Sociopreneur How It Works English

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how it works

Identify local Sociopreneurs

Local actors will be selected based on
their potential for social entrepreneurship,
commitment, and vision. They will be
called Sociopreneurs. UNICEF will
provide capacity support to these selected

individuals to help them lay the grounds

for the creation of social businesses.

Map business opportunities in

the value chain of the tourism sector
The analysis is also expected
to unveil opportunities in the
intersection between child rights and

 obilize international 
and national actors for 
collaborative solutions

UNICEF will mobilize, through

tourism that can spark innovative

an interactive online platform,

solutions using social business.

a wide range of individuals

and institutions from diverse
backgrounds to guide, mentor
and collaborate with the local
sociopreneurs to solve
problems affecting children
in the most innovative way.

Identify problems related to child rights

Social business ideas become reality

UNICEF will support sociopreneurs
prototype their social business ideas
and, by the end of its first year of

UNICEF will make an in-depth analysis of the

implementation, the Sociopreneur

situation of children in Tola and identify problems

Initiative will foster the creation of at

in critical areas of child development such as health,

least two startups with innovative

education, protection and water & sanitation.

solutions for problems affecting children.

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