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Christmas is ruined!

Written by,
Ian Toomey

My eyes popped open. Why was I so excited for this day? I looked at the
clock: 2:30AM. Suddenly it hit me. Its Christmas day! Then I remembered that I
couldnt wake up Mom and dad until 6:00AM. I still had quite a while to go. I turned
onto my side and sighed. This was the longest night of my life! I grabbed my stuffed
bear and held him close.
I cant sleep Beary. Can you? I said to him.
He cant talk, but I make believe he can anyway.
I cant either! Beary said.
Are you excited for Christmas day to finally come? I asked him.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Beary replied with a cheer.
I giggled.
Me too! I hope I get a bike! I have always wanted my own bike. I said
Beary smiled and said I hope I get more berries to eat. I love blackberries!
He threw his paws up.
Suddenly a light was switched on in my room and a voice said Hey Ryan,
what are you doing up bud?
I jumped and shielded my eyes from the light and looked around. I saw Dad
by the door to my room.
I cant sleep! I said apprehensively.
I was scared I was in big trouble.
Why cant you sleep kiddo? Dad said, smiling and sitting on my bed.
Im too anxious! I replied, sitting up.
Well, you need to sleep or else Santa wont come and give you presents!
Said Dad.
I know. I said.
Dad smiled.

Well, lets go back to sleep so Santa can come. Dad said.

Okay. I said, laying back on my bed.
Good night my little bear cub. Dad said, scooping me up for a bear hug.
I hugged him back and said Good night papa bear.
Dad laid me back on the bed and put my blankets around me. He handed me
Beary, who had fallen off the bed. I hugged him with all my might.
Remember, dont wake Mom and I up until six, unless you want time out for
Christmas. Dad reminded me.
I know! I said happily.
I didnt want a time out, so I was not going to wake Mom and Dad up until
after six. Dad smiled again.
I love you buddy. Dad said.
I love you too daddy! Dad turned off the light, then closed the door.
I turned onto my side, and tried to fall back asleep. I tossed and turned, and
the next thing I knew I was asleep.
I sat bolt upright in bed. What was that noise? Was that really real, or am I
imagining things? Then I heard it again. Crash! I knew something was wrong. I
looked at my clock: 4:05am. I knew I might get a time out from Dad if I wake him
up, but he needed to know about this! I jumped down from my bed and found my
slippers. I put them on, and padded to the door of my bedroom.
Wait! Its not six oclock yet! Your dad will give you time out! Beary said
from the bed.
I know, but I think something is wrong. Im gonna go tell Dad. I dont care if
he gives me a time out. I said.
I turned and opened my bedroom door. Then I walked out into the hallway.
Wait! Dont go! Please! Beary yelled from the bed.
I tuned him out. I took a deep breath, then I went to Mom and Dads room.
I opened the door to their room and crept to Dads side of the bed.
Taking a few deep breaths, I whispered in Dads ear.
Dad! Wake up!
He jumped and grabbed my hand.
Ryan! What did I tell you about waking me up early! Do you want a time
out? Dad hissed.
Something is I was interrupted by a loud crash from downstairs.

Abby? Dad whispered, fear in his voice.

He turned over and shook Mom.
Mom groaned.
What? She said, half asleep.
Another crash echoed through the house.
Oh my goodness! Mom exclaimed, sitting bolt upright.
Hun! Try to calm down. Ill take care of it. Dad said.
Ryan, be very quiet. Dad instructed to me.
Okay. I whispered.
Come on up here Ry. Mom said, saying my nickname.
She patted a spot on the bed next to her. Dad got out of bed and went to his
closet, and I climbed up on the bed and sat next to Mom. Dad came back out with
something small in his right hand.
Rob? Mom said.
Yes? Dad replied, stopping.
Be careful, please. Mom pleaded.
I will be. Dad said.
Dad turned and walked out of the bedroom. He shut the bedroom door behind
him. A second later it opened again and Dad poked his head in again.
Lock this door. I will knock three times when I want back in. Dad said.
Okay. Mom replied.
Dad closed the door again, and I got off the bed and locked it. On the way
back to the bed I found a phone. Actually, I almost tripped over the phone! I picked
up the phone and brought it with me back to the bed. I climbed up and sat next to
Mom on the bed.
I want Beary! I said.
I know honey. In a few minutes you can go back to your room. Mom said.
We waited for a few moments in silence, and we heard nothing.
Mom said Do you want to go to your room now?
I nodded.
Okay. You can go, but be very quiet! Go straight to your room! Mom

