Prenatal Fact Sheet

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Physical Milestones

Skeletal growth begins in the

embryonic stage (2-8 weeks
after conception) when cartilage
forms into a pliable skeleton.
After the skeletal formation
cartilage cells are produced at
the ends of the long bones to
facilitate growth throughout
childhood, while the hands and
feet are formed. During this
time sucking and swallowing
reflexes develop and the fetus is
able to move into preferred
sleeping positions (Berk, 2012;
Mossler, 2011).

input is the mothers prosodic

speech, to which the infant will
respond after birth (Childs,
Cognitive Milestones
Near the end of the third
trimester fetal learning begins.
Studies show a fetus begins
responding to familiar voices,
usually the mothers, and their
heart rates change when
encountering mothers voice as
opposed to a strangers
(DeCasper & Fifer, 1980 as
cited in Mossler, 2011)

Language Milestones

Signs of Atypical Development

Around the fifth month in utero

the auditory structures of the
fetus are developed and
myeliniation of the cochlear
nerve begins. By the third
trimester the fetus will respond
to hearing noises and voices
outside the womb. The fetus
lives in an acoustic world at this
point, so hearing is its primary
language development target.
Studies show dendrite growth in
accordance with sensory input
and at this time the sensory

If the mother does not feel

fetal movement by around 20
weeks, or notices a reduction in
activity it could indicate fetal
distress. Although researchers
are still debating whether or not
counting movement is helpful,
studies show focused counting
while resting can help alert
mothers and physicians to a
possible problem in fetal
development and improve
pregnancy outcome (Heazell &
Fren, 2008; Zuk, 2011).

Strategies for Families

A focus on prenatal nutrition,
exercise, and a healthy state-ofmind will help provide the
growing fetus with the proper
environment for development.
The pregnant mothers avoidance
of teratogens such as prescription
and illegal drugs, alcohol and
tobacco, radiation and
environmental pollutants is
extremely important during
pregnancy, particularly the
embryonic period when the fetal
body parts begin developing
(Berk, 2012). Spend time every
day to count fetal movements.

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