Nurfauziyah (G11116316)

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: G11116316


Exercise 17
How Diseases Spread
1. When people move from one city or country to another, the spread of deseases
may result. People often bring in germs which may not have been present there
before. These new germs can spread quickly and previously unknown diseases. If
a germ is completely new to region, people have no natural protectionagains it.
They became ill more easily and die more often. In turn, newcomers may catch
diseases which were not present where they came from. If they go back, they
may carry the disease with themand start an epidimic there, too
Main idea: People bring germs which may not have been present there before.
Causes : These new germs can spread quickly and cause previously unknown
Effect : They become ill more easily and die more often
2. Changes in heating system of buildings can also lead to disease. In the
1970,there was a worldwide shortage of heating oi! To save fuel, hotels in the
Unites States lowered the temperature in their heating systems. This lower
temperature was just perfect for 2 deadly germ which grows in heating
pipes.when the heated air was blown into the rooms of a hotel, it carried the
germs. Many visitors became ill and several died.
Main idea: Change in heating systems of buildings can also lead to disease.
Causes : There was a worldwide shortage of heating oil
Effect : Many visitors became ill and several died.
3. Pollution of the oceans can also result in the spread of diseases. Phosphates and
nitrates from fertilizersplus humanwaste eventually flow into the oceans. Tthese
pollutants result in the increased growth of tiny plants called algae. These plants
provide home for cholera, a deadly disease. The infected algae can stick to ships,
which then carry the cholera germs all around the world. Germs of the disease
recently rode onships going from India to South America. There,thousands of
people have died from the resultingepidemic of cholera.
Main idea: Pollution of the oceans can also result in the spread of disease.
Causes: Phospate and nitrates from fertilizers plus human waste eventually flow
into the oceans
Effect : These plants provide home for cholera, a deadly disease.

Exercise 19

1. The success of Milans soccer team is due in large part to good

management and good luck

2. Making a pizza at home can be quick and simple if you follow

then steps.


3. The industrial Italy of today is a far different place from the rural
Italy of just a generation ago


4. The mafia would never be so powerful in Italy if the Italian

Goverment hadnt helped it in some way

5. Italian society has undergone a number of profound changes in

recent years.

6. The only way to save the artistic treasures of Italy is to drastically

reduce the number of cars in Italian city center

7. The career of Francesco Guccini ---- one of Italys most loved

pop/folk singer began in a cafe in Bologna

8. Changes in life style have brought changes in the eating habits of

many Italians.


9. The standard of living of most Italians today is not very different

from that of their European neighbors.


10.Applying for citizenship in Italy is a complicated bureaucratic

process that may takeover a year.

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