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The Halloween Tree

1. Why was Pipkin rushed away to the hospital on Halloween Eve?

a. He had missals;

b. He had the flue;

c. He had appendicitis;

2. Match the character with their costume:

1. Ralph
a. witch
2. Jenny
b. skeleton
3. Wally
c. mummy
4. Tom Skelton
d. monster
3. Match the characters with their journeys:
Tom Skelton

a. Notre Dame Cathedral in Medieval Paris

b. Ancient Egyptian
c. Stonehenge, Roman cultures, Celtic
d. Mexico, The Day of the Dead

4. Which was the first journey that they took?

5. What was the name of the mysterious man that they met in the spooky
mysterious house on top of the hill?
a. Santa Claus;
b. Count Dracula; c. Carapace Clavicle Moundshroud;
6. What was the significance of the childrens journeys?

7. How did the children save their friend Pipkin?

8. Which character did you like best? Why?

Note: Also try the novel The Halloween Tree (fantasy novel )by American author Ray

9. What was your favourite part of the movie The Halloween Tree?

10. What was your overall opinion of the movie?

Note: Also try the novel The Halloween Tree (fantasy novel )by American author Ray

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