I will! I promised.
Go. Mom said.
I hugged her again, then slid silently off the bed. Then I walked to the door. I
unlocked it and opened it just enough so I could fit through the door.
I love you Mom! I said.
I love you too Ry. Mom replied with a smile.
I blew her a kiss, and she caught it. She blew me a kiss. I caught it and put it
on my check, giggling. I went out the door, closing it behind me quietly. I started to
walk to my room, when a voice struck me.
Grab a phone. You will need it!
I stopped dead in my tracks. The voice was loud. I looked around and saw
nobody around me. I brushed it off and started again to walk to my room.
Again, I heard the voice.
GRAB THE PHONE! YOU WILL NEED IT! It seemed to shout.
Hello? I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
Nobody answered. The closest phone to me was on the computer desk across
the room. I went to the computer desk and grabbed it. I went to my room, closing
my door. I climbed up onto my bed and laid down, putting the phone next to my bed
on my nightstand. I put my covers over me and grabbed Beary.
Hi Beary. I whispered.
Hi Ryan. Beary said back.
I didnt get time out, but I think someone broke in. I explained.
Have you called 911? Beary asked.
Oh! No! I dont think so. I said.
Is that why I needed to get a phone? So I can call 911? I thought to myself.
Hold on a second. I told Beary.
I grabbed the phone and turned the volume all the way down, then dialed 91-1.
I pushed the talk button and held the phone to my ear. The phone rang twice,
then a womans voice answered.
911 whats the emergency? She asked.
Someone broke in to our house! I whispered.
Hello? Is anybody there? The woman asked.

Help! Someone broke in! I stage whispered.

Where are you? The woman asked.
At home, in my bed. Im scared! Please come quick! I said.
Calm down bud. Whats your name? The woman said, a calming tone in her
Ryan Christensen. I said.
How old are you Ryan? The woman asked.
Eight. I said.
Whats the address to you house Ryan?
I dont know. I said.
Okay Ryan. Dont worry. Help is coming. I can see your house on the
computer screen in front of me. The woman said.
Whats your name? I asked.
Mary. The woman responded.
Please help me Mary! I said, starting to cry a little.
Dont worry buddy. Help is coming. Are you alone? Mary asked.
Uh Hu. My Mom is in her room, my older brother is asleep, and my Dad is
looking for the intruder. Im lying in my bed. I explained.
I need you to stay where you are Ryan. Youre a very brave little boy. Im
very proud of you. Mary said.
Ill stay right here. I said.
Just then I heard a bang right outside my door. It was like a cannon blast.
Something hit the wall on the other side of my room. I tensed, pulling the blankets
over my head and grabbing Beary.
Beary needs help too. I whispered into the phone.
Whos Beary? Is he your brother? Mary asked.
Hes my stuffed teddy bear.
Oh okay. I see. Dont worry buddy, we will help your bear too! Mary said.
My bedroom door opened. The blankets were ripped off of me, and a gun was
shoved into my chest.
Put the phone down. Now. A gruff voice said.
I froze, petrified. I put the phone upside down on my side table and raised my
hands up above my head, palms open.

Who were you talking to? WHO? The man asked.

