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Global 2 Final (Form A on blue-tined scantron) AP of Social Studies, Jennifer Suri Stuyvesant High School All answers should be put on the SCANTRON sheet using a #2 pencil. Write FORM A next to your name on the scantron. There are 100 questions, one point each. 1. Which institution served as the primary unifying force in medieval Western Europe? a), The Legislature. ). The Church, ©). The Monarchy. 4), The Military. 2. Which of the following best describes the nature of a guild? a), Workers who used gold leaf to decorate places. »). Merchants who sold specially woven cloth at local fairs. ©). Traders who carried local goods worked together in other regions, 4). An association of people who worked at the same occupation, 3. At the Battle of Hastings in 1066, William of Normandy conquered 4), Jerusalem, by Italy. ©), Germany. 4). England, 4. One way in which Henry II of England increased royal power was to establish royal a), armies, »). courts, ©). religious ceremonies. 4), tournaments, 5. The main principle established by the Magna Carta was that 2). the barons wanted no kings. »). France should be ruled by England, ¢). barons wanted an end to feudalism. 4). royal power was limited by law. 6. The theologian who wrote a book to show that basic religious truths could be proved by logical argument was named 2). Thomas Aquinas. ). Cluny. ©) Innocent I. @). Hugh Capet 7..A new form of architecture that emerged in the High Middle Ages was called the. style. 2). Chares ). Bourgeoisie ©). Gothic 4). Islamic 8. The stated purpose of the Crusades was 4), to defeat the Mustims in Spain, b). to capture Constantinople ©). to regain the Holy Land and Jerusalem from the Turks. 4). to prevent a Mongol invasion of Eastern Europe. 9. One major result of the Crusades was the? a). spread of Middle Eastern culture and technology to Europe. »), permanent occupation of the Holy Land by the Europeans. ©). long-term decrease in Buropean trade. 4), conversion of most Muslims to Christianity 10. England and France waged the 4), Peasant Revolt. ). Hundred Years’ War. ©). Black Death War, 4). War of the Roses, 11. Joan of Are led the French army to victory against the Engli a). Agincourt. Poitiers. ©). Bosworth Field. «). Orleans, in the crucial battle of ? 12, What did the devastation caused by the bubonic plague com 2). flowering ofthe arts in the later Middle Ages. +). The dominance ofthe Church in the later Middle Ages. ¢). The disruption and collapse of medieval society. 6). A sense of unity among the continents affected by it. 13. Two important luxury items that the Chinese traded with foreigners were a). silk and porcelain, ), gunpowder and coal ©). paper and silk, ), copper and books. 14, Which achievements are most closely associated withthe Tang and Song dynasties of China? 4). The wheel and stirrup. ), Chinampas and calendar ©). Gunpowder and movable wooden type. 4). Mosaies and domes. 15.The civil service systems of both Ming and Qing China were based on a). the teachings of Buddhism. »). the principles of Confucianism. ©).a similar system in the Mauryan Empire. 4). a work by the scholar Sun Tzu, 16. Which ofthe following is true of the expeditions of Chinese Admiral Zheng He in the early 1400's? 8), He wished to find a new route to Europe in order to participate in European trade, '), He sailed to ports on the Indian Ocean coastline, including those in East Afri ¢). He explored unknown regions and seas, though his ships were tiny and supplies inadequate, 4), He crossed the Indian Ocean but did not Iand on the African coast, 17, Around 1200 C.E., China and most of the rest of Asia was conquered by the a). Manchus, ). Mongols. ©). Samurai. 9). Ming, 18. All of these statements about the Mongols’ way of life are true EXCEPT 2). they were nomads from central Asia. b). they were peaceful herders. ©). they herded horses, cattle, and yaks. 4). they were skilled horsemen and fierce warriors. 19. The Mongol Empire begun by Genghis Khan is historically significant for this reason: ). The Pax Mongolica was established. b). It was the largest contiguous empire. ©). aided the diffusion of East & West cultures, 4). All are significant reasons, 20. Which Mongol leader conquered China following his vietory in the civil war of the 1260's? a). Kublai Khan, ). Genghis Khan, ©), Ugedei Khan. 4). Batu Khan. 21. In the years 100 to 1200 C.E., the sociopolitical system that developed in Japan was 2). democtacy. »)- nation-states ©)-feudalism. 4). Zen, 22. Bushido required a samurai to a). serve the church faithfully, b). seek compromise between lords. ©). seek to live an honored old age. 4). be brave in battle and loyal to his lord 23, Angkor Wat was 4). magnificent temple in the land ruled by the Khmers, b). the greatest of the Khmer emperors, ©), an epic dedicated to a Hindu god, 4), the battle at which Vietnam won its independence from China, 24, What did the kamikaze, or divine wind, do for Japan? 