Give Me 30 Days-And I'll Give You The Secrets of Successful Advertising

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Give Me 30 DaysAnd I'll Give You

The Secrets Of Successful Advertising

Norman Rentrop

Now, for the first time, you can have these priceless books free!
Andersson47 years of precious know-how
MAGIC WORDS THAT BRING YOU RICHES by Ted NicholasBest seller in
U.S., U.K. and Asia; recently translated into German
tips based on reader surveys
Dear Friend,
Ever since I started this company years ago, I dreamed of the day I
could offer small business owners in Germany the inside secrets of
advertising success.
I began Verlag Norman Rentrop in my home with a borrowed DM 10,000.
Today my company does an annual turnover of 175 million DM. At first I
made expensive mistakes in advertising. Finally I discovered methods
that work.
Since then, all the money I have ever made I owe to successful
advertising. And I learned all I know from the masters of their craft
the advertising and marketing geniuses Im introducing to you in this
With your permission, I am going to send you 3 FREE books, a
treasury of the most powerful advertising secrets ever published.
You, too, will immediately be able to use the advertising tricks of
those who taught me all I knowthe mastersto build your income. Plus,
you'll be able to raise the image of your business to the highest level.
And you will dramatically increase your repeat business, the biggest
source of profit.
Your name on the enclosed Free Trial Request will bring these books
to you, postpaid, with my compliments.
Read the Books at No Expense!
I have so much confidence in our special servicethe ADVERTISING
ADVISORthat I will send it to you along with the 3 volumes for you to
read, study, and use in your own businesswithout a single pfennig of
payment from you.
Examine the ADVERTISING ADVISOR for 30 daysa full month. Frankly,
you don't need to decide now whether you want to keep it. There is
plenty of time for that later. Try it out. Use the tips and tricks in
your area. See if you actually increase your cash flow. Then decide.
Im confident youll agree that...
There is no limit to the profits you can earn with these
advertising secrets!
Use sales letters to get leads
Did you know the average industrial sales call in Germany is now

hovering around DM 300?
In fact, many companies are spending close to DM 1500 to acquire a
new account.
Since it takes five sales calls on average to close a sale, you
can see why generating qualified leads beforehand is so essential today.
Figure your own costs of selling. Think about the hours spent
waiting in outer offices. Just waitingand waitingand waiting!
That's lost money that's gone forever.
By getting appointments as a result of replies to your letters,
you'll close more sales faster. You'll save time, trouble and gasoline.
Plus, you will never again need to feel like an uninvited guest or
Nothing can beat mailings full of reply cards that say Yes. I'm
interested! Even better are those who answer, Here is my order and
Take all the guesswork out of sales letters, brochures, magazine
and newspaper advertising, copywriting, printing and production, mailing
lists, and much, much more.
Here is a brief insight into the tips you will get from the

How to prepare clever headlines that get attention

How to determine and measure precisely the profits fromevery pfennig

you put intoyour advertising. No wasted money or more guesswork!

How to increase catalog pass-along orders

How to use a simple technique to turn good copy into great copy

Words that make copy work like magic

#1 rule to keep down mailing costs

How to maximize sales over the telephone

How to get the cheapest possible advertising rates in newspapers and


How to market profitably on the Internet

The best way to build confidence in advertising claims

How to select the most profitable places in which to advertise

The mail format which produces the fastest response rate

The ideal sales letter for high-priced products

A never-fail formula for a sales letter lead

Little known trick for reaching the decision maker

Which color inks to use on your printed materials

When you should and shouldn't include a brochure in a mailing

A simple change that boosts catalog sales at no extra cost

How to increase the average order size from your catalog

How to recognize dull copyand fix it fast

(go to page 3)

Two words that improve a collection letter's result

Best day of the week to run newspaper ads

When to use photosand when to use illustrations

How long to make your sales letter

How to improve the impact of photography on your sales pieces

How to create a guarantee for your product that can triple sales

When and how to attack the competition

Should you write your own advertising or find competent outside


When it's best to advertise yourself and when to work with an ad


...And much, much more.