He was tall and fat, and had messy brown hair that was really greasy. His face
was red and his head was wet with sweat.
9-911. I stuttered out.
He raised the gun up, and I heard a click.
Put the gun down now! I heard Dads voice command.
The man turned.
Shut up or your son dies! He said, turning back to me and pointing
the gun right at my heart.
Put the gun down now, or I shoot! The man told Dad.
Dad hesitated, and the man fired. The sound was like a bomb going off.
Something whizzed past me, missing me by inches.
Dad dropped the gun. It landed on the ground with a soft thunk. The man
kicked it away from Dad.
Now get on your knees and stay there! Dont move, or else! The man
instructed Dad.
Dad complied.
Put your hands behind you head and keep them there. The man said.
Dad again obeyed.
Now to deal with you The man said.
What do you want from me? I asked.
I want you to cooperate with me. You are my enemy, and I will eliminate
you. I am a solider, and my mission is to eliminate you to protect the public.
Sir, Im a kid. Im eight years old, sir. I cant do much. Im not your enemy,
sir. I said.
Yes, you are! The man yelled.
He laughed manically. I laid in my bed, terrified. I secretly didnt hang up, so
Mary was still listening.
Should I kill you first? Or tie you up first? Oh, I cant decide why do I
always have to make the hard decisions? The man said, more to himself than to
anyone else.
I guess Ill tie you up first. Where are your shoes? The man asked me.

In my closet, sir. I said.

I thought calling him sir would help the situation.
Ah, good boy. Youre very polite. I like that. The man said.
The man turned around and opened the closet door. He rustled around for a
moment, then came back out with a bunch of shoes in his hands. He took the laces
out of two shoes, and put them on the floor. He put the two other pairs on the
Turn over and let me see your hands. The man said.
I put Beary next to me, turned on to my stomach, and held out my hands for
the man. The man put his gun, which he was holding under his left hand, in a coat
pocket, then he proceeded to tie my hands together. He tied them in a figure eight,
then he used the other string to tie the two halfs together. When he was finished I
could not move my wrists at all. Then he took the rest of the laces out of the shoes
and tied my legs up the same way. He tied two strings together then he tied my
arms to my sides. Then he used two more strings to tie my calves to my thighs.
Then he tied my legs to my arms. I was one very tied up youngster. I couldnt move
at all. But the worst was yet to come. Next the man left my room and came back a
moment later with a rag from the bathroom cupboard. Suddenly realizing what he
was going to do to me, I tried to squirm away. The man became angry.
Hey! Dont move! He yelled.
He drew his gun and hit my back with the butt of the gun. I cried out in pain
and stopped moving. I started crying. The man stuffed the rag in my mouth and tied
it in with two shoe strings.
Now dont move! The man instructed me.
I whimpered.
He turned and pointed the gun at Dad.
Get up and come with me. He instructed Dad.
Dad stood up and the man left the room.
Youll be okay. Dad mouthed to me as he left.
I nodded twice to let him know I understood.
He turned and left, closing my door as he went.
I laid on my bed for a while. I watched my clock and I must have laid there for
about ten minutes, when suddenly I saw red and blue flashing lights through my
blinds covering my window. The police were here. Suddenly my door burst open and
in came the same man from earlier. He looked mad. Very mad.

