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Nombre: ____________________________________________________________

1. A conductor of uniform radius 1.20 cm carries a current of 3.00 A produced by an electric field of
120 V/m. What is the resistivity of the material?
2. A lightbulb has a resistance of 240 when operating at a voltage of 120 V. What is the current
through the lightbulb?
3. En el siguiente circuito calcula
a) La corriente en cada resistor
b) El voltaje en cada resistor
c) La potencia que disipa cada resistencia
d) La potencia que suministran las dos fuentes de voltaje

4. In the circuit of Figure P28.32, switch S has been open for a long time. It is then suddenly closed.
Determine the time constant:
(a) before the switch is closed and
(b) after the switch is closed.
(c) If the switch is closed at t = 0, determine the current through it as a function of time.

Ayuda. La corriente en un capacitor al irse descargando es

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