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Career Guide

Physical Education Department Chair: Career Guide

Curtis Tomkins
KIN 423
California Baptist University

Career Guide

Table of Contents

Statement of Philosophy (pg. 1)

Leading (pgs. 1-2)
Ethics and Biblical Principles (pgs. 2-3)
Planning (pgs. 3-4)
Organizing (pgs. 4-5)
Controlling (pgs. 5-6)
References (pg. 6)
Appendix (pg. 7)

Career Guide

Statement of philosophy
Physical education is a very important yet sometimes neglected and underappreciated
aspects of education (see appendix A). A properly ran physical education program ensures that
children learn the importance of all aspects of fitness, and take that knowledge with them into
adulthood. As department chair, it is my responsibility to oversee the development of these
programs. I have made certain to have an adequate knowledge and understanding of the
standards, concepts, and skills being taught in our programs. The importance of this
organization and administration guide is to set a clear plan to improve the organization,
staffing, leadership, and appropriate monitoring of our physical education programs. Formal
observations of faculty members are a very important part of ensuring that programs run
smoothly, and that students are learning what they need to, according to state standards.
When holding observations, I make sure to provide employees with constructive feedback that
will help to improve performance, as well as teacher-student relationships. One of the most
important duties as department chair is to ensure that the physical education programs within
our schools are providing a safe learning environment.
Leading (
Faculty development and efficiency is a high priority in our district, and I lead and assist
all faculty members in developing effective teaching strategies in order to be seen as a leader to
their students. In addition, I must act as a strong leader and role model to all students and
faculty. Leadership skills are important to me and this district because I want faculty to be able

Career Guide

come to me freely and share and concerns, questions, or even ideas that will help strengthen
our department, as well as the education of our students. Being an effective leader I especially
important in times of financial uncertainty, which is an all too common problem for school
districts. As a leader, I must be able allocate funds responsibly, and find ways to save effectively
without cutting programs or employees. The systems theory of management would apply best
to the philosophies of our department. I like to see the entire department as a well-oiled
machine; each part, however small it may seem, having an integral part in helping things run
smoothly. I take it upon myself to make sure that each part of the system in functioning the
way it should, because if just one part is not functioning properly, the entire system will fail.
Ethics and Biblical Principles
We believe that a strong moral foundation is vital to the longevity of a successful
organization. Ethics and values are very influential within our organization, as they often guide
our most important decisions, as well as being a large part of the hiring process. One of our
main goals to provide a safe learning environment for students and faculty alike, so there are
certain values like honesty, modesty, and strong leadership that we strongly implement in
order to achieve this goal (see appendix D). The main philosophy that I emphasize within this
organization is, of course, the golden rule; treat others how you wish to be treated.
It is also important to look at any problems or decisions that may arise with a Christian
perspective. The Bible points to the fact that God wants us to trust him in all of these matters.
Proverbs 3: 5-6 states Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own
understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. This means

Career Guide

that although we were given free will and the ability to make decisions, we need to trust that
certain problems and decisions that are placed in our path, no matter how difficult, are all part
of Gods will, and can ultimately lead to your success. According the Maxwell leadership Bible,
when we pair our own careful preparation with faith and trust in Gods providence, we will
experience true success (Maxwell, 2007).
I understand, however, that implementing morals and values is often easier said than
done. There are several conflicts that may potentially arise from trying to impose my beliefs
onto to other people. The key is, of course, not to impose. As a leader, I must understand that
each individual student and faculty member possesses a completely different set of morals,
beliefs, and values. Our goal is not to change anyones beliefs or values, but rather to
encourage strong morals through living by example. Also, it is important that we have a
thorough and detailed hiring process, in order to employ like-minded individuals who can share
our vision.
Planning and organization in education often go hand in in hand. Without an effective
lesson plan, classes will be unorganized, and opportunities for learning will be reduced (see
appendix B). There are several aspects that lead to effective planning, including adhering to
standards for physical educators; scientific and theoretical knowledge, skill-based and fitnessbased competence, planning and implementation, instructional delivery and management,
impact on student learning, and professionalism (National Standards for Initial Physical
Education Teacher Education, 2016). Using a SWOT analysis when planning is very important for

Career Guide

finding way to use our organizations specific strengths, increase opportunities for team building
and networking, learn from and improve upon any weaknesses we have as a whole, and
reducing threats by having contingency plans in place when faced with problems.