I nodded feebly. The man pointed the gun at my legs and fired. Something hit
my leg and pain exploded throughout my whole body. Then he pointed the gun at
my chest.
Hiyaa! I heard someone scream.
My older brother Owen jumped the man from behind. Owen is ten years old.
Im eight years old.
The man swung the gun wildly and fired a couple of times. Owen wrapped his
arms around the mans neck. The man clawed at Owens arms, and finally he was
able to break free of the hold. He turned around and twisted Owens right arm until I
heard a snap. Owen screamed. The man hit him with the gun over the head and
Owen collapsed, unconscious. I screamed.
Shut up! The man shouted.
He fired the gun and something hit me right in my mid-section, right where
my belly button is. I gasped. I went into the feeble position as best I could. Blood
poured out of my legs and chest. Pretty soon I was lying in a pool of blood.
Now, to finish you off. The man snarled.
He came over close to me and put the gun right up to my head. I heard him
cock it, then I heard a pop. The man screamed again and he collapsed, his body
straight as a board. I looked up to see five policemen in my room, four of them with
guns pointing at me, Owen, and the man on the ground. One of the policemen held
a smaller gun like thing that crackled that had wires coming out of the front of it.
I tried to say Help! but all I could do was whimper.
251 roll medics ASAP. I have two minors, one gunshot wound, and the other
unknown. One officer said into his radio.
I started to whimper even more.
What in the? Phil, turn on the light please. One officer said.
Another went to the doorway and hit the light switch. Light flooded the room,
making my eyes sting.
Good gosh! The officer named Phil said when he looked at me.
I started to cry. Tears flowed down my cheeks like a waterfall. Christmas was
ruined! The best day of the year was a waste! I had waited for this day for a long
time, and now I was bleeding out in my bed instead of sleeping. I hope Santa
understood that I wasnt gonna sleep tonight. I hope he still brings presents! Two
officers were on the ground cuffing the man. They stood him up and he tried to get
away from the officers. Instantly every officer in the room was on top of the man.
Boy, did that man fight! I heard another pop, but the officers kept fighting. The man
Stop fighting! I heard more than one officer yell.

327 can we get a couple more units please? I heard one cop say into his
The man was determined to not go to jail. Suddenly I heard running
footsteps, and three more officers barged into my room. They joined in the police
and man dogpile. Thirty seconds later the cops were walking out a very angry and
belligerent man. I was just glad he was gone. Two officers stayed back to be with us.
Thankfully one cut the shoestrings binding my hands, feet and the gag in my
mouth. I rubbed my wrists and ankles where the shoestrings cut into them. They
were red and sore.
A little while later a man and a woman in white clothes came into my room. I
quickly found out that the duo in the white clothes were EMTs.
Whats an EMT? I asked.
A special kind of doctor. The woman, who introduced herself as Abigail,
Cool! Are you all superheroes? I asked.
Well, you can think of us that way. Abigail said, smiling.
I love superheroes. I said.
Cool! Which one is your favorite? Abigail asked.
Um, I really like Spiderman! He is so cool! I said.
I like Spiderman too! Abigail said.
Cool! I said.
OW! I yelled.
Steve, the other EMT, had just poked my leg in the exact spot where the
bullet hit it.
Clean hole. Through and through. Bullet is probably in the wall or
somewhere over there. He needs medical care ASAP. Chest hole is clean through as
well. Significant blood loss. Contact Trauma Center at Winfield childrens. He said.
I didnt know what half of that meant, but I could tell I was going somewhere.
If Im leaving, I want Beary! I said.
Whos Beary? Abigail asked.
His stuffed bear. Owen piped up from the floor.
Five minutes later I was being carried out of the house. Abigail and an officer
named Officer Bell were carrying me, and Steve and another officer were carrying
Owen out to another ambulance. Steve had said something about Ryans arm being
broken. When Abigail and Officer Bell carried me out, I discovered that our entire
cul-de-sac was filled with cop cars, ambulances, a giant truck the size of two police

cars, and fire trucks. All the lights on the cars were flashing and blinking, lighting up
the whole cul-de-sac. The lights were mesmerizing to watch. They helped me feel
calm. I recognized a few of my neighbors among the crowd.
I waved to my next-door neighbor friend, Isaac. He apparently didnt see me,
because he didnt wave back.
Abigail and Officer Bell laid me on the stretcher in the ambulance. Officer Bell
handed me Beary. I hugged him with all my might. I asked Officer Bell to bring Beary
with him.
Are you okay Beary? I asked.
I am now! He responded.
I hugged him tight.
Fred! Lets go! Hes bleeding again! Abigail suddenly yelled to the driver.
Doors! Fred replied.
Oh bugger. Abigail muttered.
She got up and pulled the doors closed, then sat back down on the bench
next to the stretcher. I looked at my chest. The blood was indeed seeping out from
under the rag.
Wheres the blood kit? Abigail muttered.
She looked around in a cupboard, then took out a box that looked just like a
first aid kit at school. She opened it and took out a couple of thick cloths.
Okay Ryan. I am going to give you an IV. It is a tube that gives you water and
medicine. I have to poke you with a needle on your hand. She said.
I shivered.
Oh no! I said.
I breathed deeply.
I hate needles.
Well, Ill make it quick and simple. Abigail replied. Okay. I said.
I looked up at her. Her brow was beaded with sweat.
Are you okay Abigail? I asked.
Huh? Yeah. Im just tired. Been a long day. Abigail said.
Yeah. Same here. I was so excited for Christmas day to arrive; I could hardly
stand it! I said.
Im sure! Abigail said.