The inside story on the origins of the ADVERTISING ADVISOR
I remember very well how I started out as a businessman. And how
little I knew about advertising. I was youngjust 29 years old at the
I felt I had a good idea for a business in my head. My starting
capital was DM 10,000, which I had borrowed from my father-in-law.
At first my idea didn't sell.
how to generate good publicity.

I didn't have the faintest idea of

I asked myself these questions. How can I make my offers known?

How can I sell them successfully? I racked my brain.
Frankly, in desperation I leafed through the Yellow Pages and I
called a publicity agency. It was called "Advertising, Promotions and
Events." Immediately I arranged a meeting with the owner. He urgently
recommended to me his new "creative concept," a colorful ad in the local
press. The costs amounted to DM 5,000 all in all, including the
placement of the ad.
The very next day he presented the layout to me. My name was
illustrated in big letters. The photo showed a young and pretty woman
holding an issue of my specialized journal in her hands. I was quite
impressed, so I agreed.
Two weeks later the ad was placed. Feverishly I waited for the
orders to come in. But then I was bitterly disappointed.
Instead of the 300 orders I had expected, I only received 12
inquiries. What was wrong with my expensive ad? The dynamic publicity
man was at his wits end as well. I was filled with despair.
Now, I had only DM 5,000 left. I bought a train ticket to Hamburg
for DM 50. I wanted to meet a school friend to get some advice.
But on my way I had a fateful encounter. In my compartment I met a
very friendly older man. As it turned out, he was a successful
German businessman who was semi-retired and living in the United States.
I described my worrisome situation to him. He laughed outloud and
said, "Your problem is easily solved. You have good offers. There will
always be buyers for them. There is one sure way to get on a successful

track. Learn from the experience of others with promotions, good and
bad. Find out what works over the years, and what
does not. Then simply model your future promotions after the
successes. This is a success formula that works nearly every time!"
I was puzzled. I asked, "But how do I know what kind of promotion
and publicity works and what doesn't?"
He said, "Quite simple. You only need to have a look at the
advertising actions of others. Everything that is repeated again and
again is successful. Otherwise, the investment in such advertising
would not continue to be made. Pay me a visit in Hamburg. Then I will
be able to help you along."
He handed me his visiting card.

I gaped in astonishment.

In Hamburg I visited the man whose name is Axel Andersson.

he possessed enormous archives containing advertising.

I found

Amazingly, he had categorized virtually all successful advertising

carried out in Germany and in the United States over the last few years.
A complete and detailed documentation.
He smiled at me mischievously, watching me standing in front of his
filing cabinets filled with astonishment.
Axel Andersson said, "You can learn a lot from your direct
competitors. But you should also glean tips from businesses other than
yours. Make use of what others have tested and proven for your own
"Come with me. I must show you something very special," he said to
me with a mysterious look on his face.
He went to his wall space. He took out a small black book. It
looked very well worn. This was his documentation of 47 years of hard
won experience in advertising. Here were priceless secrets tried and
tested that cold be used by anyone to advertise successfully.
He said, "Have a look at my black book, but only here and now.
book has not been published."
I opened the book and began to carefully read each page.
real treasury of ideas and secrets for success.


It was a

On my way back, I even wrote three small ads on the train. In two
weeks, I proudly achieved a DM 17,000 turnover, thanks to these ads and
a good layout. Within 3 months my turnover was DM 139,000. With this
initial success, I had proved to myself my master had been right.
I found success is not achieved by using big colorful pictures
alone. The key is clever headlines, good readable typefaces and a
clear, easy-to-understand writing style. Most importantly, there are
several important advertising tricks that make a huge difference in
My growing sales were all due to one simple reason. I discovered
the rules of success which worked for others. And then I simply
followed these rules.
There is a very thin line between the right and wrong kind of
advertising. The wrong kind will cause you to lose large sums of money
and time. Plus, your nerves will be ruined.
But the right way to advertise works like a money-producing
(go to page 5)

I wanted to spare you my mistakes and the tiresome experience I had
with publicity agencies.
That's why I decided to publish Axel Andersson's and my knowledge
about advertising for the first time.
But that is not all. I sought other mentors who could help both me
and my growing family of subscribers.
My requirements were stringent. I wanted to assemble a mastermind
group of contributors to the ADVERTISING ADVISOR that were unlike those
associated with most advertising agencies. My "dream team" had to meet
these standards of proof.

