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In a Restaurant

There are some restaurants that are so popular that you have to make reservations in advance. In our
country men enter first and then the women who are with them. In Britain and the United States it is
considered impolite not to let the women enter the restaurant door first. So, it is a matter of culture.
After the waiter shows you to your table he/she brings the menu. It usually contains appetizers (hot or
cold), entrees (which are the main courses) and deserts. It also contains the list with drinks: juices, soft
drinks and alcoholic beverages.
The next step is to order food.
waiter = chelner
to show someone to = a conduce pe cineva la/ctre
menu = meniu
to bring, brought, brought = a aduce
appetizers/starters = aperitive
entrees = felurile principale de mncare
desert = desert
soft drinks = buturi fr alcool
alcoholic beverages = buturi alcoolice
to order food = a comanda mncarea

Lunch in the Cafeteria

I usually have lunch between 12 and 1 p.m. I go to the cafeteria for lunch. I like to go there. The food
is very good. I usually have a soup, and some chicken and mashed potatoes, but today I'm having only
a ham and cheese sandwich with lettuce salad and a cup of coffee. My friend Sandra is eating a soup,
some chicken and rice, and a strawberry yogurt. She is sitting at the same table with me. Michael and
Diana are our friends. They usually go to the snack bar, but today they are having lunch here. They are
sitting at a table next to ours. They are drinking coffee. After lunch we are going for a walk in the park,
because today is a very nice and warm day. The sun is shining and there is no wind blowing. After that
we want to go to the library to study. Sometimes, when it is cold outside we only go to the library.

between = ntre doi, dou
to blow, blew, blown = a sufla
cafeteria = bufet/ restaurant cu autoservire
cheese = brnz
chicken = pui
cold = frig
to drink, drank, drunk = a bea
to eat, ate, eaten = a mnca
to go for a walk = a merge la plimbare
ham = unc

lettuce = salat verde

library = bibliotec
mashed potatoes = cartofi piure
next to = lng, alturi de
to shine, shone, shone = a strluci
to sit, sat, sat = a sta jos, a edea
strawberry = cpun
warm = cald
wind = vnt


A Day In My Life
I wake up every morning at half past six. I get up, go to the bathroom, take a shower and brush my
teeth. Then I get dressed, go to the kitchen and have breakfast. I usually have toast, butter, jam, cereals
with milk and I drink a cup of coffee. After that I go to university. I have classes until two o'clock. At
the university I meet my friends. We study a lot of interesting things, such as computer science,
marketing, etc. We study foreign languages, too. English is compulsory. We also study another
language, French or German. After classes I and my friends go for a walk, when the weather is fine or
we go to a caf for a coffee and for a chat.
Sometimes I go to the library to study, or I go home and have lunch.
In the evening I study, I watch TV, or I go out with my friends. I go to sleep at about eleven o'clock in
the evening. This is a usual day of my life.
a lot of=o mulime de...
also = de asemenea (se pune dup
another = altul, alta
bathroom = baie
breakfast = micul dejun
brush = a spla, a peria
butter = unt
cereals = cereale, fulgi de cereale
chat = conversaie, tacla
classes = ore, cursuri
compulsory = obligatoriu
cup = ceac, can
to drink, drank, drunk = a bea
every = fiecare
foreign = strin
to get dressed = a se mbrca

to get up = a se scula
to go = a merge
to go for a walk = a merge la (o) plimbare
to go out = a iei n ora
to go to sleep = a merge la culcare
to have classes = a avea cursuri
jam = gem
kitchen = buctrie
to meet, met, met = a (se) ntlni
milk = lapte
such as = ca de exemplu, cum ar fi
to take a shower = a face (un) du
toast = pine prjit
to wake up = a se trezi
too = de asemenea (se pune la sfritul propoziiei,
dup virgul).