Suddenly a siren split the air. I looked out the window, and we were moving. I
heard a horn blare, and people yelling. A moment later the ambulance sped up. We
raced out of our cul-de-sac. We were going somewhere, and I didnt know where.
Okay Ryan. Im ready to put the IV in. Do you have your stuffed bear? Nurse
Abigail said.
I looked around for Beary. He was sitting on the bench next to Abigail.
Hes next to you. I said.
Abigail looked around her, and saw Beary sitting next to her.
Oh! There he is. She picked him up and handed him to me.
I took him and held him tight.
Okay. Take a look at the needle. I call it the butterfly needle.
She showed me a needle that had two little green wings on either side of it.
It really did look like a butterfly!
Thats cool! I said.
The needle was really long though
Abby, radio call on box 1. Doctor Tac 3. Fred said from the front.
Got it. Abigail said.
She reached up and turned on a radio above the stretcher. She grabbed a
cream colored microphone and pushed the small black button.
Medic22. She said.
Then she released the button. A moment later a voice came back.
Medic22 Who is your patient and what is the vitals? The voice asked.
Abigail pushed the black button and said My patient is an eight-year-old boy.
He is stable, talkative, but does have occasional chest pains. Heart is 52 Beats per
Minute, pulse 120. Blood sugar is 70mm/Liter
Copy Medic22. The voice said.
Medic22, can you advise Winfield that we have a trauma patient? Abigail
Affirm. What type? The voice inquired. Bullet. Two places. Chest and leg.
Significant blood loss. Abigail relayed.
Copy Medic22. The voice said.
Abigail put the mic back on a hook on the side of the radio.
Okay. Lets put that IV in now. Abigail said.

Okay Ryan. Look at this right here. Abigail said after replacing the
microphone on its hook.
She held up a small needle.
Do you like butterflies? Abigail asked. I nodded.
This is a butterfly needle. When I put this in your hand, just think of it as a
butterfly that landed on your hand.
She took my right hand and wiped the top of it with a wet cloth. Then she
held the butterfly needle in her right hand, she took my right hand with her left
hand. Then she inserted the needle into my hand between my middle finger and my
ring finger. It stung only a little bit, and I squeezed Beary the whole time. But I got
through it.
Ho!!! Fred yelled from the front.
He stomped on the brakes, and Abigail grabbed the stretcher to avoid falling
over. Its gonna be rough! Fred shouted.
Okay Ryan. Lets get you secured.
Abigail went to work. She grabbed the straps that were on the side of the bed
and strapped them across the stretcher across my ankles, kneecaps, mid-section
-right by my gunshot wound- and my shoulders. I could barely move a muscle!
Abigail grabbed a waist seatbelt and strapped herself in. Fred was driving the
ambulance very slowly. I could feel the whole ambulance rocking back and forth.
The floating bridge is rocking back and forth! Hang on! Fred yelled.
Were secured back here! Abigail yelled back.
Good! Fred replied.
Fred drove forward a little more, and the ambulance started rocking back and
forth a lot.
How you doing back there, Ryan? Fred yelled from the front.
I was too sick to my stomach to respond. My tummy was on an off-and-on
cycle of hurting a lot, and becoming numb. Suddenly the pain came back, and it
was awful. I tensed and started crying.
Ryan, whats wrong buddy? Abigale asked.
My tummy hurts again! I somehow said.
Fred!! I need pain relievers! Abigail yelled.
Now? Fred asked.
Yes! Now! Abigail said.
Okay. Fred replied.