They had to be self-made people who started out by

investing their own time and money in their own business
and proven their success.


Their advertising tips must be proven to me personally by

having earned large sums of money for my company.


Their talents had to be tested and proven in a wide variety

of business types.


Their ideas had to be proven in small local regions of

Germany as well as internationally in other markets.

I searched the world to find the cream of the crop. The team has
now been assembled. I hereby proudly introduce the Board of Advisors to
Advertise with the guidance of the masters
These world renowned advertising geniuses reveal their secrets
These famous ad men who have invested their own money in their
success. Theyve made millions for themselves and clients. They are
committed to sharing their priceless wisdom on the pages of the
Axel Andersson I previously told you about. He built and sold one
of Germany's most successful companies and the largest home-study
business in Europe. He established the Axel Andersson Academie in
Hamburg. Today Axel lives in Clearwater, Florida, and has the world's
largest collection of successful advertising. Expert on what does and
doesn't work, his principles will guide you or your ad agency in
preparing ads, sales letters and other promotions that pull in millions
in profitable sales.
Ted Nicholas is a living legend. Ted has written ads and sales
letters that have brought in an excess of a billion Deutsche marks.
Originally from America, he built and sold 21 profitable companies. Ted
now resides in Switzerland. Author of 14 best-selling books, his latest
is MAGIC WORDS THAT BRING YOU RICHES. He is known as the King of
On the pages of the ADVERTISING ADVISOR, Ted reveals his techniques, including the actual words and phrases you can use which are
proven to work best.
Ted has created campaigns in businesses which include books,
newsletters, software, chiropractic services, cosmetics, candy, ice

cream, incorporation services, jams and jellies, food, dental services,
bread, success courses, language courses, real estate (5 million dollar
and up estates), life insurance, restaurant meals, legal services,
trusts, bread and breakfasts, university courses, financial services,
vitamins, paper boxes, exercise products, political candidates,
diamonds, multi-level distributorships, building design services,
consulting, coins, stock market forecasting, business opportunities, and
probably close to a hundred other things.
There is no human being alive who is better qualified to give you
tips on preparing ads, sales letters and brochures which bring you gobs
of profitable sales. Ted Nicholas says, "You are just one sales letter
away from a million Deutsche marks!"
Instead of paying Ted his normal fee of $15,0000 plus 5% of sales
to write a sales letter, you can have his expertise in ADVERTISING
ADVISOR for a few pfennigs a month.
Don Hauptman is a small business advertising genius, creating
successful campaigns for his clients from around the world for 21 years.
Winner of numerous advertising awards, Don's tips in the ADVERTISING
ADVISOR will help you increase the attention and sales power of every
sales message you communicate.
You have probably often seen Don's ads and sales letters which have
been successfully run for years in Germany, France, the U.K. and the
An expert on new business development, Don Hauptman's tips and
strategies in the ADVERTISING ADVISOR will help you attract large
numbers of new customers to your business.
Reiner Selz is famous within the inner circle of German and other
European advertising professionals. For 27 years, Reiner has been
crafting full-page space ads as well as direct mail that sells millions
of Deutsche marks worth of products for himself and his clients. His
promotions for a variety of products appear regularly in German magazine
and newspapers every month.
Reiner Selz's secrets and tricks will help you prepare advertising
that increases sales at very low cost.
Today Reiner's success in advertising has enabled him to live a
dream life. He lives in a restored castle in the Black Forest, where he
prepares invaluable articles for the ADVERTISING ADVISOR, sharing his
latest tips and discoveries.
Ted Kikoler is known as the king of advertising graphics. There is
simply no one better in his field. He'll show you exactly how adding
the right picture, drawing or logo to your advertising can "say a
thousand words."
Of course, the appearance of all your advertising pieces determines
their impact and effectiveness, and he provides invaluable tips.
Ted Kikoler reveals just how to go about increasing the impact of
your logo, sales letters, brochures, and even tiny, inexpensive ads, all
elements of your advertising.
If you were to retain this "dream team" of advertising men to
consult with you at their standards rates, costs would exceed DM 75,000
per month. Instead, as a subscriber to ADVERTISING ADVISOR you get the
(go to page 7)

