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PowerPoint Storyboards


Access the storyboard files using the

bookmarks on the left of your screen.
To use the coursebook audio with the
storyboards, copy the contents of the
CD to your hard drive.
The following instructions apply to the current
versions of Microsoft PowerPoint (2003 on
Windows or 2004 on Mac OS X). The procedure may vary for earlier versions. Consult the
Help menu in PowerPoint.

Instructions for using the a Roule ! storyboards in Microsoft PowerPoint:

Inserting text
To insert text, click inside the text box or speech bubble and type! As you type, the speech bubble will
automatically enlarge. The point of the speech bubble may move away from the speakers mouth. Click on
the point and a yellow diamond will appear, drag the diamond to reposition the point.
Adding a speech bubble
To add a new speech bubble, ensure that the 'Drawing' toolbar is visible. Go to 'View', then 'Toolbars', and
select 'Drawing'. Drawing should be ticked. On the toolbar, click on 'Autoshapes'. Select 'Callouts' and
choose the style you prefer. Click and drag on the screen to insert the speech bubble.
Recording audio on a PC (Windows)
To record audio narrations for the PowerPoint storyboards and adventures you will need a microphone.
Most laptops have a built-in microphone. Most desktops will have a socket for a microphone.
1. With the appropriate storyboard open in PowerPoint, select 'Record Narration', found under the 'Slide
Show' menu.
2. Click on 'Set Microphone Level' and speak into the microphone. The bar in the centre of the window
should act as a level indicator. You can adjust the level slider or adjust the volume of your speech.
Click on 'OK' when you are happy with the levels. If there is no indication in the bar, the microphone is
not functioning. Check the microphone and the connections. Make sure you have plugged it into the
correct socket. When the microphone is functioning, click on 'OK'.
3. The presentation will start at slide 1. Record your voice-over.
4. To move forward to the next slide, press the space bar.
5. When you reach the end you will be asked if you want to save the slide timings. Click on 'Save'.
6. To listen to your show, select 'View Show' under the 'Slide Show' menu.
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PowerPoint Storyboards


Recording audio on a MAC (Mac OS X)

To record audio narrations for the PowerPoint storyboards and adventures you will need a microphone.
Most laptops have a built-in microphone. Most desktops have a socket for a microphone.
1. With the appropriate storyboard open in PowerPoint, select 'Record Narration', found under the 'Slide
Show' menu.
2. Select the correct 'Input' source from the drop-down menu. Then click 'Record'.
3. The presentation will start from slide 1. Record your voice-over.
4. To move forward to the next slide, press the space bar.
5. When you reach the end you will be asked if you want to save the slide timings. Click 'Yes'.
6. To listen to your show, select 'View Show' under the 'Slide Show' menu.
Adding audio clips from the coursebook
1. If you havent already done so, copy the contents of the CD to your computers hard drive.
2. Locate the PowerPoint Storyboard files now stored on your computer. For ease of navigation,
each PowerPoint file and its corresponding audio files have been placed in the same folder.
3. Play the audio files with your favourite media player (QuickTime, Windows Media Player etc.).
Double-clicking on each of the files should open them automatically.
4. The files are numbered randomly. Take note of the order you wish to place them in the PowerPoint
5. Open the PowerPoint file.
6. Right click (PC), or control click (MAC), on the speech bubble you wish to associate with the audio file.
Select 'Custom Animation...'.
On the PC
Click on the appropriate drop-down box that appears in the list of items in 'Custom Animation' window.
Choose 'Effect Options...'. Under the 'Effect' tab, in the 'Sound' drop-down box, choose 'Other Sound...'
located at the bottom of the list. Navigate to the audio files, select the one you want and click on 'OK'.
Click on 'OK' again. Choose the next item down in the 'Custom Animation' list and repeat the procedure
of choosing another audio file to associate with this piece of text. Repeat until you have completed all
the text items for this slide.
On the Mac
Click on the 'Effect Options...' button in the 'Custom Animation' window. Under the 'Effect' tab, in the
'Sound' drop-down box, choose 'Other Sound...' located at the bottom of the list. Navigate to the audio
files, select the one you want and click on 'Insert'. Click on OK to exit the 'Effect Options' window.
Choose the next item down in the 'Select to animate:' menu list and repeat the procedure of choosing
another audio file to associate with this piece of text. When you have completed all of the items for this
slide click on 'OK'.
7. Navigate through and repeat point 6 for the remaining slides.
8. Save the PowerPoint presentation.
9. Under the 'Slide Show' menu, select 'View Show' to play the presentation.

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