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Facilitative Coaching Approach Tip Sheet

Look for nonverbal cues and ask questions to discuss the clients feelings (Aguilar, 2013,
p. 167). With the clients permission coaches could ask question regarding the clients
feelings on an upcoming lesson or during the reflection of a lesson.

Ask questions that promote problem-solving and encourage the client to learn from their
own experiences. The Five Whys activity could be used with a client that has the same
problem happening over and over again (Aguilar, 2013, p. 169).

Support clients with authentic and specific positive feedback. Ask questions that will
allow the client to identify areas of success while working towards their goal (Aguilar,
2013, p. 172).

Support clients with a visualization activity to change their beliefs about how a lesson
might unfold. This will help build the clients confidence through envisioning success
(Aguilar, 2013, 178).

Role-playing with clients can be another way to build confidence before encountering a
situation. This activity will provide the client experience with communication skills and
feedback during the role-playing scenario (Aguilar, 2013, p. 179- 180).

The coach could suggest videotaping a lesson of the client teaching a lesson. This
videotape could then be watched either by the client alone or with the coach to help
determine strengths and weaknesses of a lesson (Aguilar, 2013, p. 181).

In order to gain feedback, the client could conduct a survey. The client can collaborate
with the coach to ensure that the survey will gather the information he or she is
specifically looking for. After the client looks at the data gathered they can then reflect

with the coach. The coach will need to support the emotions of the client during this time
depending on the results of the survey (Aguilar, 2013, 182).

When clients focus on the negative things that are happening a coach could suggest an
activity in positive self-talk. This could be done as a reflection at the end of the day or
periodically throughout the day. The coach should set up times to reflect with the client
and notice all of the positive moments that the client is having (Aguilar, 2013, p. 183).

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