expertise of these masters for a very modest investment of just 4
pfennigs a day!
Here is how the ADVERTISING ADVISOR is judged by the press
"Not a simple encyclopedia with dry definitionseach subject is
explained in detail."
Textile News
"For all those to whom advertising is an internal concern, this
loose-leaf edition provides assistance by giving useful addresses, ideas
and suggestions. Above all, the presentation of the book makes you get
absorbed in reading it, awaiting the monthly supplementary
supplies full of excited anticipation."
Materials, Management and Technology
"The authors are experienced practitioners: Names such as
Schnert, Kirchner are a guarantee for success. The conventional jargon
of communication is avoided."
Wording + Writing
"A treasury for businessmen who want to make publicity by
themselves without giving it the impression of being 'homespun'; but
even professionals will like to fall back on the book as a collection of
Building and Construction Trade
"The service of ideas is monthly completed and expanded by a
package of new, fresh ideas. These ideas are not made up from a
bureaucratic ivory towerthe ADVERTISING ADVISOR only presents actions
which have already been realized with success. Figures of success give
clear evidence. The ADVERTISING ADVISOR provides 'instructions for
Intern What You Always Wanted To
Know About Communication
Dr. Lausberg from the Chamber of Commerce of Hochrhein-Bodensee
judges about the ADVERTISING ADVISOR as follows:
"The most important legal cases from real life are presented in
detail. Completed by the 'Current Publicity Law.' That's why the
ADVERTISING ADVISOR can be recommended from the Chamber's point of
3 Free Gifts For Prompt Response
It's very important for you to get a solid grounding in the secrets
of advertising. So I have put together a "must read" library you may
have absolutely free.
I was able to persuade Axel Andersson to allow me to publish
his wonderful knowledge-filled book containing 47 years of successful
advertising experience. He reveals his secrets of big results from
inexpensive tiny ads and what really makes mailings pull.
Andersson (Value DM 100).
Ted Nicholas' latest book is being referred to by experts around
the world as the most valuable book on advertising which has ever been

published. When I first got a copy I couldn't put it down and studied
it for days. He shares his secrets of ads, mailings, telemarketing,
catalogs, T.V. and radio. I know from experience his techniques and
strategies will work for you. How? Ted's ideas have already added
millions of DM to our annual turnover. The book, a best seller in the
U.S. and the U.K., has recently been translated into German.
Free Bonus #2.
(Value DM 50).


As chosen by subscribers, the 50 best, proven, most profitable

ideas ever published in the ADVERTISING ADVISOR have been compiled for
you in an easy-to-use book to which you'll refer over and over again.
Discover what works best in local and regional German markets. You can
simply adapt the successful experiences of business owners and
professionals in their field to your business.
Free Bonus #3.
(Value DM 200).


Dont hate yourself for missing out

I'm no user of big words. I'm just a businessman. Some folks
criticize my plain and homely language. But I've got a plain, straight
proposition for you. And here it is!
Send no moneyobligate yourself in no way. Just returning the
enclosed Free Trial Request will bring you the ADVERTISING ADVISOR for a
30-day Free trial. Plus, if you respond within 21 days, you will be
sent the 3 gift books valued at DM 350 Free. There is only one thing.
This is the first time we have made such an offer in our 18 years of
business. This is a time-limited offer. Our Board of Directors has
given us permission to test it in this instancebut for only three
weeks. You must act now.
Remember, these Free gifts are yours to keep regardless of whether
or not you continue with the ADVERTISING ADVISOR, something I cannot
This is the only chance you will have to take advantage of this

Norman Rentrop

Remember, if you act now, within 21 days, just for trying out the
ADVERTISING ADVISOR you will get 3 gift books valued at DM 350,
Axel Andersson; MAGIC WORDS THAT BRING YOU RICHES by Ted Nicholas;
yours to keep, even if you cancel the ADVERTISING ADVISOR. So
please do not delay in responding.

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