He pulled the ambulance to the side of the road and stopped. He came back
to me. Fred put something on my thumb, and I heard a machine start beeping.
Cardio is down! Blood sugar is down! Start glucose! Fred yelled.
Medic22. I heard Abigail say.
I looked around and saw Abigail talking on the radio.
Medic22, go ahead. The voice said.
Our patient has turned code red. Requesting a police escort. We are on the
floating bridge going southbound.
Copy that. Ill advise state right now. Standby The voice replied.
A few minutes later Fred got back into the drivers seat and we started rolling
I heard a horn, and a cop car went past us.
State43, with Medic22 on medic channel. The radio said.
Medic22, copy. Weve got a code red, heading to Childrens. Fred said.
State43, roger. The trooper said.
I watched the Trooper out the side window as he blasted his siren and horn at
other cars. People moved over for us and we accelerated quickly. Two more troopers
came, and one got in front of us while the other two stayed on both sides. Their blue
lights reflected off the walls of the ambulance.
Wow. I breathed as I watched the lights dance on the light bar.
It was mesmerizing, and for a moment I forgot I was hurt.
How are ya feeling, Ryan? Abigail asked.
I pulled my attention away from the troopers outside and shifted it to Abigail.
Okay. Its a little hard to breathe though. I replied breathlessly.
Abigail put a mask over my mouth and nose and I felt oxygen blowing. It
helped my breathing a little bit, but then it got even harder to breathe.
FRED! STOP! Abigail yelled.
Troopers! Stop! Freds voice said over the radio.
Fred stopped and got out. He came to the back and jumped in.
Hes having trouble breathing. I dont know whats wrong! Abigail said.
Darkness was closing in around me. I cried out, and Fred grabbed a needle.
The darkness closed in and I lost counciness.

Fred and I worked furiously to get Ryan breathing again. I was doing CPR, and
finally he started breathing again. I made sure the oxygen was flowing, and Fred got
back into the drivers seat. I sat down and wiped the sweat off my brow. Ryan was
stable, for now. Just then another ambulance pulled in behind us. They radioed that
they had Ryans brother, Owen, with them, and that they would be following us to
the hospital.
The rest of the trip was quick. When we finally arrived at the hospital, we
rolled Ryan into the ER.
What have we got here? A nurse asked.
Eight-year-old boy was shot twice during a home invasion, and on Christmas
Eve nonetheless His brother should be arriving soon. I explained.
I was crying because I was scared.
Yeah no kidding. Dont worry buddy, well help you get better. The nurse
said, putting a hand on his shoulder.
Ryan reached up and took hold of her hand. He would not let go.
Dont worry bud, youre going to be okay. The nurse said.
He squeezed her hand softly. She smiled.
Hey Paige! Get Dr. Smith and Golding down here please! She yelled to
another nurse.
On it! The nurse replied.
The nurse signed the paper releasing us from caring for him, and Fred and I
went back outside to the ambulance. I put us as available with dispatch, and we
rolled away to the next call.
-RyanWhen I woke up next daylight streamed in from a window. I looked around
me. I was in a room that looked a hotel room. I saw a bathroom, a wooden door that
led out of my room somewhere, a closet, a TV, a small fridge, and even a balcony
outside a sliding glass door.
Mommy? I said loudly.
Mom? Dad? Owen? Hello? Anybody? I yelled, getting more stressed.
I started to cry. I tried to sit up, but pain zipped through my chest to my head
and toes and back. I cried even harder and laid back. I looked around and saw a
string above me. I could barely make out a sign on the wall above me. The sign and
a red arrow pointing at the string, with the words Pull for help. Stenciled on it. I
reached up and pulled. The string clicked, and I heard a beep outside my room