As previously stated planning and organization are highly interrelated (see appendix C).
Setting goals is an effective way to plan and remain organized throughout the process. Two of
our more prioritized goals are as follows, 1) improving instructional delivery and management;
All material taught in class should be delivered to students in a manner that is conducive to
learning. We plan to hold monthly training to help teachers sharpen their existing talents and
create a fun and effective learning environments for students, and 2) improving fitness-based
competence; All physical education staff we be sent to mandatory seminars and teaching
conferences in order to learn the latest trends in the industry, and be able to teach students
current and relevant skills.
The program approach that our department has adopted is programming by external
requirements or standards. We believe that standards allow us to clearly outline goals for the
staff and students. Being able to meet these standards also gives us an effective way to
measure the success of our programs. If we, as a whole, can exceed the standards that have
been set, then we know our planning and organization is functioning at a high level. Some
professional physical education organization that we try to mold our program after are Shape

Career Guide

America; Society of Health and Physical Educators (, and the

American Kinesiology Association (
I realize that there are several important factors that account for successfully
monitoring the departments and facilities of our program. The different functions of
management must all work in conjunction not only to avoid unnecessary situations, but also to
be able to a plan in place for when unforeseeable events do occur. There is an all too evident
risk of injury in this field, which is why we need to be able to control and monitor the
maintenance of our facilities, as well as the performance of our staff.
Negligence, and problems that can arise from negligence a major concern in the field of
education. Injuries can often occur from negligent behavior, and legal actions can often be
taken (Thomas H. Sawyer, 2012). As physical education department chair, I have a legal liability
to ensure that all of our programs and class are properly supervised. Providing a safe learning
environment is my number one priority, so I make sure to be involved with most, if not all, of
the hiring process. I also personally help to make sure that our facilities and equipment are safe
for student use. Documentation of the inherent risks of physical activity are always provided to
students and parents.
Fiscal management of our programs is also a priority. We have recently obtained a
sponsorship with a local sporting goods store who has agreed to help fund programs and
events. I will also be releasing a schedule of fundraisers to help raise money for equipment. The
cross-country program has agreed to help with a walk-a-thon, and cheerleading will be holding

Career Guide

tail-gaters before football games, in which they will have booths with snacks and
refreshments (see appendix E).
My organization and I often take pride in our very thorough hiring process. As stated
several times earlier, the safety of our students is one of our main priorities. I am personally
involved in the hiring process of each new faculty member that is hired into our department.
We look for several characteristics in potential new employees, but most importantly we are
looking for a proficient knowledge of material that will be taught, the ability to take initiative
when appropriate, strong leadership qualities, a passion for education, and morals and values
that are similar to that of our own (see appendix F).

Korpershoek, H. (2016). A meta-analysis of the effects of classroom management strategies and
classroom management programs on students academic, behavioral, emotional, and
motivational outcomes. Review of Educational Research, 643-680.
Maxwell, J. C. (2007). The MAxwell Leadershio Bible. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.
National PE Standards. (2016, October 21). Retrieved from
National Standards for Initial Physical Education Teacher Education. (2016, September 24). Retrieved
from National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE):
Thomas H. Sawyer, L. W. (2012). The Management of Fitness, Physical Activity, Recreation, and Sport.
Urbana, IL: Sagamore.

Career Guide

A. Learning in Motion-Professional development website:
B. SWOT analysis for effective planning and decision making: planning.docx
C. Effective program scheduling: scheduling.docx
D. Example of ethical decision making (establishing values, beliefs, and morals): Ethical
Decision Making.docx
E. Budgeting and fiscal management: fiscal management.docx
F. Promoting Health and fitness:

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