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Origin of the Report

The purpose of this report is to explain what I did and learned during my internship periodwith Royal Cement
Limited (RCL). The report is also a requirement for the partialfulfillment of Royal Cement Limited internship
program. The report focuses primarily on theworking environment, successes and shortcomings. In addition, it
focuses on financialsituation overview, Brand Establishment of Royal Cement Limited.This is an internship
report, which I have prepared to fulfill the requirement of the course.My advisor
Roushan Ara Sultana
has assigned this following report to me. I have workedwith Royal Cement Limited for a time span of two
months as an intern where I had theopportunity to see and learn new things about how a cement company in
Bangladeshoperates. This report reflects about my in-depth understanding about the various aspects of this
company and the cement industry overall.
Overview of the Report
This report is all about the Overview of the cement Industry in Bangladesh, FinancialSituation Overview, Brand
department, Performance Evaluation etc on which I tried todiscuss about the brand establishment of Premier
Cement Mills Limited which also includes
Company Profile


Distribution Channel

Cost and Pricing Structure

Current Promotional Activities



Conclusion, and other related topics.

Objectives of the Report
This report is a scope to me through which I can relate my theoretical knowledge with mypractical knowledge.
These two months while I worked on Royal Cement Limited, I hadan opportunity to work in a real business
field and those experiences, which I gathered, willbe shared in this report along with theoretical collaboration.
The report is based on thecement Industry in Bangladesh, Financial Situation Overview, Brand departmen

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