somewhere. A moment later there was a knock on my door, and it opened. In a

came a woman in white clothes from head to toe.
Hey buddy, whats wrong? She said, coming over to me.
Her voice was soft and kind.
I want my Mommy. I said through my tears.
Oh. Well, I can go get her. She was outside in the waiting room, waiting for
you to wake up. The woman said.
The woman left the room, closing the door behind her. I noticed Beary sitting
next to me, and I grabbed him and held him close. A moment later there was
another knock on my door.
Come in. I said loudly.
The door opened and the same woman came in, followed by Mom, Dad, and
Owen. Owen had his arm in a cast, and there was a bruise on his head, but other
than that he was happy. Mom looked relieved. Dad smiled. The woman wearing all
white left the room, closing the door as she excited.
Hey Ry, how do ya feel? Mom asked as she grabbed a nearby chair,
dragged it closer, and sat down in it.
Okay. My tummy hurts. I said, not even attempting to sit up.
Well, thats probably because the doctors have done surgery on your tummy.
But you will heal and get better. Mom explained.
Christmas is ruined! I said.
Yeah, it is, but we are still together as a family. Owen piped up.
Your right Owen. At least we are still a family. Dad said.
When can I go home? I asked.
Well, the doctor said about 2 days or so. Mom said.
I groaned.
This is gonna be forever! I whined.

-Three days laterThis sucks! I mean, all I do is lay in my bed and watch cartoons all day. I tried
to have a pillow fight with Owen, but the pain in my chest was too much. Plus, he
only has one arm to play with, so that makes a pillow fight hard. I play board games
with Owen and Mom sometimes, and Dad tells me stories from his childhood. Some
of them are really funny.


There was one story where Dad was skateboarding for the first time. He was
boarding down the road near his house when he fell into a ditch that was full of
mud. He cried for help, and his brother James came and tried to pull him out. He
couldnt, so he ran to go get their Dad. He came and dried to get Dad out of the
mud, but he couldnt either! They ended up having to call the fire department to
come dig him out of the mud. When Dad finally got out of the mud, he was dirty
from head to toe, and he was embarrassed that the fire department had to be called
to get him out of mud. I thought it was a very funny story. I laughed really hard
when he told the story, but the pain in my stomach hurt so much that I couldnt
laugh for very long.
I think in a few hours I go in for an evaluation to see if I can go home sooner. I
really hope I get to go home sooner. I dont want to be here for any extra time
-//I sighed. The evaluation was in full swing, and so far, it wasnt going well. Dr.
Golding, my doctor, was checking where my pain was, and so far, I had screamed at
least five times. When it was over, Dr. Golding and I were both relieved. Dr. Golding
called Mom in, and I sat up on the bed. Mom and Dr. Golding sat down.
Okay, so the good news is that Ryan can go home. The bad news is that I
want to keep him for one more night, just in case anything goes wrong. Dr. Golding
I lit up.
Im going home tomorrow?! I said excitedly.
Yep, just as long as tonight goes well, you are going home tomorrow. Dr.
Golding said.
Yay! I yelled.
I followed Mom and Dr. Golding back to my room, wincing slightly as the pain
in my leg shot through my body again. Its going to be awhile until I can run and
play like a normal kid again. I was very excited to go home tomorrow.
That night I was sleeping soundly when I was awoken by sharp pain in my
chest. Now, this had happened multiple times during my stay in the hospital, so I
was kind of used to it. I usually just breathe deeply and slowly until the pain goes
away, then I go to back to sleep. Tonight was different though. I tried to breathe it
off, but it didn't help. I turned onto my side, still breathing hard. I tried to slow my
breathing down and stay calm, but it wasnt easy. By taking deep breaths and
holding them, I was able to get the pain to go away. When I laid back on my back, I
was breathing hard like I had run a marathon. Mom, who was sleeping next to me,
woke up.
Hey kiddo, are you okay? What happened?
Just, just pain in my stomach again. Its gone now. Im fine. I said.

