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= Eevee Eto ianeloo MIN aeselliitcre| ic special knits that Span the Seasons _ 9 Great Look: with JEANS 1 VEST, 3 styles E> Sams BUTTONHOLE BASICS ati aw 2009 A pi il +7 great tips DESIGNER COLLECTION: Cathy Carron’s tops for spring ti aisecacl ak Ninier 08/ spring Os yr pring ve knitstyle 10 4 looks for knitscene cathy carron sixteen-point fee. cathy carron top-down textured yoko pink tie tunic vest cathy carron emeiteenaist Cord vest camation tee cathy carron ragion intwo esi tibby-yo vest cathy carron ea0y 2ouney topes 12 asweater ani rainbow yoke carol}. sulcoski Votlegcien ssomiee youe forever tweed wendy bemord omy couineck pulover broad street hoodie foina goberstein hooded doiman nimbus vest mary gehling ‘rondipo-stve show color patchwork hat faina goberstein op with 20sysiteh petiems stocked rib cardigan 210! j. sulcoski simple fing comic cor 10 n " 2 13 4 16 6 26 ‘orchid wap cecily glowik macdonald 17 Beginner entraloe heather overlap lise solvang 18 oh-e08) Wop vet ‘gudra crewneck fonia bary 9 ‘pullover with twitt-sich panels Q bit knit & a bit sireetsmart hat and mittens robyn chochula 20 colottulerochet onc se blue fligree hat kristin roach 21 ‘nted win crochet stipes mumay scart fobyn chachule: 21 208y moti neciset enchanted cinch headband sophia sallas-brookwell 26 cutorbpadiacsensry ‘winsome cardigan deborah newton 27 puttseeve wagon hermia blouse lou schielo. 28 ‘coften owen ‘ariadne scart sharon dreifuss 28 short row wedges in two colors nymph tee connie chang chinchio swost patiomedtop artemis tunic luenda diaz-santiago ‘une agian tunie tempest beret kote gagnon elegant slouch ond cables pluie pullover Teva durham spring eysletsin big govoe feturn to rustics ttiple-silp vest cher underwood forsoerg ‘eck with wast oping hedgerow tee lisa shroyer fibs and a contrasting yoke 30 30 31 36 a considering chunky caddy tam. lisa srroyer saguaro mittens lise shroyer copied mittens feels ike love scart lisa shroyer Drocne sttch anc cashmere pinwheel pillows ceclly glowik macdonald ‘und how pllows 38 39 40 4 editornote Re welcome to knitscene "eo" There are so many knitting pattems available right now. That's a good thing, right? As an obsessed knitter at fifteen, I eoulda’t get my hands on enough patterns, Traided my mom's binders of old Xeroxes, pressed cleanly in Mylar—copies of patterns from the seventies and eighties. I spread her magazine collections out on the famity-room floor, mixing up issues and inevitably eiccs Koren Fis, “Teresa Waren, Mefisa Mahosky 249" Dena pester! Lane, CO 608 ant Rio Greenteder, Jule Hoietz Dee Neer “sistent » Stephanie Gress sibel aing es camer area shox ayleen Statnom roar Fenon rere Piccard ant pociie sates i n Bakken pers eco Rerun hola par < Pe " Bob Kestk Fran seb mss eo snr sian Ki Knseth saben prod 2 Tih Faubion Reams: Pe en as cag sermeae, Producten eneanaior Dean Howes ot Ene as Ses Lanon CO BSS" odunticn exes. Wancy Amd tojcts and nfermation ar formation an photography Amanda Stevenson Lupke |” enfnale aly. Kninonedics ut commend, Vis the kniscene webste at hense roe) Spproe, or enlie amy athe aver, pos, hatosting Stocey Ape! Sices or ews adberied in en eT mamenenieoere> Nor does fine eve he averse ci nye. Ve should therfore ws Four On a= focecversnghtorton ci Tiny Zan! fovecstofenauies