Voice Must Be Heard

You have the right to say what you think about any issue that effect
you. Adults should listen to the child’s opinion before they make
decisions, which must always be for the child’s best interests.

Is this how things are in your country and in the world today?
You and the rest of the world’s children know best!

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