Alright, do you need any medicine for the pain or anything?

No. Im okay. I just need to calm down. I'm okay, Mom.
Well, okay. As long as you think you're okay, I'll go back to sleep and I
suggest you do the same.
The next day I told Dr. Golding about last night, and he took some X-Rays,
and he decided that I should stay another day. He said my cuts from the bullet holes
werent healing correctly or something like that, and that something was wrong my
lungs, I think. I dont know. Mom called Dad and Owen, and they said they would
come down.
I was disappointed that I wouldnt be going home today. I had been looking
forward to going home today, but now I had to put it off another day. Darn it!
When Dad and Owen arrived, I was glad to see them, and they were glad to
see me as well.
Its been so boring without you, dude. Owen said.
Same here dude. I replied.
Just then I had an idea.
Mom? I said.
Yes buddy? Mom asked.
Even though its not Christmas anymore, could we still celebrate it here?
Of course we can, kiddie. Thats a great idea. Mom said.
I think that is a fantastic idea, cub. Dad said, saying my nickname.
Thanks Papa and Momma bear. You guys are the best! I replied.
That evening we all opened our presents. I got a scooter, some new clothes,
some cool video games that let me build cities and drive around them in cars and
trucks, and some sweet new toys.
That afternoon, much to my surprise, I was finally allowed to go home.
Dad and Owen had a surprise waiting for me in the garage when we got
home. As soon as we pulled into the garage, Owen took his hands off my eyes, and I
saw what the surprise was.
There, sitting upright on a kick-stand, was a new shiny red bike with a paper
sign taped to it with my name on it in big blue letters.
Whoaaaa! I exclaimed when I saw it.
Its all yours, cub. Dad said from the drivers seat.


This is the best gift ever! I yelled, excitedly getting out of the car and, using
my crutches, crutched over to the bike.
I could not wait to ride it. I would have to wait for my leg to heal, but I would
ride it as soon as I could.
My final words on this experience.
Well, even though Christmas day was ruined, we still got to celebrate it in
January. We also got to spend New Years at Grandma and Grandpas house, which
was awesome, even though I had to use my crutches to get around. My cousins
helped me get around, and it was a fantastic time. Okay, just to clear any confusion,
we celebrated new years in January, so it was already the new year, but we didnt
care, we celebrated it anyway.
I learned from the police that the man was drunk during the whole break in,
so he didnt really know what he was doing, he was thinking he was back in
Vietnam, and we were the enemies he was fighting. When he woke up in jail, he had
no memory of the night before, and he felt terrible about what he had done to
Owen, me, and my parents. I wasnt sure I could forgive him right now, but at least
he felt bad about what he did to us.
I also learned a valuable lesson from this whole experience. I learned that it
isnt about what I get for Christmas, but who I spend Christmas with. Thats the
holiday spirit, spending it with loved ones, even if its in a hospital bed with family
members around us. Thats the real meaning of Christmas.
Merry Christmas!

Authors note.
Dear Readers,
Hello! I hope you are enjoying this holiday season! This story was a ton of fun to
write, and I am excited to release it.
While I was writing this story, I thought a lot about how a lot of people get so
wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of Christmas that they dont remember the real reason
of Christmas: The birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the reason for the season.
I chose not to focus on that in this story because I wanted to show what people
think of the holiday seasons, and I did that through the eyes of Ryan, the main character.
I encourage you to view the Mormon Message titled A Savior is Born which can be
found on YouTube, or by visiting this link:
v=q_TEOyhy7Bg. It shows the real meaning of Christmas, and it was really well done by The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, a church that I am a member of. It talks about
the real meaning of Christmas and why we celebrate it every year.


I decided that the Christensens house would be broken into on Christmas Eve night
to help Ryan learn what is really important on Christmas. He learned that Christmas is not
all about toys and gifts and what you receive, but who you spend it with. Its not about
gifts, but the time it is spent with family around that is important.
I hope you enjoyed this story!
Merry Christmas!

Ian Toomey


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