al 0) 272.298.cmml__INTERWEAVEPRESS LC (877) 60-749 oma myadinenrewecom crit Ineeene@inewenecom orice 201 at Founk 201 Eas Four Sect ‘ereese om Secs Lindam, CO 8857-8685 nein COs08° e086 {or tort sls of mains and fran Irerweave For gious mogouines : ‘kal it) 272193 orem Sie iRine keira” MR Sbimeerecom, Ban Aste Macks company Tne KP Qt eS f i 4 NQ { Voolen: oy lisa shroyer skeins on the broad dining table and softly discussed each yarn, Kate jumped in with eager facts sbout the colorways and the dyeing process. They are obviously smitten with these yarns, ‘and that love earries over into a passion for selling it. From the carthy and rich Organik, a merino/alpaca/silk blend, to the exquisite Road to China, a plied alpaca/silk/camel/cashmere blend that has an incredible iridescence, these yarns are special And that's why Courtney coukin’t pass up the opportunit work with The Fibre Company. In 2007, after more than ten years of working in yarn shops, she struck out with Kate, friend and coworker from Rosie's Yarn Cellar, and with only a little trepidation, they've been living the en:reprenewrial knitter’s dream ever since. (] Based in Philadelphia, Kelbourr ‘the new enterprise of friends Courtney Kelley and Kate Gagnon. As exclusive distributor of The Fibre Company's artisan yarns, Kelbourne Woolens is one of those forces in the varn industry the knitter isn’t always aware of —the distributor. Kate and Courtney spend their days taking orders, buying ads in magazines, put ting together sales kits for yarn shops, working with dyers, tech editing new patterns, and building their website. They design patterns for The Fibre Company's four lines of yarn, They do pho shoots. They brainstocm new ways to bring these luscious ‘arms to more knitters. They are essentially the business side of che yarn company, while founder and creative director Daphne _Marinopoulos focuses on dye recipes, new colors, and fibers, I met Courtney and Kate in Kate's East Falls, Philadelphia, home. ‘The vibrant orange dining room was neat and uncluttered, in every niche. I sat down with the ladies of Kelbourne ‘ouriney’s one-year-old son, Clyde, and Kates two friendly dogs. AP SLEEVES ‘th larger cir needle and CC, CO 33 (39, 45, 49, 53) sts. Do not join. Row 1 (RS) Knit Row 2 (WS) P2, *k1, pl; rep from * to last st, pL (Cont in patt as established, shape sleeve as foll: Dee row He oA 7H 9 9% (0%, 9% 9% 10y" q | Aleve 610% 9%.9% 10)" 1103.18.16, 1749" 77h, 18.18, 1879" 38 88%, 44. dO Ban (RS) K2, ssk, knit to last 4 sts, k2c0g, k2—2 sts dee'd. Rep ‘Dee row every RS row 2 (4, 5, 5, 8) more times—27 (29, 33, 37, 35) sts rem. Work Dec row every 4th row 2 (3, 3.3, 2) times—23 (23, 27, 31, 3) sts rem. Work 1 WS row even, ‘Work Dec row. Next row (W'S) P2, p2tog, work in rib to last 4 sts, ssp, p2—2 sts dec'd. Rep last 2 rows 3 (3,4, 5, 5) ‘more times—7 sts rem. Next row (RS) K2, 1 1, k2tog, pst0, }2—5 sts rem, Work 1 WS row even, Next row (RS) Ki, 81 1. k2tog, ps0, kI—3 sts rem. BO all sts FINISHING ‘With RS tog, join front and back shoulders using three= needle BO. Beg and ending at underarm BO edge, sew cap sleeves into armholes, leaving underarm BO free. Co) With larger cir needle and GC, pick up and knit 19 (25, 28, 29, 30) sts along right-front neck opening, 19 (21, 23, 27, 29) ‘ts across back neck, and 19 (25, 28, 