My Family
My name is Mark. I am 20 years old. I have a big family. My mother's name is Anne. She is a doctor.
She is 42 years old. She works in a hospital, near our house. My father's name is John. He is 45 years
old. He is an engineer. He works in a construction company. I have a sister and a brother.
My sister's name is Susan. She is 17. She is a pupil. My brother's name is Stuart. He is 19. He is a
student. I have two uncles, who are my mother's brothers and three aunts. One is mother's sister, and
two are my father's sisters. I also have five cousins. All my grandparents live in the country. I love to
spend my holidays with them. I also have a dog, Spot, and a cat Whiskers. They are very good friends.
all= toi, toate
aunt = matu
big = mare
brother = frate
cousin = vr,verioar

father = tat
grandparents = bunici
house = cas
to love = a iubi
pupil = elev, elev


sister =sor
spend = a petrece
uncle = unchi
who = cine

Maria's Unforgettable Weekend

Last Saturday I went with my friends to the mountains to ski. It was a wonderful winter morning, so
we decided to go by car, because we thought that there were many people who wanted to go to the
mountains. The ride was very pleasant, and at about 10 o'clock we arrived in Brashov.
We didn't have reservations at a hotel, so we wanted to find a place to stay. We managed to find
accommodation at a Bed and Breakfast place. After we left our things there, we took our skis, and
went skiing. There was much snow, it was not very cold, and there were very many people on the ski
slope. Some people didn't have skis, so, they rode on sleighs, or, simply played with the snow. In the
afternoon, after we had lunch, we went for a walk in Brashov, to admire the sights. After dinner, we
went to the disco. We had a great time. On Sunday, in the evening, we went back home.
about = cam, aproximativ; despre
to arrive at = a ajunge la o destinaie
to arrive in = a alunge ntr-o localitate
Bed and Breakfast = pensiune
to go, went, gone = a merge
to manage = a reui
reservation = rezervare
to ski = a schia
snow = zpad
to take, took, taken = a lua
to want = a vrea

accommodation = cazare
to be, was/were, been = a fi
to find, found, found = a gsi
to leave, left, left = a pleca, a prsi
much = mult, mult (se folosete cu substantive care nu se pot numra)
pleasant = plcut
ride = cltorie, plimbare cu un vehicul
sleigh = sanie
to stay = a sta
to think, thought, thought = a (se) gndi; a crede
wonderful = minunat

Maria's Birthday Party

Last Saturday I went to Maria's birthday party. She was celebrating her 23rd birthday, and she had a lot
of guests. When I arrived there, at nine, Maria was at the door, receiving her guests. She was wearing a
red dress. She was very happy. There were about 20 people who were having a great time. Some of
them were dancing, others were talking. There was plenty of food, for all tastes: all kinds of salads,
roast turkey, sandwiches, cheese, and fruit. We had beer, wine and soft drinks for those who didn't
want to drink alcohol. It was nice, because I could meet many of my friends, and hear the latest news
about our colleagues. While I was dancing with my friend Andrew, the birthday cake was brought in. It
was a big chocolate cake with the words Happy birthday on it. We sang Happy birthday, and drank
champagne. We stayed until dawn.It was an unforgettable party.
to arrive(v) = a sosi
birthday (n) = zi de natere
to celebrate(v) = a srbtori, a celebra
dawn (n) = zori
to drink, drank, drunk(v)= a bea
happy (adj) = fericit
to meet, met, met(v)= a ntlni
others (pron) = alii, altele
red (adj) = rou
to stay(v) = a sta
soft drink (n) = butur rcoritoare
taste (n) =gust
unfogettable (adj) = de neuitat
wine (n) = vin

beer (n) = bere

cake (n) = tort, prjitur
cheese (n) = brnz
dress (n) = rochie
guest (n) = musafir
to have a good time = a se distra
nice(adj) = plcut, drgu, amabil
to receive(v) = a primi
roast (adj) = fript
to sing, sang, sung(v) = a cnta
some (pron) = unii, unele
turkey (n) = curcan
to wear, wore, worn(v) = a purta



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