4), It stopped a Korean invasion. 1). It stopped a Mongolian invasion ©). brought rain after along drought. ‘, Itbrought the shoguns safely home from Korea 25. Lady Murasaki’ Tale of Genjt is most closely associated with: a). Yuan Dynasty Chia, ). The Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan. ©). Heian period in Japan. 4). Koryu Dynasty in Korea, 26.1n the 17° century and 18 centuries, merchants from many countries sought trade with Southeast Asia because a). trade gave them political control »). they wanted to control the spread of Sikhistn, «they needed an outlet for their own goods. 4). its produets of gold, jewels, sandalwood, and spices were in demand, 77. Both Japan and China decided to limit trade with Europe duing much of the 16% and 17° centuries because the Japanese and the Chinese 4), believed they would recsive no benefit from increased contact with the Europeans, 2) bad few products to sel tothe Europeans. «held religious beliefs that prohibited contact with foreigners. 4). thought Buropean technology would hinder any effort to modernize. 28. Korea, Vieinam and Japan all a), were influenced by China in their development. b). were conquered by China. ‘). were able to resist Mongol conquest. a), embraced trade with Europeans unlike Chin: 29. Korea has frequently served as a cultural bridge between 1), Cambodia and Vietnam. >) Russia and India 6). Thailand and Indonesia. ). China and Japan. a & nate oes Pao "gt jw creatival °N a 118 seo + sts é we ep om 30. The map above shows which of the following empires atts greatest extent? 4). The Safavid Empire ). The Russian Empire ). The Mongol Empire, 4). The Ottoman Empire. 31, How did Islam's arrival in India dramatically alter existing social attitdes there? 4). It preached monotheism and social equality b), It advocated for the creation of a five-level caste system. «).It pushed! for the superiority of women in religion d). declared the ruler be worshiped as a god. 32. The name of the founder of the Mughal Dynasty was ). Babur. b). Genghis Khan, ©), Tamerlane. 4), Jahangir. 33. The Mughal Empire at its height, covered most of which modern nation? 2). Cambodia ). Myanmar 6). India 4). tron 34, Akbar's rule of the Mughal Empire was characterized by 8). wars and rebellions, tolerance and fairness ©), intolerance and persecution, ¢). invasions by the Huns. 35. Aurangzeb's policies towards Hindus could be described as a). tolerant 2). hostile ©) indifferent «). supportive 36. Followers of Nanak who tried to blend Hinduism and Islam were known as a). Gurus. Sikhs, ©). Singhs. s Agra, Expansion, 14 Expansion under Suleiman, 1520-1568 [The Ottoman empire] 1053-1566, 37. An observation about the Ottoman Empire inthe 15° and 16* centuries i 4), hada strategic location between Europe and Asia »), originated in Hungary ©), was totally landlocked. 4). had control over most of western Europe, hat the Empire ? 38, Which of the following is true of both the Ottoman Empire and the Mughal Empire between 1450-1750? 8). The rulers of both believed in strictly separating secular and religious eoncemns. »). The top administrators in both empires were chosen by a system of competitive examinations. ©). Christianity was prohibited in both empires. ©). Both empires were established by skilled warriors on horseback who came originally from Central Asia 39. The event that had the greatest effect on the growth of Islam in East Africa was 4). the arrival of the Portuguese b). the increase in trade and commerce, ©). the enslavement of Africans. 4), the chaos and disruption of wars and conquest. 40. Which of the following did NOT play an important role in the AfTican trade between 800 and 1500? a), India ») Arabia ©) Russia @). China 41. A major characteristic of the West African Empires (7"-16* centuries) was 2). they depended a great deal on the sale of manufactured goods via the Silk Road. '). the dependence on European raw materials to fuel their industrial growth ©). their imperial rulers eventually converted to Christianity. 4). they depended on tans-Saharan trade and the accumulation of immense wealth. 42, Ton Battuta is best known as a 2). Religious leader of the Shiite sect of Islam. ). 14° century Muslim traveler and historian ©). Founder of Sikhism. 4). Valued assistant to Mansa Musa. 443. Which statement is most accurate about the African slave trade from the 15° through the 19% centuries? 