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Who has a voice Lesson 1


produced by Paula

Lesson / Class:

Yr 9 - Art

Learning Intentions:

Explore different points of view introduction of

new Unit
Who has a voice? Learn about the design of the

Success Outcomes:

Students to draw on prior knowledge about their

ideas of voice, discuss with groups. Build larynx

Running Order

Intro: Introduction of new unit handout sheet.

Talk through expectations.
Who has a voice is written on board with who,
what, how, when, why written below.
Main: Students to activity build questions and a
mind map to draw out prior knowledge.
Watch youtube clip and build larynx.
End: Reflection what ideas / questions are you
developing? Write down a reflection of the lesson
what did you learn?
REMEMBERING - Retrieving, recalling, recognising,
knowledge from memory.

(Formative /


Next lesson:

Formative: ongoing observation of students giving

feedback and interaction during class time.
Summative: n/a
Computer / projector.
Student handouts
Butchers Paper / textas
What is Oracy?


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