CH 4sample Problems

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NEM 445

Sample Problems

Consider a PWR That has an active fuel height of 12.5 feet and contains 47000 fuel rods
of 3 % enriched UO2 fuel pellets with a fuel pellet diameter of 0.413-inches and a fuel rod
diameter of 0.489-inches. Assume pitch to diameter ratio is 1.3. The fuel density is 10.5
gm/cc. The average water temperature is 500 oF at 2000 psia and the reactor power is
3600 MWt. Assuming that the flux distribution is that of a bare homogeneous reactor,
determine the maximum neutron flux in the core (see Table 3-3 of Nuclear Systems 1 ).


For the reactor given in problem 1, determine:




the average and maximum volumetric heat generation rates in the UO2 fuel


The average and maximum linear power (kW/ft)


The average and maximum fuel rod heat flux (Btu/hr-ft2)

A graphite moderated, helium gas cooled, reactor generates 2700 Mwt in the core. The
helium coolant mass flow rate into the core is 2.2x107 lbm/hr through the core. The
helium enters the core at 750 0F. The specific heat of helium is Cp = 1.248 Btu/lbm- 0 F
Determine the effective average fission cross section for the core. (you need to make an
assumption for the graphite temperature)
The TMI-II accident occurred after the reactor 89 full power days of operation. Using the
decay heat equations in the notes, estimate the core power at the time of core uncovery,
two hours after reactor scram, and two years later when core inspection occurred.

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