4), The slave trade involved African, Arab, and European slave traders. ). The stave trade was limited to East Africa, ©). The slave traders brought ivory and timber to Africa, d). Most slaves were transported from Africa to Europe ‘44, One way in which the Maya, the Gupta, and the Songhai cultures were similar is that they 2), developed great civilizations without major influence from Wester Europe. »). were destroyed by military forces of European nations. ©). depended on trade with European nations to remain economically powerful. 4). emerged from nationalist movements of the 20° century 45, Trading empires on the savannas of West Africa made their wealth mainly from the exchange of a). horses and food. »). iron and jewels. ¢). gold and furs. 4), gold and salt. 46. Among the Maya, mathematics was developed in relation to 4). building temples. »). surveying for irrigation. ©). Keeping calendar records, 4). maintaining the army. 47. Am empire that grew up in Peru around 1500 was the __ Empire. 2). Aztec 4), Oimee 6). Inca @). Maya 48, Machu Picchu is located in the former__ empire. 2). Aztee 0). Maya Inca ©), Olmee 49. The civilizations of Aztecs, Incas and Mayas were similar in that all 2). developed cities and complex government, ). spoke the same language, ©)-followed a monotheistic religion 4), used a complex system of writing. 50. lasting impact ofthe pre-Columbian civilizations ofthe Americas was that they 2). influenced the art architecture, and dict of societies tht later developed in the region, 1). encouraged social mobility through education, €). developed a complex system of trade with Europe. 4), developed the first representative democracies inthe region. 51. Inca and Aztec societies were similar in that both 8). developed from Mayan civilization, ). acquired empires by means of military conquest, ©). depended entirely on oral record keeping. 4). independently developed iron technology. ‘52. The Renaissance began about 1300 in the city-states of northern a), Spain. ). aly. ©). England. 4. France '53. The Renaissance artist commissioned by Pope Julius Il to paint the ceiling of the a). Leonardo da V ). Michelangelo, ©). Raphael. 4). Donate. ‘54. The term “humanism,” when applied to Renaissance Italy, refers primarily to the 4), renewed interest in the scientific method at many Italian universities, »). capitalist values advanced by leading Italian merchant bankers. ),antireligious movement among leading Italian intellectuals, 4), scholarly interest in the study of the classical cultures of Greece and Rome. ‘55. In the 1500's CE, the need for labor in the American colonies led to 8). the farge-scale migration of Europeans to America. b). importing Africans as slaves. ©). native American deaths from epidemics. )-a decline in trade. ‘56, Which of the following was NOT an outcome of the Age of Exploration? 4). European nations dominated the silver and gold trade, ~ b). Knowledge of the world's geography increased. ©). Mediterranean trade expanded. 4), The peoples of the Americas became subjects ruled by Buropean nations, '57. Between 1450 and 1750, which of the following were produced on large plantations by slave labor for the world ‘market? 2). Wheat and barley. b). Corn and beans. ©). Sugar and tobacco. 4). Wool and beef, ‘58. What was a benefit of the encomnienda system for Europeans in New Spain (in the Americas)? 2). It fostered a closer relationship withthe church. @). A cheap labor source. 59. Which statement describes an impact of the Columbian Exchange on the lives of Europeans? 8). The combination of new products and ideas promoted economic growth. b). Native Americans immigrated to Europe and competed with Europeans for jobs. ©). Millions of Europeans were killed by new American diseases. 4), Introduction of the Native American religions resulted in the decline of the Roman Catholie Church. 60. The Native American population of Mexico in 1492 has been estimated at 25 million; the population in 1608 has been estimated at 1.7 million. This decrease in population was mainly a result of 2). crop failures brought on by poor weather conditions. b). diseases introduced by the Spanish, ©). emigration of Native Americans to Europe and Africa, 4). wars between various native groups. 61. One result of the European conquest of Latin America was that in Latin America a). Spanish became the major spoken language. 1). Native American cultures flourished, ©). The Aztec religion spread, 4), Many parliamentary democracies were established. 62. Which was a result ofthe Commercial Revolution? a). Expansion of European influence overseas. »). Decline in population growth in Europe. ©). Shift of power from Western Europe to Eastern Europe. 4). Spread of feudalism throughout Western Europe. 63. Europe's Protestant Reformation im the sixteenth century was sparked by ).a religious revolt led by Martin Luther, b). the invention of movable type. ©). reforms in the Catholic Church, 4). Charles V's Edict of Worms. 