NEM 445 Exam 2

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NEM 445 Exam 2

January 9, 2013

You have 2 hours to finish the exam.

Clearly write down all the assumptions you make.
The figures and constants you would need are given.
1. (20) Draw the boiling curve and clearly mark the x axis and y axis, mark the
temperatures and heat transfer regimes. What is the expected flow pattern
(drawing of voids and liquid phase) and for the CHF condition for a PWR and
BWR? Draw a picture of the void (steam) distribution.

(30) In the PennStates Rod Bundle Heat Transfer Experiment bundle, there are
49 cylindrical rods with outer diameter of 0.374 in. The bundle is surrounded by a
square inconnel can which is 3.5 in. in one side. One of the single phase flow
experiments performed at 1000 psia showed that the flow velocity in the bundle is
16 ft/s.
The bundle has a power shape defined as:
z inches

q(z)/q av




where qav = 5.0 kW/ft.

Assuming that the inlet temperature is 380 oF, calculate the clad outside
surface temperature at 100.0 inch location.

Calculate the frictional pressure drop for the bundle. (Assume the rods and
the can have the same relative roughness as the drawn tubing).

If the q(z)/q av value is decreased to 1.2, how the CHFR margin

changes (increase or decrease)?

Constants and reminders The moody chart you would need is attached. At
1000.0 psia, = 54.72 lbm/ft3, = 0.351 lbm/hr ft, gc = 32.17 lbm ft/lbf s2, cp=
1.0611 Btu/lbm oF, k = 0.3919 btu/hr ft oF, Pr = cp /k, Tsat =500 oF, for turbulent
flow, Nu = 0.023Re0.8Pr0.33
Nu= h x De/k
1 kW is 3412 Btu/hr
2) (15) For a PWR fuel pin with pellet radius of 0.185 in. and fuel radius of 0.215
in., calculate the maximum linear power in kW/ft that can be obtained from the
pellet such that the centerline temperature does not exceed 2200 oF. The coolant
temperature is 585.5 oF and the coolant heat transfer coefficient is 5000.0 Btu/hr
ft2 oF.
Fuel conductivity: 7.28 Btu/hr ft oF
Clad conductivity 45.0 Btu/hr ft oF, the clad thickness is 0.0225 in.
Helium heat transfer coefficient, 1000 Btu/hr-ft2-oF, the gap thickness is 0.0075 in.
Constants and Reminders: Assume the flux depression factor is 1.0
3) (10) For a boiling water flow in annular flow regime, in 681.0 psia tube, at a
particular region, the thickness of the liquid film on each side of the tube is 3.0 in.
If the tube flow area is 1 ft2, calculate two phase density of the flow for the
described flow section which is 1 in. tall.
Constants and Reminders: P= 681 psia, f = 0.0204 ft3/lbm, g = 0.6748 ft3/lbm,
1 feet is 12 inches
4) (20) Briefly answer below questions:
a. Describe the Ross and Stoute model for the gap heat transfer coefficient.
b. Describe how to calculate the wall superheat for the nucleate boiling.
c. For the below figure briefly list the components of pressure drop between
points: a and a, a and b, and e and f.

d. On the below figure clearly mark the wall and coolant temperatures and
the location of single phase heat transfer, subcooled boiling and nucleate
boiling regions, sketch the change in void fraction.

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