Annotated Bibliography: The Mystery of Deja Vu

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Johnathon Davis
Brad Anderson
ENC 2135
10 October 2016
The Mysterious Dj Vu: An Annotated Bibliography
Beigler, E. (1942). A contribution to the psychoanalysis of dj vu. The Psychoanalytic
Quarterly, 11, 165-170.
Beiglers journal looks at Freud and Ferenczis, psychoanalytical definition Dj
Vu. The author discusses the id, superego and ego and how they all work together in these
real Dj vu situations. The author describes how the id and superego both attempt to
persuade the ego a certain direction. But the ego defends itself from each by
sensationalizing Dj vu. The authors view on how Dj vu occurs functions well as
research for my paper as it lists another theory as to why Dj vu is occurring. In addition,
the research adds ethos to the paper by introducing the founder of psychoanalysis Freud and
his work on Dj vu.
Brzdil, M., Mareek, R., Urbnek, T., Kaprek, T., Mikl, M., Rektor, I., & Zeman, A. (2012).
Unveiling the mystery of dj vu: The structural anatomy of dj vu. Cortex: A Journal
Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 48(9), 1240-1243.
In this journal Brazdil elaborates on the definition of Dj vu. He introduces the
fact that Dj vu occurs in both healthy people as well as the diseased. Especially in people
with temporal lobe epilepsy. The journal includes a study on the effects of gray brain matter
relating to Dj vu experiences. The authors journal provides another theory for the

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phenomena of Dj vu. However, the paper also functions as a way for my paper to explain
that there is not one widely agreed explanation for Dj vu. This helps my paper describe
that research has been conducted, but not completed.
Brown, A. S., & Marsh, E. J. (2010). Digging into dj vu: Recent research on possible
mechanisms. In B. H. Ross (Ed.), The psychology of learning and motivation: Advances in
research and theory (pp. 33-62). San Diego, CA, US: Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego,
CA. doi:
Brown and Marsh discuss the most recent type of research connections to Dj
vu. Following that, they go through three mechanisms for what may be the cause of Dj
vu: split perception, implicit memory, and gestalt familiarity. Overall, this chapter focuses
on three new theories from the rest of the paper. These three causes of Dj vu differ greatly
from the other theories presented besides psychoanalysis as these dont require any disorder
or disease. This functions well into my paper by adding more theories as well as providing
solutions to Dj vu that the common person can relate to easier.
Fukuda, K. (2002). Most experiences of precognitive dream could be regarded as a subtype of
dj-vu experiences. Sleep and Hypnosis, 4(3), 111-114.
In this research by Fukuda, there was a study done about precognitive dreams
and Dj vu and their correlation. What was found that those who experienced precognitive
dreams also had a higher rate of Dj vu experiences. However, it makes certain to note that
precognitive dreams are not a subcategory of Dj vu. This will help in my paper as I plan
to distinguish Dj vu from other close relatives of it. In addition, I plan to use another
article describing how dreaming and Dj vu are correlated. By merging these statistics to
introduce that section it provides a good transition.

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Funkhouser, A., & Schredl, M. (2014). Dj vcu and dj visit similarities and differences:
Initial results from an online investigation. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 21(11-12), 718.
In this journal, Dj vu is evaluated and broken into two different subtypes: Dj
visit and vcu. Each is compared and contrasted through studies of peoples experience.
However, it also discusses the idea that not enough research has been done on these, but also
provides insight on how further research should be applied. That last note applies greatly to
my paper as many researchers feel as though more information needs to be conducted, but
dont always explain how. Through this article I can comfortably detach Dj vu from other
experiences as well as infer upon how further research could possibly be done on Dj vu.
Kalra, S., Chancellor, A., & Zeman, A. (2007). Recurring dj vu associated with 5hydroxytryptophan. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 19(5), 311-313.
In this article, a case study is conducted of a woman experiencing Dj vu for
hours. In this study Kalra describes the studies interest in the effects of the brain's anatomy
and reaction to drugs. In this case the woman is taking 5-hydroxytryptophan for her tremors.
With that said, this research allows for the basis of a new theory on what may be causing
specifically persistent Dj vu. Since I have other research of persistent Dj vu, this will
allow for a comparison between the two case studies. In addition, this theory focuses
primarily on the effects of drugs and their provoking of Dj vu. This is an unorthodox
reasoning for Dj vu that will differ greatly from other theories, which helps in showcasing
the mystery of Dj vu.

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Kostic, B. (2011). Using a change-detection task to simulate divided perception and its effects
on recognition memory for objects Available from PsycINFO. (868226561; 2011-99060043).
In this thesis by Kostic, he discusses the definition of Dj vu, which largely deals
with the idea of familiarity with an event, and then presents evidence of a study to see how a
change direction task may alter later the performance of our memory. The big idea of this
study was to study familiarity, then apply this knowledge to Dj vu. This research serves as
an aide in my paper as other research prompts that memory plays a major role in Dj vu.
This study helps present an example to that research method of what may be happening
cognitively when Dj vu occurs.
Moulin, C. J. A., & Chauvel, P. (2010). Dj vu: Insights from the dreamy state and the
neuropsychology of memory. In G. M. Davies, & D. B. Wright (Eds.), Current issues in
applied memory research (pp. 206-235). New York, NY, US: Psychology Press, New York,
In a chapter of a book by Moulin and Chauvel, they strive to make the claim that
Dj vu is nothing but a memory glitch, if you will. They make this claim and then
describe through neuropsychology how this may be the issue. This chapter will effectively
help my paper by again, aiding in the memory theory. The memory theory, as discussed in
this chapter is the presumed idea of how Dj vu occurs. Thus, by adding even more
opinions to the theory it helps strengthen the argument that memory is at the forefront of
Dj vu research. In addition, the chapter delves deeply into the history of testing how
memory plays a key role in Dj vu.

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NEPPE, V. M. (2010). Dj vu: Origins and phenomenology: Implications of the four subtypes
for future research. Journal of Parapsychology, 74(1), 61-97.
In this article, the origin of Dj vu is heavily discussed as well as many theories
of why Dj vu occurs and how it can occur. This article will begin my essay. It will lay the
foundation for my definition of Dj vu and provide some of the working theories I will
give examples to later. Additionally, the article will allow for an in depth explanation of how
Dj vu can actually occur. This will function well in my paper because without a strong
introduction to Dj vu, the theories and examples I give may seem irrelevant into how it
may connect to Dj vu.
O'Connor, A. R., & Moulin, C. J. A. (2006). Normal patterns of dj experience in a healthy,
blind male: Challenging optical pathway delay theory. Brain and Cognition, 62(3), 246-249.
In this article, Moulin and OConnor discuss the effects of Dj vu in a
completely healthy, but blind 25-year-old man. There is a theory that has largely
been looked to when describing why Dj vu occurs. It is called the optical (which
deals with vision) pathway delay theory. However, since a blind man experiences
Dj vu, it deflates the theory. In addition, this is believed to be the first ever, but not
only, documented case of Dj vu in a blind person. This will impact my essay
extraordinarily by giving another theory as to Dj vu, but also appall the mind of
the reader that a blind person can experience Dj vu. Not only that, but the research
will provide alternative causes to what may be happening; thus leading into another
theory such as memory and strengthening that as the frontrunner.

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