664. Which change to Christian church practice was suggested by Martin Luther? 4), Increasing the sale of indulgences. » Insaling statues of saints in churches. ©). Saying the mass in Latin so the faithful would learn it 4. ‘he Bible in the vernacular so all could read it. 65. The English ruler who founded the Church of England was a). Henry VIN. ). Elizabeth I ©). Henry IV. 4). Edward 1. 66. Who of the following is most associated with England’s “Golden Age” under Elizabeth 1? a). Sir Thomas More »). William Shakespeare ©).John Hus . 4). Jonathan Swift 67. A difference between the beliefs of John Calvin and those of Martin Luther was in the area of the a). sale of indulgences. »). importance of the Bible. ©). marriage of clergy, 4). relationship between church and state. 68. The Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation were similar in that both were a). stimulated by a spirit of inquiry. b). supported by the working class. ©). limited to Italy, France and Germany. 4). influenced by the Maya. 69. The Catholic Reformation c a). making fundamental changes in Catholic theology. »). accepting most of Luther's views. ©). developing new restraints on the powers of the pope and bishops. 4), developing the Inquisition, establishing Jesuit missions, and creating an Index of Forbidden Books. bated Protestantism by 70. Miguel De Cervantes, El Greco and Diego Velazquez are most closely associated with a). the Ratian Renaissance. »). Spain's Golden Age. ©). the Safavid Golden Age 4), Spain's Reconquista 71..An the 1600's, the one country in Europe that permitted freedom of religion to Protestants, Catholics, and Jews was a). England. b). Belgium. ©). The Netherlands. 4). Spain, 72. The result of the defeat of the Spanish Armada was a). the expansion of Spanish sea power and empi b).a decline in Queen Elizabeth's prestige, popularity, and power. ©). the capture and execution of Sir Francis Drake 4). a decline in Spanish prestige and fortune. 73. France’s Cardinal Richelieu’s goals included all ofthe following EXCEPT 4) increasing the Bourbons’ power. b). strengthening France. ©) defeating the Spanish and Austrian Hapsburgs 4). giving Protestants communities greater independence. "74. France entered the Thirty Years’ War on the Protestant side because ). France was a Protestant country ). it felt the Protestants would win. ¢)- it wanted to help the Czechs. 4). it wanted to defeat the Catholic Hapsburgs. Base your answer for question 75 on the following document and your knowledge of Social Studies {Japanese ships shall by no means be sent abroad. 2. No Japanese shall be sent abroad. Anyone violating this prohibition shall suffer the penalty of . limit the manufacture of hats in Great Britain. ©), encourage world trade and commerce 4). legislate the wearing of hats by all men above the age of seven: 79. The British Hat Act of 1732 is typical of which economic system? a), Feudalism. ). Mereantilism. ©). Capitalism. 4). Out-sourcing, ‘Base your answers for questions 80 and 81 on the following two documents. “The state of monarchy is the supremest thing upon earth: For kings are not only God's lieutenants ‘upon earth and sit upon God's throne, but even by God himself they are called gods... In the Scriptures kings are called gods, and so their power {is} compared to the Divine power. 1 conclude ... tha, as to dispute what God may do is blasphemy... $0 is it (treason) in subjects to dispute what a king may do in the height of his power. I will not be content that my power be disputed upon; but I shall ever be willing to make the reason ... ofall my doings (clear), and {to arrange] my actions according to my laws. I would wish you to be careful to avoid three things in the matter of grievances. First, that you do not meddle with the main points of government: that is my craft... To meddie with that were to teach me. 1 am now an old king.... 1 must not be taught my office. Secondly, I would not have you meddle with such ancient rights of mine as I have received from my predecessors... All novelties are dangerous... and therefore I would be loath to «= {have] my ancient rights and possessions (disputed): for that were to judge me unworthy of that which my predecessors had and left me. ‘And lastly I pray you, beware to exhibit for grievance enything that is established by a settled law, and whereunto... you know I will never give a plausible answer: for it is an undutiful part in subjects to press their king, wherein they know beforehand he will refuse them == James 1 (1566-1625) “any the least itreverence of a king ~- [such] as to [disagree with] his judgments and whether we ‘ought to follow and obey him ~-is justly... called sacrilege. And since all sacrilege is a violation of something that is holy, itis evident thatthe office and person of the king is sacred: sacred, and therefore cannot be violated by the hand, tongue, or heart of any man, that is, by deed, word, or thought. ~- Bishop William Laud (1573-1645) 80. The type of government being justified in such bold, religious terms by Engl 1625) was referred to in the 17th and 18th centuries as @ 4). Commonwealth »). Limited Monarchy. ©). Absolute Monarchy. 