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Position Paper

Committee: UNGA
The Effects of Transnational
Crime on the Security and the
Economy Country:
The Russian Federation
In the last few years, organized crime has been on the rise
globally. Criminal syndicates are becoming increasingly
profitable and in some countries like Japan, Mafia group
Yakuza functions more efficiently than their own
government. In an official statement by Interpol, they
stated that in 2015 smugglers made $5-6 billion dollars in
Europe. Similarly, Italys Ndrangheta Crime Syndicate
hauls in more revenue than many Fortune 500 companies.
Their revenue accounts for 3% of Italys GDP. Cyber Crime
has also become a huge problem. Some drug cartels are
threatening the very democracy of some Latin-American
Over the years, Russia has made several attempts to curb
organized crime and is proud to inform the committee that
the crime rate in Russia has fallen rapidly since the end of
the USSR. Russian Task Forces have been joined by other
organizations like the Federal Bureau of Investigation in
order to further deplete the resources and power of
Russian Criminal Syndicates. The Government
sympathizes with the victims and the families of the
victims affected in any way by the Russian Mafia. Russia is
trying its best in order to curb organized crime. It will take
time but at least Russia admits to having a problem. Some
countries who should be working towards solving their
problem work on excuses and assigning blame.
Pakistan constantly accuses India of harboring terrorists
who are trained to cause chaos in Pakistan without any
substantial proof while the Al Qaeda commits executions
based on religious reasons everyday! The President of

Guatemala stated that he is considering making marijuana

legal in order to reduce their illegal trade. This was utterly
preposterous! This is no way to deal with a problem.
Guatemala also has a plethora of gang related murders
that take place so why doesnt the Guatemalan President
make murder legal?
Developed countries like Australia have a terrible record
with Internet related Criminal Activities. Several websites
on the Dark Web are rumored to be hosted from Australia.
A teenager from Melbourne recently pleaded guilty to
terrorism charges after explosives were found in his home.
Another teenager from Australia
was arrested after he was found with incrimination
evidence which proved that he was planning a terror
attack on the Commemorations on the ANZAC landings.
The future generation of Australia are turning against their
own country.
The Delegate of the Russian Federation hopes that the
future is improved for the better. Russia wishes that
nations join forces and come together in order to curb this
problem of organized crime.

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