Heat Exchangers Deaerator Feedwater Tank

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and Feedwater Tank
The Alstom deaerator is
the result of many years
of experience in designing, engineering and
manufacturing the full
range of power plant
equipment. It is known
as a spray, trays and
reboiling unit, which
heats and deaerates the

Proven technology
for your plant safety and efficiency
To prevent corrosion, the feedwater supplied to the boiler and steam generators
of the thermal and nuclear power plants should not contain more than a few
micrograms of oxygen per litre water. The deaerator incorporated into the
feedwater heating circuit eliminates continuously the residual oxygen and
non-condensable gases contained in the condensate.

Customer benefits
The Alstom deaerator is designed to offer sustained reliability
across a wide range of operating conditions, including extreme conditions. It is also largely maintenance-free, which
means higher plant availability and greater cost-efficiency.

A variety of different arrangements can be provided to fit all
types of power plants (fossil-fired, nuclear, combined cycle,
etc.) and all operating conditions.

Safety and efficiency

Optimized efficiency due to very small steam flow required
for venting and feedwater heating. There is no risk of water
return to the turbine. The Alstom deaerator offers good
deaeration over the entire load range.

Quality standards
The Alstom deaerators are subject to the companys stringent
quality and design standards, which are applied to deaerators
as well as all Alstom power plant equipment.

TPW/BPROS/DRSGTK12/eng/THP/06.12/FR/7689 - ALSTOM 2012. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or
warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances.
It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.


Deaerator and Feedwater Tank

The deaerator operates as a direct-contact heater.

It is associated with a feedwater storage tank to form
a single unit. The storage tank acts as a reservoir of
deaerated and heated water for water balance in the watersteam cycle of the power plant.
The Alstom spray, trays and reboiling design in three
Condensate is sprayed at the top of the deaerator through
nozzles, heated and partially deaerated
By passing through a number of trays, the condensate
water is further deaerated and completely heated
Oxygen free feedwater is assured by supplying
continuously heat to the deaerated feedwater by hot
water, steam or a combination of hot water and steam.

This technique is very versatile, allowing different

deaerating arrangements to meet different operating
A vertical dome deaerator for small power stations or
industrial applications
A horizontal dome deaerator for fossil-fired power stations
A horizontal dome deaerator operating with saturated or
slightly superheated steam and used in power plants up to
1500 MW
Or an integrated deaerator.
The feedwater storage tank can be equipped with
additional devices such as pre-heating steam supply drain
inlets and condensate distribution pipes.

Technical specifications
Condensate oxygen content up to 10000 ppb

Alstom contributes to the protection of the environment. This leaflet is printed on environmentally-friendly paper.

Oxygen removal to less than 7 ppb over a wide operation range

Scope offering
The Alstom deaerator and storage tank solutions can be tailored to meet a wide
variety of customer needs and plant arrangements.
They include:
Spray tray vertical dome
Tray-only system
Combined tray, spray and reboiling
Horizontal dome
Integrated feedwater storage deaerator.
Alstoms product ensures an obstacle free operation at both vacuum
and high pressure.

TPW/BPROS/DRSGTK12/eng/THP/06.12/FR/7689 - ALSTOM 2012. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or
warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances.
It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.

For more information

please contact Alstom Power:
Alstom (Switzerland) Ltd
Brown Boveri Strasse 7
CH-5401 Baden
Visit Alstom Power online:

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