29, 30) sts along left front—$7 (71, 79, 85, 89) sts total. Do not join. Work narrow broken rib us foll: (RS of collar; WS of sweater) Knit. Next row (WS) Pl, *k, pl: rep from to end, Work 1 more row in ppatt. Work short-rows as fall Row 1 (WS of collar) Work to last 6 sts, wrap nest st, turns (RS. ‘of collar) work to last 6 sts, wrap next st, turn, Row 2 (WS) Work to last $ sts, wrap next st turn; (RS) work {to last 8 sts, wrap next st, turn, Row 3 *Work to lust 10 sts, wrap next st, tin: rep from * ‘once more. Row 4 *Work to last 12 sts, wrap next st, turn; rep from * Row 5 *Work to last 14 sts, wrap next st, turns rep from * Row 6 *Work to last 16 sts, wrap next st, tum; rep from * Next row (\WS) Work in patt to end, picking up and working ‘wraps tug with wrapped sts. Next row (RS) Knit to end, picking up rem wraps. Work even in patt until collar mea- sures 2" from pick-up, measured at selvedge edge (not ‘measuring any short-rows), ending with a RS row: With WS facing, BO all sts kwise. Lap right edge of collar over left at bottom of neck and sew iw BO edge of bods. Weave in ends. Block as desired. [6] caddy tam lisa shroyer @@00 page 38 Sie 174 counters ot tam f0f120-21 head cveum- ference. ‘Yam Tahié Montane (100% Wook 130 ye (120.m/100 + 400 cttwtite. | stein Gauge Isis ond 1omde= A InStstin tema Tools + $23 106mm): 16" crete (oi) needte andsat of double- pointed needles (on) + Le pom-pom moker + Big-eys yor nese + Manor ¢r) Tanki Montana s6¢ glossary for terms you don't know TAM With cir needle, CO 50 sts. Place marker (pm) and join in the md, Next rnd *K1, pl; rep from * around. Next rnd *SI | pwvise with yarn in front (wy), pls rep from * around. Ine and *Kif&bs rep from * around—100 sis. Work even in St st in the rnd (knit every md) until piece measures 5° fram CO. Shape crown, changing to dpn when necessary, as fol: Dee Rad 1 *KS, i2tog, exp from * around —90 sts rem, Knit 1 md, Dec Rnd 2 *K7, k2tog: rep from * around—80 sts rem. Knit 1 md. Dee Rnd 3 *K6, k2tog: rep from * around —70 sts rem. Knit 1 md Dec Rnd 4 *K5, k2tog: rep from * around—60 sts rem. Knic 1 ma, Dee Rnd 5 Knit 1nd, Dee Rnd 6 Ki, ssk, *43, sok rep from * around—s0 sts rem, Knit me, Dec Rnd 7 K3, ss, *2, sk; rep from * around—30 sts rem, Knit tnd. Dec Rnd $ K2, ss, *k1, stk: rep from * around—20 sts rem. Dee Rnd 9 Ki, *ssk; rep from * around—10 sts rem, Dee Rnd 10 *Ssk rep from * around—S ss rem. Break yarn leaving a7 tail, Thread tail on yarn needle and) thread needle through rem sts, Remove dpn and pul tal to gather top of hat, not tugging too hard as yarn is breakable ‘Thread tal to inside of hat. FINISHING “Make a pom-pom with all em yam on pom-pom make, leavin ‘wo long tails for securing pom-pom, Insert tails through top of tam to WS and tie down pom-pom. Tie ends tog with tail from Jast nd of hat. Weave inall ends, Ifnecded to further secure Pom-pom, use a thin, strong, matching yarn and sharp tapestry needle, ‘Thread yarn on tapestry needle and pass needle through {0p of pom-pom and into hat, pull yarn tail through to WS of hat. ‘Thread rem yarn talon tapestry needle and pass through ‘pom-pom and through top of hat wo WS. Pull tightly, so yarn is not visible in pom-pom, and tie dewa to WS of hat. S, sok, “hl, ss rep from * around—30 sis ren winsoc 8

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