4), Theoeracy, ind's King James I (reigned 1603- 81. The theory so religiously explained by James I is known as the Divine Right of Kings. Unlike its practice on continental Europe, to disobey James was not only treasonous but blasphemous (according to William Laud) because of his role as Head of State and Head of: a). the Presbyterian Church. b). the Society of Friends ©). the Methodist Church. 4). the Anglican Church. 82. Peter the Great attempted to modernize Russia by a). applying Russian technological advances against the West. »). imitating the Turks. ©). copying English parliamentary principles of government. 4). adopting western European knowledge and technology. 83. The main issue that led to the overthrow of England's James Il in 1688 was 8). whether the Whigs or the Tories would gain contro of Parliament. »). whether the monarchy would be restored. «). whether England would remain Protestant or become a Catholic nation, 4), whether royal power would be limited through elections. ‘84. Who was the leader of the Puritan army that overthrew the tyrannical Charles I and established the ‘Commonwealth in England? 2). Oliver Cromwell by. William Pit ©). William Bradford, 4), Edmund Burke. 85. The English Bill of Rights (1689) provided for the 2). limitation of the power of the monarch, »).ereation of the cabinet system. ©). decrease in the power of the House of Commons. 4). creation of the House of Lords. 10 86, After the northern Dutch gained their freedom from Spain, what type of government did the United Provinces of the Netherlands establish? a). A republic ).A military dictatorship, €).A constitutional monarchy. 4). An absolute monarchy. 87. King Louis XIV of France is most closely associated with? a). The Great Schism. 'b). Construction of Versailles Palace. ©). Aiding the American colonies in their rebellion against Great Britain 4). Ordering the execution of Joan of Are. 88, During the Age of Absolutism (1600's and 1700's), Buropean monarchies sought to a). centralize political power in their nation. &). increase human rights for their citizens. €)- develop better relations with Muslim rulers 4) encourage the growth of cooperative farms. 89. Mercantilism attempted to 4). maintain guild restrictions upon production. b). place tax restrictions on the merchant class. ©). increase national wealth through control of trade and industry. 4). transform base metals into gold. On the map there are points which are identified as numbers. Put your answers on the SCANTRON 90. TThe office of the papacy is located in this Buropean city ).10 b.13 ©). 24 #18 91, ‘The kingdoms of Portugal and Spain were located on this peninsula, a).13 ».8 3.3 ).21 92. Kublai Khan's navy was attempting to reach this island when Kamikazes (storms) stopped them, a).12 bt x) 0.7 93. The Mound Builders’ city of Cahokia was located at a). 20 b.4 2.7 4.21 94. The capital ofthe Incan Empire was located at ).20 22 12 a2 95. The location of the Gold-Salt Kingdoms was a).2 b.13 12 o).19 96. This area was colonized by Portugal ).2 ).22 0.9 a. 97, This was the center of the Aztec Empire 9 b).12 ©).23 o.5 98. The defeat of the Spanish Armada took place at which point? a).15 by. 14 17 d).16 ‘99. The swamp transformed into a major Russian city is located at which point? 13 by. 24 9.10 dt 100. This major city was captured by the Ottomans in 1453, s a).22 b).25 od 0.5 - =. = - SIDE 1 me - TE = [O REscoRE [CO MARK / C) TOTAL ONLY/EOTH SIDES — 19@@O2® TF a 2% OODOB®D — 2O@©OG® 277@©OO®D 3O0@O8® 28 BDOOO 4DGOOOQ 2 O©O@®D = sO©OO8® foo — 30 O©GO® ©Oe@) = 6@©Oo® @Oo) = 311 @©OO® @e = 17100©@00 @oQ i 32 @@OOO® @Q —_ sO@OOOO Oo aa 3 O©@OO® ©g = 2860°0 QQ = 34 OBOOO @e = 0O8OO® ®O) = 3 OGOOO = 19©20@® STUDENT ID. -= 3 OBOOO (UPON REQUEST) = 2O©@0O0 a 37 @@OOO = 3G@2OO0 COOGOGOOD — 38 O@O®B® DOOOOO00D = 4O©@O0 ®P©Q©OO©@OQO®D a 2 OBOOO C@©O©COCOG®D = 56O@OCO®O MD@O®@QO@OO®D = 0OD@8OO OSO©OGOOO®D = 6O8OO®O ©CO©OQCOOGO — 1 O@©O8® DQOOQDOOO®D = 708098 ©COQ©CO©COG®D — 2O@OO®Q OCOGCOQO®O® = 8OO8OO = B83 @@DOOO® = 3»O©0@8@80 -_ 43 @@QO@OO® por MARKING = 202@®2OOO INSTRUCTIONS — 465 O@OS8® < 5 = 71©9©800 Use a No. 2 Pencil = 46 QQ]OO@©O poor = 2O©O8® ®@O©O® a 47 D@O®DO gor Fill circle completely = B32@©2OO®O — 8 OOOO ®®©OGeo 22 @O@OOOD Erase cleanly 429 @@O@O peor 2 O@HO®O 1O2OOO. 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